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Arse or Ass.

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by steve3095 [Ignore] 04,Jan,15 17:57  other posts
This question has bothered me for some time. We of the Unuded Nations need to resolve it once and for all.

Is the spelt the British ARSE or the American ASS?.

Eg. British -You have a jolly fine arse.
American - you got a hot ass.

Your contributions would be appreciated.

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By DarkMax [Ignore] 05,Nov,17 13:08 other posts 
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From Middle English ars, ers, from Old English ærs, ears, from Proto-Germanic *arsaz (compare Dutch aars and German Arsch), from Proto-Indo-European *h₃érsos (“backside, buttocks”)

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Variant of arse; used chiefly in North America. Ultimately from Middle English ars, ers, from Old English ærs, ears, from Proto-Germanic *arsaz (compare Old High German ars (German Arsch), Old Norse ars, Old Frisian ers), from Proto-Indo-European *h₃érsos (compare Ancient Greek ὄρρος (órrhos)).

Americans simply lost R.

By BirdDog [Ignore] 04,Nov,17 00:36 other posts 
I speak both languages

By routemaster [Ignore] 03,Nov,17 21:27 other posts 
I prefer "arse" or even "bum" but since joining SYD I have fallen into the trap of saying "ass" a lot of the time

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,17 20:20 other posts 
If I'm going to use the word, I say "ass" as in, smartass dumbass, kiss my ass.....

But I must admit, arse sounds more dignified.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,17 20:04 other posts 
When i first saw the word Arse,I had to look it up. i thought it was a new body part or something.

I think Ass works ok.

Oh so if someone that says Arse sees a Donkey, do they think JackARSE or JackASS?

By #544133 03,Nov,17 17:49
Bum is what I call my childs butt. Arse is when I think of an old woman. Ass is when I get turned on and want to fuck

By #23212 11,Jan,15 02:08
Since English is an ever evolving Germanic language, one can see how the German, 'Arsch' became 'arse', then became 'ass'.

More worrisome, perhaps, is how 'treacle' became 'molasses'--now that's a HUGE leap.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 05,May,15 10:58 other posts 
Aren't you the cunning linguist.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Feb,16 15:56 other posts 
It actually comes from the Greek ορρος (pron. orros =tail), and, wonder of wonders, the word is also present in Hittite as arrash.
--------------------------------------- added after 24 seconds

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By #506151 28,Feb,16 18:04
To suggest that modern English is a Germanic language is simplistic tripe, modern English takes words and influence from multiple early invaders, such as Norwegians and Swedes, Latin from the Catholic Church, French from the Normans. Modern English is also augmented by words from the colonies, hence native American, African and Indian words are now all part of modern English language.

I would add that whilst ass is used and accepted in the UK, it is not generally spoken, most people will still use arse.
By #23212 28,Feb,16 22:17
Yes, of course MODERN English takes words from a great many languages. But the core roots of English are from German.

Here is a sample 'language tree' to illustrate:

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You can see that English is on the 'Germanic' branch of European languages. This is how it looks on most every diagram.

I would hope that you learn a bit more about respecting other people, before you call their statements "tripe".
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Feb,16 02:23 other posts 
Correct. English is a germanic indo European language with very very very rapid evolution. To wit, nobody can read 10th c. English without training. Whereas, for example, Albanian is a much more stable language. And so is Greek. Influences in English are huge, but they're mostly from other indo European languages, in particular french. But its roots are germanic.
By #506151 29,Feb,16 18:26
English is as much Germanic as it is Norman or Saxon or Celtic regardless of what your sweet little diagram suggests. Whilst English does share a beginning with modern German via the Angles, a Germanic tribe of early invaders, it's roots also lie with the many indigenous languages as well as language imported from other invaders. Do try and think outside the box and not just dish up generalised googled tripe portrayed as knowledge.
By #23212 02,Mar,16 18:48
For a 22 year old to be telling someone with a Ph.D. and over 35 years of experience in linguistics, that his "knowledge" is just "generalised googled tripe", is about as 'boxed in' as I've seen in my many years here on SIO.
By #506151 07,Mar,16 14:19
ooh a Ph.D, I am impressed, so tell me in which field do you specialise? i'm also fascinated to read how you acquired your 35 years of linguistic experience and how with all this knowledge and a big egg head that you still manage to know so little about the most widely spoken language on the planet.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Mar,16 08:38 other posts 
Let us take a look at English of 1000 years ago. Unlike Latin or Greek or Albanian (three major branches of indo european), virtually no English-speaking person can understand the English language of 1000 years ago (unless, they have training in it). Take a look at Beowulf:

Hwaet, we gar-dena in geardagum,
þeodcyninga þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon!
oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,
monegum mægþum meodosetla ofteah,
egsode eorlas, syððanærest wearð...

Do you understand a single word? No, unless, of course, you have studied Old English. You know who understands this text? Well, an Icelander! Icelandic is not just a germanic language but it's the oldest germanic language. English roots are in Danish, German and Icelandic. Meanwhile, there have been influences, notably from French, which was the language of the ruling class. Other influences, say from Indonesian (orangutan), Nahuatl (chocolate), Turkish (bazaar), etc. have been very minor. You mention "native languages" and I wonder what you mean. Perhaps you mean Gaelic (celtic). Two issues here. The influence exists but it's not as big as germanic. Second issue is that even Celts are not native of Britain but invaders from central Europe (from Hallstat around 6th c. BCE).

The more native language of the UK is Pictish but there is hardly any evidence of such influence. You might, rightly, ask "how can linguists infer that there is no influence from a language such as Pictish which, after all, is extinct?" Well, the answer is that no word has been found that does not obey the phonological and structural rules of germanic. To give an example, for another major indo european language that, unlike English, did have a little influence from native languages, let us take Greek. Greeks came to Greece long time ago, 2000 BCE, say. They meet people speaking another extinct language called Pelasgian. This is documented in classical Greek texts (of about 500 BCE). For example, the word for sea in Greek is thalassa (both in ancient and modern Greek, as you might know if you've been to Greece). But linguists know that this word has nothing to do with any other indo European language, Sanskrit notwithstanding. So the infer that it must be Pelasgian. No such words have been found in English.

It is therefore clear that English has had no pictish influences. Anyway, English didn't even exist when the Picts became extinct.

You say "English is as much Germanic as it is Norman or Saxon or Celtic ". But when we say Germanic we, indeed, include Saxon. Saxon is Germanic. What does Norman mean? It comes from Norse, ie Norway. They invaded France and adopted the Frankish language. Later, this influenced England too. Indeed, as we said, English does have French influence but its basis is Germanic (Saxonic). Do you know how they say English in Irish? Sasanach. Which means Saxon. Similarly in Welsh and in Cornish. That is, the Celts recognized the English as people of different origin and different language.

Hope this helps.
By #502711 05,Mar,16 07:36
That was a very interesting & educational read Leo
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Mar,16 08:11 other posts 
Glad you liked it. And please don't think as if I'm trying to be a geek, I'm not, I just felt that claims made above had to be corrected because, after all, English is the language we use to communicate. If, say, some PC person in Australia makes a claim that English has aboriginal roots, well, that's not true. Yes, it's true that aboriginal people haven't had the best of treatments from Europeans, but claiming that their language influenced English won't correct the wrongdoings neither will it make them happier. Have a great weekend.
By #506151 07,Mar,16 14:16
hmm seems like another google expert, find me an irishman who says sasanach, you won't find one as it's now very firmly a scottish phrase. try not to believe everything you read on wiktionary.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Mar,16 15:11 other posts 
Oh, you don't understand. Irish is spoken by 1% of Irish people in Ireland. It's a very tiny minority. I was speaking of the Old Irish language spoken by the Celts of long-long ago.

By DJS [Ignore] 05,Jan,15 10:52 other posts 
Well seeing we gave the English Language to the world..Its got to be ARSE
By #316255 05,Jan,15 12:03
By DJS [Ignore] 07,Jan,15 10:17 other posts 
Well in the context off the post, yours fits the bill on both accounts,Emm(You do have a Perfect 10,Posterior)
By #491253 05,Mar,16 09:17
It would be useful if someone could remind us of the other various terms of particular interest to members of this site. Maybe we could then decide on a common Showitoff vocabulary.

By #502711 05,Mar,16 07:38
I'm Australian, I say it & spell it "Arse". Though most teenagers here these days think they live in America & spell it "Ass".

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 04,Mar,16 16:42 other posts 
Am icelandic and I call It Ass.

In icelandic Ass/Arse/Butt is Rass

As in Flottur Rass.

Arse Ass butt/is all the same Right

By #497776 28,Feb,16 22:19
I just say booty
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Feb,16 02:18 other posts 
But you can't say bootyhole.
By #497776 29,Feb,16 06:23
Haha sure you can! You just did it real nicely :p
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Feb,16 15:30 other posts 
Ok. Thank you.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Feb,16 15:57 other posts 
Brits and Aussies say arse, or, at least, they used to. Nowadays, ass is pretty acceptable in the UK thanks to the rapid influence of Americanisms.

By #481583 04,Jan,15 19:28
You silly Brits it's ass.
By #423426 28,Feb,16 14:54
You're using our language though, it's arse. Always has been, always will be. "Jesus tied his ass to a tree and walked 40 miles into the wilderness"

By #220845 05,May,15 12:56

By #485312 05,May,15 09:34
in Australia, an ass is a donkey, and an arse, as in arsehole is what lve always called it...never seen it spelt asshole...*lix*

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jan,15 18:57 other posts 
I am an American and I appreciate a HOT male ass! If you like, take a gaze at my personal "FAVORITES".
By #451452 07,Jan,15 14:16
Would rather gaze at your backside than all the male buts in the world.
By #400852 11,Jan,15 08:20
I would love to see your ASS bella

By #396572 05,Jan,15 17:54
An ass is a type of donkey. An arse is jolly fine
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,15 13:06 other posts 
Jolly fine? Well that's an interesting response coming from a guy that lives in Germany!
By DJS [Ignore] 07,Jan,15 13:08 other posts 
By #396572 08,Jan,15 17:57
It`s about the great divide of the Atlantic Ocean. "New" English seems to be west of the great watery divide, while the Queens finest still reigns above the chops of the Channel.
PS to add to the interest, i`m irish
By steve3095 [Ignore] 10,Jan,15 17:54 other posts 
I'm Australian. I might just say bum.

By #204902 08,Jan,15 10:13
hey I learned(learnt?) something new. I didn t know that the AE ass is BE arse.

By #53773 05,Jan,15 05:14
Call it what you like, as long as we are talking about the same beautiful thing.
By DJS [Ignore] 07,Jan,15 10:24 other posts 
Spot on rustyvan
By #451452 07,Jan,15 13:15
A rose is a rose no matter what you call it.

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