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Lets have the censoring taken off the words please Admin

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #485312 [Ignore] 29,Apr,15 06:27
why are any words censored???? aren't we all adults here???? if someone says something offensive, why not just block them and let admin know of the perpetrator and have them removed instead???? we have all found ways around it to still use the words, so why not just let us have freedom of speech and let us inform you when someone is fowl and unworthy of being here???
Also, does anyone have a full list of these highly offensive words so l don't have to rewrite and edit everything all the time *lix*

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Similar topics: 1.Thanks, Admin   2.Auto-Censor .....WTF?   3.Why the censoring (replaced by "***") of totally innocuous words?   4.curious...   5.Why is admin deleting threads from this forum  

By admin [Ignore] 29,Apr,15 07:30 other posts 
Not my rule, payment gate rules. They just gave me the list of words that should not appear on the site if I want to accept cards here. They have scripts to check connected sites for those words automatically.

I would never do such a thing on my own will. From what I know it's aimed against sites trying to sell "too young, "family" and ra.pe fantasy porn under some kind of disguise. Words being banned are supposed to be associated with those themes.
By #485312 29,Apr,15 07:38
thanks admin, could you post the list somewhere in a disjointed way, lve started a list of my own, so l can avoid them or use other words, its annoying here, as you cant edit once you've posted, or anyone else have a list they can share ?? *lix*
By admin [Ignore] 29,Apr,15 08:21 other posts 
Except the wall you can edit during first 4 hours after initial post was made. Private chat is not censored at all.

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