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Hell hath no fury......

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Started by #6568 [Ignore] 24,Apr,16 05:11
As we celebrate 400 years of Shakespeare's passing it's interesting to reflect that his many incisive quotes that have graced our culture are still as appropriate as ever....

"Hell hath no fury like a woman skorned".......

A 70 year old UK housewife saw her 78 year old husband was viewing porn online. The only problem was that he had given up having sex with her 10 years previously. She looked around her kitchen and decided that the meat tenderizing mallet was the right tool for the job and then set about rearranging his facial features......

The hubby was hospitalised with serious injuries and last week the wife was given a 10 year suspended prison sentence.

They are no longer together but would have been wed 50 years.

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By Leilani [Ignore] 12,Mar,17 05:43 other posts 
I wonder if Onslow looks at porn.

Do you know who Onslow is?
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By #485312 09,Mar,17 00:38
wow, just for watching porn, maybe she saw the bill for the net too *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 09,Mar,17 08:54 other posts 
10 years suspended, I guess that means she is playing bingo and bragging about beating her husband for looking at some porn? The Jail basement with no key or running water would be a good start.
By #6568 09,Mar,17 14:04
....I'd lost track of this item which caugh my attention. Thank you for the Bard correction 'alexblue'....

The thing about this is that here in the Uk people tend to be embarassed about sex and so treat it as a 'bit of a laugh' and not really important. However this completely law abiding lady finally broke down under the sexual rejection and frustration handed out by her husband...with dramatic results!

In suspending her prison sentence the judge obviously weighed up the various values of the facts, but essentially she was the one to come out relatively unscathed.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Mar,17 09:01 other posts 
well perhaps she had gained weight until she was 250 lbs and he just was not able to be aroused by her anymore. I can't believe the judge would justify beating a mans face in with a hammer just because he was looking at some pictures and not fucking his apparently turned ugly woman.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Apr,16 07:41 other posts 
You got your Willy's mixed up oldbugle..It wasn't Shakespeare

William Congreve, in The Mourning Bride, 1697:

As you'll answer it, take heed
This Slave commit no Vi0lence upon
Himself. I've been deceiv'd. The Publick Safety
Requires he should be more confin'd; and none,
No not the Princes self, permitted to
Confer with him. I'll quit you to the King.
Vile and ingrate! too late thou shalt repent
The base Injustice thou hast done my Love:
Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress,
And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.
By #435701 09,Mar,17 13:42
OOPS! Who knew? Not me, either! Thanks for correcting all of us.

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