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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 29,Apr,17 05:07
New Comment Rating: 2 Similar topics: 1.Does my cock look flat to you? 2.is my cock flat 3.Flat asses. 4.How Did It Come To This / How Did I get Here? 5.Women's breasts - what size is most sexy? Comments: |
The epithets "idiot", "moron", "deluded", "silly", etc, are only used (by me) as an accurate characterization of their condition.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Comic relief is permissible though.
After all, their beliefs should serve some purpose: they can make us laugh and spur the invention of anecdotes, stand-up comedy, humorous plays, etc. Aristophanes knew that long time ago and wrote plays towards this purpose.
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--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
You're right about the Earth too. It is flat. The proof is on the internet again!
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For a start. Whos actually been to Pluto ? Whos been to Mercury? How did he or she know it was 'Mercury'...and not Mars? If this 'gravity' thing was so awesome and 'powerfull'. Isn t it slowly drawing all the planets to wards the 'earth' shaped ball we live on, supposedly? I mean they say the moon changes the tide? Thes are just a few basic ideas to begin with? Who managed to 'proove' somehow the moon changes the water levels, on the earth? And hences the 'tides'. Who s varified it ? Perhaps using another theory that tells US the same concept? etc
Scientists are loosers and liars. They write books 2 make money and they just beleive in whataver the governement tells thm. If the earth wadnt flat we wouldnt be able 2 stand on it. Noboody has been to Pluto and look they were sayin pluto was a planet then they changed they're minds they dont know what their sayin. And u know why? Becoz Pluto is as flat as a cookie and if they said it waz a planet peeple mite start lookin closer and see it was flat and they dont want the truth to leek out.
Fucking looser scientists. They dont understand that the truth will preveil. The earth is flat and u know what? Ive watched 100 hours of utube videos how many hours have they spent in showin the earth is round? 5 minites! Ive studied 100 hoyrs of utube videos and i know!
The Earth is, as undoubtedly proven in this forum flat. But, of course, there are mountains, so it's not like it's totally flat, it her some anomalies.
The question is:
What is flatter, the EARTH or this GIRL? only registered users can see external links
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If YOU think you see this, then you're deluded. The earth is flat. The proof that the earth is flat is that it's on youtube and because it is flat and because those who say it' not flat are all deluded. That's the proof.
Regardless though, despite being flat you can still fuck her.
The earth is flat and that is obvius and a fact. I dont reslise the need to discuss it here.
Although i dont judhe you... but this is a closed case.
The earth is flat but the scientific society dont admiting it
The person who calculated this, Eratosthenes, lived about 2300 years ago and didn't believe anything. He calculated and measured and verified and therefore proved that the Earth is a sphere.
Beliefs are not valid. They are concepts employed by the religious, the politicians and the idiots.
There are plenty of thoughts about it, we xan not discuss it here in full strength...
Some things are like...
Personalyy i see no proof of o globe. There are no actuall photo of the earth from space. I see no curve (except videos that use special cameras who create curve).
Water in a spinning ball is fly away from the ball (figokentros). Not staying in the ball.
And the air is supposed to stay around a ball that spinning and moving aound the sun that also moving to some unindedified point so... Do you realise the speed the sciense are throuwing to you?
Airflights with strange emergency stops or strange original lines. i also thing (not syre) there is no gps in south hemisphere???
Also an airplane would be impossible to land in an earth that moves in the speed that they told us.
And i have to say this. When we are talking about flat eart we are not talking about a table with edges that you can fell...
The earth is believed to be a planet because some decedes or a century before us,at a time none had gone to space because we dont even have airplanes, someone put a globe in the schools and said here, this is our planet. And noone question that a century after because we are tought this is a fact.
And as you speak about ancient Greeks there is a famous saying tat i will try to make it good in english... The sky bodies are in the shape of sphere, the line says. But hte sky bodies, which earth is not a sky object... Its more clear in Greek.
Just because someone is on another path of believes than you, doesnot make him an idiot...
Actually idiot is a greek word and originaly means personal or self / selfish. Which supposed to mean if you are selfish you are an idiot who doesnot work for the common good.
thousands of km/h x thousands of km/h x thousands of km/h
Earth rotates on it's axis at about 1000mph, and it's mass produces a gravitational f0rce of about 9m/s^2. I'll leave the conversion of units to an expert like you, but does this rotation provide enough inertial f0rce for an object like a molecule of water to achieve escape velocity?
If not, how much faster would the rotation need to be in order for an object to achieve escape velocity for a body with the mass of the Earth?
Does that speed need to increase for an object more massive than a molecule of water?
Does that speed account for atmospheric pressure? Friction? Electrostatic attraction?
Think like that, you are driving with 100km/h only, and you put your hand out of the window and you feel this power/resistanse of the air...
Now multiple that speed, and what...? you just can felel anything? i just dont go with that. maybe the earth is a globe but something wrong is there about the explanation....
The maths does not match.
Gravity is not proven it is just an invented meseuare.
Something is incomplite.
Actually it is suprising that every scientist in the ancient past calculate for both theories flat and sphere and both they match...
But suprisingly no modern scientist even bother to run the numbers for a flat earth model.
Nothing is disproven. There is no actual photo of earth from space that indivcates it is a globe.
Or drop by drop. is a drop of water no massive enough to escape the spinning ball? it is but the drops of water or rain falls never escape.
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darn--f o r c e,,,
And no the atmosphere of the air is weaker than the oceanic pressure if i can say it that way...
The water and air supposed to fell of a spinning ball due to the power that in greek is called FIGOKENTROS. i dont know the english term...
The thing is i dont care if the earth is flat or not. i just care that people who believe in flat earth are opene minded to the globe thing while those who believe in globe thing are not openminded to the flat earth....
That is the problem i see in the society. They all believe what they told and stay there.
And it IS important to be open-minded, but it's important to note that DOESN'T mean "staying open to a possibility which has been disproven on multiple levels." Or perhaps you simply had too much FIGOKENTROS and your brain flew away from your open mind...
I just dont speak good english
And i font type good.
Is that so strsnge or snoying to you?
The photoes are photosoped or manipulated.
Eliptic shape doesnot mean globe.
You are not a globe yet i can make a pic of you look like one...
Just see carefull some photoes... for exanple , in a 5cm pic of an eliptic supposed earth you see usa...so what?50% of earth is usa and in the rest is the other continents?
There are so many and obvius wrongs and faults mathmaticaly and phitoshopicly in those pics that my brain cant understand how the common eye doesnot see it.
Perhaps the common eye is too used to graphics and iconic manioulation these days.
Take a peace of paper with some draw or pic or even a map, then take some cylindrical shaped item and try to see or photoshoot through this item the map...
The map now looks eliptic in your photo. Is the map a glob? No!
The only curve i saw,so far is by this "fish eye camera" i think is called. Those csmeras nasa uses. If you turn them enough the curve turns to the other direction,is hilarius...
The flat shape is the true sight i see.
I see no curve. If it is a globe...then the earth must me much more bigger than we thought and the curve so slighly that we can not see!
And as i said...those pucs that in the 50% of a glibe us usa or egypt...where suposed to fit the rest of the world?
James May witnesses the curvature of the Earth: only registered users can see external links
Its goibg to be endless list.
For starters i could find and send you an 8 hours vid... lets dont do that
I didn t even realise when I first saw this post how far back the comments go. Stangely I feel exactly the same in my thoughts. It is a huge topic to explain, but it just has to be flat. Theres NO OTHER WAY. For us to live on it.
People are just like sheep. And basically just beleive anything and everything that NASA and others, has to show them. While everything in the books was basically assumed.
Go on everybody. Beleive what you want. Just don t try and state that sheep all know when to get walking towards the sheep penn to go to **** or whatever. They just follow the heard. Like lots of Sheeple do
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