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Your Blacklisted.

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #536760 [Ignore] 06,Oct,17 03:48
Rules are simple....

You give a reason to Blacklist the person who posted before you...

(ex. You're Blacklisted for not showing enough attention to me)

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Similar topics: 1.And people here complain about being blacklisted   2.feature request - enhanced blacklist   3.blacklisted ?   4.Reporting a dude who blacklisted me   5.⬆⬆*Reasons for being blacklisted/blocked*⬆⬆  

By 2nice [Ignore] 12,Oct,17 18:43 other posts 
Only cowards and spineless fuckwits blacklist members here (with the exception of the ladies, because of you cowards and spineless fuckwits).
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 12,Oct,17 21:58 other posts 
Whoa... I agree with some of that... but I believe a decent amount (like maybe a third) of the members that have blacklisted me are actual ladies. Sure, most of the ones that have done it seem to be a bit mentally challenged, but I can assure you I'm not a coward or a spineless fuckwit. Being a lady doesn't seem to exclude members from blacklisting for no good reason.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 13,Oct,17 07:55 other posts 
Sorry to offend.... hell no 2n is 100% correct

By phart [Ignore] 11,Oct,17 20:58 other posts 
There is only 1 reason listed for the 4 that have black listed me, and it is,

copy and pasted

"1. ctcyt "

Now what the sam hell does that mean? May as well not put anything.

Just to clear the air,I am not really a asshole,I just play 1 on the internet
By #536760 12,Oct,17 01:19
One cunt that has a cyst obviously.
Now what the sam hell dose what the sam hell mean?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Oct,17 17:32 other posts 
It is just a expression.
what the sam hell is that? or what the sam hell are you thinking?
Just that sort of thing.

As for a cunt with a cyst? strange,I am male so how can I have a cyst on something I don't have?

By #536760 06,Oct,17 03:51
I don,t have one before me so (RealTitsLover) Your blacklisted for being away for some days.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 12,Oct,17 00:02 other posts 
My bad... but I'd rather you didn't blacklist me. I'm told one more means I can't talk to anyone new without paying points.

Luckily the fake members seem to be disappearing at the same rate that people blacklist me... so it's been stuck at 24 for a while now...

By #536760 11,Oct,17 18:53
Your blacklisted Leo for not playing childish games like an adult.

By #536760 06,Oct,17 19:11
You blacklisted for being young and fit.
By #485312 06,Oct,17 22:44
youre blacklisted for being so blatantly honest *lix*
By #536760 06,Oct,17 23:59
Yep check world views.
By #502711 08,Oct,17 07:09

By #536760 07,Oct,17 00:00
Your blacklisted for having big boobies.

By #502711 06,Oct,17 06:31
ICU, you're blacklisted for not being enough of a smart arse

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