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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,18 12:01  other posts
Our primitive societies, that are just about coming out of the dark ages, tell us that love and sex are identical. Billions of people can't understand that sex is necessary and can be had independently of love. This is the price we pay for being "intelligent". Perhaps, at some point, this intelligence will make us understand that we need to go back to the roots of life. Or perhaps it won't. There's no experiment we can make to predict this. We're the only "intelligent" species ever existed on Earth and, perhaps, in the Universe. Perhaps intelligence will be added to the causes of extinction.

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By #463848 23,Jun,22 04:31
For some people, love comes first, although that may be sexual attraction and 'love' is probably more— I like what I see.
Sexual activity, these days, does not attempt to pretend it is 'love'; even though it might still attract the phrase, 'making love'.
Much depends upon the society in which the description is being applied.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 05:03 other posts 
True. But sex is a definite need that may not be accompanied by love.
What do you do when you haven't found love?
Do you wait for it before you have sex?
What if you have found your love but,
for one reason or another, your love
isn't available for sex (e.g. she's away)?
Why should you not have sex for the sake of fulfilling your sexual need?
Any reasonable society, one that, for example,
isn't subject to ridiculous religious restraints,
should not only permit sexual encounters
but also encourage them, teach about their necessity,
make sure they're available, especially
to those who can't get them.
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The ideas that
sex = love
1 man + 1 woman forever
are disastrous.

By phart [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 15:25 other posts 
as long as there are reckless people out there that fuck anything and everything there will be plenty of humans.

If everyone fucked as much as liberals like yourself think they should, the world would have been over populated 10,000 years ago.
it is that very thing you spew hatred about, intelligence, is the only thing that has prevented that.

love and sex may not be the same ,but trust needs to be in there as well. Just ask all those people in europe that helped get the monkey pox thing going full bore. you need to be able to trust who you are "connecting" with.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 15:36 other posts 

"If everyone fucked as much as liberals like yourself think they should"

First of all, I'm not liberal, I'm not conservative either. These are bullshit labels.

Second, is fucking what liberals do in the US? Ha ha haaaaaaaa
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 18:15 other posts 
they randomly fuck everything that gets near them,and the economy to!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 21:33 other posts 
Economy isn't of interest to me.
I'm not American baby.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 15:13 other posts 

By #435701 13,Sep,18 14:14
Man extinct? Nobody really believes that could happen! It CANNOT happen to 'ME' billions of times over! Intelligence as far as weapons development leading to this extinction outcome you mention is VERY possible. But, if we WERE truly intelligent, would we not be able to see this LIKELY outcome and STOP it? So, I am going to say that 'man' is not really very intelligent. Intelligence being relative only to ourselves with SO MANY FUCKING 'IDJUTS' clouding the entire intelligence spectrum of inhabitant 'humanoids'. We all live on a planet on the verge...of testing these very same intelligently developed weapons with destructive forces WAY beyond our puny imaginations...As far a sex and love. Women see things WAY differently than men. We have nature to blame for this. Because men are the 'honey bees' flitting from flower to flower just to procreate enough to prevent 'extinction' of the species. Women have similar behaviors, but ARE the 'portals' to life and because of this see things well beyond their procreative parts...Generally speaking, this planet would be lots better off if more women were involved in the paranoid politics that have created the dangerous planet that sustains us all. Most of us are blind as hell and live every day by my favorite phrase...A false sense of security is the only kind there is...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Sep,18 13:28 other posts 
Yes, we will become extinct before not too long. Quite soon in fact: 10 thousand years, that's it.

By #562152 13,Sep,18 12:58
even in most primitive societies the male is the superior sex. And only a man would equate love with sex. You are made to reproduce. We are made to nurture. The only time we physically get together in love and sex is in the act. Moral restrains keep the male from straying too far if any,,but, while women do stray, they hold their love making in a special place called "my LOVE LIFE". You guys keep score.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,May,18 05:58 other posts 
And then there is sex addiction
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That, also, is a price we pay for being intelligent.
I like the woman in the video and, perhaps, I could help a bit, but 5 times a day exceeds my limit.

By #509705 01,May,18 12:33
Very profound Leo. And we all 'Love' to have 'Sex' hey?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,18 20:10 other posts 
Not all, but most. Of course we do.

By up-for-it [Ignore] 01,May,18 12:30 other posts 
I have been in love and not felt sexually attrackted to someone and sexually attrackted without being in love many times.That has confused me for a long time,made me believe there was something wrong with me!After all the two go hand in hand right?

Not so! The two go perfectly without the other and still can be beautifull.

Our society ruins many beautifull things!
Being yourself? NO NO you have to fit in a box!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,18 20:09 other posts 
One can be in love but not have sex. One may crave sex but not be in love. One might be in love and have sex with the same person. One may not want to have either. All possibilities exist. But it'll take long time before we recognize their existence and their validity.

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