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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Jun,19 10:11 other posts 
What do you think of her boobs? I personally think they're great that's why I can't stop playing with them .
[deleted image]
By #502711 15,Jul,19 02:56
Do you sleep with them in your mouth like a baby? & give them a motorboat from time to time?

By #460385 27,Jun,19 11:20
[deleted image]
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I thought you guys were better than this.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jun,19 21:51 other posts 
We're do you think hot pockets learned her manners from cc54 after all you are the company you keep

By #578610 27,Jun,19 08:17
DemonCleaner is on top again. Come on people, vote ClosetCunt54's fat bitch out of the competition.

By #578610 15,Jun,19 08:14
Please excuse the intrusion. I'll understand if your comments if any, are against this premise.

One more time. Last night a man took a gun out in a Costco store in Southern California and killed another man. That, in itself, is horrible. What's worse is that, once again, a gun THAT DOESN'T KILL, was used to KILL another man. You can say whatever you want, but, no gun no kill. I know. All you gun owners are going to get your underwear stuck in your crack and come after me. Some will argue logically, some (like Skittles, Freddy, JustWill, Country Cunt) will be as abusive as they can be, assuming their brain can get out of first gear.
Nothing will change my mind. If guns are banned, there would be a lot less deaths, and I'm talking A LOT LESS deaths. Please don't come back with those lame sayings: If you outlaw guns only outlaws would have guns (pass a law, anyone caught with a gun gets an automatic 25 yrs without parole). Guns don't kill, people kill. Yes, but, without guns they would have to use another weapon to kill with. ( yes, but, how many people will carry a Ka-Bar Marine knife ? Most people kill in a domestic dispute with a family member or in an altercation like a traffic situation. No guns would dampen that situation.) And that real big one. YOU NEED IT FOR PROTECTION. (How many people have an experience where their personal safety is so compromised that they need a gun to get out of the situation? How many people can say, "I killed the sucker. He was coming for me." How many men (because most women think men are idiots for making a stance) say, "If I get in a situation like that, I will stand up to the perpetrator(s), just like Gary Cooper in "High Noon"?.
By admin [Ignore] 15,Jun,19 12:26 other posts 
Governments that disarmed their citizens (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, China, etc.) killed tens of millions their own people (not counting wars) in 20th century. Your argument is invalid.
By #578610 15,Jun,19 12:57
Is that true for New Zealand, England, and quite a few other countries? Nazy Germany was an aberration. It came into existence because of the shortsightedness of the winners of WWI. The German people went along with the change of government before 1933. The German Jews as part of the European Jews, never bucked the system. It’s why they survived centuries of put downs, and did not believe in arming themselves. The rest of the German people went along with Hitler very willingly. You honestly believe that in a country with so many checks and balances as the US would allow something like that to happen? With or without guns? I don’t. My argument is valid. The implementation is the problem.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Jun,19 18:28 other posts 
It's impossible to implement your (rational, reasonable) plan. Not in the US. The NRA runs the country. It's more likely that you wake up tomorrow morning with 100 billion dollars in your bank account than the US getting rid of guns. The chance is zero.
By #551147 16,Jun,19 01:54
leopoldij Is that what you heard on that bullshit news channel you listen to?

The NRA huh?

It's in our Constitution, you dumb ass!

You enjoy attempting to talk about things you have NO fucking idea about, dont ya?

The NRA may have somewhere between 5 to 10 million members, and you believe, at BEST! 10 million members sway an entire population of 327 million or so people. Shut up idiot!

Stick to what you know... Buying pussy and SPOOOGING in UNSUSPECTING people's food and drink. ➡️ /forum/thread.php?id=22645#23

Gotdamned idiot!
By #578610 16,Jun,19 07:37
Scorpio, The NRA does not have to control all 327 million citizens to control gun ownership. All it has to do is control a simple majority in 50 state legislatures. That's only 7400 legislators, give or take a few. Taking into account that gun regulation laws only require a simple majority, only 3700 legislators are required to support gun ownership to keep everything as is. Since most legislatures do not re-elect the full state legislature all at once, only about 2000 are running every two years. That comes out to about 20 million dollars in contributions to these future legislators every 2 yrs. It doesn't seem like Leo was SO WRONG.
By #592419 24,Jun,19 22:31
Before 6 million jews murdered they took their guns.
By #592419 24,Jun,19 22:32
If you don't want a gun don't buy one.
By #578610 25,Jun,19 08:38
I won't but, this is not what I'm advocating. I don't want YOU to be able to buy one.
By #592419 25,Jun,19 18:21
Whether you want or don't want is of no consequence. This is our law.. I'd suggest if it pisses you off to no end you can move to Chicago, Venuszuala, Iran, Palestine or any other God forsaken place that conforms to your demands. I prefer this way.. Texas has low crime.. Why is that?
By #578610 26,Jun,19 12:45
First, Hotpussy, has a right to her ideas. People like you always want to win an argument by pushing out people with different opinions. Texas is Not a low crime state. But, even if it was, it’s not because COWBOYS roam the streets of Laredo and other backwater towns. You produce evidence that low crime is a result of high gun ownership and then you can make that argument. You would also be saying local law enforcers suck the big one.

By #592419 26,Jun,19 18:24
You're just jealous cowboys with their spurs don't come down and spank your butt for being had..You don't have to have a gun if you don't want one.. What's so terrible about that? You just like well hung cowboys,, that's not my problem..
By #578610 27,Jun,19 08:11
I don't have a problem with spurs. I wear them when I ride my cowboys.
By #592419 26,Jun,19 18:36
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 09:20 other posts 
The US constitution was written at a time when the fear of an invasion by Britain was very much feared and the armed militia- as specified in the constitution- was needed in case that invasion ever took place.

I really doubt that the Founding Father's ever though that this right would be used/abused as it is today.

But hey, what do I know.
By #578610 16,Jun,19 08:15
Leo, the chance of changing or repealing ANY amendment to our Constitution is almost nil, but, we must remember that this government is a Federalist government and does not have the right to stop the states to control legal rights for exclusive problems in that state. Most people in other countries and also in this country forget that the USA is 50 small countries that are united for the advantages of a large confederation. It's the reason that the 17th amendment concerning abortion can be circumvented by draconian state laws.
By #502711 15,Jun,19 20:36
People will kill without guns. If you ban guns, then criminals will still get their hands on them. Australia has the worlds strictest gun laws & shootings are on the rise here. I think everyone should have a gun on them at all times...
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jun,19 22:32 other posts 
I agree Aussie man I'm permitted to conceal carry in all most every state in the United States and own a house full of guns
By #502711 16,Jun,19 00:13
I would too if I could. I think such strict gun laws only disarm law abiding citizens.
By #551147 16,Jun,19 01:26
WELL SAID Mr.Admin & AussieMan187!
By #578610 16,Jun,19 08:01
Scorpio, yes, well said Mr Admin & Aussieman187. Erroneous but, we all have the right to state the wrong opinions.
By #551147 16,Jun,19 05:31
Me too Mr.dgraff 😉
By #578610 16,Jun,19 08:08
Dgraff, the fact that, at the moment, you are "permitted" to conceal carry in almost every state in the US and have a house full of guns, means jack. If you mean you don't agree with gun bans or heavy regulations, well, that's obvious. Now, let's look at WHY you want to conceal carry? Are you in a profession where you could face deadly force? Are you an outlaw and need to shoot it out with the cops? Is there an ex that carries too? Or it's the fact you can brag about how manly and tough you are because you carry?
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 11:38 other posts 
It’s my right as a law abiding member of society my grandfather carried my father carried I carry my brother carries and his wife and daughters carry it a right e all are trained to handle hand guns and trained on when to use them I shoot at the same range as the Pennsylvania state police and I shoot with them
By #578610 16,Jun,19 12:26
Dgraff, at the moment (and,probably for a long time) the law allows you to carry. Yes,you are law abiding. All of your family is trained and the Pennsylvania cops allow you to use the same firing range. All that is true.
Does that absolutely warranty that one day you'll meet Leo, face to face and in a moment of extreme rage you won't kill him? Ok, that's tongue in cheek, but, for real, could you or one of your nieces mistake a family member for an intruder and kill him/her?
Another question, why did your grandfather and your father and now you and your family need to carry? If you answer protection then I'll never, ever, visit Pennsylvania. It must be a hell hole.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 12:35 other posts 
No it's because it's my right to keep and bear arms it's in the constitution law abiding citizens have that right
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And if I wanted to kill someone like let's just say Leo I would get much more satisfaction out of doing it with my bare hands
By #578610 16,Jun,19 12:43
Ok, I'll give you that one
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The Constitution also gives the right to abortion but, would you get one?
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BTW, Freddy's Rat of the Day is in his blogs.
By #578610 16,Jun,19 07:48
Aussie, In 1996, a 28-year-old man armed with a semiautomatic rifle went on a rampage in Port Arthur, Australia, killing 35 people and wounding 23 more. It was the worst mass shooting in Australia’s history.

Australian lawmakers responded with legislation that, among other provisions, banned certain types of firearms, such as automatic and semiautomatic rifles and shotguns. The Australian government confiscated 650,000 of these guns through a mandatory buyback program, in which it purchased firearms from gun owners. It established a registry of all guns owned in the country and required a permit for all new firearm purchases. (This is much further than bills typically proposed in the US, which almost never make a serious attempt to immediately reduce the number of guns in the country.)

Australia’s firearm homicide rate dropped by about 42 percent in the seven years after the law passed, and its firearm suicide rate fell by 57 percent, according to a review of the evidence by Harvard researchers.

This comes from an article in VOX
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You are right that people will kill without guns. And it's true that if you ban guns only criminals will still get them. That is a problem for law enforcement. You seriously believe that if everyone was able to carry a gun, that a shootout on the corners of a heavily populated city is the way to go? You believe some old lady that can hardly hold her cane should have a six shooter to protect herself? Or, as I suspect, it feels very manly to carry iron on your hip and KNOW you would face deadly danger like Paul Hogan?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 09:27 other posts 
So you are saying that US citizens need to keep themselves armed to the teeth to protect themselves from their own government ?

If you don't mean that I have personally heard that very argument a number of times, it is a widely held belief.
By admin [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 10:32 other posts 
Any government consists of people. People always have their own interests. So, no matter the good intentions government was formed with (even if it was formed with good intentions which is often not so) when it becomes too big and powerful sooner or later those people in it start serving their own agenda, ignoring needs of those people who are not a part of the government. That is inevitable and laws of evolution, ecology, sociology, psychology and system analysis support that and history confirms that. So you need to keep the government small. If you keep the government small, you can't 100% rely on it to protect you. So you need to be able to protect yourself and your family and friends.

I have no illusion, if someone wants to kill me he can do it no matter if I'm armed or not. The idea behind arming law-abiding responsible citizens is that they can protect each other. It's not everyone for himself at all, it still relies on social mechanisms.

As for protecting yourself from the government, I'd say if you need to use arms to do that, it's already too late. I see it more as a part of mentality. As long as big enough part of society stays responsible and self-reliant and that includes understanding a need for gun ownership, government can't become powerful enough to crush people. But if a larger part of society already consists of people who believe the government is their best friend and takes care of everything and they can just relax and enjoy their lives - you are doomed no matter if you have guns or not, you will slowly give them up anyway. Constitution is just a piece of paper if people to do not understand and value what's written in it.

Personally, by the way, I'm not fond of arms and never owned one even when I lived where it was permitted. I like to shoot at range, but I don't like keeping and maintaining a gun, definitely don't like carrying it around. Still, I believe it's for better if any law-abiding mentally sane citizen has a right to own and carry guns.
By #592419 24,Jun,19 22:35
Guns, drugs, sex, alcohol, cigarettes.. Adult pleasures always comes with responsibility. 2nd amendment is 2nd amendment..But you must be responsible.. Just like freedom of speech..
By #578610 25,Jun,19 08:35
Sex,drugs,alcohol, cigarettes, these are addictive pastimes that may,MAY,affect your well being. A person chooses to abuse them and be hurt. Firearms, unless you aim to commit suicide by gun, are meant to maim and kill someone else. That makes them dangerous to the general public
By #592419 25,Jun,19 10:21
To Protect
By #551147 16,Jun,19 01:38
As I've said to you before, hotpussy... If you're SO concerned about people dying, how about getting on the stump and addressing an even BIGGER problem that's killing faaaar more people, than guns. DRUGS! Where's your concern for that?

Might as well face the fact that guns will NEVER be completely outlawed in THIS country. That would take ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America. Ain't gonna happen!

Now, spread your concerns for the dope fiends of the world, and those poor bastards selling to the dope fiends, come on Ms. Compassionate! Poor suffering crack addicts... Wake the fuck up, would ya!
By #578610 16,Jun,19 07:57
Scorpio, There are people that worry about cats and dogs. There's people that worry that abortion will kill millions of babies. There's people that worry that we allow too many illegal aliens into the country. Yes, drugs kill in an alarming, even catastrophic, amount. Ok, let me clarify that. I BELIEVE THAT DANGEROUS DRUGS SHOULD BE OUTLAWED. THIS WOULD KEEP OUR KIDS SAFE FROM OVERDOSES AND POISONOUS MIXES.
But, wait, aren't drugs like heroin and opium already illegal? So, the rest should be tackled by law enforcement, right?
At the moment, guns are legal. I want that to change or, at the very least, heavily regulated.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 12:26 other posts 
Oh believe me when I say that all the legal guns are known about the government knows we're they are and who has them it's the ones obtained illleagaly that we need to worry about believe me when I buy a new hand gun I go through a strict back ground check and even though I can walk out of the gun shop that same day with that hand gun I can't buy ammunition right then unless I stop at another store
By #578610 16,Jun,19 12:37
And that makes it safe because no one would drive the 3 blocks to another gun store to buy ammo. And, what about the illegal guns? Is it the population's job to disarm these law breakers? How many old ladies and wimpy accountants can we afford to loose? Aren't these illegal guns around now? How many times did some law abiding citizen with a license to carry prevent any crime? Strict background checks are great for toilet paper and for politicians to look good at doing absolutely nothing. Take the guns away and we won't need "background checks"
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 13:01 other posts 
I never told anyone about this but just last December 31 I foiled a robbery at the state store a black man wearing a tore up army jacket was acting a little strange he had his hand in his pocket clutching something so I kept my eye on him when he turned side ways I could see he was holding a knife handle so I stayed close to him when he seen no one was at the check out counter except the store clerk he went to the counter I went to the counter and set my half gallon of Yukon jack down with a thud the man spun around looking at me as I opened my coat revelling the scorpion burned in the rose wood handle of my 45 long slide he turned and ran out the front door the clerk thanked me for foiling the robbery and not causing a panic in a packed store on there busyst night
By #578610 16,Jun,19 14:14
You are a hero, my friend. It’s a good thing you had a gun otherwise you’d have had to run away and hide. The “bad guy” had a knife. If we outlaw knives only outlaws would have knives.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 18:43 other posts 
The point is I was able to defuse a situation without any one else knowing no panic no mess no one got hurt and no waisted time talking to cops and it wasn’t the gun at all it was my training around the gun I carry it yes but I pray every day that no one does anything stupid to make me use it
By #578610 16,Jun,19 19:51
I hope you never have to use it either. Still, if the guy had a gun, would you have engaged him in a crowded store? Maybe you have the training to make the right desicion in a situation like that. What about the cowboy that just takes out his gun and starts shooting?
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 21:03 other posts 
Now that would be a different story entirely I most likely would have went out side before he robed the place then deal with him out side
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 09:24 other posts 
I am with you on this butI am not sure why you even bother to bang your head against this brick wall.
Nothing will ever change the minds of those US citizens who are obsessed with their right to own assault rifles. Logic, reasoning and common sense just don't work.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 07:13 other posts 
A pair of boobs is great a sight in the morning

[deleted image]
By #502711 24,Jun,19 18:21
I love waking up to a nice pair of tits in my face, Leo!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 20:09 other posts 
I bet you do!
By #592419 25,Jun,19 13:21
Are you a virgin?
By #502711 25,Jun,19 18:56
You don't have to be a virgin to enjoy a pair of tits, bud.
By #592419 25,Jun,19 19:00
Just askin

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