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Started by CAT-2 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51  other posts

New Comment       Rating: 3  

By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,May,24 19:18 other posts 
David Dennison is fucked up.

By CAT-2 [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 09:08 other posts 
What Actually Controls The Price Of Gas In The US?
Carolyn Osorio

Between keyboard warriors and comments sections, you might have noticed conflicting (and sometimes even downright incorrect) information about how, exactly, gas prices work in America today. While some popular opinions involve blaming whatever the current administration is for increases in gas prices, the issue is far more complicated than any singular person or even any singular government. In fact, the Energy Information Administration identifies four major factors that directly correlate to the cost of gas (and none of them are the president). These factors are crude oil prices (which are set by oil-producing countries), refining costs (which are increasingly impacted by natural disasters and climate change), distribution and marketing costs (which depend on the individual retailer you purchase gas from), and taxes (federal, state, and local taxes and fees).
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By phart [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 13:57 other posts 
thank you
Ok, 1, crude oil prices set by producing countries.
IF we were able to use our own oil, we could set the price of our own oil and not be affected by other countries.
2, refining cost, are directly linked to climate change prompted regulations as well.
Distribution and marketing, if if gas was regulated like electric and telephone, the cost would be steady and easier to budget each month because the cost would be predictable.
4, taxes, again, the government could change it's tax schemes to help the people. the 3 reason is the only 1 that at the moment can't be fixed directly by ANY administration in power at any given time.
DITCH OPEC and use our own damn oil.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 18:17 other posts 
We do use our own oil. You mistake trading one country's oil for another to reduce cost of transportation as not using our own oil. This is wrong. Stop pushing this. In the end, this too is something controlled by the oil companies.
Taxes are needed to maintain the infrastructure. The alternative is paying a higher income tax if you have a driver's licence.
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Phone and electricity costs are local or semi local. Can you imagine finding a way to charge for gas? It's ludicrous.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 20:53 other posts 
Ok cat, if biden can't do anything about gas prices, why is he being pressured to do so?
And what the hell are democrats trying to do? finish killing off the economy? we need affordable gas to keep the country moving.
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By CAT-2 [Ignore] 01,May,24 06:38 other posts 
This is a political subject, not a gas availability issue. We'll have to see what Biden does.
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The bottom line is, if you don't like what's happening in this administration, vote them out.........but, if they get reelected, THEN more agree with them than not. I think and hope they win. The Clown is not an option.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,24 10:04 other posts 
please cat,if neither are good the job, give us another choice!
at the moment,Trump is the only thing we have to choose except for biden,and I would burn down the voting booth and go to jail before i would vote for that man
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 01,May,24 10:31 other posts 
I can’t give you another choice. You (plural), are giving the Clown the go ahead. You guys had the chance to put a better choice that could beat Biden and put the Clown away.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,24 11:06 other posts 
Ok so who would that choice have been?
It is time for answers, And frankly the short answer at the moment is no 1 wants the job that you would approve of other than a liberal democrat because of the way Trump is being treated. Would you put yourself up on a podium to be treated like he is right now?
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 01,May,24 17:38 other posts 
Nicky did.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,24 18:30 other posts 
and kamalla woulda been her vice probably. I don't like her for alot of reasons.
she also sold a bunch of state owned land to the chinese, boy talk about a real patriot.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 01,May,24 19:25 other posts 
Nicky Haley is a Republican. Harris is a Democrat.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,24 20:36 other posts 
Well, alot of folks don't see much difference between haley and a democrat
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 02,May,24 08:30 other posts 
There’s not supposed to be a big difference. Traditional Republicans believe in the same things that traditional Democrats believe in. The difference is in the way they reach those things.
Neither group wants to a leader to call, on his own, whether an election is fair. Nor do they want to allow the military to be the enforcers of presidential power. Neither wants to have the government to monitor pregnant women’s pregnancy. Neither wants mass deportations of MILLIONS of illegal immigrants, at the expense of the taxpayers, may I add.
That is what we, the public, want. Sensible leaders who can be chosen to actually LEAD following the rules of law. From either group.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 10:01 other posts 
good luck with that. It hasn't been that good in decades.
Don't let the illegals in, and you don't have to figure out how to get rid of them.
Kinda like preventing cancer,don't smoke and that will greatly reduce the chances of getting it.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 02,May,24 11:04 other posts 
So true. Now give us a lawful way to do that.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 11:14 other posts 
simple, encounter a suspected illegal. Ask for government issued id and social security number. If none are provided, detain,investigate,and deport.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 02,May,24 12:30 other posts 
Great except that's being done already. How's that working?
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 13:17 other posts 
Not well because to much effort is being wasted on unrelated things Every step the texas governor is trying, and the feds are fighting him tooth and nail.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,May,24 14:21 other posts 
The Transmountain pipeline from Alberta to tidewater in Vancouver is now open. This tripples is the amount of crude oil being shipped out of our country but not to the United States.
The NAFTA agreement says that any oil that Canada sells to the US or Mexico has to be the same price as we sell it to other Canadian refineries and vice versa. A lot of his oil may now leave the country by way of this new pipeline which opened this week.
Alberta oil is in a landlocked situation and getting it to tidewater to ship overseas has been a desire of ours for decades.
This pipeline is huge to Alberta. It triples our tidewater shipping capacity from 300,000 barrels per day to 890,000 barrels per day. If the US is no longer receiving some of this oil it could very well affect the gasoline prices in the US because that oil will have to be bought somewhere else at world prices as opposed to NAFTA prices.
Where Alberta oil goes has always been a very contentious issue in Canada. Alberta (and the federal government) wanted to build this pipeline east (Energy East) instead of west to supply Ontario, Quebec and our Maritime provinces but Quebec said no so we went west and will sell it to the world (Asia) at a higher price.
Every time oil prices change by one dollar it affects the Alberta economy by $100 million.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 15:19 other posts 
I thought Nafta was replaced?

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I will have to read thru it later

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By kebmo [Ignore] 02,May,24 15:49 other posts 
Because most of Canadian oil was shipped to the US we only had one customer. The reason we didn’t have more customers was because Alberta oil is landlocked and was unable to get to the sea to ship globally. Now that this new pipeline is open we do have access to global markets so we will be able to get more money for our oil. Supply and demand.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 17:38 other posts 
um. well something is amiss because wholesale gas is down to 2.59 a galllon.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,May,24 20:59 other posts 
Well then be sure to send a thank you note to Mr. Biden!
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 03,May,24 09:17 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 03,May,24 14:44 other posts 
his admin is trying find ways to make it cost more,didn't you see all that ruckus last week on the net?
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 03,May,24 15:41 other posts 
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,May,24 14:24 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 14:27 other posts 
Democrat lost more than his shirt in san fransico,the land of rice a roni and street thugs.
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 15:43 other posts 
By the way, you should know that when you link stuff from Microsoft, one must have an account in order to read them; otherwise did, they're not available to a person without an account. And, of course, many won't open an account in order to access that shit site.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 18:10 other posts 
I don't have a account, it just comes up when I do a search.
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 19:26 other posts 
Then, I guess, it's free only for people in the US. I honestly can't access this content.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 23:44 other posts 
good gosh, i can't either on that last link and I just went to it and thought it was easy,
I will try again.
Adam Schiffs luggage is stolen from his car in san fransisco.
Perhaps a uk paper will have a page?
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 00:17 other posts 
Ok, I accessed this last one from the guardian. Works. Sad story. But he should be careful in places with lots of thieves.

Sometimes a page will give different kind of privileges to different users, depending on their location, on the number of times they accessed the site before, on the kind of computer they have and on the type of browser.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 09:27 other posts 
I use the firefox browser for most stuff, have been using Brave for youtube nowadays as it cuts out all the ads
I just find it so ironic that soft on crime democrats are getting socked in the wallet just as everyone else by having to pay for car windows and most property to replace what was taken.
IF they kept the crooks locked up,95% of it would not be happening.
Is that newsworthy to you? Ahuh, ahuh, a Democrat got his shit stolen.
Yeah, crime exists, Democrats know that. But, just like your Republican politicians, they are all rich and don't have to care about living in the world that you live in.

Still, Democrats actually have good plans to reduce crime.
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The irony is, REPUBLICANS think 'defunding the police' will help.
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Republicans just keep telling you that tougher punishment will help.
It's nothing but bullshit for gullible people. They are incapable of doing anything useful, so the only thing they have to get voters, is lying that everything is getting worse because of the Democrats and then saying that they have the solutions.

Republicans are incapable of imagining solutions, just like you.
This is the level of your thinking:
- Mental illness? -> Lock them up!
- Crime? -> Just kill all the criminals!
- Immigrants coming for your jobs? -> Build a wall!
- Poor people? -> They should work harder!
- People cannot afford medication? -> Leave it up to the market!
- School shooting? -> Give guns to the stressed out teachers!
- Climate change? -> The earth's weather has always changed!
- Unwanted pregnancies? -> Their own fault for fucking!
- Black people protesting police violence? -> Shut the fuck up!
- Students protesting genocide by Israel? -> Shut the fuck up!
- Free speech? -> My right to say the N-word and be a douche online!

I wouldn't want to straw-man you, so tell me if you don't agree with any of them.
In any case, it's the thinking of primitive people, and it's what your mind is reduced to, when you only watch right-wing media.

Republicans have a House majority. It's their responsibility to create laws to provide those solutions, even if they are your stupid solutions. But they have not! None of the problems ever get solved when a Republican is in power. They stop talking about those problems when a Republican is in power, but as soon as a Democrat enters the White house, all those problems are back, the day after. What happened?
Didn't your president solve those problems?

Sure, your House majority has to work with the Democrat majority in the Senate, but they didn't even try. There has never been a House this ineffectieve ever. They are only fighting among themselves, because some of them want to do nothing and shut down the government completely and others want to keep the country running.
None of them actually want to do anything USEFUL.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 09:26 other posts 
you know as well as I do if the legs don't part,nothing grows in the womb
so why would anyone disagree with that 1?
You are not 100% wrong in most of your thinking,the problem is you don't realize, there is NO FIXING alot of the people out there that are on drugs or that commit crimes by habit.
You waste time and money on rehabing someone and the next day after they are free from jail they are right back in.
Dope heads, they are hooked, and it is their fault for the most part,no one held a gun to their head and said,"take this". they took it on their own.

Work earns a wage, it does help poverty.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 11:29 other posts 
So, basically, you agreed with every point, is what you're saying.

You are tricked by 'populism'. It is a belief in simple solutions to complex problems. Some of those problems are real, but they always misrepresent the causes.
When people don't understand the causes, there is no possibility of introducing real solutions. That's why populism always fails in solving the problems.
In fact, mostly the problems will only get worse. It always fails, but keeps pointing
to others for their failure.

"When populism runs out of road, it blames the road."

You keep blaming people. How come that your people suck so much then?
Americans are the hardest working people in the modern world. Then why are there so much more poor people in the US, than in most of the modern world?
It just doesn't make sense.
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By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 11:48 other posts 
because there aren't as many people working hard in America as you are lead to believe.
THe definition of "hard work" has changed drastically over the years.

Hard work is going down in the coal mines , hard work is welding pipe lines, digging ditches. Used to be that running heavy machinery like bulldozers was hard work but now they are enclosed ,air conditioned, gps navigated and so on to a point it is hardly more difficult that driving a Toyota.

Young people think working 8 hours at Mc Donalds is hard work, and that type thing is what skews the numbers to the benefit of the stats you read.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 12:04 other posts 
If hard work reduces poverty, why are they so poor in countries where people are doing the most and the hardest work?

You worked hard, when you worked. You know it didn't pay well.
I sit on my ass all day and that pays a lot more.

That hard work, you are supporting, is terribly inefficient.
Machinery makes working much more efficient.
That bulldozer required a hardened man, now any woman can do it.
That's why productivity has gone through the roof and is still climbing.
That's creating more value with less people. That added value is just mostly going to the wealthy. That's why the middle class, doing the actual work, is declining and why the upper class, who don't do any hard work, is more wealthy than ever before.

If you value hard work so much, why do you like the wealthy so much?
None of them are shoveling coal or welding pipes.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 12:14 other posts 
Without the wealthy, who is going to pay for the research, development, salary's of the jobs the hard working people do?

Also I was thinking and was coming back to mention another point.
Do these charts and specs take into account what is considered wealthy in other countries compared to the US?

Jeff bezo's is wealthy in the US, but Strive Masiyiwa is considered wealthy in zimbabwa.
BIG difference in the amount of money
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 14:42 other posts 
This first sentence is you putting the cart before the horse. All initial endeavors start with an idea. After, if successful, then more research can be done. Investors grease the work, but, many times, the investors are middle income people that either invest a few coins or donate to a worthy cause.
I have no beef with megazillionaires, but, they did make their money on the shoulders of the common people.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 02,May,24 09:05 other posts 
Phart, young people is not a good group to base the thinking of the average adult. Just about every young person starts their work life at a low skill job. All I have to do is look at morning traffic to realize most people GO TO WORK. What they work at is not the measuring stick for hard work. Swinging a pick is much less challenging than figuring out complex problems that require long periods of time to solve.
How many pick handlers do you know off that could develop penicillin or a polio vaccine? How many welders do you know that could invent a transistor ? How many rednecks do you know that can design a space vehicle of any kind? How many blue collar workers do you know that can calculate the monthly payment of a loan at 6% for a period of 3 yrs?
I’m not putting down those other people that do those jobs you’ve mentioned. My Dad was a redneck and proud of it. He worked construction out in the Florida and Carribean sun all his adult life and before that he was in the Army Air Corp.
There’s no way to define “hard work” except to say it’s an activity a person tries hard to do.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 09:54 other posts 
I am a redneck that can weld and understand electronics!
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 02,May,24 09:57 other posts 
Yeah, but what about LIBERAL WOMEN.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,24 21:00 other posts 
God bless trump and America 🤜🏻🙏🏼🇺🇸💪🏼

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By CAT-2 [Ignore] 02,May,24 08:17 other posts 
Leo, HE can bless one or the other but not both at the same time. Maybe that fallen angel, Lucifer, has something to do with the Clown. 🤣🤣😈

By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 10:45 other posts 
Illegals are really "grateful" for the help they get.
Look at the wasted food, and etc.
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By CAT-2 [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 11:23 other posts 
First, they are LEGAL. Second, so what? Either the hotel is making money or they would have been kicked out. Phart, one example doesn't make any difference. Get over this hatred for illegals.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 11:28 other posts 
This is not about hatred,this is about wastefulness .That was enough food to feed our homeless for a week or more being thrown away because of those ungrateful people's wasteful mindset.It's free to them so they don't care,it is not free to the tax payer.
And I doubt there is much money being made,you haven't saw the place once the illegals leave. May not be worth rebuilding.
And I Doubt this is the only place this waste is happening.
It is 1 thing to come here asking for help.But when you waste that help,and fight and fuck and tear up everything,that is when you should be sent back to where ever the hell you came from.And all that sex in the hall ways is only leading to even MORE babies to have to feed because once they fall out of their mothers worn out holes, they are citizens, for the country to keep up.
I can't believe you can't comprehend waste
And another thing,there were plenty of homeless people already in New York that could have been put up in those hotels with that SAME federal money. Why are citizens being denied this luxury and only the illegals or whatever the fuck is ok to call them get it all free?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 12:26 other posts 
Cat is right
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 13:13 other posts 
I knew you would agree it is ok to leave our legal citizens starveing and homeless and let the illegals throw away food and desimate our resources.You think the world is a endless horn of plenty,wrong,it has a bottom and eventually people will see it,when they hit it.
I didn't change the subject on the thread you made,I started this 1 to show that you aren't the only 1 asking questions.
that can't get answers rather they make sense or not.
I know the world is dangerous.and until people are deterred from harming each other and learn to value life, nothing will change, except maby the tools if your type of folks have their way.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 16:08 other posts 
The existence of poverty is due to there being so many filthy rich, individuals who have more money than entire nations.
Some of their money should be redistributed to poor people or, better yet, by creating new sustainable conditions for the welfare
of the poor. Nobody should own more than, say, 10,000,000,000, that is like owning 10 million luxurious houses each 10 million dollars worth. It should be illegal to have that much money. It's too much and such people are a threat to the stability of a nation (because they can, for example, pay politicians, buy armies , etc).

That's the sustainable solution.

Together with an obvious disease: there are too many people on this planet. We should go down to at most 5 billion people by asking people not too have too many children.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 19:55 other posts 
OH my Goodness? You just discribed George Soro's!
He has literally bankrupted 2 countries.
But he gets a pass because he supports liberal causes.
A conservitive leaning person of his caliber would be hunted down by Seal team 6 like a terrorist.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 12:35 other posts 
What a ridiculous victim complex. Conservative biljonairs are running the whole world into a war-stricken hellscape and no one is touching them at all. They are respected by politicians, the media and you.
That story of George Soros gets more ridiculous every time I hear it. Some sites on the internet now claim he broke 15 countries. Which one are your 2? Malaysia and England? He used their own system, legally, to enrich himself. Both Malaysia and England are fine, not bankrupt. You would endorse that as being a smart person, every day, but because he's mildly culturally liberal and donates to Democrats, he's your chosen bad guy.

You just defended Warren Buffett from being a villain, but he's exactly the same as George Soros. They hack the capitalist system to create money from nothing, to enrich themselves. At least they used smart tricks. High-frequency trading is just abusing the power of a server farm to gain a millisecond advantage to take advantage of the trading system, to create money from nothing. It wastes ridiculous amount of electricity, raises your electricity costs, steals billions of dollars from the economy and creates stock crashes too. They are not evil or villains to do that, people are rubes to keep supporting the system that allows them to keep doing that. Democrats want to restrict it Republicans keep supporting it.

Like I said before, you only see the faults in the system,
when it's a Democrat or a liberal abusing the system.
When it's a Republican or conservative doing much worse,
then you always find a way to defend it.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 18:54 other posts 
Phart, wouldn’t it be great if we could roll back time to a few years ago? Say, to 2008? There were no homeless people then. Vets had all their problems taken cared off. Insurance companies were well regulated. There were no homosexuals. Disabled people had full support of the US government. Illegal aliens were all stopped at the border. There was no discrimination of any people. We all had health insurance for life. Ahh, those were the times, my friend.
Your legal citizens are starving and homeless, because they are exploited by the same people that illegals are. It's not the lack of resources you should worry about, because there is an abundance of it, it's who controls those resources, why you have citizens who are starving and homeless.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 20,Jan,23 14:17 other posts 
Every country has citizens that are starving and homeless. The people who do the exploiting exist in every country. Even yours, Ananas. They may exploit for different reasons but the end is the same. There's the have and the have nots. Even in the most socialistic country there's that one that has a Datcha and a car with a driver because "he is important to making the system work". I do understand what you, Ananas, are trying to convey, but, "exploited" doesn't really fit here. While many resources are available through corporate efforts, not all is controlled by Wall Street types. I know where I can pick fruit and veggies for personal consumption. I know where a Ma and Pa grocery store sells fresh meats. I know how to bake bread and make very good and healthy meals. I don't need a car, a bicycle is good enough. So, you see, it would be hard to exploit me. And, before you say, "Ah, but what about money?". That, too, is not at the mercy of the Big Guys. I have a service (I have a nursing degree) I can sell. You are European and as such, your history includes many times the citizentry have been subjugated and it's natural to shout for equality. In our country, despite all the discrimination and police brutality, we can still say we are relatively free to be happy.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 10:43 other posts 
"The people who do the exploiting exist in every country. Even yours, Ananas."
That's true. That is the problem I'm addressing all the time.

If by your reference to a 'Datcha', you imply that Russia is, or ever was the most socialistic country; it isn't and it never was. It was at most communist; an authoritarian government controlling everything. Socialism means full democratic control of the PEOPLE. Russia never had that, it was always controlled by the wealthy elite and it still is now. The people never had any power and even now Putin does some sham elections, they still have no power. The most 'socialistic' countries are the Scandinavian countries. And there are the least starving and homeless people in the world there. When people refer to Venezuela, they know nothing. That's a corrupt state run by oil barons, an oligarchy is not socialism.
The people have no power at all.

A free market is part of capitalism. It doesn't mean that everything is owned and controlled by corporations. But who is owner of the farm, or the mortgage of the farm or who owns that mom and pop shop, who collects their rent, who controls the money you pay with or the method you pay by. Where did the farm buy their seeds, or the manure. Who competes with that farm and mom and pop shop, determining the price you are willing to pay, where does your money come from?
When there is an economic crisis, who gets bailed out with your tax-dollars,
that self-pick farm, the mom and pop shop, or big banks and corporations?
In all those steps, corporations have lots of influence over what you think is an uncontrolled free market.

In the past, everyone was exploited. We come from a time of lords and serfs.
It's true that people are more free to be happy now, but don't be complacent, because your freedom is fragile and the time of lords and serfs is closer than you think. For many uneducated working people, it's already a reality that is almost inescapable. They are living in their car, on the parking lot of the factory, because they don't have money for a house and they work too many hours to travel home anyway. That bar of exploitation is moving up, to more people we used to call the 'middle class'. How many jobs do you know, that used to pay enough to house and feed a whole family and now doesn't pay enough for one person? Are there less people doing those jobs now? Or are there now just more people with jobs that don't pay enough to house and feed them?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 14:22 other posts 
Leo,since you like stats,
Check these out.
A near-record 22,077 single adults slept in shelters each night in October 2022. Over the course of City Fiscal Year 2022, 102,656 different homeless adults and children slept in the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelter system. This includes 29,653 homeless children.
Did you read that? over 29,000 homeless KIDS! IN 1 city.
No resources to house them except in "shelters". BUT suddenly when some of bidens puppets are shipped in from the border, there is 1000's of dollars to pay for hotels,food,and etc.
Citizens first, America FIRST.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 18:47 other posts 
The question is why are they there. They are there because a REPUBLICAN governor bussed them there. Those 29,000 NY homeless, would they have been any more or less homeless if those LEGAL immigrants had not been .bussed BY FORCE by the Texas REPUBLICAN governor? I think not.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 19:51 other posts 
You can't dodge the fact there was suddenly money coming out of nowhere for the illegals,that was not visable when needed for the citizens,
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 20:29 other posts 
You don't know where that money came from. Every city has a slush fund
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 22:09 other posts 
THen why don't they use it for solving problems with Americans?
Instead of waiting for illegals to get dropped on them? Hell they coulda sent the money to mexico and the immigrants coulda blown it there.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 13,Jan,23 06:26 other posts 
You do realize these people presented themselves to border security and they were allowed in as any other immigrants seeking asylum, don't you?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jan,23 20:41 other posts 
You HONESTLY think they are telling the truth or just repeating what some coyote told them to say after taking their money to get them to the border? Asylum means they are threatened and running for their lives. I can't believe that every 1 of them is running for their lives. they are running to free rides on our tab.
Hell I would learn a few phrases to if it meant me staying in a 400 dollar a night hotel for free how ever long I wanted to.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 20,Jan,23 17:13 other posts 
In December 2022, the United States accepted 69refugees from Ukraine. In fiscal year 2022 - which ended September 30 - the U.S. had accepted a total of 1,610 Ukrainian refugees. The most Ukrainian refugees arrived in February of 2022, the same month that Ukraine was invaded by Russia.Jan 11, 2023

What is the word for Ukrainian coyote?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 10:06 other posts 
Ukraine is actually at war in case you missed the news. And I am willing to bet once the war is over these folkes will go home.
Central america has been in rock throwing mode long before most immigrants were born. So their parents knew the score and shoulda kept their pants up and not brought kids into that world.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 10:50 other posts 
"So their parents knew the score and shoulda kept their pants up and not brought kids into that world."

Their life already sucks and then you deny them sex too.

Why do you think I am pro-choice? Because sometimes contraceptives fail and then I don't want people, who are in no shape to raise children, being forced to bring kids into a horrible world.
You understand the last part, but fail to understand that people should have a choice, better than the one you're offering.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 11:09 other posts 
So who made all these rubbers that are failing? sheesh ,lawsuits may be in order?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 11:34 other posts 
There are more contraceptives than just rubbers.
But like I said before, Republicans want to ban contraceptives too.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 12:16 other posts 
That's not much of an argument, Phart, after all, your parents knew the score on the state of the US and they pulled their pants down.
By DarkMax [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 10:46 other posts 
Coyote is a species of canine native to North America.
There is no wild coyote in Ukraine. So, coyote in Ukrainian is koyot ( койот ).
You SAY "Citizens first, America FIRST", but you DO Elon Musk first, Jeff Bezos first.

Isn't 200 billion enough for them to start thinking about 'the citizens'?
It's your idea of capitalism, that the wealthy run the country, right?
So, how much more do they need to have, before you give them some responsibility?
A trillion? Ten trillion? 99% of all the money? 100%? WHEN????

If the wealthy don't have that responsibility, than who?
You want to give them all the power, but no responsibility?
Do you see the recipe for disaster now?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 10:08 other posts 
Gee,is Amazon fully automated? No, they have employees to work for them.Supplying jobs.
Does Elon build all of his cars? Does he do all the design work and welding? No,he hires people for that and pay them very well.
Without those 2 people,how many 1000's would be working elsewhere,for less money,if at all?
ALOT of them.

So these rich people do take some responsibility for the citizens.The citizens that are willing to get educated and work. Not the 1's that want to lay around at starbucks drinking 10 dollar latte's while hoping sleepy joe erases their college debt from their useless degree.

Oh,by the way,have you forgot Nuero link? You know the company Elon started to design brain implants for the blind and so forth?To help the disabled?
Does George soro's take THAT kind of action for others? No,he spends his money created confusion, riots and spreading hatred and division.
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Did Elon build all this by himself?

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Did Elon design this?
Employees did.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 18:12 other posts 
They don't. It just works out that way because they have a business. They don't get up in the morning and ask themselves, " What can I do for people"
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 20:22 other posts 
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Most going to climate change but hey,liberals can't say he is not going to help.

even the worlds worst enemy george soros has given 32 billion to cause's he supports.
To say the rich do nothing for the people is a broad brush.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 10:05 other posts 
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Gee,maby we should have taken them to florida.Maby they could steal from your neighbors instead of new yorkers.
These illegals were staying at 1 of the 400 dollar a night hotels by the way,on taxpayers dime.
What were they going to do with 12,000 dollars worth of stuff from a fancy store? I doubt they were going to wear it.Probably shuttle it to a 3rd party for about 400 bucks to be sold at the flea markets somewhere
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 18:17 other posts 
You assume. Bottom line, they broke the law. They got caught. They'll have a trial and, probably, found guilty. They'll be sentenced and will have to serve it. They will be deported. What I can't believe is that you prefer these people be bussed to Florida instead of New York. I can't believe you don't see why this bussing is wrong.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 20:26 other posts 
The bussing is 1 of the best ideas yet to combat the issue of the out of control border.It has democrat mayors like from new york on tv talking about the problem.His ideas may not be the best,BUT if HE and other democrats are hollaring about it,it will bring the issue to the eyes of the democrats.
A few democrats may actually take time to learn the truth and may work in a positive way to a solution. Until he got a bunch of the illegals bussed to him the Mayor of new york did not give 2 shits about the struggles of other citys and states. Now he does. That is what you need. Instead of being "woke" WAKE UP!
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 13:10 other posts 
Phart, don't you think everyone in the country knows there's a human crisis occuring in our southern border? What, exactly, did this stunt do to come up with a solution? Millions of taxpayers dollars are being spent, and for what? So some dumbass Republican governor can look good for the next election? Because Texas gets nothing from this. Like you say, all that money could have gone to help the homeless and vets.
You blame the Democrats, but, what do you think they'll be able to do? You think McCarthy and the other Republicans in the House will let the Biden administration come up with a solution? Not happening.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 13:57 other posts 
The democrats do not want a solution,they are enjoying the mess.
As for what they could do, CLOSE THE FUCKING BORDER .
There is no war down in central america right now,so no reason for asylum.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 14:22 other posts 

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