Recent Posts of member #610414


By #610414 19,Sep,24 12:02
What does that have to do with anything?

By #610414 19,Sep,24 11:55
Here's a thought. Go look for other employment? Oh, no, that doesn't fit your weird conspiracy theories.

By #610414 18,Sep,24 14:03
There are several reasons why. He has been a model husband since then. He supported the family during the whole time including when he was in probation. But, the big one is that he moves me like no one else can. The kids where out of the house and, even now, he's on a very short leash.
If you've never had a relationship like this then you wouldn't know.

By #610414 18,Sep,24 09:58
That area was near an intersection of two major roads in West Palm Beach. Are you suggesting both those roads be closed for hours, even day at a time? Why not tell the Clown NOT TO GO GOLFING?

By #610414 18,Sep,24 09:50
Well, could he have lied that he lied about those statements? That would make him truthful kinda sorta.

By #610414 18,Sep,24 09:45
Here's a hypothesis. This second "attempt" is bringing a much needed break from the pet eating debacle to the Clown's campaign. Would it be much of a stretch to predict we might have weekly "attempts"?

By #610414 18,Sep,24 09:41
Not giving up, just getting my seventyleven breath back.

By #610414 18,Sep,24 09:39
AngelofDeath I didn't excuse what he did. I immediately divorced him and kept the kids away from him for 13 yrs until the kids where grown. My question to you is, "What business is it of yours anyway? You, who sent an inappropriate picture that Sir-Skittles stole from my previous gallery and texted it to my daughter (yes, the text showed your number), now want to be the one with the higher standards?
Why don't you take an enema and get rid of all that hatred?

By #610414 18,Sep,24 07:12
I believe he's guilty and the law believes it too, but, I won't be in the jury if it goes to trial. So, what's your point?

By #610414 18,Sep,24 07:07
I hear you. I'm trying to make it to November 6 without upchucking.

By #610414 18,Sep,24 07:00
Okay guys, let's not say the truth. Let's call each other names. That's the way to prove your point.

By #610414 18,Sep,24 06:55
Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree

Tony Orlando and Dawn
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… I'm comin' home, I've done my time
Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine
If you received my letter tellin' you I'd soon be free
Then you'll know just what to do if you still want me
If you still want me
… Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
It's been three long years
Do you still want me?
If I don't see a ribbon round the old oak tree
I'll stay on the bus
Forget about us
Put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree
… Bus driver, please look for me
'Cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see
I'm really still in prison, and my love she holds the key
A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free
I wrote and told her please:
… Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
It's been three long years
Do you still want me?
If I don't see a ribbon round the old oak tree
I'll stay on the bus
Forget about us
Put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree
… Now the whole damn bus is cheering
And I can't believe I see
A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the old oak tree
I'm comin' home

By #610414 18,Sep,24 06:45
Governor Sarah Huckabooby Sanders made fun of childless women. What a dope

By #610414 16,Sep,24 20:44
BS? BS? Give me a break. When are you going to put your brain in gear? Oh, well, there one like you born every minute.

By #610414 16,Sep,24 20:42
You on Facebook? 🤣🤣🤣

By #610414 16,Sep,24 11:25
You are not making sense, Phart. In the 2022 Census of Governments, the United States Census Bureau enumerated the following numbers of school systems in the United States: 12,546 school district governments. 571 county-dependent school systems.
What control are you talking about? Heck, look at my state, Florida. Look at what DeSantis is doing with the Florida Educational system. Does that look like the Libs are controlling the curriculum? Look at Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia and a bunch more. And, like I've said at the beginning, the Federal government is not in the teaching game.

By #610414 16,Sep,24 11:16
One is a religion and the other is an economic system (fascism). Both have produced inhuman behavior that has little to do with the original concept. This behavior can be rationalized by the practicioners as culling out the unbelievers. It really comes down to "We are better than you. We are the chosen ones. You are here to serve us."

By #610414 16,Sep,24 11:01
I defer to you on the weponry. The Palm Beach sheriff said this,
Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said Routh was about 300 to 500 yards from Trump. The shooter left behind an AK-47 style rifle equipped with a scope, which Bradshaw says put him within range.

Initially this individual voted for the Clown in 2016. In the 2020 election he posted in social media that the Clown had lost his way. This year he voted in the Carolinas or Georgia primary (they must have open primaries) as an independent
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Regardless how anyone thinks of the Clown, or any other candidate in any election, violence is not the way to protest. I guess one reaps what one has sown.

By #610414 16,Sep,24 10:49
What's wrong with wearing designer Pearl earphones? After all, as everyone knows, the Clown is the best debater in the world. There's never been a debater as good as him. He should be able to counter ANY points that VP Harris throws out at him no matter who is answering him. Like, when he said that Hatians in Ohio were eating dogs and cats and VP Harris burst out laughing, he should have told her to shut her mouth up.
You know, now that I think about it, the debate was unfair to the Clown. The rules should have prohibited the VP from laughing at the Clown's statements.
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I'm sorry. I didn't mean debater (auto correct). I meant "maste-bater"


By #610414 16,Sep,24 10:36

By #610414 16,Sep,24 10:35
Of course he's honest. As honest as the day is long. 🤣🤣🤣

By #610414 15,Sep,24 16:08

By #610414 15,Sep,24 08:58
That's your right. If you want to support a candidate like Trump to be the next president, that is on you. Good luck with that.

By #610414 15,Sep,24 08:56
FDLE stands for Florida Department of Law Enforcement. They are the state police. They have the last say on police matters in the state

By #610414 15,Sep,24 08:54
Hatians are predominantly black. Venezuelans are Caucasian with a mix of native Americans.

By #610414 14,Sep,24 12:24
In the Clown's speech at his California golf club he said,
"When I'm president I will go to Ohio and perform the biggest deportation in the history of the United States. I will send all those Hatians back to Venezuela......"


By #610414 14,Sep,24 12:16
These washers are the worst when it comes to washing clothes.

By #610414 14,Sep,24 12:13
Cody, report it as a abnormality and not as a drug operation. Do as the cops like to say, "See something, say something". Just say there's an awfuot of traffic during the night.

By #610414 14,Sep,24 11:59

By #610414 14,Sep,24 11:58
Possibly or probably. They NASDAQ halted trading twice on the stock, not sure why, but, now the Clown says he won't sell. I believe he's trying to prop up the price so he get a better return when he sells.

By #610414 14,Sep,24 11:55
The economy, illegal immigration, women's reproductive rights, foreign affairs, voting rights, energy, climate change, all of these are legit talking points in an election for president of the United States.
So, getting back to your post, he has a plan for the economy that, btw, every economist that matters says it a failure, and the rest of the list would depend on how big or small one of his rallies is on a particular day.
The above post is dumb.

By #610414 14,Sep,24 11:47
That is a theory put forward by the extreme right to cover up the fact that the Clown was used as a broom to sweep the floor. But, to make you happy, even if what you say is true, it doesn't matter. The Clown couldn't handle it. So, go ahead, blame it on high tech earrings. Blame it on the panel. Blame it on Muir's hair. Blame it on the questions. Blame it on the fact that an Asian Black woman took advantage of the Clown's dementia. The outcome is the same. Trump took a dump on national and international TV and showed he's not fit to be a dog catcher, let alone the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Maybe Harris is not that much better, but, after that embarrassing performance by the Clown, second worse is a heck of a lot better than the Clown.

By #610414 14,Sep,24 11:36
Tecsan, prove me wrong. The whole debate is available in the public media.

By #610414 13,Sep,24 10:07
Maximizing the social impact is a political move. There was a spectator that lost his life. No one mentions him. Why? Because the shooter wanted to make a non partisan political statement by shooting a big name politician.
John Lenon’s murder was non-political. Not this.

By #610414 13,Sep,24 09:58
tecsan he got fact checked twice. One was about the pet eating in Ohio that was both totally debunked and totally racist. The next was about termination of life after a live birth that is considered murder in the whole United States.
After those two, he was allowed more than 12 extra minutes to talk. Now, if it was fact checking worthy, why didn’t he bring up these points during his time?
The two judges/pannelists did their job. You are showing what your Boi is showing, poor loosing skills.
If you can’t win fairly, blame the rules.

By #610414 13,Sep,24 09:50

By #610414 12,Sep,24 16:10
Thanks for the compliment.

By #610414 12,Sep,24 11:06
Age restricted? Maybe it’s the YouTube settings you set?
--------------------------------------- added after 52 seconds

YouTube is free unless you want to upgrade.

By #610414 12,Sep,24 11:05
I know who I am and I know exactly where I come from. The difference between you and me is that you act like a friend in one thread and a backstabber in another thread. I’ll point at anyone their shortcomings if they attack anyone I consider a friend or person I admire. That’s why I stood behind Lyx. She had you pegged.

By #610414 12,Sep,24 10:52
Wait, I don’t know anyone that has not had money problems in good or bad times sometime in their adult life. Perhaps due to bad luck or bad choices you are in a position of need, but, life is not a bowl of cherries.
I’ve had some very tough times in my life and I always came through with a few more bruises, but, they healed.

By #610414 12,Sep,24 10:46
That’s why VP Harris plan to extend the child tax credit to $6000 is good. That’s money that STAYS in the home.
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BTW, PORK is voted in BEFORE taxes are levied to pay for it.

By #610414 12,Sep,24 10:44

By #610414 12,Sep,24 10:43

By #610414 12,Sep,24 10:41
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By #610414 12,Sep,24 10:37
Everyone including high ranking Republicans, and his own inner circle said he lost and lost big. There was a winner and it was VP Harris.
And why do you say that David Muir and Linsey Davis.were biased? Explain that.

By #610414 12,Sep,24 10:32
What? Guilty by association? What WOODY did happened in 1984. It came out in 1989 and he paid for it from 1991 to 2001. Yet, he’s still not free. He paid much more than many murderers and will for the rest of his life and for what? Fondling a minor. No r@pe, no penetration, but, he deserved it all. I divorced WOODY in 1991. Yes, I did remary him in 2004. Love is fickle.
So what? Am I supposed to hide in shame? Stop fighting for what I believe?
Why don’t you grow a set an go after me for what I believe and stop bringing WOODY as an excuse for not having argument?
And this goes for Sir-Skittles and angelofdeath

By #610414 12,Sep,24 09:49
Is the problem with your arm physical or part of the concussion?

By #610414 12,Sep,24 09:44
Phart, I don’t equate both to be equal, but, my response was not for the severity of the crime but for the fact that most people don’t even know, much less honor the dead of Sandy Hook Elementary.

By #610414 12,Sep,24 09:42
I’m sure you know my view. What’s yours?

By #610414 12,Sep,24 09:40
The definition is “to murder (a usually prominent person) by sudden or secret attack often for political reasons.”

1) The Clown is prominent
2) The attack was sudden and secret
3) It was for political reasons. The subject of the ATTEMPTED assassination was
not picked because he was an unsuccessful dog catcher, party affiliation