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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 00:24
Donald Trump won fair and square 2 years ago and dumb-asses can't get over the election? lol

When Fox News Posted that at 2AM on November 9th 2016 it wasn't fake news...

Donald Trump won November 8th 2016. Hillary will not be president ! She has more chances to go to jail than the White house....

It's over ! get over it..

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By #610414 07,Feb,20 12:26
Little David was in his 5th grade class  in a San Francisco charter school  when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living.  All the typical answers came up - fireman, policeman, salesman, doctor, lawyer.



David was being uncharacteristically quiet, so the teacher asked him about his father.  "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear.  Sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go home with some guy and have sex with him for money." The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and took little David aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?" 
“No, of course not;" said David, "he works for Nancy Pelosi, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids!”
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 05:52 other posts 
Hahaha good story I all most spit my coffee across the room

By #578610 12,Sep,19 18:01
Someone suggested that I have my panties in a knot. They are not. Not really. There's two of me on site. The woman that loves sex. The woman that is truly me in real life, and this dumb ass that believes in the goodness of people. I'm way old enough to know better. Well, from now on I'm going to cheer every time someone k.ills a bunch of people with a gun. That person is defending the second ammendment to a stupid constitution. The damn thing should be burned. I just hope I live to see slavery brought back. In the meantime, I'm going to fuck my way through life and hope everyone gets fucked too. Go Trump. Take over the country. We'll call you Generalísimo Trump
By #588327 12,Sep,19 23:52
It's amazing how much you hate Trump and guns. Did you have same hate for gun when Obama was in office ? What make you think you opinion on guns or anything has more importance they anybody else
By #578610 13,Sep,19 07:06
Yes, I hated guns and bigotry as much when Obama was president as I do now. I also hated Trump then, although, I hate him more now.
I don't think my opinions are more important than anyone else's. You have your opinions and beliefs and they are just as important as mine.
The difference is that I believe I'm right and that gives me the strength to fight for what I believe.
Now, I attack ideas that are contrary to mine and question the mindset of people that have those ideas.
Let me give you and others on site some free advice . You don't win a debate by going after your opposing debater. None of you ever say," I don't like your point of view because, A) B) C) etc.
In other words. You don't bring anything more than how you feel.
By #588327 13,Sep,19 16:45
Your the one wanting to change the gun laws. What is their to debate or feeling to talk about. We have the right to have guns.its that simple. I get tired of people keep who keep pushing their feeling about guns. Their is really nothing that change your opinion I bet, unless we ban some guns you don't like or you believe people don't need. You don't have to like Trump but you had your chance to vote. Why don't you go after the cazy people shooting people instead.
By #578610 13,Sep,19 17:30
You are priceless. Why don't I go after the crazy people shooting people? Are you that dumb? What do you expect me to do. Outlaw people who cause shooting masacres?
Right now you have the right to own a firearm. I want to change that so you DON'T have that right. You can get tired all you want of people that feel like I do. We know that if there are no guns, then this country would be much safer. And, no, there is nothing to change my opinion, because it's right. And I did vote. I voted for Clinton and in the 2018 midterm, I voted all Democratic. Hopefully, Trump will be a one term president. I will vote Democratic again next year.
By #588327 13,Sep,19 20:36
See you don't want to do hard work and do something about the cazy people. You would rather take people's rights away because you think that will make thing more safe. That's crazy, you should stand up against the bad people. You don't give up your rights then expected to be more safe. You stand up against bad or cazy people. This is why people don't want your way of thinking to win. Making yourself or people more open to being a victim of a crime or cazy person is NOT better way to live. Their will always be crazy people and they don't care what laws you pass. They will do cazy things. You stop them if you have that ability, and you might protect yourself from being a victim of that crazy person.
By #578610 13,Sep,19 20:58
Yeah, ok baby. You make a lot of sence.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Living with the fear I'm going to be the victim of a crime or a crazy person is a fucked up way to live. You want to live like that, go right ahead. Get a bunker too.
By #588327 13,Sep,19 21:35
You must fear something to be willing to give up not only your rights. You want to take them always from other people. You are the baby or something must be messed up in your way of thinking
By #578610 13,Sep,19 21:45
Yes, I fear more masacres done with a military style weapon. You can scream from the top of the hills all you want. It won't change the fact that if there are no guns, there are no shootings. You can talk about rights. You can talk about people, not guns, that kill. You can talk about anything you want. You can even talk about what a bitch I am for wanting to take your guns away. It won't change a thing. No guns, no shootings.
By #588327 13,Sep,19 22:48
Your not going to eliminate all the guns in the US, their are to many. Your fear of masacares is over the top probably from watching all the news. Do you fear driving a car so much that you think nobody should drive ? The odds of someone being killed in a traffic accident has to thousands time more. I bet you don't fear driving a car but your more likely to be in traffic accident just like we all are. Yet we still drive every day. Good thing your not the president and Trump is. Let's vote for Trump in 2020 !
By #578610 14,Sep,19 10:13
You really believe that?----------Your fear of masacares is over the top probably from watching all the news.--------
Are you not indignant that over 230 innocent people lost their lives since Jan 1, 2019? You think It's what drives me? You are dumber than I thought. Is life so cheap to you that you believe only scared people want to do something about it? The chances of me dying in a mass murder shootout is smaller than getting killed by a falling meteorite. But, I care about other people. Obviously the only thing that you are worried about is having your precious firearm taken from you. You are pathetic. You can't even come up with a good reason to keep them.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 10:40 other posts 
Give it up tootsie it’s all part of God’s plan when your number is up your done it don’t matter how you die I could be hit by a truck or in a motorcycle accident or shot but not till my number is up
By #578610 14,Sep,19 12:31
I would not argue with God. I will argue with the NRA. Your argument doesn't hold water. When you are on your bike, do you stop for red lights or barrel through? After all, God will either call you or not.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

BTW, it does matter how I die. If I go in my sleep, it's preferable to getting crushed to death by aligator jaws. That last one is possible as every pond here has at least one Allí Gator.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 15:33 other posts 
Hahaha you got gators I have bears 🐻
By #578610 14,Sep,19 15:56
We also have 15 foot pythons. Every conceivable poisonous spider. Rattlers, mocasines, coral and Malaysian pit viper snakes. Poison frogs, panthers,wild boar, crocodiles, and TRUMP LOVERS.
--------------------------------------- added after 40 seconds

And Cuban drivers
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 17:20 other posts 
Scary place and to damn hot for me I go as far as Baltimore Maryland and it’s to hot for me
By #578610 14,Sep,19 17:45
The one thing we try to keep out is ass kissers.
By #591921 02,Feb,20 08:57
Little hint buddy George Soros is not god for your information I know you super liberal folks dont believe anything at all unless its reported on CNN. However 38news reports have been proven to be false or made up that they reported as completely true. They have had to pay out $60 million dollars for fake made up reports just in the Las year alone. I wish the associated press would go broke and if they keep the fake news up they will. Now they are being sued by Carter page for $45 million for reporting that he colluded with the Russians to help Trump win for those people who don't believe the Mueller report and believe the democrats saying still he worked with Russia. Carter Page so you know is not in prison he never was in prison and was not ever even charged with a crime. He was just a way for the democrats to be able to bug the Trump campaign and cheat in the elections.
By #591921 04,Feb,20 23:41
Well your not counting on the boar loads of illegal firearms that drug cartels are smuggling into the US. The coast guard bad caught 8 ships so far this year full of guns that cartels and drug runners are smuggling into the US. Personally I prefer having the rich to shoot back if my situation demands so.
By #591921 01,Feb,20 23:51
If you hate guns you might want to up the Fast and Furious scandal Obama. He sent a bunch of M-16 (same guns our military uses) to a Mexican cartel. On the way back into the country a bunch of FBI agents hot caught with a load of cocaine and heroine. They were caught in Arizona in a border county where there is no wall. When they got caught by Joe Arpio's deputies the sheriff had yo let the agents go because they hold a higher status than a lowly local Sherriff. However Sheriff Joe told them ok I have to let you go since I can't lock you up however the drugs thats evidence in not giving that up without placing it into my evidence and having paperwork from the DEA to release it to them. Once Sheriff Joe did that they had to turn the case over to the DEA,and homeland security. After that Sheriff Joe got charged with a federal felony and lost his job. Once Trump got elected he gave Sheriff Joe a full pardon and his full rights were reinacted and he could run for Sherriff again. Once it came to light Obama admitted that he agreed to the deal with the cartel but claimed that it was a trap and a plan to see where the rifles turned up in The US. And that the guns all had digital trackers on them. However somehow the cartel had figured out hoe to deactivate the trackers. Many of these guns have shown up two of them here in my town,no trackers on them at all. They have shown up in areas that are populated with lots of immigrants who are gang and cartel members. They were also used in Mexico to make the Mexican Marines have to give up el chapos son back to the cartel once they vsight him that was on the news. Because the Mexican Marines were out gunned.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours

I. Getting lots of people now saying I must be an idiot if I think this is true. However it is true Obama admitted he did do it in a public press conference. Flat out admitted it. Like I said the only reason people dont believe it is because the Democrat run press controlled by Soros never reported it. Look it up the gas and furious scandal. It was even brought up in argument at the impeachment trial this last week because they argued that Obama was charged with contempt of congress for refusing to turn over the paperwork after Republicans took it to court three times and won the case. Dont believe me if your head is in the sand it up its true every single bit. Funny how people refuse to stuff up but want to call others who are informed a lie.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours

LOOK IT UP fast and furious scandal
By #610414 03,Feb,20 11:13
I’m sorry but really? No way
By #591921 03,Feb,20 12:56
Like I said if you dont believe that your calling Obama a liar because he admitted in a press conference that he did do it supposedly to try and catch cartels smuggling guns into the US. That was his excuse. Dont believe it up the Fast and furious scandal. Lil i said dont believe me believe your lying eyes when you read it and see Obama admit it himself. And it was on Fox news but no associated press news reported it at all. Thats why people don't believe it. Oh he would never do that. Yes he did and he also withheld all the evidence and that's why he was charged with content of congress Susan Rice was charged with it to for refusing to turn over her information on it.Contempt of court. See people refuse to look it up bur want to argue anyway like idiots. If you want to argue about I fine look it up and be informed before you do.
By #610414 03,Feb,20 19:02
I'm sorry. I'm trying to make sense of your post. I just can't make heads or tails of it. I believe you mean that Obama is part of a Mexican drug cartel and he provides guns to overthrow the Mexican government? Why would he do that? He has good retirement.
By #591921 04,Feb,20 08:48
No when he was president he got caught sending M-16 rifles to a Mexican drug cartel. After he got caught he said it was a government undercover operation to try and catch where and how gun were being smuggled into the US. The head of the cartel El Chapo Guzmans also testified in court that he paid off California democrats in order to be allowed to smuggle drugs into the US through California. This cartel now has enough US military equipment they can overthrow the Mexican Marines. When they captured el chapo's son in Mexico the cartel threatening the Marines caused them to have to surrender the drug lord because they had the military out gunned. They have tanks,military activated explosives m-16's,rpg's,military bridges from the army corps of engineers so they can cross the river at the border. He got caught giving the cartel guns and refused to give any explanation or records to congress once he got caught. He also declared executive privilege and after Republicans won their court cases to get the evidence he still refused to turn it over. Thats the reason democrats are trying to impeach Trump because he declared executive privilege and they didn't go through court in the correct procedures to gain evidence. Instead they just added another charge of impeachment to Trumps impeachment. So what I'm saying is they are trying to da its ok for a Democrat to declare executive privilege but if a Republican declares it then thats an added impeachable offense. I'm not saying Obama is doing this in retirement he was caught doing it while he was president.
By #610414 04,Feb,20 08:58
Let me get this straight. You are mad that Obama got away with it? Isn't trump getting away with it too? I just heard Senator Kennedy admit Trump was wrong but they would let him go. What gives?
By #591921 04,Feb,20 10:16
What I'm saying is the democrats are trying to impeach Trump for making sure the corruption in Ukraine is getting addressed before he gives them money. But the democrats think its perfectly fine that Obama gave guns to an illegal drug cartel and his vice president withheld a billion dollars in military aid until they fired an official who was going to investigate his son and that was perfectly fine even though he and Joe Biden wet part of the corruption. Goes to show you the democrats bias is so far gone they can't even admit that a single one does any wrong. In the impeachment trial they even still defend Bill Clinton and claim he shouldn't have even been censored for perjury of congress once congress has DNA evidence that proved he actually did it. They still deny he did.
By #610414 04,Feb,20 10:20
Yes, but Obama is not the president anymore. Are you saying that if someone murders someone ten yrs ago and gets away with it it's ok to commit murder?
By #591921 06,Feb,20 09:58
I'm talking about Bill Clinton,he got impeached and censored because he had Monica Lewinsky suck him off in the oval office. Then he lied under oath about it. Then they brought out her dress that had his jizz on it. They did a DNA test and proved it was his jizz. Then Hillary wanted to go on NBC and say it was all a bunch of lies and a fake conspiracy made up by Republicans and Bill would never do that and cheat on her like that he just wouldn't. Democrats still claim he didn't do it and they had DNA proof. Now they all want to claim Trump is nothing but a liar. If you want to know who is a liar you might want to check out the democrats run media,every other story in the associated press is some half baked truth or in the case of CNN its just made up lies.
By #610414 06,Feb,20 10:25
First, Clinton is a 20 year old story. Are you guys going to carry that argument until the Second Coming?
Second, just yesterday several Senators that voted for Trump admitted, on national TV, that he was guilty of the articles of impeachment but they did not want to remove him from office. That is not a lie. It's not a conspiracy. It's not even a gossip. It is real. Seventyfive percent off the population believed the evidence presented and think he was guilty. It's not my belief. It's not my view, It's not big associated press fake news. So what are you saying? Are you putting fingers in your ears and yelling NA NA NA NA NA so you don't want to hear?
Fourth, when are you, Trump supporters, going to defend his corrupt presidency on his merits instead of bringing up Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Obama, Biden, Hiroshito, Hitler, Mother Teresa, The Duke of Windsor?
Wake up, baby. Trump may be here for a second term but he's no good.
By #591921 06,Feb,20 11:01
He is a lot better than any democrats that are running for office and more truthful. And I'm not sure you understand I didn't da the big associated press I said the associated press,the AP. That is a news organization that is run by George Soros. He is the biggest crook in the world. Why dont you check out some news that doesn't report from the fake AP its all fabricated by the AP the fake polls the false stories the 75% your talkng about thats 75% of the people that only follow the AP. Try checking out the UPI or the BBC or American Free Press. George Soros was once reported saying if you control the news tmyou control the mind. Since he controls the AP guess who reports ink from the AP. ABC,CBS,CNN,NBC,MSNBC,CSPAN,Washington post,New York Times and 268 other newspapers across the country that he flat out owns. Its just like KinJung Un who owns the state press in North Korea,Or The state owned press in Iran. If all you report is fake news and false polls and make things up and people think oh it has to all be completely true or else the news wouldn't report it. Well think again. Thats why the fake news thing is such a problem here. Fox news is the only network news that reports by the AP and the UPI. But I dont even believe them all the time. I read the UPI directly,The BBC,border patrol newsroom,coast guard news. Oh but I guess if something happens there your positive they would report it I the AP huh. Here's an example. The coast guard news back over a year ago reported they busted two ships coming into Puerto Rico with 26 tons of cocaine and heroine. The ships were unloading the drugs in the site right outside Yulin Cruz's office window. The helicopter flying back and forth to cover the two cuttys that were making the bust of the smugglers. Once they made the bust the helicopter saw something on a hill near San Juan they landed and found over a million bottles of water and 14 tractor trailers full of food that FEMA brought right after the hurricane hit. Yulin Cruz signed for it two days before she went on Good Morning America to say Trump hasn't sent us anything he doesn't care about Puerto Rico. Guess what the big story all over the AP was the next day. Stormy Daniels was arrested by Trump supporting Police at a show where she was stripping. Gee I guess thats a lot bigger news than a 26 ton drug bust and a conspirical plot being exposed where democrats hid food and water from survivors of a natural disaster huh.
By #610414 06,Feb,20 11:25
First, I follow the BBC and NPR. I read the headlines in the New York Times, The Miami Herald and the local Newspapers here in Madrid, Spain. Again, I want to know why you are bringing up examples of what other people (politicians or national figures) have done or are doing wrong. Why can't you Trumpo supporters just come with real facts about him? When I'm talking about Trumpo, I don't give a flying fuck about drugs, the governor of Puerto Rico, the Coast Guard, or George Sorros. Trumpo is, by self admission, a cheating, back stabbing, sexual predator who cheated on his wife while she was pregnant, paid off a porn star just before his election he was humping . He admitted he asked a foreign government, twice, to interfere in our national elections. And all this on national TV. Not fake news. Not Sorros made up. Not even Fox News. Just regular TV with him as the main character.
Yesterday, in his State of the Nation speech (and don't tell me it was fake) he lied about working to have pre-existing medical conditions accepted. He has been working against this since B4 he was president. He said he wants to bring drug prices down. Another lie. There's been a bill in the senate (HR2) for months and he won't ask McConnell to bring it to the Senate floor. He says he brought more jobs than any other president. Another lie. In the last 3 yrs of his presidency, Obama brought more that Trumpo brought in the last 3 yrs. He says he fixed the economy. Another lie. He's been riding Obama's recovery all these years. This is not fake news. This is by noted economists all over the world.
So, baby, go listen to whom ever you want to listen but, ACTUALLY LISTEN to what's being said. And enough with "He/she did this or that" Trumpo is an individual and as such, he's solely responsible for his actions.
By #591921 06,Feb,20 14:06
All I can say if your in Spain you need to Sta there your not a US citizen or if you are you dint have any idea what the hell is really going on here so why are you worried about I anyway. Oh by the way Trump just interrupted TV to announce investigation into DNC,Hillary,Obama admin. Comey,Pelosi,Schiff,Nadler,Stryok,Page and the collusion with the associated press and the conspiracy that has finally come to light and the FBI agents who said in text about the insurance policy plan democrats had to get him out if office. He said the impeachment brought out very damming evidence about the democrats attempt to overthrow the last election and now the impeachment is over very key people are talking as we speak people are being investigated and interrogated and they are flapping their gums about the democrats plan to take the government over. That was he interrupted regular TV to make the announcement on live TV.
By #610414 06,Feb,20 15:43
Baby, I was born in Miami, Florida. My whole family is in Miami. I come from a long line of New England folks. I voted in every election since Nixon. Don't tell me what I know or don't know. It's just like your Savior to try to shift blame to other people. Perhaps, you should take your ignorant ass and depart to some banana republic and take Generalisimo Trumpo with you.
It's a wonder how the US continues to thrive despite the huge numbers of uneducated dumb fucks like you.
By #591921 06,Feb,20 18:52
Well thats just it huh anyone that has valid argument and knows a lot about real things going on is just an idiot because you disagree with them. Yeah my ex wife was raised in Miami too,her parents moved here because they said the mentality there was dropping fast,that was 48 years ago.
By #610414 06,Feb,20 18:55
So she was a bigot that didn't like Cubans. The Cubans made a great city. It's the Door to Latin america and one of the financial power houses of the Americas. Like I said, "dumb fucks"

By #591921 06,Feb,20 10:04
Yeah democrats have a hard time getting over that they cheated in the election and still got beat. They came up with a fake ass report from another two countries no less,got a warrant and had the FBI wiretap the Trump campaign and had undercover FBI agents go to work to spy on the campaign and still got beat.
By #610414 06,Feb,20 10:27
Dream on, baby
By #591921 06,Feb,20 11:11
That is undisputed fact the democrats have admitted that in the press. But see your so blind you dint even believe it when democrats admit they do stuff wrong. You dont believe Obama and fast and furious scandal,he admitted it. You dint believe the democrats wire tapped Trump campaign they admitted it. You dont even believe the Steele dossier was fake and used to get a warrant to spy on Trump campaign and democrats admitted it. So your even calling democrats liars when they admitted it all. And you want to say the news that never retracted one story never reported things that the democrats themselves actually admitted to be true. So now who has fingers in their ears going nanananana
By #610414 06,Feb,20 13:40
Ok, baby. List the references. Don't give me your words. I don't believe shit from you. Right under this post list all your references that tell what you just said and, more important, were they were proved true. Come on. Put up or shut up. Use whatever reference engine you like.

By phart [Ignore] 04,Feb,20 23:08 other posts 
1 of the best state of the union address's I have ever watched tonight.
Nancy Pelosi, sheesh,what a sore looser.She did not have to make herself look foolish,she coulda torn up and tossed the papers out later.Not in front of the disrespectful of the office of the President.

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By #591921 04,Feb,20 23:33
I saw the speech I was awesome. But the talk of the town is now Nancy tearing up the speech. Trump didn't even make it back to the WH and tweeted out Nancy tore up the speech I gave her,the speech that gives Rush Limbaugh a medal of freedom,a Tuskegee airman made a Brigadier General,gives underprivileged minority children chances to get ahead,that pays respect to families who lost members in our military,and that supports our border security and ice agents,and reunited a military family,and gives American citizens the right to sue sanctuary cities and states foe letting criminal illegal immigrants a free pass out of jail who commit crimes against humanity in America by not holding them in jail for ICE agents to pick up. That shows you just what respect democrats have for America and Americans. Hahahahaha Trump set a trap and Nancy too the bait hook line sinker and cork. Hahaha

By #588327 03,Feb,20 14:39
If they don't remove Trump from the office this time, will the Trump haters stop or keep going claiming something new ? We still have a day or two before we know the outcome.
By #610414 03,Feb,20 19:03
He walks........this time.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Feb,20 20:18 other posts 
They will continue their witch hunt. Think about it,the more they keep up with the witch hunts, the less gets done for the American people. Which the democrats don't give a rats ass about anyway.
They occomplished their actuall goal. Divide America.Next is to try to conqure it .
By #588327 04,Feb,20 00:23
I think they will actually end up helping Trump get elected again. Because people will see it as a scam. I don't think the other side with all their free stuff and higher taxes will get Americans votes. People don't want more taxes. I don't see Bernie Sanders or Mike Bloomberg making it. Maybe Joe Biden, but I don't think people want to go back to the economy of the Obama years. Just the idea of going back to those years, or economy from what we have today. The Trump haters are strong, only time will tell.
By #591921 04,Feb,20 01:59
Today in the impeachment trial the Trump lawyers put a Washington Post headline up for the senate to read. The headline read the campaign to impeach the president has now begun. Once his lawyers read the headline to the senate they asked when do you think this headline was published,well ill tell you when it was published,it was 19 minutes after he was inaugurated.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Feb,20 09:22 other posts 
Yea, this whole get rid of Trump thing started before he became president.No one wanted a "wild spoon" stirring their pot of smelly gruel that has been stewing for decades. Well guess what,that shit is going to get tossed out of the pot come november. I hope Nancee peelowsee gets demoted.
I would rather have Joe Biden running for Dem than the rest of them. At least we know how dumb he can be ,we don't know about the rest of them except they want give it all away.
By #591921 04,Feb,20 10:26
Well I read the border patrol newsroom and coast guard news too. The border patrol helicopter caught a truck on US soil loaded with cocaine and heroine driving to try and get to a highway. Once they saw the helicopter they turned around. The truck headed back toward Mexico. The helicopter called ground backup and was sure officials would catch them before they could cross the river at the point they were at because it was to deep for the truck. When the helicopter turned back around and caught back up with the truck they were back in Mexico. The Mexican Marines caught the smugglers. Then the helicopter wanted to see how the truck crossed the river so fast. They flew the river and found a temporary military bridge from the army corp if engineers that the cartel had so they could just drive right across the river. So tell me how do you think they got hold of that.

By erekoses [Ignore] 24,Jan,20 01:56 other posts 
only registered users can see external links here two sad cases of tds

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