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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 00:24
New Comment Rating: 1 Similar topics: 1.examining Trump Derangement Syndrome..Defined, symptoms.. 2.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME DEFINED 3.Symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome.. 4.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 5.Signs you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.. Comments: |
David was being uncharacteristically quiet, so the teacher asked him about his father. "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go home with some guy and have sex with him for money." The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and took little David aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?"
“No, of course not;" said David, "he works for Nancy Pelosi, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids!”
I don't think my opinions are more important than anyone else's. You have your opinions and beliefs and they are just as important as mine.
The difference is that I believe I'm right and that gives me the strength to fight for what I believe.
Now, I attack ideas that are contrary to mine and question the mindset of people that have those ideas.
Let me give you and others on site some free advice . You don't win a debate by going after your opposing debater. None of you ever say," I don't like your point of view because, A) B) C) etc.
In other words. You don't bring anything more than how you feel.
Right now you have the right to own a firearm. I want to change that so you DON'T have that right. You can get tired all you want of people that feel like I do. We know that if there are no guns, then this country would be much safer. And, no, there is nothing to change my opinion, because it's right. And I did vote. I voted for Clinton and in the 2018 midterm, I voted all Democratic. Hopefully, Trump will be a one term president. I will vote Democratic again next year.
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Living with the fear I'm going to be the victim of a crime or a crazy person is a fucked up way to live. You want to live like that, go right ahead. Get a bunker too.
Are you not indignant that over 230 innocent people lost their lives since Jan 1, 2019? You think It's what drives me? You are dumber than I thought. Is life so cheap to you that you believe only scared people want to do something about it? The chances of me dying in a mass murder shootout is smaller than getting killed by a falling meteorite. But, I care about other people. Obviously the only thing that you are worried about is having your precious firearm taken from you. You are pathetic. You can't even come up with a good reason to keep them.
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BTW, it does matter how I die. If I go in my sleep, it's preferable to getting crushed to death by aligator jaws. That last one is possible as every pond here has at least one Allí Gator.
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And Cuban drivers
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I. Getting lots of people now saying I must be an idiot if I think this is true. However it is true Obama admitted he did do it in a public press conference. Flat out admitted it. Like I said the only reason people dont believe it is because the Democrat run press controlled by Soros never reported it. Look it up the gas and furious scandal. It was even brought up in argument at the impeachment trial this last week because they argued that Obama was charged with contempt of congress for refusing to turn over the paperwork after Republicans took it to court three times and won the case. Dont believe me if your head is in the sand
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LOOK IT UP fast and furious scandal
Second, just yesterday several Senators that voted for Trump admitted, on national TV, that he was guilty of the articles of impeachment but they did not want to remove him from office. That is not a lie. It's not a conspiracy. It's not even a gossip. It is real. Seventyfive percent off the population believed the evidence presented and think he was guilty. It's not my belief. It's not my view, It's not big associated press fake news. So what are you saying? Are you putting fingers in your ears and yelling NA NA NA NA NA so you don't want to hear?
Fourth, when are you, Trump supporters, going to defend his corrupt presidency on his merits instead of bringing up Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Obama, Biden, Hiroshito, Hitler, Mother Teresa, The Duke of Windsor?
Wake up, baby. Trump may be here for a second term but he's no good.
Yesterday, in his State of the Nation speech (and don't tell me it was fake) he lied about working to have pre-existing medical conditions accepted. He has been working against this since B4 he was president. He said he wants to bring drug prices down. Another lie. There's been a bill in the senate (HR2) for months and he won't ask McConnell to bring it to the Senate floor. He says he brought more jobs than any other president. Another lie. In the last 3 yrs of his presidency, Obama brought more that Trumpo brought in the last 3 yrs. He says he fixed the economy. Another lie. He's been riding Obama's recovery all these years. This is not fake news. This is by noted economists all over the world.
So, baby, go listen to whom ever you want to listen but, ACTUALLY LISTEN to what's being said. And enough with "He/she did this or that" Trumpo is an individual and as such, he's solely responsible for his actions.
It's a wonder how the US continues to thrive despite the huge numbers of uneducated dumb fucks like you.
Nancy Pelosi, sheesh,what a sore looser.She did not have to make herself look foolish,she coulda torn up and tossed the papers out later.Not in front of the cameras.so disrespectful of the office of the President.
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They occomplished their actuall goal. Divide America.Next is to try to conqure it .
I would rather have Joe Biden running for Dem than the rest of them. At least we know how dumb he can be ,we don't know about the rest of them except they want give it all away.
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