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Started by phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,19 18:34  other posts
If all on this green earth you have to do to be able to get your giggles is to be a troll on a website of any kind, you need to get a fucking life !
Being famous on the internet is like the special olympics,if you win ,you are still retarded.
As for the site,even if you become famous,you are still lonely and in the basement trolling internet sites.
I guess 2warmpuss has multiable personality disorder the reason she speaks of herself in third person.Who knows? Who really gives a shit.
What we need to do is if she post something,just fucking ignore it.stop feeding her like a bird.Maby she will quit coming back?

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By #460385 12,Mar,19 10:51
Hey Charlie, (because that's really who we are speaking too). As 2nice said, AoD is a beautiful woman, one you only wish you had the honor to be with. Your mouth is spewing shit, I assume the same shit you clean out of your diaper everyday. I'm sure you would have gotten a better response out of some old lonely members by being nicer. But you stank shit mouth ruins it. You keep asking who is gonna take these granny panties off my page? Bitch get your Aussie friends to take them down. I mean really, if they were your friends they would send you some gifts to move the other ones off. Yeah, but I don't see that happening.
By #487013 12,Mar,19 11:05
Funny how it actually thinks it has friends. Just because some desperate dude that would fuck the crack of dawn if he could and has to get hookers says he would fuck them, doesn’t mean it’s your friend.

If it’s truly Candy/diabetes and not Charlie horse talking; well maybe if he was as sweet as they claim he’d do more to tell his woman she’s sexy to him. It’s clear by the desperate need for attention they it ain’t getting it at home. Sadly we give it to them, and they lap it up whether it’s good or bad. Look at how hot flashes constantly reposts what others have said. It loves it.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 11:13
Anything you say,,,,,I don't care. I certainly won't change your mind

[deleted image]

you were the last remaining minion to put your two cents into this.
All this because i said that Bella's forum was BORING.
By #460385 12,Mar,19 11:35
All of this because you can't keep shit from spewing out of you pie hole. You can post anything I say, cause I stand behind every word. And if you think leo and the Aussie will come to battle, keep waiting. You are bat shit crazy.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 11:41
Why would I wait for anyone???? When are you people going to get it through your thick skulls I walk alone. You think I need help battling a bunch of idiots like you? Don't make me laugh. If you are right, then I've been twisting your Knickers for the last 3 yrs. Maybe, what you should do is ask the Aussies and Leo for help. Now, be a nice little boy and go play with your resident pussy. You don't belong in adult conversations.
--------------------------------------- added after 29 seconds

Pie hole,,,hahaha
My opinion
By #460385 12,Mar,19 12:13
Unfortunately, I don't and have never given a flying hillbilly fuck about you. I'll take the little boy comments, seeing as I'm under 90. And to think I didn't blacklist your crazy ass this time around thinking you might change. Time to change yours and Jerome's diaper now.
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 12:07 other posts 
She says that she "walks alone". Is that really possible when you have a dozen different personalities living in your head?
By #460385 12,Mar,19 12:15
I think there is a lot of "pretend" that goes on in that bag of rocks.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 12:24
little boy,,little boy,,little boy,,
did Mama teach you to wank yet??? Go ahead and block me. I did come after you didn't I? Well,,,do it and then you can try to get up. I'm sure your wife would like some feeling
By #460385 12,Mar,19 12:26
WTF, hey Will I h-ate to ask again. But I'm gonna need a translator on this please.
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 12:32 other posts 
No problem. I can translate whack-a-do. The Crone says:

She is waaay older than you. Older than dirt.
She believes that a mother should teach her son to masturbate.
She likes to be blacklisted. It turns her on, and she hopes it turns you on also.
The last part is some deranged comment about Mrs. CC54's feelings. It doesn't really translate in any sane language.
By #460385 12,Mar,19 12:57
Ok, so in a nutshell. She is still a bat shit crazy whack job. Got it.👍
By #578610 12,Mar,19 14:24
You know? A few years back I sugested you are gay. You really got mad. Either you are still in the closet or you are a secret homophobe. I mean, all those pics in your page, are they really your wife? It looks like Internet pics to me. And the way you always mention AissieMan, you want to suck his dick, don't you? Well, good luck with that. He's not into sissy country boys
By #578610 12,Mar,19 14:11
I meant to say you are not man enough to satisfy your wife
By #460385 12,Mar,19 14:38
Is she my wife or some internet chick? Make up your mind. You got happy pills for this. Take em.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 15:20
I don't know. I'm betting you don't know either. At least, not in the Biblical sense, little pee pee

My opinion
By #460385 12,Mar,19 15:24
Fucking English please. I can't keep asking Will to interpret. God damnit man.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 17:41
Then go back to school and get a proper education
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 18:28 other posts 
I don't mind interpreting. There are probably a lot of people who don't understand what the Crone is blathering about.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 14:30
Professor, you got to get new material. You are supposed to be an author (that's debatable). Can't you come up with new stuff?
Tell you what, why don't you label your ragging with numbers 1 to 10 then you can say:
"Hot saggy etc, # 5 to you" It would save time for both of us

My opinion
By #487013 12,Mar,19 19:19
Thanks Will, now I got that stupid green day song in my head.
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 22:27 other posts 
Isn't "stupid Green Day song" redundant?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 15:29 other posts 
When I ask about posting pics of yourself,this IS NOT what I had in mind.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 17:42
Sorry, I'm not a mind reader
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 22:57 other posts 
Hotpussy told me she has an MBA.. I think she was confused with she wants to fuck some rat in the NBA
By #578610 12,Mar,19 23:02
The NBA has rats?

By #460385 12,Mar,19 21:56
People, stop. There is no woman on the other side. It's been a ratchet old man from the beginning. I don't care what kind of personal conversations you have had with twowarmtts. It's always been a guy.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 22:02 other posts 
Yea,I just wish the yapping would stop.I keep throwing rocks trying to get it to stop and it won't.
By #460385 12,Mar,19 22:05
Keep trying my friend.
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 22:31 other posts 
Besides, verbally slapping the Crone down is like shooting fish in a barrel. Mentally retarded fish. Grotesque, attention-seeking, mentally retarded fish.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 22:47
This from a gay cayote. Ha
By #578610 12,Mar,19 22:51
So, twowarmtts was a guy, twowarmtts2 was a guy, those other two, I don't know them was a guy, and now hotpussy (me) is a guy. And you say I'm delusional?
Cunt, you need to swith your account to the SYC side
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 22:56 other posts 
is it Salt or Pepper typing??
By #460385 12,Mar,19 23:00
It's a toss up. Depending if Jerome has his dick in Charlie's mouth or ass.

By #275407 11,Mar,19 15:31
You know what happens when you leave a old fish lying around, it stinks up the place. And you can't seem to get rid of the smell.
By #487013 11,Mar,19 15:43
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 15:53 other posts 
The only way that pussy is "hot" is from inflammation due to chronic yeast infection...
By #487013 11,Mar,19 17:35
That or Old Charlie left the jar of mayonnaise in it again after making himself a lox and chopped beef sandwich
--------------------------------------- added after 14 hours


You’re a fine one to talk about pussy stink. Yours smells like low tide and putrification. As for old limp dick Charlie Horse, I wouldn’t want that decaying corpse anywhere near me any way. The only reason anyone thinks your old dried up carcass is sexy is because this is the internet and most of the men are beyond desperate. All you have to do is post a pic of your dried up creviced Grand Canyon snatch and those mouth breathing horn balls will like it. You’re a delusional old bat. Seriously the embalming fluid must be affecting that rotted mush you call a brain. Not only are your posts nothing but inchoherrant rants, you’re just flat out fucking annoying. No one likes you. No ones going to take off the panties. Quit asking. Take them and cover that petrified prune you call a face you old irrelevant whore. I tried to be nice and not say anything and just ignore you... You come back and pretend to be someone else but anyone with half a brain can see through your shit. You’re a fucking lying bitch. You call people names, steal their pictures and make homophobic slurs; then try to justify your crap by oh I’m bored and defending myself. Ever notice your three friends never come to your defense? It’s because NO ONE FUCKING LIKES YOU. Go back to whatever convelescent home you escaped from, and take your Metamucil and Estrogen. You think you’re witty and dish it out to everyone but you’re just sadly pathetic. You’re desperate for attention, and you’re grasping at straws trying to get it. You’re also stuck in the past by the way you post pics of yourself from the 30’s of when you were semi attractive. You can tell by the way you style your hair with little g/irl ringlets and bows like you’re really Baby Jane except uglier and with more makeup caked on and wrinkles. You tell everyone you’re 61 but the faces on money look younger than you do. I’d tell you to grow up, but you would more than likely die.

I’d also say go buy a cat or a dog so you would have something to love you; but why make the poor animal suffer.

My opinion. And you can shove that up your ass. Knowing you that’s probably the only thing that old pit gaping mausoleum you call your snatch and ass can get off on anymore.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 10:27
Angelofdeath is a chicken shit. She sends me trash gifts while hiding behind a blacklisting of me. Anyway, I'm honored you've spent all those points. Heck, I just figured out that you dummies contributed over 600 points to make me cry,,,BOO HOOO!!! all my friends are having a laugh. The gifts stay up there to show what shits you all are. Oh, By the way, Angel

[deleted image]

My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 15:32 other posts 
That is not a load of horse crap,that is only a small single deposit.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 19:12
Sorry, I didn't know you or DeathWarmedOver collected it,,
By #487013 12,Mar,19 19:13
No but you seem to collect it there twobadkidneys.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 19:20
DeathWarmedOver,,,,how surprising,,,and again, you used a bunch of points that cost me 35 points to get rid off. Dumbass.
By #487013 12,Mar,19 19:22
More where that came from twobadkidneys. You’re welcome you shit for brains.
By #487013 12,Mar,19 19:12
Because it pisses you off.

Nice shit btw. Old Charlie Horse must of had to be really careful when he yanked your tits to keep you from shitting on the floor.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 19:21
I didn't know you were an expert on shit, but, it's not surprising,,,
By #487013 12,Mar,19 19:22
Well you are giving lessons.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 19:30
"they aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree" one of the comments from one of my chat buddies,
By #578610 12,Mar,19 19:27
BTW, I saw your page and except for a set of manmade jugs, you got nothing to show. I may be old or my tits may sag, but, lady, I'll put mine against yours any day. At least I'm honest. I don't hide behind a dress.
By #487013 12,Mar,19 19:43
All real here grandma Moses.

Put your tits against mine then, maybe your chat buddies can get a go fund me page going for you to help you rent a forklift to pick up those two fried eggs you got hanging from your chest.

And of course there’s no dress for you to hide behind, Charlie wears them all. So use your shower curtain.
By #578610 12,Mar,19 20:00
Well yeah,,,,,silicone is real...And yes, My Charlie likes to dress in drag,,He also fucks like few men can. Of course, he doesn't do n.ecrophilia. BTW, either I have huge ones or fried eggs. I can't have both. Like I said, This site is full of brain challenged people
By #487013 12,Mar,19 21:44
You being the most challenged of course.
By #578610 11,Mar,19 18:19
Old Charlie would throw up if he had to taste Angelofdeath's pussy. But, like the professor said, a pussy with a chronic yeast infection can be intense. Someone should tell her that she smells really bad. Cody, It was bad to bring Angelofdeath's condition up, After all, your balls are in danger of falling off from that untreated STD.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

BTW guys, are you teenagers? How childish can you get? Between the 3 of you there might be a total of 17 yrs of what? Poopy diapers ??? Really???
Hey Bella,,,are these the serious people who get offended when I complain about BORING forums??
By 2nice [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 18:44 other posts 
Charlie wouldn’t know what to do with AoD’s pussy. First of all, it’s a beautiful pussy, not a cavernous stank pit of holy fuck.

Charlie would blow before she even had her pants off.
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 18:53 other posts 
Wasn't the Cavernous Stank Pit of Holy Fuck a torture device used during the Spanish Inquisition?
By 2nice [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 19:02 other posts 
Yes, it was worse than execution.
By #578610 11,Mar,19 19:15
First, JustWill wouldn't recognize a pussy if it sat on him. He's as Gay as a 3 dollar bill. You would be lucky if a woman says hello to you, let alone show you pussy. So, who are you trying to kid???HAHAHA
My opinion
By 2nice [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 19:29 other posts 
You will NOT do this.

Will, does...recognize the human form, in that which is beautiful. Regardless of sex.

Do not pigeon hole people.
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 22:29 other posts 
Mr Yumm, the Crone is a homophobe. This has been well established in posts throughout all of its many incarnations.
By #578610 11,Mar,19 23:14
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 23:56 other posts 
damn,I was going to hang a few more pairs on the line for ye but them things are 20 points EACH!
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 22:42 other posts 
On the other hand,I have no problem whatsoever when it comes to recognizing a delusional, lying, shit-talking Crone, Candymandybonboncharlietits....
By #578610 11,Mar,19 22:59
By #578610 11,Mar,19 23:10
I'm not a homophobe. What I am is a JustWillphobe. The fact that you are gay is not my fault. The honorable guy that was going to stay neutral did not. Now you complain that I am delusional, lying,shit-talking Crone. Professor, wheather you are straight or gay,whatever your sexual proclivity is, you still are a shitty human being, a back stabber, and a low life.
My opinion
By #489701 11,Mar,19 19:08
You have no right to insult anyone's pussy cougar whore. Yours looks like a cross between rotten roast beef and a liver with cirrhosis. I know i said i was finished with this, but that was based on a hope that you'd shut your fucking mouth. Fat chance...
By #578610 11,Mar,19 19:12
Oh, my GOD, Curveball45,,, , You meany. I'm really upset now.
My opinion

See guys? everyone jumps in to get their pound of flesh.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Hey, asshole, did you borrow that Avatar? You sound like a pussy. Anyway, who the fuck asked you for your opinion. And while we are at it. Please finish. You stink and I could use fresh air. You know, now that i think about it, you post no pics, talk like the professor, are you the alter ego of the professor??
My opinion
By 2nice [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 19:17 other posts 
By #578610 11,Mar,19 19:27
?????????? ok, lollipop,,,you got me,,,,I don't know how to answer that,,
By 2nice [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 19:34 other posts 
Then don’t, for a change.
By #578610 11,Mar,19 23:16
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 19:31 other posts 
I don't recall anyone asking your for yours either.
By #578610 11,Mar,19 19:42
There's a difference giving an opinion about an event and about a person.
By #489701 11,Mar,19 19:44
Your stupidity amazes me to no end. Did i borrow my avatar? Hmmm...let me think that one over. YES, DUMBASS!!! It's a photo of my hat you assclown. As far as why i do or do not have photos on my page, that's a simple enough response also. Don't fucking worry about it. And finally, am i Will? No, but i accept that as a compliment as i consider him to be an awesome friend here. Buzz off now as i've already put enough of my time here into clarifying your stupidity. By the way, the queen of multiple accounts would know all about that subject wouldn't you?
By #578610 11,Mar,19 19:55
So why are you still here commenting on my posts? I didn't know you are gay. Now I get it. JustWill is a good guy. BTW, You really think i'm going to listen to your ORDERS? "BUZZ OFF" HAHAHA. It's obvious the best part of your father ran down your mom's leg when you were conceived. Idiot,
My opinion
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 22:22 other posts 
See there you go again running your fucking mouth again and your not thinking your so close to crossing the line again with that crude comment to curve ball why don't you just leave my opinion
By #578610 11,Mar,19 23:15
Are you going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours


[deleted image]
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Mar,19 22:26 other posts 
Thank you, my friend.
By #578610 11,Mar,19 22:59

--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

By #578610 12,Mar,19 10:35

[deleted image]

My opinion
By #578610 11,Mar,19 23:15
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
By #578610 11,Mar,19 23:16
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 05:34 other posts 
Certainly not me I like them on top of your page it gives other members something worth while to look at when they visit your page
By #489701 12,Mar,19 06:40
I thought after the inappropriate comment she left me earlier that i'd leave a gift that REALLY lets people see what she is.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Mar,19 09:28 other posts 
Hahaha a very appropriate gift for a very inappropriate woman or man
By #578610 12,Mar,19 19:16
All those granny panties and other HATE gifts cost over 600 points. Free or paid for? I don't care. I love the fact you fools cared enough. And then you say I'm to blame for the fighting. FOOLS,,,,FOOLS,,,,FOOLS
By #578610 12,Mar,19 10:19

[deleted image]

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