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Is it a secret?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #543240 [Ignore] 09,Jun,19 02:18
If this applies too you, but does anyone close to you know that you're secretly gay or bisexual? Is it something that you're hiding? No one close to me knows that I've sucked dick before and was wondering if it's that same to other?

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By #590925 11,Aug,19 18:38
No one knows that I secretally imagine myself sucking friends cock, while I hang out with him.

By #64328 27,Jul,19 08:48
Yes, my bi side has always been secretive and most that I've ever been with are secretive about it too. I would love to hear about other guys secrets. I makes me feel normal

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 25,Jul,19 12:54 other posts 
Its the same for me also

By Supersexy69 [Ignore] 25,Jul,19 11:35 other posts 
Yes its the same with me also.

By Apantyhoselovr [Ignore] 14,Jul,19 03:07 other posts 
my best friend used to jo me and watch me suck but no one else does and he's deceased now.

By #545468 13,Jul,19 20:22
Those important in my life know I am gay. Those who wouldn't understand don't know. I don't hide it but I don't promote it either.

By Mowgli999 [Ignore] 13,Jul,19 08:55 other posts 
Mate, you are so fucking hot I am glad that you are bi - more people get to play with you

By #574505 11,Jul,19 13:15
Yes it is

By #536913 27,Jun,19 02:12
For me, the secret is that I'm a complete perv and that I'm desperate for sexual attention. If I got lucky in real life, I probably wouldn't hang out here much. My reason for being here is to vent my sexual frustrations. To be honest, I might say I like dick on here, but I can't be totally sure if it's a sincere turn on or if it's exciting because it's something outright sexual in my sexless life.
By #585071 11,Jul,19 12:39

By #594159 11,Jul,19 12:06
I wish I could fine A guy that would really like to have a friend like me that would be a Steady cocksucker but would have to trust him not be a whore, I am married don't want stds the right guy would get his cock sucked a couple times a day if he'd like. Just want to suck cock an swallow cum

By #554032 08,Jul,19 23:23
My ex wife and i used to swing and i sucked the other guy off numerous times. Apart from that no one else would even think that, although my now wife has an idea i have done it in the past i think

By #584599 02,Jul,19 16:11
Only an ex girlfriend of my brother knows my secret. It took me 20 years to share it with her.

By Allalexallday [Ignore] 29,Jun,19 14:07 other posts 
My fiancee is the only person who knows about me sucking cock. I think she really likes when I tell her about it.
By SluttySarah069 [Ignore] 29,Jun,19 14:46 other posts 
My wife knows I'm Bi and a CD - but doesn't approve so I don't make an issue of it.

By liccalottapussy2 [Ignore] 27,Jun,19 23:27 other posts 
My wife and I are both bi and we have been since we met.

By Beans [Ignore] 26,Jun,19 20:41 other posts 
No one knows that I've sucked cock a couple of times. Sometimes I wish everyone did
--------------------------------------- added after 50 seconds

Except for the guys I sucked obviously but they didn't know me

By #64328 26,Jun,19 13:28
That would apply to me. I think there are many guys that are on the down low or closeted, whatever you want to call it. The truth is guys are all more horny than we would suspect. But have always been secretive about it worring what other would think.

By xdjxx1 [Ignore] 26,Jun,19 10:25 other posts 
It's not something I've discussed with anyone other than those that I've been with at that exact moment.

Most people I know won't care either way that I'm bi but suspect a few wouldn't be surprised.

By #536019 11,Jun,19 19:29
Nobody but my wife knows I'm bisexual, and she doesn't know (for certain) that I sometimes get with guys for hot gay sex.
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes

She has always known I sometimes jack to gay porn (and straight porn, and bi porn, etc.).

By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Jun,19 11:47 other posts 
Man, with the portfolio on photos you have posted, many fully nude and face showing, it ain't gonna remain a secret. Hey, you're a cocksucker. Own it and be proud of it. Real men suck cocks.
By #543240 10,Jun,19 13:19
That's the thing. No one knows, show myself off on here scared someone will see the vid or pics of me sucking cock and thinking what they will say. It's like I'm trying too get caught
By spermkiss [Ignore] 11,Jun,19 18:20 other posts 
I know you are trying to get caught.

By #275407 10,Jun,19 00:13
I think my boyfriend that I'm dating might think I'm gay, not sure my lesbian wife married me because she knows I'm gay and won't bother her

By #590963 09,Jun,19 16:45
I think sexual things are completly private. Why should I talk about it with otheres?? Oldfashiond 54 y.o. man here

By #515316 09,Jun,19 16:30
I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm bi but I haven't told anyone

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