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UK vs US Murder rates

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Started by Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 06:38  other posts
Some time ago President Trump tweeted about the Mayor of London’s failings with regard to the current spate of knife Murders in London. Basically the accusation was that Sadiq Khan, the Mayor, was failing in his duty to protect Londoners.
Within the past 24 hours there have been two mass shootings in the US taking, I think, 29 lives and injuring many more. In 2019 so far up to August 4th there have been 251 mass shootings in the US. 180 people have died and over 1000 people have been injured.
If the Mayor if London is criticised for lacking to control knife crime surely Trump should be criticised for failing to take steps to deal with this horrific stream of mass shootings.

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By #582785 04,Aug,19 19:48
I want to know where you came up with the figure of 251 mass shootings in the US so far.
I am quit sure where is another Liberal Democrat LIE in that.
Please people CHECK facts.
By #551147 04,Aug,19 19:52
I said that very thing over here ➡️ /forum/thread.php?id=27800#126 That number is SERIOUSLY inflated. That's the lib way, though... Oh and calling everyone a "RACIST".
By #582785 04,Aug,19 19:55
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Aug,19 13:35 other posts 
By #578610 04,Aug,19 20:24
As of Sunday, which was the 216th day of the year, there have been 251 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive, which tracks every mass shooting in the country. The Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as any incident in which at least four people were shot, excluding the shooter.
This is part of the article from CBS here
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I didn't make it up, but, you nuclear scientists could have Googled it
By #578610 05,Aug,19 08:22
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This is a list of 2019 shootings. Again, I do research. How about you do research too before you open your PIE HOLE?
By #582785 05,Aug,19 13:52
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In 2019 alone, at least 62 people have been killed in mass shootings.

And again Research does a person good.
By #578610 05,Aug,19 14:31
Yes, I'm wrong again. Obviously no one got hurt. These people were just letting off steam. I hope you get a first hand experience the next time one of these guys wants to have fun. You can take out your piece and join him

By #578610 05,Aug,19 13:21
Ok, if everyone believes control of guns is wrong, if everyone believes that the only way to safety is for people to carry, then, ok. arm everyone. Stop wasting money and ban the FBI and the ATF from investigating these crimes. Do like Florida. Enact a national Stand Your Ground law. Don't prosecute anyone who gets in a panic and kills someone because he/she got scared. Stop licensing car drivers, hunters, pilots, or doctors. I'm game.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I don't like my neighbor. He scares me.

By phart [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 08:32 other posts 
I think there has already been plenty of criticism to go around for Trump.He is blamed for everything from the mass shootings to the melting of the polar ice caps.Although he has only been in office a little over 2 years.
His point is that no one questions the failures of others to deal with their own problems as they talk shit about him.It is called having a double standard by most folks.Expect 1 person to do 1 thing as they forget the next guys actions.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 09:43 other posts 
I agree with you that Rump has suffered way more criticism than perhaps any predecessor in their first few years in office but a lot of that is a reaction to his own actions. HE was the one who pointed the finger at the Mayor of London's alleged failings so surely he can't complain if people then say 'Hey, look at your failings'.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 09:45 other posts 
Yea,he does point and tweet a bit more than he should.Gets alot of shit slung at him for it to.BUT at least people are TALKING about the issues. Gun seizures and denial may work to prevent gun related killings in London but apparently they are going to have to out law steaks as the knives are deadly to!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 09:52 other posts 
A knife will kill 1 or maybe 2 people at a time automatic assault weapons as has been shown so often in the US kill far more people in a disturbingly short space of time. THAT is why some people see gun control as important, it is the ability to slaughter multiple people in just a few seconds that is the horror.
You may not be aware that there are regulations relating to the sale of knives in the UK, but just as some homes in the US are packed with guns every home in the UK will have kitchen knives.
By #551147 04,Aug,19 15:04
Where does it stop, though? Some have used automobiles to mow down large crowds of people killing and maiming many. Should automobiles then be banned? How about the psychopaths that refer to the internet on how to build explosives, fill a backpack full and blow the living shit out of innocent people? Outlaw backpacks, briefcases, hell, shoes, boxes? There are going to be lunatics regardless, and they WILL find a way to cause mass destruction one way or the other. People love to exploit these tragedies for their agendas. That in itself is sad behavior. So, what's the number of lunatics causing all these deaths? 10, 20, 30? What's the number? They like to throw the big numbers around like 200, 300, 400 deaths giving some false impressions. So, an entire society of people, law abiding, God fearing people (like it or not), should be punished by taking away their means of protection, for the few bad apples? Does that REALLY make sense to you? I mean hell, obesity in our country is rampant too, shall twinkies, McDonald's, candy bars, or any other fattening shit be outlawed simply because there are those that don't eat the shit in moderation? The tragedies are just that, NO gun owners are happy about them, I assure you. But what's the answer, short of punishing an entire society for the few? There's not one thing in this world that you enjoy or like possessing that if they wanted to take it away from you because of what someone else does that you would say this is bullshit to the 1st degree? Really? Not one single possession? Think about it...
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 16:12 other posts 
What I find the most disappointing and disheartening aspect of of this issue is that so many Americans are prepared to offer condolences and platitudes after each and every massacre but then shrug their shoulders and say guns are not the problem.
If these massacres were carried out using poison gas or explosives there would be a far different response and action would be taken.
Why do you think that innocent god fearing people are being punished? Surely taking efforts to prevent so many mass shootings every year is what good, innocent and God fearing citizens should be trying to do.
I wonder if the family members of the victims of these tragedies hold your view? Or how you would feel if you lost a loved one in such a tragedy?
By phart [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 16:20 other posts 
Well, Jet liners were not banned after 9-11 either.
Andthis,I don't know how much experiance you have with metal or tools but,knives,guns,swords,you name it,can be made by hand in a persons work shop with basic tools.So can alot of poison gas.
We can't ban everything.Nor can we totally ignore people dieing. But anti gunners are just going at the problem from the wrong direction.The person taking a life does not value life,therefore will take 1 or many with whatever means are avaliable to them.Edit,I think alot of the current issue is copycats."Look at him! He got on the news!".
Quit giving these killings alot of press and it would reduce the copycating.
1 death is to many,much less a 100.I get so sick of people saying only 1 or 3 people die from a knife like that is a winning situation.3 people died,there is reason for concern.
100 people died,there is a reason to be concerned.What do the deaths have in common, a tool,a person needing to be in jail or a looney bin BEFORE commiting a crime.
By #582785 04,Aug,19 19:58

Thank You.
By #551147 05,Aug,19 02:54
I can answer this simply... As I love the lil beings that I helped to create more than life itself (yes, I have always loved them that deeply. All 7). I would be devastated at the demise of any of them. But it's stupid to blame the object that ended their existence. You think I'd wanna get a hold of the gun and beat the shit out of it for my anguish? The one that did me wrong was the piece of shit that pulled the trigger. God help him if he/her/they live long enough for me to have a chance to get my hands on them. People would be able to witness a real lunatic in action. That being said, I do my best to teach my kids about being aware of their surroundings and those around them. I also have taught 5 of the 7 the importance of being armed at all times, ESPECIALLY in this fucked up day and age. Yes, my 5 eldest children have concealed carry permits and have been taught gun safety and when and how to use them proficiently. It's not a 100% guarantee that that would help their survival, but it damn sure gives them a higher chance. The deaths of these random shooting are incredibly sad. But disarming citizens is NOT the answer. There are several countries with disarmed citizens and yet they still suffer violent acts. What's the answer? I have none, just as neither do any of you? How do you find the nutjobs in any given society? Figure that out and you will have the answer to how to stop the senseless killings. I stand firm that disarming is not the answer, and more regulations don't do shit either. Other than make it more difficult for law abiding citizens.
By #582785 04,Aug,19 19:55
No guns then they use bombs.
Guns are NOT the problem, people are.
Get real.
Like the school bay says "My pencil is what makes my bad grades"
By admin [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 20:46 other posts 
Tsanaev brothers did not use guns, they used a simple bomb made out of materials easily obtainable from convenience stores. They killed 3 and injured literally hundreds of people, 16 of those lost limbs. Bombs of such scheme actually intended to do not kill a lot, but to leave a lot of seriously injured, with lifetime disabilities which is sometimes worse than death.

Anyone can build a bomb like that at home. In fact, their was rather clumsy. With a little more dedication you can make a much more deadly bomb. Lunatics will still be able to kill a lot of people without access to guns. So they will have to ban or control a lot of chemicals which will make harder lives of everyone.

From what I can see in other countries, they don't stop at guns, they keep banning things and stripping people of their freedoms until you wonder - is it worth it at all? Prisons are the most secure places in the sense, people are not allowed to have not only knives, but any metal things there, but they still manage to kill each other. Do you want to live your entire life in prison, stripped of all your freedoms for security that is not that secure after all?
By #551147 05,Aug,19 03:01
Well said!

I can never get to that part of the argument. If they ban assault rifles and semi automatic weapons. Then they start coming for more and more. Revolvers, single shots, some parts of our country already zapped straws, guess paper wads will be next... 😏
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 05,Aug,19 09:10 other posts 
In 2017 73% of all murders in the US were by firearm, that is 11,004 murders. Of course there is no definitive causal link.
Maybe American's are just more violent in general. The murder rate for the US in 2017 was 5.5 per 100,000, for Canada it was 1.8 per 100 000 and for Western Europe (discounting ex soviet satellites) it is between 0.5 and 2 per 100,000.

I recently saw a documentary where a perfectly sane man fro a southern state explained that should the federal government ever attempt serious gun control there would be a civil war. Reading and listening to comments by defenders of the right to bear arms I really believe that he could be right.
I don't know where admin was born or brought up but a number of his comments over the past few years link freedom to bear arms with freedom in general. Those two things do not go together. There are many free, democratic countries where ownership of guns is very tightly controlled.

In the end in a democratic country with free and fair elections we get the governments that we the voters deserve.

A vocal and powerful portion of the US electorate want the freedom to hold assault rifles and to keep huge arsenals of weapons, so that is what the US has. That is not going to change anytime soon. Sadly.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,19 11:48 other posts 
I honestly do not feel secure enough here at home or out in public to give up my rights to defend myself. If you read the law,to the letter,Police are not actually under any LEGAL obligation to protect you.They just do it as a job,just as you would not have a legal obligation to make a hamburger for someone.But yet liberals feel like we should give up guns and let the police protect us.For me,here at home,9-11 response is about 12 to 15 minutes. ALOT can happen in 15 SECONDS, just think what can happen in 15 minutes.
Until you can come up with a solution to a issue like that for example,it will be hard to get most sane people to give up their protection.

By wycowboy [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 11:29 other posts 
A firearm is not to blame for ANY mass shooting. The deranged person is. I live in northern Wyoming. In Wyoming we do not need a permit to carry a concealed weapon and, as a result, many of us carry openly. I do at times although most of the time it is concealed. We also have one of the highest per person firearm ownership totals in the US here. We do not have mass shootings in Wyoming and our violent crime rate is way lower, per capita, than most other places in the US. I believe that is because the people who would do violent crime here know that the chances of the victim being armed are way higher than not. Sure, taking away guns will decrease mass shootings. The deranged people who do them will just turn to bombs or something else so why don't we treat the deranged instead of following along with the what teh media and politicians want like sheep?
By #578610 04,Aug,19 19:24
Well? Why don't we? I live in Miami, FL and this city is almost all Cuban. Every woman carries a small handgun in her bag. All the men carry or own a handgun. Domestic violence always involve a gun. Cuckold husbands kill the wife and lover all the time. Everyone is armed and it doesn't prevent the gun violence. On the contrary. There are countless cases were a robbery is taking place and everyone takes their guns out and begin shooting. Many people got hurt. Don't take my word for it. There's a member, CountryCouple54, who lives in the next county and works in Hialeah. Ask him
By #582785 04,Aug,19 19:50

By #578610 04,Aug,19 10:52
Why can't people like Phart actually use their brains to reason out what's been happening in the last 3 yrs. I don't blame Trump for guns or mass murderers, but, he's the president with the power to make a difference. Why doesn't he take the initiative. And comparing knives to AK47's is as ridiculous as anything I've ever read

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