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Started by #551147 [Ignore] 23,Nov,19 09:36
New Comment Rating: 2 Similar topics: 1.Best friend sucking 2.All Trump and only Trump 3.Jim Jordan Running for House Speaker 4.Fake News is at it AGAIN 5.Tom Smothers RIP Comments: |
"I have FULLY authorized the TOTAL declassification of ANY & ALL documents pertaining to the single GREATEST POLITICAL CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email scandal too. NO REDACTIONS!"
And the TRUTH, shall set you free!!
🇺🇲 Vote 4 The 2nd Amendment - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
Judge him on his record.
I've never seen or heard that before.
Now that I have, they are in fact the party of slavery and Jim Crow. It still baffles the hell outta me that Black folks would align theirselves with such a party. Why in the hell wouldn't they have chosen to align themselves with the party that freed them. Makes ZERO sense! Of course I have the same opinion about Whites too. Why align yourself with a party so full of atrocities?
Makes you wonder if "Stockholm Syndrome" is legitimate. 🤔
🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds
It would appear... That the glove fits! If the glove fits, you must convict!
Who REALLY gives a flying fuck!
I mean... They must TRULY believe they are that fucking important. As long as they hold that belief and choose alienation of at least SOME of their fans, sports teams can go broke for all I give a fuck. They are mostly a bunch of overpaid spoiled whiney cocksuckers anyway. The fucking nerve!
They should take them overpaid lil bitches money and divvy it out to real IMPORTANT people, like teachers, police, and firefighters.
I think it would be MORE entertaining to watch the Republicans and Democrats play sports anyway! They could choose to decide on issues one way or the other by winning the said game they are playing.
Why not!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
Least someone knows how to read. Appreciate you!
🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
I never quite understood it all anyway,they never show enough of the cheerleaders!
Seems like a pretty clear 1st amendment right, to make your opinion known by direct action.
Seems to me like YOU give a flying fuck. Your rate of "rattled cage" seems pretty high - maybe you're the sort of cunt they were trying to provoke?
Have you seen the video yet, of some Floridan law makers praying to the devil?
🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
[deleted image]
It's less than 1 minute, enjoy!
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🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
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Justice is justice but in politics it's to divert what is just to create false narrative in order to obtain power and control.. at this time the left is struggling. They don't know what to do because they are being exposed and the only thing they can resort to is violence of inner cities. First thing that left tries to do is to get as many illegal people in this country as they can 2 Menace with the election. When Trump put up that wall the left losses and they know this. That's why you have all this violence and craziness because this is all the left has to work with. Justice will never be followed perfectly but the Constitution tries to be as perfect as it can in dealing with one person being equal with the other but the left convinces the black population that they are being undermined in order to obtain their vote
🇺🇸 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
--------------------------------------- added after 54 seconds
MAGA 2020
Yes! Yes it was! Fantastic point, Sir!
Thanks for reminding us.
🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
Hey baby
Won't you take a chance
I left my rubbers
In the other pants.
Good Man!
🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
Did you hear? We are taking over the Windy City. Up with anarchy.
Our Country is SO great, those that hate us won't even leave.
🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
Tucker Carlson 2020.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours
Well, anyway, I have it on good authority that he will work for this. Biden is a geritol man
Justice is justice but in politics it's to divert what is just to create false narrative in order to obtain power and control.. at this time the left is struggling. They don't know what to do because they are being exposed and the only thing they can resort to is violence of inner cities. First thing that left tries to do is to get as many illegal people in this country as they can 2 Menace with the election. When Trump put up that wall the left losses and they know this. That's why you have all this violence and craziness because this is all the left has to work with. Justice will never be followed perfectly but the Constitution tries to be as perfect as it can in dealing with one person being equal with the other but the left convinces the black population that they are being undermined in order to obtain their vote
I disagree.
Chauvin knelt on his neck for 9 minutes. NINE MINUTES.
It was excessive and continued long after Floyd had stopped struggling.
Chauvin made a conscious choice to prolong his kneeling on Floyd's neck--which caused the man's death.
Chauvin's actions are what killed Floyd. REGARDLESS of the drugs in his system, his anxiety, or his heart condition. All of that stuff reeks of victim blame (of the "If she didn't want to be r@ped, she shouldn't have been there or have been dressed like that" variety), and is irrelevant to the outcome of the situation.
Chauvin EXECUTED Floyd.
I agree with JustWill. Executedis the right word
Marital Law,wouldn't be able to have a election? Gee we could get a good rumor mill going here and prompt the snow flakes to arrange group jump offs the empire state building!
He said something less than that and their fucking heads about spun off their shoulders. Now the dumbshits are convinced he'll have to be removed...
🇺🇸 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇲
Somewhere in Bidens head there is a snowglobe on meth.
🇺🇸 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇲
.... That a boy, let me hand you your shovel so you can start digging.
They've initiated a lawsuit to dissolve the N.R.A. a group with over 5 million members.
Boy you are on a roll TODAY!
🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
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