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Can't read blogs

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Dec,19 10:22  other posts
Can't read blogs, or write a new one. Android users, any similar problem?

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Similar topics: 1.Best rated blogs   2.Does anyone read blogs?   3.Any good Blogs?   4.Is it just me, or does there seem to be a lack of Blogs about BBC?   5.blogs...  

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Dec,19 12:15 other posts 
Hi Gntlmn, I hope you had a fantastic Christmas holiday and that 2020 proves to be a good year for you and yours!

On December 21, I posted this in my STUFF, JUST STUFF..... thread;

"I just did a system update on my phone so I'm not sure whether this is related to the update or just a co-inky-dink...... I've noticed that when I visit the RECENT BLOGS /blogs/ and attempt to open one, it takes a bit longer. Has anyone else noticed this or is it a SNAFU uniquely related to my device?"

Just an f.y.i., I have and Android myself so my guess is that something got tweaked.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Dec,19 23:44 other posts 
Thanks to all for responding.
--------------------------------------- added after 40 hours

No luck. The page seems "frozen".
--------------------------------------- added after 44 hours

The situation is improving.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Dec,19 20:11 other posts 
Although admin suggests that there does not seem to be an issue, I can't imagine why you, me and Petro635 are experiencing problems with accessing blogs.

Just a question, try "clicking on" a blog that looks interesting and just wait. When I wrote that I was experiencing the problem, I said "it takes a bit longer". I'm not a good judge of time, but in the past, when I clicked on what I wanted to read, BAM!, it was there. Now I'm waiting, I'm not certain that it is 20, 30, 40 seconds, all I can say is that it is just not IMMEDIATE. Try choosing something and just be patient.
By admin [Ignore] 28,Dec,19 21:55 other posts 
40 seconds? For real? It takes 0.5 seconds for me and I have relatively slow internet at the moment. If it takes more than 5 seconds, something is not right. But I see nothing unusual.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Dec,19 23:35 other posts 
Prior to December 21, the RECENT BLOGS category would open immediately for me and now it will not. I acknowledge that I am not a good judge of time and reiterated that that category no longer opened immediately.

You are the expert and know the system that you designed. You see nothing wrong, no worries, it's only three members who have experienced something contrary.
By admin [Ignore] 29,Dec,19 07:21 other posts 
We are talking about this page, right? /blogs/

May be it's too long for phones, though it really should not be the case, since many pages these days are 100 times larger than that page. But let me shorten it a bit may be it will help.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Dec,19 10:58 other posts 
Yes, we are (I am) referring to that page. When I click on /blogs/ , the page immediately opens however when I clicked on a specific blog to read, it took longer to open. I employed the "one-one thousand, two-one thousand" method to determine how long it took to open an individual blog and I was somewhere between eight-one thousand and nine-one thousand in my count which probably equates to 8 or 9 seconds. I know 8 or 9 seconds is not long but it SEEMS LIKE an eternity when you have been accustomed to "immediate".

Whatever adjustment you made seems to have worked. Thank you.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Dec,19 23:48 other posts 
Thanks to all for responding. Happy New year to you!
By #601496 29,Dec,19 13:03
Quick question, are you using VPN? My Netflix quit working until I turned off my Norton VPN, then it started working

By #601496 29,Dec,19 08:06
Just an FYI. My Android tablet and my IPhone loads blogs up instantly. My Toshiba laptop with Windows does too.

By admin [Ignore] 27,Dec,19 13:26 other posts 
The code is very primitive on those pages I can't even imagine what may not work. I checked on my old android phone and it works for me without any problems.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Dec,19 13:42 other posts 
The other thing I noticed these last two days is that the system is slow. Regardless of whether I'm accessing the site from my phone or from my laptop it's slow. And it's the same from a few wifi places.

By #588327 28,Dec,19 08:31
The pages won't open or later as on my Android

By #574505 27,Dec,19 13:35
I can read on my Android

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