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that other tower of intellect (phart)

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 10:09  other posts
Damn,I have not had such a good laugh in my life as I got when I read that tidbit from Huxley.
I can Assure you Hux,if we were both towers of Intellect,we would not be twins,I could wiz on your roof! If I could miss my boots!
Not because either of us is dumb,just not as smart in different aspects of life.

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Similar topics: 1.I have my own SYD stalker!   2.No Collusion.   3.HUGE DICKS   4.Stupid people   5.PHART'S FEELINGS ON NEWS AROUND THE WORLD  

By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 10:25 other posts 
Isn't that a beautiful way to look at it!

Is a surgeon better or smarter than a dentist? They are both doctors. You're both intellectual beings, you seem to specialize in life smarts and huxley999 specializes in book smarts. It's good that you fellas have come to a meeting of the minds.

Why not make it official, make him a "friend".
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 10:56 other posts 
I believe phart is all ready on Huxley friend list
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 12:15 other posts 
I believe you are right, phart is on huxley's "friends" list but is huxley on phart's "friends" list? That was my question.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 12:18 other posts 
Is huxley on yours?
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 12:36 other posts 
Not yet but we will work on that
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 13:38 other posts 
I don't know if you saw huxley's new threads created yesterday, but in one, this is what I wrote.


If you have room on your "friends" list to befriend huxley999 , please help a guy out. He can't help it that he lives in the UK, that he's well read and well educated. And don't hold it against him because he's opinionated, either.

If you don't like his responses, tell him to "fuck off" before he has that opportunity to say it to you.

Thanks for your consideration. Peace.

You have to know that smart people are going to have smart responses, that's who they are. The "regular" person is going to have a "regular" and/or practical response because that's who they are. There's quite a bit of name calling and some feelings are bound to be hurt, I for one, tend to be a "snowflake". Don't forget, there are differences in people because of their education and economic background. Let's not forget their language and slang. Gosh, in the UK, a bathroom is a loo, a fanny is a reference to a pussy, for goodness sake, they eat pork-n-beans for breakfast and drink tea, not coffee. I think they use slang that we find offensive, but those are minor differences, no?

This picture is compliments of Dev01 , I snatched it from his page. This MIGHT explain the use of "cunt".

By phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,20 23:03 other posts 
Pork n beans for breakfast? That is fucked up as a football bat!
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,20 05:20 other posts 
You should see a picture of what is considered to be a "proper English breakfast". Oh, dear!
By #188992 30,Aug,20 11:16
Phart and I have been friends on here for a while, actually.

I'm glad my buddy has a sense of humour. We all need that!

If I'm being a tiny bit mean-spirited, I would never think to lecture phart on troubleshooting problems with electronic stuff. It's an area where I have little or no knowledge. That principle doesn't seem to stop phart commenting on Economic theory or Politics!!

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