Started by #614425 [Ignore] 13,Oct,20 15:25
New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.Come Back Pony-Girl! 2.My Cousin-in-Law wants to move in... 3.Democrats refuse to vote on relief money unless $35 million goes to Kennedy center 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.democrats refused to vote on relief bill unless $25 million was secured for house paychecks Comments: | ||
In 2 years, maby Biden and the squad will fuck up enough that folks will wake up and we can get some of the senate back and what not and castrate Bidens last 2 years.If he wins.
I say Impeach Biden 2021.
Just hope the job gets done. From what I read the stimulas deal will be voted on next week.
Bussiness's and familys are more in need of news and efforts on that than the hearing for a judge.
She will do fine.
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours
What I don't like is, I have a very good job, I make good money, and I received 1200.00 stimulus check, and probably will get another one. Do I need it, no, the money should be going to people that lost their jobs and people that need it to put food on the table for their families. I donated most of the money to several organizations like disabled vets and st. Jude. And the rest went to lottery scratch off tickets
There's this little law that prohibits ANY hospital from turning ANYONE down because of lack of insurance. Matter of fact, they don't even ask for insurance until your about half way through your visit. Therefore, NO one's dying from lack of insurance.
🇺🇲 Vote 4 The 2nd Amendment 🇺🇸
Thanks for your explanation.But this is what folks like me see that don't have pre's and are not in that loop.
Does anyone get sick of the misinformation bullshit being circulated constantly? It's really stupid and tiring!
Of course you may not know that if you have your fucking head in the sand or listen to the 85%+ of corrupt media.
Here you go, for ALL to see! only registered users can see external links
A montage of Trump stating he WILL protect "PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS" 20 times, THAT'S 20 TIMES NO LESS!
If YOU choose not to watch it, then keep your ignorance to yourself.
One last point, for those up in the nose bleed section, OR the cheap seats.
Here's a bonus video of HIS new plan. only registered users can see external links
Once again, if you don't wanna take the time to educate yourself then perhaps leave the conversation to the grown folks. Just saying...
🇺🇸 Vote 4 Life - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
I get what you are saying, I do! I haven't been insured ALL my life. I too have received enormous bills that I could never pay. Seeing as you can't squeeze blood from a turnip, I just never payed them and they eventually went away. Did I like it, no! Were they ignorant and a pain in my ass, yes! Nevertheless, they eventually went away.
Here's the real life experience. By the time Obama took office, we were living just great for the mostpart. In almost every aspect of our lives. We were paying about $650 a month for healthcare, dental, and vision insurance for 7 children and 2 adults. When Obama pulled his bullshit, our cost went to $1500+ a month, FACT! REAL AND ACTUAL!
Well shit!
Just as a side note, I DO find it pretty fucking despicable how much them pieces of shit charge for drugs that are needed to sustain a person's life on a daily basis. That's a whole other discussion though.
The changes the President has made, thus far, has enabled us to once again be covered as a family with a reasonable cost. About $560 a month for healthcare, dental, and vision for 4 children and two adults. Fuel prices almost 2 dollars cheaper, per gallon, than when Obama was in office, retirement funds that have more than tripled, tax cuts that added about $5500 to our yearly pay 1st year, $6800 second year, and about $8200 for this year, and that's NOT including stimulus money. These are very real and tangible changes made by Donald Trump. ARE my and mines lives better under this President, you damn right it is, and that's what REALLY matters to most Americans.
I would love to hear how YOUR life has been negatively affected by this President. I really would and I mean that respectfully.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes
Phart, I'm willing to look at what plan trump will implement, and if it will work for me, then I will get it, but trump has to pass a plan which he had four years to do and nothing yet, before terminating affordable care act so everyone can look at his plan and see if it will work for them.nwhat he wants to do is kill the affordable care plan, then work on something that he can pass, not good. Also he wants to make medications here in the U.S. instead of being able to get meds out of the country which is so so so, much more inexpensive. I'll tell you any meds made here in the u.s. Will not compete with other country's like Canada, India and China. Because it's all about our drug companies making a killing on drugs, I know you know that.
--------------------------------------- added after 57 minutes
All anyone has to do is google it and you will see the difference between the cost, just be aware of counterfeit by assuring your getting your drugs from drug companies like cipla Canada which is Canada's best and well trusted drug company.
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Obumma care failed when I needed them the most
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Dgraff, just wait seven more years and get Medicare, that will work better for you, one of their advantage plans. It will cover a lot more gorgeous an affordable price.
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For an affordable price, damn auto correct
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes are right, hospitals are not allowed to turn away patients, but they can patch you up and send you home. They are only required to stabilize you. They can also charge you full retail and place you in a collection agency. And let's not forget. If you have the flue, do you really want to go the ER? Because that's where you'll get service. By the time they give you a Hallls lozange you'll owe them over $10000. So, what's wrong with socialized medicine? You get the care you need, the provider gets paid and the country goes on. And before you say it will bankrupt the country, I'll give you exhibit one.....covid pandemic.
BTW keep blocking me, bella!
--------------------------------------- added after 33 minutes
Impeach Biden 2021!
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