"Why is this man still insulting an ex-member. Especially since AussieMan or Lix are not here to defend themselves. I believe it’s because he’s a coward. He has me blocked for the same reason. Some members believe he’s smart. I believe he’s a lowlife."
What I find amusing is the member posting that comment is outraged because another member has posted something about former members. Okay, how is it any different from said poster making posts about active members? Is the rationale behind the thought that the active members can refute his/her posts and engage in an abusive exchange of words or what? My opinion is that the poster needs to concentrate on themselves and clean up their act. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, no?
By Santooey [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 09:07 other posts ⤴
Definite case of clinical body dysmorphia. If the hair is pulled to the side, would we see the tape used to hold up your face? It is droopy as fuck! And what is with the lazy eye? Did you recently have a stroke?
And those arms, Jesus Christ on crutches! You shouldn't be performing plastic surgery at home!
I logged on to jerk off to some pictures. This made me instantly soft! If you have Down's syndrome or are confined to a wheelchair, I might feel sorry for you.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By TWOWARMTTS3 [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 09:37 other posts
Santooey, Baby, I have little sympathy for your limp dick. It happens to a lot of men. Why are you dumping on me? All I wanted was an opinion on my new wig. Perhaps you might want to check my full page, but, an idiot like you would get little enjoyment. My advice is for you to go back to sucking dick, baby
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By Santooey [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 21:41 other posts
You look worse than a dead donkey with its asshole pried open
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By TWOWARMTTS3 [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 22:35 other posts
You must be one of Pa-Freddy’s fake accounts. Go away little girl. I don’t want to fight with you.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
Twowarmtts3!- Another member, speaking the truth about the Saggy Granny! Fucks sake. Her in that off brand merkin wig, all those filters, and she still manages to look like a used car! A used car no one wants to drive and will for sure end up in the junkyard! High mileage and tons of hail damage!
Member TwoWarmtts3! Goes shopping for a new merkin! 09,Oct,21 12:45
July 7, 2021- Inside the confines of the trailer park-
After losing what was left of her gray snatch fur due to STD and old age, member Twowarmtts3! made a big decision. To go back in time and to make her cunny look younger, the Saggy Granny decided to purchase a Merkin. What is a fucking merkin you ask? It is basically a cunt toupee!
A pubic hair piece. A toupee for the pubic area/genitals. In the 1700’s when mercury was used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (Gonorrhea or Syphilis) one of the side effects was the loss of pubic hair. To disguise this condition, that was not cured by mercury, a Merkin was employed.
17th Century setting: Due to his treatment of the "French Pox" (syphilis) with mercury a merkin Gwendolyn used a Merkin to used to hide the side effects of hair loss and not alarm her husband.
It is true that old limp noodle Charlie liked some fur on his old bird and Saggy couldn't oblige his wishes. In fact, her hairless rat hole was like a farm field in Somalia: barren and unable to grow anything. Now, the Saggy Granny and her long time friend Rhanda-Lynn went online and found a merkin for sale at one of the more nefarious websites. Using her pre-paid Visa card, Saggy shelled out $8.50 for a brown colored Merkin. Just like the Wuhan virus, it was being shipped in from China. The girls were pleased with their purchase and eagerly awaited the package. It would take 4-7 weeks to get her new kitty carpet.
October 4, 2021- The Cunt Wig Arrives!
Cursing her endless bad luck, the vag rug took longer than expected to arrive. Rhoda-Lynn had recommended the expedited shipping, but Saggy was unwilling to part with an additional $3.99. When the package arrived, the Saggy Granny could hardly contain her excitement. She screamed out the trailer window at Rhanda-Lynn to come over so they could open the package together. Rhanda-Lynn stumbled over to the trailer at the crack of 3PM, still in her stained bathrobe. The ladies got out their pre-paid mobile phones, ready to take a video of this event. Hardly Page Six in the New York Post, but it was big news in the trailer park!
The Saggy Granny used her rat claw nails to shred the package. Once opened, there was an unmistakable scent of animal urine and chemicals. Saggy didn't give a fuck and grabbed her new merkin out like she just won the Showcase Showdown on the Price is Right! It was very furry and a dark brown color. Digging deeper into the bag, the Saggy Granny didn't see the adhesive glue that would be needed to plant this pussy sweater onto her wrinkled skin. Saggy said she would just use some tape and Rhanda-Lynn cursed her for being so fucking stupid. Rhanda-Lynn suggested Gorilla Glue. She had recalled some sista using that to keep her tracks sorted out. Just as you imagined, there was no Gorilla Glue in the trailer and the old broads headed to Walgreen's to get some glue and to pick up their prescriptions.
At Walgreens there was a new procedure. There was a security guard at the front entrance checking vaccination status and ID's. Rhanda-Lynn presented her vaccination papers and ID and was admitted. The Saggy Granny being a moron, forgot her ID. She begged the guard to accept a oxycontin pill bottle with her name on it along with a membership card from Dollar General. Reluctantly, the guard let the old rat into the store. The ladies found the glue and picked up the following medications:
metformin - for diabetes
praziquantel- for tapeworms
Alosetron- for irritable bowel syndrome
We will not list the other pick ups due to privacy issues.
Back at home, Rhanda-Lynn assisted in prepping Saggy's barren cunt and put some glue on her cunt bump and the merkin. The merkin was carefully placed onto the Saggy Granny and the glue set instantly. The Saggy Granny went to the mirror to get a look at her new fur and was alarmed it was glued on crooked! Cursing and screaming, she had a plan! Grabbing her hair clippers she gave herself a cunt haircut and fixed the problem. Now, very pleased she took some pictures to be posted on Show Your Cunt. Some of her worst enemies would be silenced now that her pussy was pretty again. Or, so she thought!
October 5, 2021- The Debut on SYC
The Saggy Granny took several pictures and uploaded them to SYC. Some of the members were immediately commenting on these pictures. A few random comments, names redacted:
By XXXXXXX 05, Oct ,21 12:46
What the actual fuck is that crooked cunt fur supposed to be! Jesus fuck!
By XXXXX 05,Sep,21 12:51
Where the fuck did you buy that fake cunt wig? Fucks sake, I can see the rat tail! Disgusting pig!
By XXXXX 05,Sep,21 12:57
Looks like the drapes and the carpet match, in length and color! Is that a rat?
Absolutely outraged, The Saggy Granny removed these pics and went back to posting her pictures from 1978. Back when her cunt had natural hair. She told Rhanda-Lynn they needed an expert. Rhanda-Lynn did some research and found out that there were many fake merkins being sold online. She was convinced these were not human hairs. There was only one way to sort this out: The ladies would head to the taxidermy store.
October 8, 2021- Skins, Scales & Fur Taxidermy- Naples FL
Wanting to get out of the swamp, and knowing this was a a sensitive issue, the broads needed a shop where they would not be known. The decided on Naples, Florida. A very affluent part of Florida. They would be on the outskirts of town obviously, but they would get a taste of Camelot today! The ladies sat outside stalking the shop, waiting for the store to be devoid of customers before they went inside.
It was not usual for two women to be at a taxidermy shop, but times were tough. Randal was working and asked how he could be of service. He cracked a joke if they wanted their beavers stuffed! The ladies were outraged but had to laugh at the joke. It got serious when they told Randal why they were there. Randal locked the front door. He did not need any real customers seeing this fur test. The Saggy Granny sat in the chair and opened her fat legs, revealing her off brand cunt.
Randal tried not to gag, or get too close to her cunny. He treated it like a dangerous animal. Using one of his taxidermy tools, he moved in and cut a hair sample off and retracted the device and the sample back to safety. Randal immediately told her to close up her legs. After all, it would attract flies and moths and that would be devastating to his store. With the sample in hand, and a magnifying glas at the ready, the analysis could begin.
Randal asked where they got this pelt and could barely contain his laughter. Saggy Granny said online via China. Randal reported the hair sample was from a Nutria, a large swamp rat:
Nutria, also known as coypu or swamp rats, are large rodents that live in areas with lots of freshwater. These mammals are native to South America and were introduced into the United States between 1899 and 1930 through the fur industry, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) DISGUSTING!!
Humiliated again, and out big money, the ladies headed back to the trailer park in defeat. They would not even get a chance to enjoy lunch at Mr. Haha's Hot Dog Hacienda.
My Lovable Churrito being funny. I just love him
After losing what was left of her gray snatch fur due to STD and old age, member Twowarmtts3! made a big decision. To go back in time and to make her cunny look younger, the Saggy Granny decided to purchase a Merkin. What is a fucking merkin you ask? It is basically a cunt toupee!
Now, I ask you, “What is wrong with this Merkin?
What’s the matter tecsan are you losing your touch it only took me 5 minutes to delete all your bull shit this morning or have you realized that you can’t fight us all at the same time there just is not enough hours in the day to fight us all and yet cook for the truckers you might as well just throw in the towel put your white flag up and surrender you dumb ass hump --------------------------------------- added after 19 hours
Just as i thought no reply no nothing this morning you are truly a beaten man I’m ashamed of you your weak all talk and no go
You be a man and take your little smith and Wesson model 586 in 357 magnum and patrol your borders with that little pea shooter 357 magnum has not been the top dog since the 1950s
Are you kidding me high school drop out..."I know more about then cars"...Really, think you meant than but hell I may be wrong...As for guns, maybe you do know a lot, we know you like to suck on the barrel of markis...
Damn you have to be kin to piss ass fag freddy...No one could understand that comment... I think maybe you meant 'dipped into the cheap scotch'...Hell I am probably wrong though...
You guys remind me of one of those cheap tenants apt bldg in the Bronx. The third floor bitch is yelling at the first floor bitch that her man is not going to boff her any more.
What is really difficult to "juggle" is that this screen shot hasn't even existed for a full 96 hours and it has received 45 similar comments from the same member! I wonder why admin allows this behavior to continue?
And he has just added another 4 more comments/posts. If a member relies on the Activity Meter, on the surface the Meter gives a false appearance that tecsan is very "active" and most likely "popular". When you "dig" a little deeper, it's easy to detect that the member is only looney toons.....
The loser bitch shittles, probably a cocksucker too...tecsan was here...e shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...///
The loser bitch shittles, probably a cocksucker too...tecsan was here...e shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...///
Listen fuck face there is a reason no body likes you it’s because you are an annoying ass hole that was bent over as a teenager and fucked in the ass by the whole Dallas cowboys team I bet you’re ass whistles as you walk any way congratulations you just made another mortal enemy on this site so go enjoy your pizza and this time try not to crap 💩 your pants when it arrives --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
And no pissing out your windows that’s hoggish use a bathroom like every one else --------------------------------------- added after 101 minutes
And don’t forget to flush --------------------------------------- added after 102 minutes
And while your at it take a shower I can smell you all the way in Pennsylvania
Yes that is my dream watching you get fucked by a whole foot ball team merciless as you start to bleed then we all stand around watching you bleed out on the floor as we all toast your pathetic life with an ice cold beer 🍺 --------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
Then as you start to fade out and you start twitching from the lack of blood I start kicking you in the face with my size 13 wide combat boots hoping to snuff the life out of you putting you out of your misery --------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
Now don’t forget this is a fictitious dream
Before you go running to admin crying that the big bad man from Pennsylvania threatened you
Trust me bitch, I have never ran to admin and never will...I only respond when others run first to admin...Example...Piss ass freddy ran first to admin...
"Why is this man still insulting an ex-member. Especially since AussieMan or Lix are not here to defend themselves. I believe it’s because he’s a coward. He has me blocked for the same reason. Some members believe he’s smart. I believe he’s a lowlife."
What I find amusing is the member posting that comment is outraged because another member has posted something about former members. Okay, how is it any different from said poster making posts about active members? Is the rationale behind the thought that the active members can refute his/her posts and engage in an abusive exchange of words or what? My opinion is that the poster needs to concentrate on themselves and clean up their act. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, no?
Definite case of clinical body dysmorphia. If the hair is pulled to the side, would we see the tape used to hold up your face? It is droopy as fuck! And what is with the lazy eye? Did you recently have a stroke?
And those arms, Jesus Christ on crutches! You shouldn't be performing plastic surgery at home!
I logged on to jerk off to some pictures. This made me instantly soft! If you have Down's syndrome or are confined to a wheelchair, I might feel sorry for you.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By TWOWARMTTS3 [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 09:37 other posts
Santooey, Baby, I have little sympathy for your limp dick. It happens to a lot of men. Why are you dumping on me? All I wanted was an opinion on my new wig. Perhaps you might want to check my full page, but, an idiot like you would get little enjoyment. My advice is for you to go back to sucking dick, baby
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By Santooey [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 21:41 other posts
You look worse than a dead donkey with its asshole pried open
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By TWOWARMTTS3 [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 22:35 other posts
You must be one of Pa-Freddy’s fake accounts. Go away little girl. I don’t want to fight with you.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
Twowarmtts3!- Another member, speaking the truth about the Saggy Granny! Fucks sake. Her in that off brand merkin wig, all those filters, and she still manages to look like a used car! A used car no one wants to drive and will for sure end up in the junkyard! High mileage and tons of hail damage!
July 7, 2021- Inside the confines of the trailer park-
After losing what was left of her gray snatch fur due to STD and old age, member Twowarmtts3! made a big decision. To go back in time and to make her cunny look younger, the Saggy Granny decided to purchase a Merkin. What is a fucking merkin you ask? It is basically a cunt toupee!
A pubic hair piece. A toupee for the pubic area/genitals. In the 1700’s when mercury was used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (Gonorrhea or Syphilis) one of the side effects was the loss of pubic hair. To disguise this condition, that was not cured by mercury, a Merkin was employed.
17th Century setting: Due to his treatment of the "French Pox" (syphilis) with mercury a merkin Gwendolyn used a Merkin to used to hide the side effects of hair loss and not alarm her husband.
It is true that old limp noodle Charlie liked some fur on his old bird and Saggy couldn't oblige his wishes. In fact, her hairless rat hole was like a farm field in Somalia: barren and unable to grow anything. Now, the Saggy Granny and her long time friend Rhanda-Lynn went online and found a merkin for sale at one of the more nefarious websites. Using her pre-paid Visa card, Saggy shelled out $8.50 for a brown colored Merkin. Just like the Wuhan virus, it was being shipped in from China. The girls were pleased with their purchase and eagerly awaited the package. It would take 4-7 weeks to get her new kitty carpet.
October 4, 2021- The Cunt Wig Arrives!
Cursing her endless bad luck, the vag rug took longer than expected to arrive. Rhoda-Lynn had recommended the expedited shipping, but Saggy was unwilling to part with an additional $3.99. When the package arrived, the Saggy Granny could hardly contain her excitement. She screamed out the trailer window at Rhanda-Lynn to come over so they could open the package together. Rhanda-Lynn stumbled over to the trailer at the crack of 3PM, still in her stained bathrobe. The ladies got out their pre-paid mobile phones, ready to take a video of this event. Hardly Page Six in the New York Post, but it was big news in the trailer park!
The Saggy Granny used her rat claw nails to shred the package. Once opened, there was an unmistakable scent of animal urine and chemicals. Saggy didn't give a fuck and grabbed her new merkin out like she just won the Showcase Showdown on the Price is Right! It was very furry and a dark brown color. Digging deeper into the bag, the Saggy Granny didn't see the adhesive glue that would be needed to plant this pussy sweater onto her wrinkled skin. Saggy said she would just use some tape and Rhanda-Lynn cursed her for being so fucking stupid. Rhanda-Lynn suggested Gorilla Glue. She had recalled some sista using that to keep her tracks sorted out. Just as you imagined, there was no Gorilla Glue in the trailer and the old broads headed to Walgreen's to get some glue and to pick up their prescriptions.
At Walgreens there was a new procedure. There was a security guard at the front entrance checking vaccination status and ID's. Rhanda-Lynn presented her vaccination papers and ID and was admitted. The Saggy Granny being a moron, forgot her ID. She begged the guard to accept a oxycontin pill bottle with her name on it along with a membership card from Dollar General. Reluctantly, the guard let the old rat into the store. The ladies found the glue and picked up the following medications:
metformin - for diabetes
praziquantel- for tapeworms
Alosetron- for irritable bowel syndrome
We will not list the other pick ups due to privacy issues.
Back at home, Rhanda-Lynn assisted in prepping Saggy's barren cunt and put some glue on her cunt bump and the merkin. The merkin was carefully placed onto the Saggy Granny and the glue set instantly. The Saggy Granny went to the mirror to get a look at her new fur and was alarmed it was glued on crooked! Cursing and screaming, she had a plan! Grabbing her hair clippers she gave herself a cunt haircut and fixed the problem. Now, very pleased she took some pictures to be posted on Show Your Cunt. Some of her worst enemies would be silenced now that her pussy was pretty again. Or, so she thought!
October 5, 2021- The Debut on SYC
The Saggy Granny took several pictures and uploaded them to SYC. Some of the members were immediately commenting on these pictures. A few random comments, names redacted:
By XXXXXXX 05, Oct ,21 12:46
What the actual fuck is that crooked cunt fur supposed to be! Jesus fuck!
By XXXXX 05,Sep,21 12:51
Where the fuck did you buy that fake cunt wig? Fucks sake, I can see the rat tail! Disgusting pig!
By XXXXX 05,Sep,21 12:57
Looks like the drapes and the carpet match, in length and color! Is that a rat?
Absolutely outraged, The Saggy Granny removed these pics and went back to posting her pictures from 1978. Back when her cunt had natural hair. She told Rhanda-Lynn they needed an expert. Rhanda-Lynn did some research and found out that there were many fake merkins being sold online. She was convinced these were not human hairs. There was only one way to sort this out: The ladies would head to the taxidermy store.
October 8, 2021- Skins, Scales & Fur Taxidermy- Naples FL
Wanting to get out of the swamp, and knowing this was a a sensitive issue, the broads needed a shop where they would not be known. The decided on Naples, Florida. A very affluent part of Florida. They would be on the outskirts of town obviously, but they would get a taste of Camelot today! The ladies sat outside stalking the shop, waiting for the store to be devoid of customers before they went inside.
It was not usual for two women to be at a taxidermy shop, but times were tough. Randal was working and asked how he could be of service. He cracked a joke if they wanted their beavers stuffed! The ladies were outraged but had to laugh at the joke. It got serious when they told Randal why they were there. Randal locked the front door. He did not need any real customers seeing this fur test. The Saggy Granny sat in the chair and opened her fat legs, revealing her off brand cunt.
Randal tried not to gag, or get too close to her cunny. He treated it like a dangerous animal. Using one of his taxidermy tools, he moved in and cut a hair sample off and retracted the device and the sample back to safety. Randal immediately told her to close up her legs. After all, it would attract flies and moths and that would be devastating to his store. With the sample in hand, and a magnifying glas at the ready, the analysis could begin.
Randal asked where they got this pelt and could barely contain his laughter. Saggy Granny said online via China. Randal reported the hair sample was from a Nutria, a large swamp rat:
Nutria, also known as coypu or swamp rats, are large rodents that live in areas with lots of freshwater. These mammals are native to South America and were introduced into the United States between 1899 and 1930 through the fur industry, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) DISGUSTING!!
Humiliated again, and out big money, the ladies headed back to the trailer park in defeat. They would not even get a chance to enjoy lunch at Mr. Haha's Hot Dog Hacienda.
Twowarmtts3! = mongoloid
My Lovable Churrito being funny. I just love him
After losing what was left of her gray snatch fur due to STD and old age, member Twowarmtts3! made a big decision. To go back in time and to make her cunny look younger, the Saggy Granny decided to purchase a Merkin. What is a fucking merkin you ask? It is basically a cunt toupee!
Now, I ask you, “What is wrong with this Merkin?
--------------------------------------- added after 19 hours
Just as i thought no reply no nothing this morning you are truly a beaten man I’m ashamed of you your weak all talk and no go
Twowarmtts3- juggle this you old slag:
Updated once per 24 hours
My Profile Main Page
tecsan's Activity: 1497
Crazy for sure... another Whitaker
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...///
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...///
Tecsan it is time to give old Mary a push in her chair!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
And no pissing out your windows that’s hoggish use a bathroom like every one else
--------------------------------------- added after 101 minutes
And don’t forget to flush
--------------------------------------- added after 102 minutes
And while your at it take a shower I can smell you all the way in Pennsylvania
Tecsan has been seen pissing out of his own window. A site hillbilly! Too much cheap scotch!
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
Then as you start to fade out and you start twitching from the lack of blood I start kicking you in the face with my size 13 wide combat boots hoping to snuff the life out of you putting you out of your misery
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
Now don’t forget this is a fictitious dream
Before you go running to admin crying that the big bad man from Pennsylvania threatened you
Me tough redneck guy, you are fag boy gay guy...Now fuck off shittles...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 1y ago [Delete]
Shut your cunt lady boy tecsa [sic]...Fucking cunt bitch cocksucker go play with your league, you know other cocksuckers/fags like you...
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
And another thing grow some hair around that little dick for Christ sake you look like a baby all you need yet is a diaper laying under you
Your skin is to light to be a coon I think you are a hunchback Mexican
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