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Can Admin please Contact me

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,21 15:35  other posts
Hi I think someone is using my username here to send massage to members here I need to ask how to i contact the Admin and see if some one is using my account

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Similar topics: 1.Is it possible to create a way to mark individuals as "do not contact" without putting them on a ban list?   2.umm, could me please   3.Where do I contact the site admin?   4.Can Admin Please Contact me/Urgent)   5.My profile is being hacked  

By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,21 16:17 other posts 
Gee, there is not another member with a username similar to yours. I hear what you are saying but it seems very unlikely.
--------------------------------------- added after 113 seconds

Gee, žaš er ekki annar mešlimur meš svipaš notendanafn og žitt. Ég heyri hvaš žś ert aš segja en žaš viršist mjög ólķklegt
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 16,May,21 12:43 other posts 
It turn out that some one From Florida was sending massages on my Account name i have changed the passwords and locking So it are to be OK now
By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,21 12:54 other posts 
I'm glad admin was able to help you sort things out and your concerns were resolved!
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 16,May,21 16:13 other posts 
Yea he found the problem in No time.I was worried that some one was maybe using my account to hurt or send hateful massages to Members here but that was not the Case and that was so nice to hear

By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,21 16:12 other posts 
Hey, gradurgaur, admin's profile is set up like every other member and he uses the profile/user name admin
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

Hey, Gradurgaur, prófķll admin er settur upp eins og hver annar mešlimur og hann notar prófķlinn /notandanafniš admin
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 16,May,21 12:45 other posts 
You are Learning Icelandic
By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,21 12:57 other posts 
Ég er ekki svo klįr og verš aš višurkenna aš Google Translator appiš er vinur minn!
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 16,May,21 16:11 other posts 
Nice is Always nice to see something writing in Icelandic

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