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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 10:32 other posts 
Oh I am sure a good talking to about how not to get caught stealing a car will straighten this kid right out.
13 years old and stealing a car.
what will he be doing at 19?
Killing? Robbing? R@peing?
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where was his parents when he needed to be taught not to steal?
And who has to cover the cost of replacing the car? "Insurance" I am sure someone will chime in. Well gee,who pays for insurance? The rest of the population! this kind of shit cost everyone.

By phart [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 10:17 other posts 
I am glad to read this, it is WAY past time for Isreal to take care of it's threats and problems. The US and others keep talking them out of it but now it is starting to look like they are saying "fuck it" and doing what needs to be done to keep it's citizens safe from radicals.
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By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 21:48 other posts 
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Has biden let the cat out of the bag? Another pandemic to help screw up 2024 elections?

By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 12:40 other posts 
Bill cosby again, they just can't stand for a black man to be successful so they bring him down any way they can
1975? How is there any evidence of this?
Heresay is all there is.
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16 years old and going into the playboy mansion? HOW?

By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 09:36 other posts 
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By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 09:44 other posts 
What the heck would a Tesla Model S be sitting in a junkyard for? Is it just me or does Elon Musk want to know, too?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 12:05 other posts 
Well anywhere a wrecked car is kept is commonly referred to as a "wrecking" yard. It apparently was wrecked, the tow company towed to their storage facility and then it stewed and went up in smoke. It wasn't really in what we think of as a "junkyard" where stuff is fixing to get ground up.
Sadly, electric car fires are something over 90% of fire departments and ems and rescue folks are just not trained well on.
And it would take a while to get everyone up to speed.
That is why there should be universal batterys and charging plugs and disconnects mandated on these cars to ease the recovery efforts after a crash.

for example, there are fuel pump shut off switchs on cars so when the car is hit and the airbags or something go off, the fuel pump looses power. Fuel won't be pumped into the engine bay or anywhere else to fuel a fire.
A disconnect needs to be implemented on cars. Trouble is,nothing will be able to disconnect these batterys from each other in the banks after a wreck,that is where the real issue is. And there is very little time to recover victims in a fire on electrics because the heat is quick and intense.

By notynyt [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 19:54 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 18:48 other posts 
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Looks like our friends in West Virgina may get a chance to go back to work for at least a while! It would help keep germany from depending on the russians.

By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 14:13 other posts 
Boy those sanctions are really working in russia aren't they?
People really look like they are suffering.

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By #610414 12,Jun,22 19:24
Rebranding of a MickeyD and people enjoying the food is not a sign Russia is not feeling the sanctions. What did you expect? People begging for food?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 22:55 other posts 
That is what some of the news channels try to tell us,that the russiain economy is being affected and etc.
I don't think the US is any better off media wise than russia.We are all lied to,we are told what our leaders want us to hear.
It is no longer a part of mickey d's,they sold their russian section off.
By #610414 13,Jun,22 07:50
You swallowed the lie. No one has yet been able to explain to me why big news outlets would want to lie to you.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jun,22 11:24 other posts 
really, well think about this,what do they have to gain by telling the truth?
By #610414 13,Jun,22 11:41
What do they have to loose? Their game IS NOT the news. Their game IS to sell advertisement. That is where the money is.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jun,22 20:45 other posts 
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IF the high oil prices are Putin's fault ,he is making a killing ,while we are being beat to death at the pump. The big idea of not buying Russian oil is only hurting everyone else.
I wonder what other big ideas biden has planned for putin?
He left enough guns and weapons in afganistan that it has the 4th largest military on earth.But he wants us Americans to walk around with sticks and rocks.
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The same network that says the russians oil industry is booming is saying there will be a decline in their economy.
Make up your mind media!

120.93 a barrel for oil, 4.04 gas price wholesale.
biden is shitting himself he is so happy.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 08:10 other posts 
I just got gas in Pennsylvania yesterday at 5.09 a gallon you now get 3.8 gallons for your 20 dollar bill
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 10:11 other posts 
damn shame.
Really is, we are sitting on oil , there is oil out under the seas near our coast,and we still are stuck depending on outside sources.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 10:15 other posts 
Yep thank you joe Biden
By #610414 14,Jun,22 21:04
I’m going to laugh my ass of (and a pretty one it is) when you Repukers get back Congress and all you will be able to do is sit on your thumbs
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 21:32 other posts 
Well,it also means joe biden can lick his ice creme cones for 2 years then go home to his front porch. He won't get much done either.Perhaps do less damage.
By #610414 14,Jun,22 21:02
The oil companies are sitting on thousands of wells not used. But, even if they get more oil, the refineries can’t handle it
By #610414 14,Jun,22 21:01
Phart, do you propose we buy oil from Russia?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 21:29 other posts 
I would rather we didn't. BUT I am watching to many people suffer ,including myself, because of high fuel prices. There should be refinery's being built right now. Don't wait, build NOW.
What is worse ,buying from russia, and they take over Ukraine, or suffer and they take over ukraine anyway? The russians will win the war ,using nukes or chemicals. Watch and see, all this suffering for nothing.
By #610414 14,Jun,22 22:11
C'est la guerre
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 15:16 other posts 
that may be war,but it could be prevented.

By phart [Ignore] 16,Jun,22 13:35 other posts 
Looking forward to listening to our President speak.
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By sherryann [Ignore] 20,Jun,22 17:13 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 15,Jun,22 17:33 other posts 
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Exxon lets biden know,his band of thugs could be doing more to help the oil crisis.

By #574505 05,Jun,22 23:44
Will this really going happen with our mail only registered users can see external links
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jun,22 20:55 other posts 
I desperately needed a set of lawnmower blades and ordered a set from ebay.Should have been here by the shipping info in 3 days.
They made it close by, The warehouse 30 miles away has kept them safe for me for over a week now.
I have no idea why they have not come, the tracking number has not updated, the seller is pissed because he spent the extra for priority mail so I could get them promptly.
By #610414 11,Jun,22 22:16
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 01:23 other posts 
Did you order them to a drop off point and then agreed to pick them up? I almost made that mistake.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 07:26 other posts 
No ,they should be coming here.
Everything else i buy from ebay comes here.

as for your "and" cat, as usual,you miss the point of the discussion.LIke everything else in this country,our postal service is falling apart,getting slower,due to people not wanting to work,and liberals like you think it should just be accepted as the new normal.
Unionized by the way
By #574505 12,Jun,22 09:15
I don't get my mail in time . Some time it ends some places else
By #610414 12,Jun,22 10:09
Please remember that Trump elected a new Postal Service head who decided that cuts were needed from a service that needed more, not less.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 10:58 other posts 
Well that is true,he put someone else in charge.
And I don't agree with that heads ideas.
I repair lawnmowers for 3 local postal carriers and they have all told me the warehouse that has my blades at the moment, for years has had trouble with employees sleeping in their cars during shift and mishandling packages all the time. Complaints galore but the union covers for,eh, "protects" , the workers, not the customers. forgetting that without customers, their "workers" would not have a job at all.
By #610414 12,Jun,22 12:46
If you know this, why don't you report it to someone higher?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 13:43 other posts 
when employees can't make any headway doing that,what could I do against a union? I would probably wind up dead in a strange car accident or something.
By #610414 12,Jun,22 13:50
My younger brother worked for the post office in Crystal Springs, Fl. He, along with everyone else, was in the union. About 20 yrs ago, he turned in several of his co-workers for work irregularities. He was almost fired but, he took it to national AND also sued the Postal Service. He won ant the people involved where fired. Some eventually got back in after they counter sued. My brother relocated to Tampa Fl and is still there as a supervisor.You have to stand up or shut up.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 14:12 other posts 
thank you,I will keep that in mind as i do intend to pay a visit to the post office tomorrow and find out for myself what the hell is going on.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 06:22 other posts 
And to this day they still call him a snitch
By #610414 14,Jun,22 08:00
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 08:05 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 06:18 other posts 
Me either Jamie the postal service sucks
By Dev01 [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 22:46 other posts 
Jamie send it to your old address Guanajuato No delivery driver wants to go there
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 20:59 other posts 
Do not compare me to cat please. You did not mention USPS in your comment atleast I do not think you did. They are stupid. Both of my neighbor's packages come to my front door. This has happened numerous times. When it is UPS, FED EX or even amazon, they usually get it right. Hell, I had a package delivered to me and USPS set it on top of my mail box while it was raining. Thankfully the electronic was sealed in plastic inside the box. You do know that UPS and others will drop off they're packages on the dock of the USPS because it is a rural route.
By #610414 13,Jun,22 09:12
Tecsan, Phart was not comparing you to me. Go back and read the posts again. Amazon uses UPS knowing full well that Its handed off to the USPS for final delivery if the package meets USPS standards. This arrangement between UPS and USPS supposedly gives much needed business to The postal service. Trump did not like the deal
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Jun,22 23:55 other posts 
Now you opened up another argument, the agreement is for rural packages only. No the USPS does not benefit from it, just makes more work for gov. employees at your and my expense. If UPS does not want to deliver the parcel then leave a check for the parcel price with the packaged to be delivered. Make the check out to USPS. Not sure about Amazon, but I will ask and get back with you on Amazon, you are probably right there too and probably Fed EX and others.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 10:12 other posts 
I went to the post office to raise hell, I used the old laptop I carry in the truck to log in and write down the tracking number, out for delivery! Stuff stayed there for 7 days, priority mail, before it got to me. Stupid stupid.
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 21:04 other posts 
If you live in a rural community near an Amazon distribution center then there is no need to buy Amazon prime. If your product that you ordered is in the distribution center, they will probably delay it by one day of the prime date on purpose. Hey what is one day?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 21:26 other posts 
I have tried 2 or 3 times to setup a amazon account as sometimes i find items cheaper there than ebay,and it never did let me get thru. I gave up. I was on dial up at the time.May have been a speed issue or something. May try again sometime now that I have semi normal internet.
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 22:29 other posts 
Amazon is fast if you have a distribution center near you. You might want to try again. I am typing here with a keyboard that I ordered last Saturday.

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