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Started by PITBULL [Ignore] 28,Nov,22 10:08  other posts
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By PITBULL [Ignore] 24,Jul,23 11:37 other posts 
evil spirits have taken over the fat cow bella!. The evil spirits are tormenting her day and night.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 24,Jul,23 08:22 other posts 
hey bella! leave my friends alone. Demons are taking over you.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 23,Jul,23 09:02 other posts 
the cowardly member of this site banning from her blogs and forums.

FUCK YOU bella!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 22,Jul,23 21:20 other posts 
bella! go back to your medications. You are demented

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Jul,23 09:18 other posts 
pig122 has AIDS??

By PITBULL [Ignore] 22,Jul,23 09:27 other posts 
yes he is for being a slut

By PITBULL [Ignore] 22,Jul,23 09:12 other posts 
the nasty cunt of this site; bella! has been impeached for all her activities and wrongdoing; /blogs/54847.html

By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,Jul,23 22:02 other posts 
The poor bella! is crying about not getting more than 400 points a day

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 19:51 other posts 
Part three up!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 19,Jul,23 10:16 other posts 
And it's funny!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,Jul,23 19:16 other posts 

By PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 12:10 other posts 
hey bella! you are a racist. You hate Latinos, Asians, blacks, and gay people.
By Jamie [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 15:54 other posts 
No she doesn't. She loves me
By PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 16:21 other posts 
she is a hypocrite. Wake up and smell the coffee!
By Jamie [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 16:35 other posts 
Now now not true
By PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 16:52 other posts 
Wait until she stabbed you in the back just like the 30 members that blacklisted her.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 12,Jul,23 10:26 other posts 
The pumpkin head of this site bella! is been telling some members here to blacklist me. Another desperate action from the fat and loser cow bella!
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Jul,23 11:17 other posts 
Shame on you, you know that that is not true.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 12,Jul,23 11:48 other posts 
It's true; Crimsonnoose, Woody58, and Smallestbulge all blacklisted me because of you.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 18:37 other posts 
CrimsonSandwhich blocked me because of an attack
By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 19:20 other posts 
blame bella!. Your friend the fat coward cow told her to blacklist us

By PITBULL [Ignore] 14,Jul,23 22:42 other posts 
Hey bella! you pathetic cow blocking members from your page becasue your page is disgusting and filthy.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 14,Jul,23 19:38 other posts 
hey, bella! you pig clean your page

By #692771 13,Jul,23 19:32
More about this nasty cunt member bella! 🤬

Please tap the following link 😘

By PITBULL [Ignore] 13,Jul,23 20:33 other posts 
yes attack that cunt

By PITBULL [Ignore] 11,Jul,23 18:36 other posts 
The biggest racist people on this site are: bella!,CAT,Woody58 and ken31234 and tecsan

By #692771 10,Jul,23 18:46
🚨NEW POLL🚨 "Your opinion of Member "Tecsan"

Please tap the following link 🥰


By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 10,Jul,23 11:18 other posts 
By PITBULL [Ignore] 10,Jul,23 11:44 other posts 
that fat pig always has big nights in search of a big cock.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 09,Jul,23 21:22 other posts 
Hey, fat pig bella! I know about the comments you left on my page. Unblock me you fat rat so I can reply back to you

By #692771 08,Jul,23 20:49
🚨NEW POLL🚨 "Your opinion of Member "bella!"

Please tap the following link 🥰


By PITBULL [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 20:28 other posts 
hey bella! fat cow, Cody doesn't want to be associated with you. Stop sending him gifts you feeble-minded cunt.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 17:49 other posts 
bella! is the winner of SYD Worst Member of July. For more information go here; /blogs/54702.html

By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 12:12 other posts 
bella! go f*** yourself. You haven't had a dick in your pussy for decades. Your lack of sex is getting into you.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 09:15 other posts 
The weakest member of this site bella! complaining about not being able to post on my blogs or wall. Go complaint to Admn. you stupid bitch. Friends only means you have options.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Jul,23 21:09 other posts 
bella! big belly pig. Nasty woman you love to create conflict on this site.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 01,Jul,23 20:05 other posts 
the old cunt of this site woody58 is following the weak bitch bella!. He banned me too.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 04,Jul,23 08:46 other posts 
Woody58 you coward rat! Unlock your disgusting page so I can fuck it up again. Weak cunt!!!!

Fuck you!!
By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Jul,23 12:20 other posts 
the cow !bella!! told him to lock his page. both senile and cowards can't take the heat from us.
--------------------------------------- added after 118 hours

Sir-Skittles Woody has his page unlocked now.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 30,Jun,23 21:12 other posts 
bella! is the weakest cunt on this site.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 30,Jun,23 20:29 other posts 
bella you lunatic. You posted more than 60 comments on your blog. You lied as always. I only have 30 rebuttal comments. As always playing the victim to get more "loyal friends".

By PITBULL [Ignore] 30,Jun,23 13:08 other posts 
the nasty bella! crying again to Admn. and playing the victim. Shows you are a weak member.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 30,Jun,23 09:48 other posts 
The case against bella! /blogs/54595.html

By PITBULL [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 23:46 other posts 
nasty bella! all she does here is to make more enemies than friends.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 20:25 other posts 
bella! belongs to White Supremacist groups. She was a member of the KKK.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 16:34 other posts 
A new blog about the 2 fat cows of this site;

By PITBULL [Ignore] 26,Jun,23 12:13 other posts 
Overall rating of bella!

not adorable.

By #694265 25,Jun,23 04:37
Extract from "STUFF, JUST STUFF",

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me that I am blacklisted by 31 members. I take solace in the fact that 4 of the 31 blacklists were made by the same weak member that has multiple profiles. What's your excuse for being blacklisted by 95 members? Could it be because you are a foul mouthed, pretentious, ugly ass, acne scarred and imbecilic asswipe of a cretin?

Now spend some time researching the big words I used!".

Oh so week am I now bella!, I got something for you, GO FUCK OFF
By PITBULL [Ignore] 25,Jun,23 08:56 other posts 
We should send bella! a message; /blogs/54575.html#10

By PITBULL [Ignore] 22,Jun,23 22:42 other posts 
Yes racist bella! 31 members here are saying you are a racist, bigot, and homophobic. Get a life bitch

By PITBULL [Ignore] 24,May,23 20:27 other posts 
Here is the saggy granny CAT posting a forum about the death of TINA TURNER. why do you care about her? You are a racist nasty woman. You don't even have any CD about her music.
By #681164 28,May,23 14:14
CAT is one of the few people I know that is not racist or homophobic. What she is is a street scrapper and she will use anything in a fight
By PITBULL [Ignore] 28,May,23 14:22 other posts 
you and she are the most racist senior citizens on this site.
By #681164 29,May,23 18:10
Tell it to someone that gives a fuck
By PITBULL [Ignore] 29,May,23 20:38 other posts 
go clean your page pig
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 12:42 other posts 
Cat is NOT homophobic ... are you fucking retarded?


Bitch posts tons of anti Semitic and homophobic crap

Should we re-post her comments... again!

Stupid cunt
By PITBULL [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 17:14 other posts 
you know this woody cunt is getting dementia or he is a moron
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Jun,23 17:31 other posts 
a site window licker that lives in fear she will hide his meds ... and his walker
By #681164 14,Jun,23 08:51
Yes, prove it.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 12:59 other posts 
Bella!- can you please post Cat's homophobic and racist rants here for all to see?
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 17:14 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 20:45 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 20:45 other posts 
Woody58 right here shit bird
By PITBULL [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 19:42 other posts 
here is the saggy granny CAT and her racist and homophobic blogs;

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 19:49 other posts 
And just how many racist and/or homophobic posts and/or blogs have you made?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 19:52 other posts 
so now you defending CAT. I knew you 2 ride the same horse.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 21:00 other posts 
Have you ever heard of this phrase because it certainly fits this occasion;

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

Just in case you haven't, the meaning can be found on Google. BOOM!

only registered users can see external links
By PITBULL [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 22:20 other posts 
You are an insolent nasty bitch. That's why you have 31 members of this site have blacklisted you.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 04:19 other posts 
And YOU are "TOTALLY INADEQUATE" ASSWIPE and DUMB FUCK and that's why 95 members have blacklisted YOU! Bwahahahaha!
By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 08:46 other posts 
hey did you make the Mydoll pissed off?
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 09:52 other posts 
That's on him so what's your point?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 10:19 other posts 
why are you so defensive? you pissed off him. I thought you 2 supposed to take me down and out of this site.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 12:55 other posts 
There you go, trying to think..... You're just an ignoramus so don't go burning up the few brain cells you might have.

He was able to prove to so many what a broke down, pathetic pussy you really are. All he needed to do was hit you hard with "negative gifts" from 1 of his 4 premium paid profiles and you rolled over, pissed your pants and played dead. You reacted just the way he hoped you would!
By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 17:25 other posts 
There is nothing to think. I am waiting for you to take me down. What happens? Did your plan didn't work out? .
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 18:00 other posts 
WTF does this mean; "Did your plan didn't work out?"?

I never had a plan, why not ask the guy with 4 or is it 5 profiles? He showed everyone what a spineless, dickless little bitch you were when he "bitch slapped" you into submission. If you need confirmation or more info, feel free to reach out to him.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 19:58 other posts 
I don't need to reach him. It looks like you gave up on him. Sorry to hear about the honeymoon is over
By #681164 19,Jun,23 08:46
You said it wrong pitbitch. Repeat after me, “I don’t think nothing.”
By PITBULL [Ignore] 19,Jun,23 08:54 other posts 
get ready to clean your page

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