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Started by PITBULL [Ignore] 28,Nov,22 10:08  other posts
Here are will give you the latest news from contests, blogs, and more. All in once place

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By PITBULL [Ignore] 28,Jan,23 22:56 other posts 
Bella used today foul language in the chat rooms insulting all men there. She can no longer chat in a clean way insulting others. Her drinking and weed smoking is taking control of her life.
By #681164 29,Jan,23 10:03
That shouldn't have upset a GURL like you.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 29,Jan,23 10:32 other posts 
go lick bella! cunt
By #681164 29,Jan,23 16:05
[deleted image]

Don't trash CAT's page. I'm fair game, but she's not
By PITBULL [Ignore] 29,Jan,23 16:22 other posts 
Trash is coming her way

By PITBULL [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 12:02 other posts 
The saggy granny CAT keeps voting for woody58 pic so he can be at the top. Saggy you are pathetic.
By #681164 27,Jan,23 14:04
Yeah, how about that.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 15:20 other posts 
and I will be voting down your pic. You and your old cunt CAT are fucking desperate losers.
By #681164 27,Jan,23 16:53
Go ahead. The site needs the support.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 17:15 other posts 
they need the support if you become a paid member here. The site does not have senior citizen discounts.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 18:03 other posts 
Bella you are a fucking bitch. You are racist, a bigot, and not too smart either. Not given you are a free pass at your forum just to get your place at the top.

By #678362 02,Dec,22 22:09
This is really confusing.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Dec,22 08:33 other posts 
Listen up cunt--- you are now required to action the following courses:

1. Site History 101

2. Critical Thinking 2000

A passing grade of at least a 3.0GPA is required... Or you may be grassed. Sign up with Professor Cuntingmore- dev01

By #678362 08,Dec,22 23:21
It comes to trying to demoralize me, great idea I guess. I do not know you nor do I care to. Oh, thanks for getting half my name straight. People here do talk you know.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 09,Dec,22 02:08 other posts 
By PITBULL [Ignore] 09,Dec,22 08:31 other posts 
@Dev01 ..only Skittles give people here titles and nicknames
By Dev01 [Ignore] 09,Dec,22 09:23 other posts 
Yes.... Was not worried about a lable just the mention... Nobody mentions us no more
By PITBULL [Ignore] 09,Dec,22 09:28 other posts 
Skittles has not been around much lately, but you are
By #678362 14,Dec,22 23:59
Who is the smarty pants sir skittles?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 15,Dec,22 09:34 other posts 
go check his profile
By #678362 15,Dec,22 21:33
I did, not very impressive. Did you honestly think I wouldnt have checked his profile before asking who the smarty pants sir skittles was.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Dec,22 22:13 other posts 
cuntluver smell your own ass cunt

You are an unverified shit stain who is not from Brazil. Go eat the Saggy Granny's rat cunt!
By PITBULL [Ignore] 16,Dec,22 06:06 other posts 
cuntluver are you a fake here?
By #678362 16,Dec,22 23:39
Whatever you believe is ok by me. I really don't care what either of you two believe. Not here to impress anyone here anyway. What does being verified have to do with me? I really dont know what you are talking about. Just looking for friends here.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Dec,22 16:28 other posts 
contact your friend CAT
By #678362 28,Dec,22 03:04
Are you?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 28,Dec,22 10:02 other posts 
don't answer a question with another question. It doesn't look good on you.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Dec,22 13:19 other posts 
Oh look- they both speak retard:

CAT wrote (01,Nov,22 11:36):
I call anyone that has a cock a lollipop

cuntluver wrote (23,Oct,22 20:59):
Why am I lollipop?

A rat page with new pics... and soon to be without any points!
By PITBULL [Ignore] 28,Dec,22 13:54 other posts 
they are both retards for sure
By Jamie [Ignore] 28,Dec,22 17:34 other posts 
I like to have my lollipop sock till you get to
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 02,Jan,23 12:42 other posts 
CAT and Leo are are stand by for you cunty!!

By Jamie [Ignore] 02,Jan,23 13:07 other posts 
By PITBULL [Ignore] 02,Jan,23 13:14 other posts 
Jamie CAT wants your lollipop. She is not getting anything from woody58
By Jamie [Ignore] 02,Jan,23 16:23 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 02,Jan,23 20:20 other posts 
Woody58 a shipping container of Viagra would not get that limp noodle of yours to move!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 02,Jan,23 20:35 other posts 
he ordered 200mg of viagra. He says with 200 he will be able to fuck CAT
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Jan,23 08:02 other posts 
Well, that old cunt had best use the paper bag the Viagra comes with... to put over her head! And one for his head too, in case hers falls off!

Some nose plugs would be a bonus. You know that minge is rotten!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 03,Jan,23 09:30 other posts 
By #681164 23,Jan,23 09:53
Wanna bet?
By PITBULL [Ignore] 24,Jan,23 16:53 other posts 
you are too old to bet on it
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Jan,23 21:11 other posts 
A trash bag filled with hot garbage prob smells better than the Saggy granny minge
By PITBULL [Ignore] 24,Jan,23 21:48 other posts 
they both stinks

By PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Jan,23 10:41 other posts 
I think Admin. should take at least 20 points for those who decided to blacklist others on this site. There is so much nonsense blacklisting here without any valid reason.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Jan,23 19:49 other posts 
That would be a good idea! Site tax and fees!!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 23,Jan,23 09:35 other posts 
And most of those who blacklist are not even paid members here.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 22,Jan,23 17:48 other posts 
Did anyone notice Cody's page has floating hearts?

Go visit his page; cody8789
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Jan,23 19:46 other posts 
Who is Cody??
By PITBULL [Ignore] 22,Jan,23 20:25 other posts 
don't get jealous about him getting hearts on his page
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 23,Jan,23 06:41 other posts 

By PITBULL [Ignore] 21,Jan,23 07:50 other posts 
Hey, guys, the National Masturbation day is on; Sunday, May 28, 2023. On this day we celebrate the "right to masturbate"

By PITBULL [Ignore] 15,Jan,23 16:09 other posts 
Does anyone here has visit Sir-Skittles page lately? It has some snowflakes.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Jan,23 14:26 other posts 
For all the little site snowflakes here that ban me... but still visit my page to read my blogs
By PITBULL [Ignore] 16,Jan,23 14:29 other posts 
Admn. loves you so much. Ask Cody8789
By #275407 16,Jan,23 19:43
Freddy, you do know that you can pick falling whatever you want for your page,,, just go to games on your page and pick falling penises or whatever is offered. All paid memberships get this option.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 16,Jan,23 20:27 other posts 
I don't want that. It makes me dizzy.

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