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Does a dick get shorter with age?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #36477 [Ignore] 08,May,10 22:43
Before 40, I measured my dick . It was 7 " long & 4.25" thick. Now at 54, it measured 6.5" Long & 5.25 " thick.My wife also comments that your dick becoming thicker with your body but now it is not penetrating deep ? I don'n understand it ?

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By wycowboy [Ignore] 02,Apr,20 19:20 other posts 
Mine seems to be the same but it also seems smaller due to me being 310 pounds now versus 180 when I was 18. That fat hides a lot of length

By #612934 02,Apr,20 11:15
cocks are like sport
from 12 to 20 we played football
from 21 to 30 we played tennis
from 31 to 40 we played snooker
from 41 to 50 we played table tennis
from51 to 60 we played golf

which goes to show older you get the smaller yer balls get

By Bratwurst [Ignore] 02,Apr,20 09:11 other posts 
I really lost some cm..[URL=/0vwv6kjo2jw2pic.htm

By #518391 13,May,18 09:05
Mine's still the same size as it always was...too small!
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,May,18 17:49 other posts 
...but that probably bothers you less now than it used to.

By #463848 15,May,18 10:17
Might appear that way but generally it just a reduction in virility and lower **** volume getting to penis as you age or may be have poorer gealth.

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 15,May,18 08:57 other posts 
yes I've lost about 1/2" from my prime so I'm going to start Jelking again to get back to 9".

By #281008 13,May,18 17:34
mine grows both in length and thickness but too old to use it now

By #61033 13,May,18 11:12
Mine has not become any shorter but has become quite a bit thicker.

By pipcock [Ignore] 13,May,18 05:17 other posts loss of length and it is noticeably fatter!

By doedeldi [Ignore] 04,Feb,18 06:04 other posts 
Yes. With 60 my dick is 0,5 - 1cm shorter.

By Alwaysnude [Ignore] 03,Feb,18 09:38 other posts 
Yes they do I lost about an 1/2 maybe more from 8 inches solid hard now I can get 7 1/2 on a good usually 63/4 -7 on average but most of all my balls have shrunk now when I get in cold temps my testicles go inside me and my load is less part of maturing still happy it works

By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Feb,18 06:19 other posts 
I can't say that I have noticed any change.
There certainly can be an illusion of change if a once svelte young man loses his body tone and gains a little 'pot'. The excess body fat then obscures part of the penis length.

By #532695 03,Feb,18 05:28
It did with me. On a good day back then I was almost 7.5, now I mav at just 7. But it’s a little.thicker. I like it better, so does GF.

By #539358 03,Feb,18 04:28
I'm sure it slightly shrinks with age too. Being a typical teenager I used to measure mine to see if it had grown at all. I'm sure I maxed out at just under 6" in my late teens. As I got older and put on some weight (beer as usual) it seemed to average out at 5 1/2". In the last ten years though i'm nearer to 5" which is still enough to keep me amused. I do still however get rock hard erections when I get up in the morning, and long may that continue.

By #463848 03,Feb,18 04:07
There are scientific papers about this but they get popularized by others. So let’s look at some of them and try and prise them apart.

1. The Droop—your scrotum will droop as you get older.
Not necessarily and it may depend on the climate of your region.

2. There Will Be Shrinkage—Permanent Shrinkage—Normal cells, once hale and hearty, get replaced by non-elastic fibres called collagen, which just sort of reel in the whole apparatus.
There are other considerations. Some of these have a place in the other sections but also the shrinkage may be apparent because as you age your testosterone decreases and your tendency to react to physical and mental stimulation decreases. This might mean that normal friction from clothing as you walk, that may have caused some enlargement when you were 20 may not happen 40 years later. Likewise you may not have a full or even partial erection when you wake up in the morning. This means that you will probably need more physical and mental stimulation to get even a semi-erection. But don’t forget that this is very individual and it will vary from person to person; sometime because of general health conditions. It may also be apparent when the shaft becomes buried in abdominal tissue.

3. Going Around the Bend— Into your autumn years, you develop curvature.
I have seen no evidence of this and curvature can be natural from an early age or develop because of injury.

4. Erectile Dysfunction— There are many men with ED, and the reason behind it boils down to **** loss.
This is an extra consideration to add to those in (2). The psychosexual **** supply to the penis does seem to be reduced as we age. It can be helped by trying to gain an erection with the penis hanging rather that held vertical. Also, by stimulating the glans whilst squeezing the shaft so that what **** is there will be concentrated in the more sensitive area.

5. The Big C— Most men are familiar with the very real risks of prostate and testicular cancer. This is of course most unfortunate for those who are affected and it must add to the general feeling of depression when such illness strike.

6. You can also look forward to decreased nerve function and sensitivity, which means difficulty achieving orgasm. This is related to (4) and is usually psychosexual nerve lack rather than a failing of the sensory nerve endings.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 09,May,10 23:48 other posts 
The short answer is yes, a man's dick does get smaller with age. Believe it or not, there have been studies done on this very subject and most men lose between one half and one inch between age twenty and age sixty.
By #75797 17,May,10 13:24
i thought the more you worked out the dick the longer it got. so maybe the studied included guys who where not as horny. i wonder if you can find an older guy who has been working on his dick for a long time. wise, yes?
By #70814 18,May,10 09:02
I am pretty sure this is right. You can "work your dick out". Exercises that maximize the blood pressure in your dick and thus make it rock hard will help you keep it big till the end of your life
By #542930 02,Feb,18 17:33
Yes please I would like very much to volunteer for your study. Anything to do with handling my cock is a good thing

By #220845 07,Dec,12 15:14
I think so

By #116569 14,Dec,10 21:51

By #3251 17,May,10 09:56
I think that dicks do get shorter w/ age in many men. Probably not all men - but many. My dick was about 5 1/2" when I was in my late teens & 20s. {I might have been measuring it incorrectly, but I know it was longer than it is now} Added weight in my late 20s & 30s did make my dick shorter. But I still had a good 5" into my 40s. Now in my late 60s, I can't get it all that hard anymore. It's about 4 1/2" on a "good day" - so I'd say I lost a good inch in the last 40/45 years. But, that's just me. I guess they would have to study 10,000 men to see if this is a general truth or not.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 17,May,10 12:19 other posts 
It's not just you and there have been studies done. See my comment above. I don't know if the studies involved 10,000 men, but enough to be meaningful.

By #67620 10,May,10 22:18
Yes, at 66 my hard dick is about an inch shorter than when I was much younger.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 11,May,10 01:09 other posts 
I'm 67 and mine's somewhere between half and three quarters of an inch shorter. So I guess you and I confirm the research I mentioned above.

By #6568 10,May,10 13:22
It's been shown/proved that excercise prevents retraction of the penis into the body due to age.

By #46165 10,May,10 00:48
i fucking hope not
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,May,10 12:44 other posts 
Well, unfortunately that's the sad truth.

By #10886 09,May,10 19:17
Yes!! Mine was over 18 inches long when I was younger. Now it is barely 7 inches.
By #36477 09,May,10 22:02
Unbelievable. 18 " is impossibel. & if it is true it cannot reduce to less than half.Be honest.
By #10886 10,May,10 06:10
I can prove it. It is less than 7" long.
By #59855 10,May,10 12:37
From Matt's Wife:

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