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Women Over 40 Years Old

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #20814 [Ignore] 14,May,10 13:22
One of my favorite groups of ladies is women aged 40 and over, also known as MILFs, Cougars, Matures and Grannies. Does anyone else here enjoy this particular niche of women? If you're a woman that falls into this category feel free to post your pics here so that we can find you and visit your page! Men if you have any favorite over 40 women on this site please post pix or links to them!

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By #485312 02,Jan,20 01:22
[deleted image]
heres my god awful tits, That some here find totally ugly, but l don't care what these pencil dicks think and l will share them every chance l get ... *Lix*
By #591921 05,Jan,20 21:36
I pump my cock sometimes hun. But a guy must be careful about pumping. I found a woman who makes special underwear for guys who pump but do it to gain size. You should check out her underwear and swimsuits. Its called Hillcrest swimwear. She makes custom wear in lots of sizes. I was blown away some guys honestly have cock and balls they have pumped up to where they hang below the knees and as big around as a beach ball. No thanks mine is big enough. I pump because I like to get a nice full erection and hold it there for about 30-45 minutes then set it free. It actually works if you do it right if you do it wrong you can cause it to stop getting hard at all. But yes it does make it more sensitive.
By #485312 05,Jan,20 22:32
yeah, lve pumped too hard and blown the ends off my nipples more than once. you learn over time a little restraint, just enough that you don't damage them lol, because l do love them being sucked by a real man too. *lix*
By #574505 05,Jan,20 22:38
fuckem you got nice suckble tits

By #591921 05,Jan,20 21:28
Honestly prefer women over 50 but 40 will work.

By #603797 02,Jan,20 09:24
Women over 40 are totally sexy.

By #608019 31,Dec,19 14:10
Im interested in a few woman ranging from 40-65. I love Mature woman there are sooo beautiful. There touch is like no other. Beauty does come with age.I like to go on vacations in groups with like minded people. I love to please.

By knewbi [Ignore] 04,Oct,19 12:39 other posts 
While I find it stimulating looking down and seeing some young babe sicking my cock or me plowing the her pussy, give me an experienced mature woman for that total sexual pleasure. A sex partner that has their own tricks makes it so much better.. And trust me, mature woman have some exceptional tricks hidden within.
By #519191 06,Oct,19 03:31
hope you like my 65yr old slut ann
By knewbi [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 14:39 other posts 
I certainly do!! Would love playing on that body for an afternoon or two...
By #603242 26,Dec,19 14:02
Not like; I LOVE it, totally beautiful. I'd love to eat it until you orgasmed a few times for me.

By #485312 13,May,19 17:10
[deleted image]
over 40, fat and old, and still rocking the front page *lix*
By #585719 15,May,19 07:26
You are soooooooooo wrong. Over 40? Well, we can't stop time, but you are beautiful. Yes, you have more to love, but, it defines you. You will keep rocking the front page for yrs to come.
By Browningman [Ignore] 15,May,19 07:34 other posts 
Always sexy and beautiful
By #600990 30,Sep,19 13:42
You are sexy!!!
By knewbi [Ignore] 04,Oct,19 12:37 other posts 
One of my favorites on this site. I would jump you in an instant if only given the chance.... I find you so damned sexy.. But best of all is you have one hell of a sexy mind...
By #583549 06,Oct,19 08:46
You are beautiful at any age my dear friend!!!!
By #603242 26,Dec,19 14:01
I don't see 'fat'; I see beauty; especially the way your beautiful pussy mound sticks out so sweet

By #603065 28,Oct,19 20:28
They are my favourite too

By SluttySarah069 [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 16:31 other posts 
As a young guy I had a couple of mistresses who were quite a few years older than me - and what a great time I had with them.

By #423426 06,Oct,19 04:45
43 when this was taken. [deleted image]
By #583549 06,Oct,19 08:45
Beautiful smooth couple!
By knewbi [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 14:38 other posts 
Oh hell yes!!! I'd be happy to work you over...

By #601496 06,Oct,19 10:17
[deleted image]

Granny knows all the moves.

By #555896 06,Oct,19 10:00
i love older bigger women.

By Browningman [Ignore] 15,May,19 06:10 other posts 

50 y/o

By #489480 14,May,19 17:32
For me, mature women from 40-70 are the best.

By onthelose [Ignore] 13,May,19 17:30 other posts 
When I was much younger I was very selective about who I was hot for. BIG MISTAKE. I missed out on a lot of sex, not that I got that much to begin with!!!! I just feel like I could have had more sex if I wasn't so dumb then. Nowadays in the current situation I find myself in, I would not care what they look like as long as they were willing and clean. That doesn't apply to men. I prefer smooth and not to big. By the way lix , you aren't fat or old. I would love to have a women like you who enjoys sex as much as you do.

By SluttySarah069 [Ignore] 13,May,19 17:17 other posts 
Always enjoyed older women - had quite a few as mistresses - lovely with lots of fun - good job their husbands never found out what they were up to with me!

By #517846 12,Sep,16 23:04
[deleted image]
By #486758 13,Sep,16 08:51
mmmm gorgeous tracy
By t-rex [Ignore] 15,Sep,16 22:17 other posts 
What is your hand doing down there ? 😊

By #124456 13,Sep,16 23:28
I loveeeee older women & im pretty young . Just wish more were into young cock .
By #485312 14,Sep,16 07:05
lm sures theres plenty that would love your young cock...get on a cougars site and lm sure they'll take you home to eat you up *lix*
By #372661 14,Sep,16 21:40
There are plenty out there for you, you however must make the first move. I believe many "older" women think only people around their age are interested in having sex with them.
By #124456 15,Sep,16 00:11
Well ya see , I've tried and it seems that not enough older women like guys around my age . I usually get the "your too young for me" line :/
By #485312 15,Sep,16 01:37
cougars are looking for young men, that's why you go to a site where they want young men like you *Lix*
By #124456 15,Sep,16 10:57
I'm not using a site where I have to pay just to message people . All those sites you have to pay for and they don't even seen legit ...

By #121361 28,Dec,12 04:50
Check us !lol
By #476910 13,Sep,16 03:01
Looks like fun. Love to get my dick between those gorgeous mature tits

By johnp [Ignore] 26,Apr,13 12:02 other posts 
Go check out my wife on my page.... she is 41 and smokin hot!!
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,16 23:43 other posts 
Yes she is very desirable. You are a lucky man!
By #476910 13,Sep,16 02:59
She definitely has tits to die for. She proves that women actually improve with age.

By #485312 08,Sep,16 19:29
[deleted image]
By chubbyloves [Ignore] 08,Sep,16 20:15 other posts 
you are so yummie, that it makes me cummie

By chubbyloves [Ignore] 08,Sep,16 18:06 other posts 
Middle aged to older woman have a lot more to offer. They have the knowledge and experience to satisfy the person they are with. They also learned what turns them on. I would rather have a woman with meat on there bones than be with a twig. Over my lifetime I have been with all sizes and shapes of woman. I know what I like, what butters my bread. Stay sexy

By #5532 17,May,10 02:29
I am over 40, will be 50 later this year.
By #143536 14,Sep,11 11:14
WooHoo! Would LOVE to experience a 50 yr old woman! You are gorgeous!!

By #71028 06,Mar,12 08:35
[deleted image]
here my 41 year old wife, I LUV fucking her

By #197275 01,Oct,11 17:43
High I am quite clearly 40 years old and I say friendly hello!

Many greetings from Samara!

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