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Where have you had sex?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #131473 [Ignore] 24,Jan,11 16:31
Where was the weirdest, craziest, odd, or public place you had sex? I am just wondering what I will here.

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By #699038 05,Sep,23 05:59
I was getting sucked off whil sitting on someones front brick wall on main road at 2am but yeh to many cars so went little way down the road to where there were 10 empty houses ready to be torn down so we fucked in one of the back yards only to find out after when we got chatted by police they had been watchn us fuck for while we didnt get in trouble the police sorta seen funny side of it as there were 2 female an 2 male police officers i think they were getn off watchn

By #657920 03,Sep,23 09:48
At a gay bar out on the back deck. In a hotel swimming pool. Received oral sex on a Greyhound bus. In a storage room at a gas station. At Pensacola Beach. At various parks.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 17:39 other posts 
had sex at the gym shower stalls

By #693619 29,Aug,23 12:16
In the woods behind school, school chapel, teacher's lounge, stairway in the music building after-hours, conference room table, computer lab.

I miss those days lol!

By PSerect [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 14:41 other posts 
The mens room at a very upscale restaurant in Puerto Villarta. I was there with a large group of friends staying at a gay couples villa. One night we went to this restaurant and had a great table right on the beach. There was 16 of us total. The service was slow and we kept time by ordering cocktails, lots of them. At one point on of the guys we were staying with, motioned me to follow him into the mens room. We quickly got in a stall, he jumped up on the toilet, bent over and I started fucking him. All of a sudden, the stall door slamed open and there was everyone from our table plus the manager and waiters. So embarassing, and everyuone was pissed at me for fucking our hosts boyfriend.

By Cummingforyou [Ignore] 23,Aug,23 06:12 other posts 
While at summer camp . I had sex at the waterfront almost next to the camp directors house. Had to tell her many times to keep quiet as she was screaming out in pleasure .

By Lvphose [Ignore] 21,Aug,23 14:47 other posts 
In a cemetery

By Mynakedcock [Ignore] 21,Aug,23 03:38 other posts 
On a railway station platform. A train went through the station too.

By Cody8789 [Ignore] 21,Aug,23 01:54 other posts 
I think it’s more like where haven’t I had sexI’ve had sex in so many places that it’s become boring to me, I’ve run out of places to have sex that excites me. What’s the next step to get that excitement back, don’t know, but wh3n I find it, I’ll let you know.

By #690553 20,Aug,23 23:36
I’m a classroom right after the professor left

By nekekal [Ignore] 20,Aug,23 17:56 other posts 
On top of my car. I could never get comfortable inside of a car. I tried a lot of ways, with pillows, front seats, back seats, etc. So I just took a blanket and pillow and fucked her on the top. The hood actually worked better but you have to park just right or you slide off. All uou need for the top is a flat parking spot.

By Bi7incher [Ignore] 20,Aug,23 03:43 other posts 
In a park on the playground equipment

By #500239 05,Feb,17 12:18
Condo balcony

By Edmonton [Ignore] 03,Feb,17 20:34 other posts 
Other than my place and the other persons places just oral in vehicles in different locations
By #485312 04,Feb,17 18:47
we need to get you out more Ed *lix*
By Edmonton [Ignore] 05,Feb,17 11:46 other posts 
Maybe I bet there are lots of other fun spots

By #461818 04,Feb,17 21:13
In a bowling alley that I worked in at the time. I had closed up and was cleaning up while she was waiting for me. We decided we weren't going to wait, so I f'ed her on the main counter.

By #521574 04,Feb,17 20:46
The beach, side of the highway, pit party, in a boat midday on a lake.

By #502711 01,Feb,17 16:55
I've fucked in a cemetary, at a museum, the beach, the side of the road
By #485312 04,Feb,17 07:40
in a garage, on the bike and walking trails, on the viewing platforms for the biggest tree, over looking the gong, by the river, on a sand dune during a thunder storm *lix*

By #513416 02,Feb,17 05:37
on moorland in heather (the palnt the girl had another name )

By hotlicker69 [Ignore] 02,Feb,17 03:22 other posts 
Car wash, rest stop, on the beach

By thickswingercock [Ignore] 02,Feb,17 01:43 other posts 
where havent i had sex!

By #528209 31,Jan,17 20:51
I picked up this girl at a Halloween party, I was actually trying to pick up her friend but she kept getting in the way, so what the hell. We drove back to the street in front of her apartment, it was a major street, and were sitting in her car, it was a Datsun,this was in the early 70s. Its seats would recline to the horizontal position which was handy.

We were fondling each others genitals, I was sucking her tits when there was this knock on the window, fortunately the windows were fogged up. We quickly covered up and I rolled down the window only to be greeted by a cop. I thought, Oh shit, but he wanted to know if we had heard a commotion or seen any other cop cars around. I had seen two pull in behind an apartment building as we pulled up so I pointed out the building to him and we could see flashing lights behind it. He thanked us an said not to go into it because there had been reports of someone with a gun.

After he left we continued from where we left off and ended up screwed each other's brains out while the cops patrolled the street looking for the guy with the gun.

By #469430 14,Sep,14 15:50
In the forest, in the car parked in a public park, on the beach in a cove

By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Sep,14 07:10 other posts 
He is wondering what he will here, but I can only tell him what he will there.

By Blade [Ignore] 12,Sep,14 23:13 other posts 
My gf & I left a rock concert early. She was teasing my dick the whole concern or giving me sexy looks. I almost came in my pants at one point.

We walked fast out back to the parking lots. The lots were just carved out areas where they chopped down trees around the concert hall. Once we got one lot away, my gf sits on the hood of a small sports car, and calls me over for a blow job. I was already close to cumming, and when I was about to cum, she scrambled back across the hood, as I came where she was sitting.

2 lots back later, she wanted to have sex, but I told her I just came. she was horny, and didn't take no for an answer. So she climbed up on another car, and partially stripped, trying to seduce me. She hopped from car to car following me backtowards our car. Then she stops on some luxary car like a lexus, and says you have f'ed me on a lexus before. She is laying on the hood with her legs spread, and I got hard as fast as my **** could pump thru my veins.

Because the concern was still going on, the loud music hopefully covered the banging noise of the hood denting is a couple times as I pounded her like an animal. I came hard that time, before she could scramble away from me.

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 01,Dec,13 16:53 other posts 
My favorite was in the tree fort me and some friends had builtin the woods around the house when we were teen/pre teen's. We would do a lot of stuff in that fort over the years The swimming pond was a few minutes walk from it, had some good times there too on the dock and out in the boat. Also on the river in the pontoon boat many times as other boaters would pass by.

By #279682 28,Nov,13 12:05
In a public pool
On the roof of a school

By #305433 19,Nov,13 08:30
I have fucked a girl in the back seat of my car in a parking lot, in a swing on a playground and on a soccerfield
By #358797 19,Nov,13 19:11
I've done naughty things on a playground swingset, too. Must admit it was quite fun.

By #358797 18,Nov,13 10:33
I already posted most public in another thread, do I'll go with weirdest here..... in an empty kennel at a shelter I used to work at.... surprise visit from my boyfriend at the time before business hours while I was getting ready to clean... couldn't help but drag him off for a quickie. Lol.

By qhaos [Ignore] 18,Nov,13 10:22 other posts 
in a tent on top of a mountain,
on a horse monument (riding the horse)
at a bruce springsteen concert on the parterre
in a hotel room with classmates sleeping in Barcelona
in a butchery cold room
and never with the same girl! lol
these are the strangest but there are some other!

By botanic [Ignore] 18,Nov,13 06:25 other posts 
In the ladies toilets in a Chinese restaurant , in a public park in the daytime, on the grass outside Salisbury Cathedral , in an alley way at the back of a row of houses, in the bushes on a roundabout on a main road, in the carport of the local vicarage .

By #316057 17,Nov,13 11:38
At work went to pee and this guy ask me if he could suck me I said ok
--------------------------------------- added after 9 hours

Went back to my shop and he in ask me if I would fuck him and I did . And I still fuck him

By #11431 27,Jan,11 11:50
on a pool table in a hotel
out of a window of an Elizabethan house in a tourist area
in a public park .. naked but no penetrative sex
on a hotel balcony in the daytime
on the lawn at home
on the roof of a canal boat

By #6568 27,Jan,11 09:55
Apart from in cars at various UK beauty spots, I can list/remember, the corner of a field of corn while the combine harvester was the other side of the hedge and a herd of deer were also in the corn,....with 'her' on top while sitting on a wood ants nest!!!!! .....behind 'her' while we both leant out of an upstairs window to watch a street event, and a whole afternoon of sex in the rain half way up a mountain in the Lake District......

.......There are more that I will add as i remember them!

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