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Show your dick, not show your bum hole

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #81941 [Ignore] 23,May,11 05:37
Do you hate it when you're having a good perve on some nice cock and then you come across a close-up bum-hole photo (or ass if you're american). This site is called "Show your dick" not "Show you arse", so why show the poo hole?

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Similar topics: 1.'SHOW YOUR DICK' VS 'SHOW YOUR CUNT'   2.Anal discussion, tools, vegetables, bottles, Fisting, Who can show its greatest achievements.   3.Show your asshole.   4.Trying to post to 'Show Your Cunt' Discussion!!   5.What the Heck?  

By #656954 06,Feb,22 02:43
Love a nice well used gaping ass.

By #652988 12,Dec,21 09:56
I enjoyed people seeing me naked it a turn to me

By cumn4u [Ignore] 25,Jan,20 00:05 other posts 
not sure why but it feels soooooooooo fucking good !!!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 22,Oct,20 23:50 other posts 
because you show your dick too and you show everything very proudly, sexy Cum

By smartex [Ignore] 01,Aug,19 08:32 other posts 
I think this is a problem of people uploading their pics into the wrong categories in the first place... This and its sister site both have an ass section, but it seems many post just anything into "normal dicks" (or cunts...).

Personally, I absolutely enjoy looking at cocks, but have a strong love for asses and assholes, too, male or female. These ass sections are a good thing. I regularly visit and post there myself. And particularly the close ups turn me on...
By #551147 01,Aug,19 09:53
Then you should love this one... [deleted image]

Show her a little bit of love, she loves attention...
By #628157 22,Oct,20 15:46
hey prefer seeing a studs cock, two photos would be great one with just his soft cock and balls hanging down and one with that fucker up stiff and hard maybe oozing a bit pf pre-cum--ready for cum sucking--tsgtcick@yahoo.com

By #578610 25,Jul,19 09:13
This is funny. This comes in a site where the third or fourth question from practically every guy is "Can I fuck you in the ass?" or something similar. If you don't like a "bum hole" don't look or go to another page. We women have to deal with all those dicks you guys THINK it's God's gift to women. And you guys not only up load these pics, but, you send it to us without our request. I know you are asking about male bums, but, the shit flows the same through female ass. They look the same.
By #628157 22,Oct,20 15:43
Man don't mind I hot ass-photo don't think of this one too much much prefer his ass- was closed an we saw just his hot wrinkled ass-lips--tsgtdick@yahoo.com

By #546418 14,Apr,18 00:13
But I come here to make my pee pee hard and some asses do in fact make my pee pee hard.

By niceonebighead [Ignore] 23,Feb,17 13:28 other posts 
By #491031 23,Feb,17 14:06
Okay, that's just too damn funny.
You saw an asshole. Big fucking deal. Did it make your head explode? Are you scarred for life? Seems to me that a REAL man wouldn't get his panties in a knot over something so trivial as the sight of an anatomical orifice that every person on the planet has. Do you shriek like a little girl if you see a spider, too?
Chill out and move on to another picture if it bugs you so much.
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Apr,18 21:58 other posts 
Check out Bignads78 recent blog about this (and panties). I think he didn't like my reply, he banned me. I'm so sad and broken hearted because I can't send him any panty pics now.

"Men in women's underwear!"

By #327529 21,Dec,12 14:00
generally speaking I agree with this...but, it depends on the guy. I actually prefer to see women's bumholes...actually love them. As for the guys, some just don't understand that their arses aren't attractive. But if they want to do it they're going to do it...I just simply move on or don't click onto the pic to get a better view.
Then with some guys, their bums and holes are very very hot...but I must say that it's usually the more androgynous looking ones that appeal to me to want to have a look at their bumholes.
By #275407 13,Apr,18 20:51
Do you think my ass is ugly /zf9bpnvo0wnrpic.html

By #554425 12,Apr,18 22:42
Straight showoff and uncut grower. Phallic apotheosis on Skype.

By #188813 27,Dec,12 23:56
Some of us like buttholes dude. Get over yourself lol
By #196621 29,Jan,13 18:05
if you wantto lookat assholes go start you a sitecome showme yourshity asshole iike to lick the shit for you
By #94263 29,Jan,13 18:55
Wow, someone has anger management problems
By #188813 04,Feb,13 19:43
haha yea really. He still needs to get over himself
get over it ur ass this site is syd orsyc not show ur shit shoot start ur own site 4 show ur asshole if there isnt enough popularity 4 such a site that should that most dont like it so text pics of ur shitty hole 2 the ones that want 2 see it GET THE MSG SHIT HOLE BANDITS it also tells who is ex cons just a jail house fuck

By Cox4you [Ignore] 21,Jun,16 15:26 other posts 
[deleted image]
By #491031 21,Jun,16 15:49
How could anyone in their right mind object to seeing that picture?
Hell, it's one of my favorite photos on the entire damn site!
By pussyman [Ignore] 25,Jun,16 02:21 other posts 
I love seeing nice asses especially this one

By #485312 21,Jun,16 00:31
[deleted image][deleted image]
maybe the 'show your arsehole' site failed to be popular *lix*

By #149019 18,Jun,16 00:39
[deleted image]

By pifad [Ignore] 27,Dec,12 23:58 other posts 
Ha! I love men's bungholes. Sooooooooooooo hot

By #178900 26,Dec,12 18:58
Totally agree, cocks & cunts a big turn on, arseholes a big turn OFF. Maybe someone should start a dedicated "Show your shithole" site as this site as already stated is Show your dick/cunt!
By peeled [Ignore] 27,Dec,12 19:01 other posts 
Great name !!

By Ablaze [Ignore] 26,Dec,12 19:03 other posts 
I like to look holes so much, as cocks, even may be more. I adore to watch wide open anal gape

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