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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #161137 [Ignore] 06,Jun,11 22:08
I have noticed lately that I can,t get my dick 100 percent grown on some days. Barely past 7 inches but THICK. Started day dreaming about a old girlfriend the other day who had these beautiful juicy round tits Double E's My cock started growing and I thought it might never stop. I hit past 7 and half inches and I thought my dick head was going to blow off. Had never had such a intense hard on in years. Take a look at my resent pictures and comment pleaseeee

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Similar topics: 1.HOW DO YOU FEEL WHEN...   2.HUNG COCKS   3.let's vote about "longdick" out or in??   4.DOES YOUR DICK TEND TO GET BIGGER IF YOU HOLD YOUR CUM A FEW DAYS OR MORE?   5.Having A BIGGER Dick  

By #128507 09,Jun,11 02:04
I know mine is a little bigger some days...

However, I've been working out a lot the last couple of months and I can say that I am about 1/4" longer now. I'm pretty sure that is because the little bit of fat I had around the base of my cock is gone (and I sure wasn't a fat guy before)!

So, if you want to "lengthen" your member and you have some extra lbs, lose some weight!

I haven't posted any new pictures since I started pumping iron and eating on my crazy diet. It's about time I guess!

By #6568 07,Jun,11 05:57
It has always intrigued me that I have noticeably different erections from day to day and occaision to occaision,...not the amount of arousal, just a difference in 'look' that is usually intangible. Somtimes if one is less that usually aroused the head is softer and smaller, but that's not what I mean,...sometimes it actually looks longer to me and at others thicker. Because of this interest I have tried to research the whole matter but info is more or less non existant and for a long time I thought it was just me that felt like this and that it was probably an illusion.

I am yet to see any mention of this by any western author or info source.

However, eventually I discovered that the only info seems to be that gathered by the ancient Chinese physicians and sexologists. Centuries before western thought turned to the health and body the Chinese had enumerated the 'four attainments' that make up an erection,....namely, elongation, swelling, hardness and heat. All of these conditions of erection are dependant in ancient Chinese thinking upon the mans 'energy' being conducted thru his accupuncture points,..and, interestingly, these correspond to the 'chakras' found in Yoga. Thus, if 'energy' becomes held up in certain places the erection will be slightly different and teh causes recognised. I have to say this is the most plausible possible answer to this strange phenomenon.

By slipper [Ignore] 07,Jun,11 00:08 other posts 
Quantum physics and the interconnectedness of all things!

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