Recent Posts of member Mongo


By Mongo 16,Dec,24 12:47
Mongo love the smell of mama fishy fishy

By Mongo 03,Dec,24 01:09
So has mama.

By Mongo 27,Nov,24 23:56
Mama loves old Democrats. She fuck more old men than social security.

By Mongo 22,Nov,24 11:29
Mama teach Mongo to count all Charlie’s legs and gets 0.

By Mongo 22,Nov,24 01:38
Diabetic Charlie can’t go to Disneyland.

By Mongo 22,Nov,24 01:33
Mama use Charlie’s teeth and gets 3.

By Mongo 30,Oct,24 22:34
What do 78 year old vegetables taste like?


By Mongo 30,Oct,24 22:32
Mama ask if Mongo eat vegetables then sat Charlie on Mongos face.

By Mongo 30,Oct,24 22:31
How do you eat a piece of Candy? 🍬

You lift up her belly.


By Mongo 30,Oct,24 22:27
This you you dirty farting Democrat eats fat euro foods clog artery.

By Mongo 15,Oct,24 09:32
Mama likes eggs.

By Mongo 10,Oct,24 19:51
Basket home not 4 head.

By Mongo 08,Oct,24 01:35
We many we legion.

By Mongo 07,Oct,24 21:35
Mama u been bad hurt Mongo.

By Mongo 07,Oct,24 21:15
Mongo want drinky.

By Mongo 05,Oct,24 12:54
Hissss peeeeeniss is smalll feeeelt nooooothing weeee did. We areeeee plasticcc and inanimateeeeee. Hoooow paaaaathetic evennn a lifeeeeeeelesssss object won’ttttttt fuckkkkkkk youuu Mongooooooo!

By Mongo 05,Oct,24 12:51
Weeeee seeee everythingggg. Chaaaarles is a predatooooooor. In the fires of hell you shalll burn and parish in a weakkkkkk saaaaaaagy body!!!!

By Mongo 05,Oct,24 11:43
Daddddddddyyyyyyy why?

By Mongo 05,Oct,24 11:43
Helppppppppppp meeeeeeeee! I’m burning hell fires is burning us now.

By Mongo 05,Oct,24 11:39
My soul is screaming in this old decrepit body trapped with this liberal dementia addled mind. Daddddddddy help me.