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What is the most unusual place that you have ever masturbated?

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Started by MoeJoe [Ignore] 12,Oct,09 04:34  other posts
I was just reading through the "How Many Times Do You Masturbate a Month" topic and I thought I would start a new one....What is the most unusual place that you have ever masturbated?

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By #720882 15,Aug,24 09:31
Several years ago, I was traveling for work. After a long day, I went to a Perkins restaurant. It was about 10pm on a weeknight so it wasn't crowded. I was sitting in a booth by myself and I really couldn't see anyone else in the restaurant but I could hear them. I was so horny. At first I undid my zipper and pulled out my cock to begin stroking. I heard the waitress coming so I covered my cock with my napkin quickly. After I ordered, she walked away and I went back to stroking. I needed to feel more naked so I unbuttoned my shorts and slid them down to my ankles. When my food came, I didn't bother to cover up but I the table was above my waist so I don't think she saw anything. I was so turned on that after she left again I took off my shirt and my shorts completely! I turned sideways so that my legs were on the seat and anyone walking by would see my totally naked body. I came so hard and shot my load all over my naked belly and chest. Some even got on the table. I was shaking uncontrollably but quickly got dressed. I ate my food and paid my bill before I left. I don't think anyone saw me at all but it was absolutely thrilling!

By SexIsLife [Ignore] 14,Aug,24 15:17 other posts 
In a salon while cutting my hair.

By Harrycarrot [Ignore] 06,Aug,24 04:31 other posts 
In the boiler room of a church whilst the church warden was watching me.

On the ladies toilets at work when everyone had finished for the day

By Geraldgg [Ignore] 06,Aug,24 03:57 other posts 
In the parking lot of a home depot standing outside my car with my pants and underwear around my ankles with people watching me.

By groundrelay [Ignore] 06,Aug,24 01:57 other posts 
in the bin of a truck full of wheat.

By thicknsmooth [Ignore] 06,Aug,24 01:52 other posts 
I was laying on the floor under a blanket staring at the back of a hot friend that I thought was so hot. As he played a video game I stared at the back of his head and neck and stroked one off

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 13,Jun,14 13:23 other posts 
I have rubbed one out quick on a waterslide once. I was 12 and at a waterpark. All those other shirtless boys wondering around had me fighting a boner for quite some time. On the one slide and almost all the way to the top my body decided it didn't want to fight it anymore and...well, there it was. Hard as steel. I had one of those mats you went down the slide on luckily and was able to cover up. The slide was a tube style slide and once I got on my mat and headed down I took him out and jerked off real quick on the way down. Easy clean up, plenty of water lol. I am pretty sure the attendant at the top noticed my little hard-on,but surely not his first one he seen.
By thicknsmooth [Ignore] 06,Aug,24 01:48 other posts 
That’s hot

By WickedGirl420 [Ignore] 05,Aug,24 12:45 other posts 
In a tanning bed during a session

By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Aug,24 19:54 other posts 
At the Church when I was 15 yrs old

By wycowboy [Ignore] 04,Jan,19 12:12 other posts 
Many places. Fitting rooms, my car on the highway, windows with the curtains open, on top of a building I worked in with a hotel across the street in the daytime, many other public places, you name it I have probably done it there
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Aug,24 12:50 other posts 
A hospital emergency room?
By wycowboy [Ignore] 04,Aug,24 16:32 other posts 
Actually, yes

By Francesco [Ignore] 04,Aug,24 11:58 other posts 
in the sea with lots of people a few meters from me

By #719542 04,Aug,24 00:11
I guess not so much unusual, but at work quite a bit for a period in the toilet. I was a store man at the time & one of my jobs was to tend to the garbage bins in the office that were under the desks.

All of the employees would move out from their work station for me to collect their garbage, expect one. Hot little slut, young girl that sat at the front desk that would turn to the side & open up her legs so I could see her panties while I was on my knees, fidgeting around getting hold of her bin, always wore a mini skirt & was a bit of a party goer, with the stories she used to tell me her & her sister were total sluts, I have no doubt, she was a total cock tease & hot as fuck.

After getting rid of the garbage would retire to the toilet & furiously jerk my cock, never took me to long to cum.

Needless to say, this little slut always had a empty bin 🤭

By boc [Ignore] 03,Aug,24 23:14 other posts 
on the roof of a catholic church

By Antonek [Ignore] 02,Aug,24 23:27 other posts 
Well it’s not really masturbating but it’s close. Years ago I worked as a cook at a breakfast restaurant in town and I got a hand job from one of the waitresses in the kitchen. I’m not sure how it started, she was looking for something in the fridge, I needed something from the fridge too, I guess her hand brushed against me and she gave me a squeeze. After a minute she was undoing my pants and jerked me off into her other palm behind the refrigerator door, all while we were serving breakfast. It was so wild! We weren’t an item, it was just spontaneous. She grabbed a paper towel, cleaned me up and said “ you better get back to the grill!” I couldn’t cook for shit the rest of the morning!

By Homer33 [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 08:36 other posts 
At construction site with coworkers in next room! They dont know what i did

By Harrycarrot [Ignore] 01,Aug,24 04:14 other posts 
In a church boiler room with the church warden.

In the back of a shop with the owner.

In a relatives garden shed

By Smoothsilk [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 11:41 other posts 
In my car, watching my friend, in a short skirt, walk to work.

By shavedpubis [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 11:40 other posts 

By shavedpubis [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 11:39 other posts 

By shavedpubis [Ignore] 26,Jul,24 11:36 other posts 
on the gyno hair

By Gulpereel [Ignore] 13,Jun,24 12:32 other posts 
In my fishing boat on a lake.

By casado [Ignore] 13,Jun,24 11:30 other posts 
banheiro do avião.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Jan,19 21:20 other posts 
On a ferris wheel, recently, and I was with female company. I took the challenge. I passed the test.

By #562567 19,Jul,18 18:37
I think it was near the river as I was fishing.I rubbed my cock trough my pockets and pants.
By #64328 04,Jan,19 12:19
Unloading in your pants can be hot AF

hotel room with the curtains open,public park out houses, changing rooms at dept. stores

By #435701 18,Apr,18 15:32
Life in it's simplest form...cumming here, cumming there...cumming in my underwear and EVERYWHERE... Don't get me wrong. I am TOTALLY with you about that! Cumming in church is oh so...fantastic!!! God must REALLY love that!...I am not a fan of Gods. Looking back in history, the incredible MULTITUDE of them is just confusing. Some are fun gods like Zeus, Aphrodite, Hades (he's the BEST of em all),Poseidon, etc...They are so FUN! Even Hey Zeus, (Jesus) is a constant joy of everyday life....Even if 'HE' is JUST as mythical as all the previously mentioned, but out of favor gods...Orgasms and gods...how DID we arrive here?! Well, ifn' ya reeds yer 'Bibble', only certain types of sex be allowed. Bringing yourself to orgasm be bad...veddy, veddy BAD! And especially if you are doing it in 'Choich'! Choich is extremely godly n veddy, veddy...HOLY!....SHIT. What did I just say???!@!! I be goin' ta HELL...Did any of you recently read how the 'poop' said there was no Hell??? After Centuries of trying to scare the HELL out of all catholics with eternal damnation...HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THE 'POOP' COULD CHANGE ALL THAT?????...Yeah, religion...it be the best...And responsible for so much of the World's CHAOS.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Jul,18 14:09 other posts 
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

That's why San Francisco is very unamerican. People there are like you. Real America is Boise, Detroit, Auburn, Huntsville, Kansas City, Charleston, Petersburg KY (where Noah's ark and the creation museum can be found), etc. Shame on you.
By #435701 19,Jul,18 14:28
OK...I LIKE being an infidel!! I am an INFIDEL of the HIGHEST ORDER ! And people in SF (don't really like them) are NOT like me as I have lived in SO many places Worldwide. But, here I am in the SF area after a life time of seeing many cultures and absorbing lots of them in my total makeup....BUT...'Amurcah' as it currently exists...is JUST so FUCKING stupid. And NOTHING like the America that saved the planet from Hitler's Axis, with ALL those brave Americans willing to give their lives to actually protect a country that 'was' so much better than countries like Germany, Japan, or USSR/Russia/Stalin... Italy and all those others that just jumped on board with Hitler and Germany, because they were led by weaklings...Sound familiar? Like the weakling currently leading us into...WWIII? So shame on me. I am definitely NOT religious! Religion is for people that CANNOT think for themselves. As has been proven thru many Centuries of INNUMERABLE religions that ultimately proved they were just so much...BULLSHIT JEEZ...Noah's Ark? YOU actually BELIEVE that TOTAL crap?! Even with today's much DEPLETED animal population and even WITH our current ability to make a ship big enough to hold 2 of EVERY FUCKING KIND of wildlife...We could NOT do it...Wake up. Religion is and always has been propaganda. For control of the masses. And WHO might want to control the masses? GOVERNMENTS! Religion has served it's purpose in such an incredible manner for EONS!...I imagine you are Christian. Have you ever looked at the history of Christianity? Because, like ALL religions, they KILLED so FUCKING many other people that did NOT believe as they did...Here's a comparison for you. Mormons and their religion and how similar it is to Christianity. The ONLY difference is the many hundreds of years separating their individual starts...Mormonism (sounds like a decease) started in 1844 by a 'normal' guy (he wasn't normal. Much like Hitler n even the Trumpeter)It spread, much like Cults do, until modern day with Mormons 'owning' Utah....HEY zeus (JESUS) was like Joeseph Smith. He was a human that could attract masses of unthinking weaklings to his leadership. The ONLY difference between that man that could WALK ON WATER...HOLY fucking GODDAMN CRAP! and Mr. Smith...is that Mr. Smith has ONLY had 174 years and his Mormonism to 'age'...Mr. Jesus has had 2018 years and as such has so MANY 'followers' (TWITTER)he can not longer be denied. Plus, he has that 'gud buk' to back him! Live life by the 'Bibble' OR...go STRAIGHT to HELL! Without passing GO!...Look @ the history of man. Religion has been the NUMBER ONE FUCKING cause of all warfare...So, SHAME ON ME for being able to SEE while all others are blind. So sorry if I offended you.
By #435701 19,Jul,18 14:33
Did you get me AGAIN??>!!!...Well, good on you! Apparently I am too EASY...But thanks! I liked 'venting'!
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Holy Fucking Jesus, Leopoldij...You done got me agin! I be such a simpleton that is SO gullible... Thankfully, I never fell for that 'Ole time Religion'!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 17:00 other posts 
Did you think that I'm fucking religious?

By #550094 18,Jul,18 20:27
Inside a port-a-john (portable restroom)
at a construction site, overnight.

I got out very late from a concert, and the public buses
had stopped running. I was too far to walk home.
So I walked for a bit and came to a construction site
that had a couple of port-a-johns.
One of the porties was huge- large enough to fit
a wheelchair inside it...

...I figured I'd lock myself inside it and crash a nap
until dawn when the bus begins its first run.
I shut myself inside the portie, set my digital
wrist-watch alarm for dawn, and tried to nap.
Couldn't sleeep. A sneaky thought came to mind:
"Jerk off and leave a splotch of cum on the toilet
for the construction workers to find the next day."

I laid out some pages from an old newspaper on the floor,
dropped trou, and started jerking off until I came.
Suddenly I heard someone knock on the door.
I stopped jerking and laid very quiet as I slowly
pulled my trousers back on, and slowly stood up in a
ready-to-fight position...

...the person outside then started banging on the door
and rocking the portie back-n-forth. I was nervous!
I thought the crap in the toilet was gonna spill on me;
OR, the person would break in and find me in there
and attack me; OR, I thought it was a cop!

After a few never-ending minutes the banging and
rocking had stopped.
It sounded like a man, because I heard a male voice
cussing out loud and then he walked away.

I figured it was probably a homeless guy needing to
use the portie; or just some overnight street thug
or crackhead looking for a place to chill.
I remained inside the portie until dawn.

As soon as the alarm in my wrist-watch sounded off
I got up and out of there like the fastest bat
out of hell.

That was the weirdest, and SCARIEST, place I had
ever masturbated.

By #513813 18,Jul,18 18:54
Standing in the middle of the freeway

By #550700 16,Jul,18 22:36
I've masturbated in public restrooms...parks..parkinglots...once in a hotel pool hehe

By #561720 16,Jul,18 15:20
I masturbated in the back of my 7th grade science class during a lecture. The stool was high and I positioned my hard cock between the table and my leg. Slowly rubbing and pressing my penis with my leg against the table while looking at one of the cheerleaders. Luckily this was before I started having wet orgasms or it would have made a mess. I had a really good dry one! The receiving dock at a retail store would be the second.

By #64328 16,Jul,18 00:04
I used to jack off in the to toilet stalls in Jr high before taking a shower in PE because I was afraid I might pop a boner

By notnow [Ignore] 15,Jul,18 18:21 other posts 
Public Library !

By tb1 [Ignore] 15,Jul,18 10:40 other posts 
"What is the most unusual place that you have ever masturbated?" - where I jerked off yesterday

By #64328 15,Jul,18 10:37
Laying in bed in a hotel room with a relative sleeping 4 feet away on the other bed. Knowing if he woke up I would be busted added to the excitement. Sneaky masturbation has always been a serious turn on. I could name 100s of times I've done these kinds of things. Risky places seem to make me hornier and orgasms more intense

By cumaddik [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 15:13 other posts 
In church many times, in class alot of times, changing room many times...pretty much everywhere i could...i did!

By #64328 18,Apr,18 15:49
I can think of many odd and unusual places since i have alway gotten a big thrill secretly doing it in semi public and odd places. One that come to mind was watching tv with my family growing up and secretly masturbating under a blanket until i had a dry orgasm. Also i did it in the back seat of a car while my friends dad was taking us to a concert

By #553294 18,Apr,18 14:55
I discovered masturbation & dry orgasms just after my 5th birthday. I also discovered that I could give myself "the special feeling" as I called orgasms back then, VERY easily! A couple minutes of discretely rubbing the sweet-spot through my pants-pocket with a forefinger was all it took for me to reach orgasm. And since I was fully multi-orgasmic in my dry orgasm days, I could do it as many times in a row as I wished!

I masturbated to orgasm in the back seat of the car on family trips. I did it at my desk in grade-school. I did it in the public swimming pool. I did it in the back seat of the school bus on class trips. My best friend & I did it together in the bushes while riding our bikes out to his grandpa's farm.

But the most unusual place has to be in church. When I was really young, I usually masturbated to orgasm during every sermon!

By #359325 14,Sep,14 10:46
I did it once in an elevator at my old dentist's office...Second time was in a bathroom outside by the hot tub in Hawaii...
By #64328 14,Sep,14 21:44
Ive done it in the bathroon at my dentists office

By #285354 13,Jun,14 07:05
I was snorkeling in the Caribbean. I gave myself a nice slow wank as I snorkeled along. I was taken back when a small school of fish instantly swallowed up my load as soon as I shot it.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Jun,14 10:53 other posts 
Smart fish. Why waste a good nourishing load.
By Blade [Ignore] 12,Sep,14 22:50 other posts 
As a joke/experiment, while house sitting a friend's ****'s house, I got on a chair and jerked off and came into the big fishtank they had. yes the fish eat it up quick, and even fought over it.

I was house sitting for a month, and 3 weeks into it, I ran out of fish food. Not wanted to get more, I remember what I did the first couple days, and just jerked a lot into the fish tank. It was ackward to get up next to the fishtank, so I just jerked off whereever, and made sure to wipe the cum off whatever it shot on, and put it in the fish tank. Besides what I couldn't get up off stuff, and the one time I came into their mayo jar, , those fish lived off my cum.

I was pretty drained and not horny at all at the end.

By #275556 12,Jun,14 21:05
I once got walking round the area at night, ended up going to my local park, and walking round with my cock out, walked for about 5 mins with a rock hard dick swinging side to side as i walked. Houses around the park could have easily seen me, couple of lights on... was very exciting!
Once i got more confident and more horny, i walked round the other side of the park and stripped naked and walked around naked and suppperrrr solid!
Almost cumming at the wind brushing past my cock!
Sat down and wanted at most of the benches around the park (small park)
Fingered my ass... had a proper horny session....
So i started to walk to the entrance completely naked at around 1 am, saw someone, couple local lads that would have recognised me, so i nipped into the bushes and hid. Even with the fear of them seeing me, my cock wouldn't go down!
So i started tugging away, once they had walked past i quickly walked the other way and got dressed... i had been posting on CL that night and got a match, invited him to the park, and we sucked each other off.... Fucked me in the middle of the path under a street light too!
Was amazing! Genuine story too!
Message me if you wanna know some details!!

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