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The fear of WHITE people

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Started by bigone21 [Ignore] 19,Jul,13 17:36  other posts
Why is it that WHITE people allways feel threatened by minoraties that gain rights? The group with the MOST rights, allways and for centuries, are the ones that feel the most threatened (historically) by blacks/coloured and (at this time) by samesex couples...

Same-sex couples can marry know also in France and England! Hallelujah! The Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, some states in Brazil and USA, and some more that don't come to mind now..!

But back to the question: why do (heterosexual) WHITE people, that allways enjoyed all rights to the max, are so loud on this? Nothing is ever taken away from them, and yet, at all kinds of subjects, they scream murder if any other group gets granted the same rights!

For the record: I'm white! (and don't understand this reflex)!

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 07:19 other posts 
When lots of people live in poverty and misery, because the jobs were sent overseas and corporations exploit people for big profits, people are angry. To shift the blame, politicians use 'the others' as a scapegoat, for why the government is corrupt and therefore sucks deliberately at its job.

It's a distraction, just like all the culture war bullshit, so they can keep raking in the money,
over your back. Both political parties and all corporate news channels do their part in this.
They are never talking about important issues, but are just aggravating the left-right split. That way, voters are only supporting the party, not the policies, so both parties can continue representing their DONORS and not their voters.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 07:34 other posts 
When a company like Coca Cola sends employees to class to learn how to be less white, it is hard for me to believe it is meant to just be a distraction.
When the Salvation Army has to retract a brochure it put out to it's employees and volunteers telling about how they should apologize for being white it seems to be more of a distraction.
When 1 side trys to erase the history of the other ,only to slap their own in the faces of the other,it is difficult to believe it is just a distraction.
There is a deeper problem.1 that simple hate like liberals try to make it out to be is not adequate to explain it all.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 07:53 other posts 
Coca Cola is a corporation!
Culture war bullshit is part of their marketing strategy.
How can you not see that?

It's simple; who are most of our customers and how do we appease them?

Just like M&M's getting a some more gender neutral clothes. It hyped the brand all over the news. Maybe some right-wingers buy M&M's a bit less for some time, but sure as hell their marketing consultants calculated a positive effect in their consumer base and pocketed their generous consulting fees.

Thanks consultants, that is a nice distraction, when we have some annoying information about us using slave labor for our cacao plantations in Ivory Coast coming out.
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By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 08:07 other posts 
To a point yes.But even you are only seeing a part of your own point.THey are cashing in with the liberals or the other race because those folks flock to them for "supporting" their cause.When in reality,alot of money donations from corps to blm and such are due more to blackmail and extortion than the company actually careing and donating.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 09:36 other posts 
Some of it is a distraction, some if it is marketing (but that is also a distraction). Only a minority of brands actuality use 'liberal' branding as identity, like Tony's Chocolonely. If you actually investigate their business practices it's not that impressive. But 'liberals' pay more for it. I do to, because better is still better.

But, how many liberals do you think care about M&M characters being more gender neutral? Maybe a tiny minority of pink haired teens calling themself 'unicorn-sexual' or WTF. And maybe they would care about the slave labor, if they knew, but that news gets out-hyped by the stupid characters.

Some corporations donate money, true. But have you seen money donated by corporations against their profit motives? It's all within their branding. Being 'inclusive' doesn't cost anything. Donations are not free, but it's only a tiny fraction from their profits and rest assured they calculated that it would increase their profits, from the marketing they get from it. It's called a 'Ronald McDonald house' or something similar.

And why do they pander to the liberals and not the conservatives? Because conservatives already give them everything they want. Liberals would maybe rain in their power and profit potential, if they didn't like their business practices. Conservatives don't give a fuck about exploitation.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 09:58 other posts 
Most conservatives ,like myself, didn't see any issues with the m'm cartoons,hell they are CARTOONS. who cares? I had to quit buying alot of name brand candys a while back because they simply have priced themselves out of my reach. 2 dollars for a snickers bar? Nope sorry. I go to the dollar store and buy the generic or perhaps over runs or whatever that the store is carrying at the time.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 10:23 other posts 
Tucker Carlson seemed to care that one M&M is less fuckable now
But you do care sometimes about those things and blame the liberals and even the Democrats. Blaming the liberals OK, but the Democratic politicians really don't care. It's just the only thing left they can pander to their base with, because they are not going to do anything else for them.

I do suspect the corporations to do it on purpose. It enrages the right-wing media, they blame the liberals and the Democrats, which is great for their actual purpose; right-wing policies. Actual left policies hurt their ridiculous wealth.

I mostly avoid chocolate at all for a while now. But if I indulge myself, M&M's are not my first choice. They don't taste like chocolate, but like sugar and peanut. Then I prefer honey roasted cashew-nuts.
Snickers always was my favorite, but it has been a while. I mostly go for the chocolate covered hazelnuts or just a bar of milk chocolate. Have you tried Knoppers bars? They are pretty good for less.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 10:27 other posts 
Knoppers bars? first i have heard of them
The green m-m, who sees it as "sexy" I don't.I see a cartoon m-m.
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 23:20 other posts 
"the liberals or the other race"????
Are you saying that "liberals" are a specific race of people?
Who is this "other race" you speak of? I mean, there are so many races, could you be more specific? Are you talking Jewish? Asian? Relay, perhaps?
Do you even bother to read this shit before you hit "submit comment"?

By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 23:48 other posts 
SHEESH, liberals are not a race,if they were they would be almost extinct!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 12:07 other posts 
Well, on average liberals do tend to breed a bit less.
But on the other hand, conservatives die more of Covid.

Maybe an idea for a TV show. Two deserted islands, one with a group of liberals and one with a group of conservatives. They get some food and some tools, but mainly they have to live on what the island offers them. Before they go, they can vote if they are allowed to bring guns. Then we see what happens for a year.
Somehow I have more confidence in the liberals.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 13:51 other posts 
Well in that situation you would have a group of vegetarians and a group of meat eaters. conservative group would trade vegi's for the tools from the other group.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 17:33 other posts 
Or the conservatives fight over that one goat they shot, because their are not that many animals on the island, kill each other and turn into cannibals, while the liberals eat coconuts, jams, nuts and berries to their heart's content.
Because, sure all liberals are vegetarians, that's true.
By #610414 10,Feb,22 10:15
Phart it’s your misconceptions on the true meanings of these actions.
By #610414 10,Feb,22 10:13
Ananas, we must be reading and listening to different news and politics. My sources have a strong voice on important subjects. Yes, there’s a plethora of news and politics dealing with the flotsam of life, but, it’s not that hard to separate the two. You have a fairly good grasp of economics and you seem to know the differences in types of government styles. You also know what groups of people can suffer through. What you are sadly lacking is in the understanding of the Great American Way. You are listening to the BIG FISH In news but, since you don’t live here, you miss the little news. This is the actual pulse of the nation. While we, Americans, tend to be too distracted with The Price is Right, we do know enough to listen to the local news.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 10:25 other posts 
Price is right really went down hill when Bob Barker left.
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'What you are sadly lacking is in the understanding of the Great American Way.'
Sure, I've never lived in the USA. But is the 'Great American Way' a reason for white people being afraid of black people, gays, transsexuals and Muslims?

I don't listen to the 'big fish' in news much. But when I do, I get really depressed with their logic and messaging. I mostly listen to YouTubers. I don't limit myself to the most lefty ones either, but I don't waste much of my time on the far right characters.
Why listen to false arguments on incorrect facts, leading through failing logic to a reprehensible opinion?

I have heard local news is basically a recital of all the killings, muggings and rapes in the area. Is that true? Maybe your local news is better. Can you give an example of the important subjects they cover? And if they give an economic perspective on political subjects, do you think they are objective or are they giving the corporation approved perspective?
By #610414 10,Feb,22 12:36
White people are NOT afraid of blacks, gays, transsexuals or Muslims. They are (and only a minority) prejudiced of these other people. Most are learned at home from parents who have been taught the same growing up. Gays and transsexuals are a product of religion. Blacks and Muslins are due to racist hatred.
Local news is a compilation of what a community needs to know and special interest to the local community. Murders and other crimes gage the efficiency of the police and monetary needs of the population. It’s good to know what Congress and the President are doing but, I’m more interested if I95 is clogged from an accident. I want to know where Covid vaccines are being given. The central government, the Feds if you will, are important, but state legislators usually have more impact on our daily lives. I also want to know if Miami Beach is flooded from the tides because global warming is increasing tide level. This morning they hired a new head of the Broward schools. They teach our kids. That’s important. A truck demonstration in Quebec or Washington DC is news worthy, but, it hardly affects South Florida. I could go on, but, you get the picture. As far as the economic perspective, finding out the local grocery store prices have jumped 5% in the last month or that gas is selling at $3.35/gal affects my neighbors more than hearing the Dow took a plunge.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 12:45 other posts 
I am glad to read that you pay attention to the local news that actually affects people the most.
What seems to get lost in all this, I have no idea why hatred is the only thing people can see when looking at whites vs black. I don't "HATE" anyone. I flat out don't like some people I have met in person or saw on tv.but as far as hate, no.Hate gets you no where.
But at the same time, I am hated. By some for simply being born white. and that piss's me off. Like I had a choice. Like I owe someone a apology. For what? What if I had a High IQ, should I apologize to the dumber folk? What if I had a 12 dick,should I apologize to the shorter dick folks? No. I was BORN this way.I sure as hell aint rubbing black stove polish all over myself either.
This gas thing is really going to be a issue. IF war breaks out,the truckers protest will be the least of the worrys. As fuel will be short on supply and high as hell. Shutting down our already weak economy.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 13:41 other posts 
Sure, I will believe you do not hate black people, but why are you sure that black people hate white people? And even if they do, is it just because of your skin color?

Maybe they don't like you thinking that their underprivileged position is completely their own fault. That's mostly a right-wing position. So if they hate you, it might be because of you're political ideas, more than your color. It's the Republicans who are doing whatever they can to undermine their ability to vote. They are affected by Republican lawmakers who give them worse schools, polluting factories in their neighborhoods, new highways trough their backyards, longer prison sentences for drug abuse or financial crimes, lower funding for their infrastructure, police who harass their kids, when they are just walking home from school or work and see them as a dangerous suspect, just for being black. You can say you feel discriminated for being white, but you do not get discriminated like that. Even if some or most or all hate you, it doesn't affect your life, like it does theirs.

And if you think they can't see your political ideas, you're wrong, they can see it in your eyes and how you move, when they come closer.
You're wrong, many people do fear blacks, gays, transsexuals or Muslims. Phart told me he would be afraid, when he sits in public transport and a Muslim woman with a head scarf and backpack enters. I think you will come close to 50% of your country who feels like that more or less.
Black people get it too. A well groomed black guy in a suit probably less, but a teenager in a hoodie scares people.
And what about the fuss about what bathroom transsexuals use? They are talking about r*a*p*e related to that topic. What statistic ever said transsexuals r*a*p*e more than cis people? At least Muslims are actually over-represented in the group of suicide bombers and black youth is actually over-represented in robbery.
Maybe gay people are feared the least, but I ask phart if he would dare to go to a sauna frequented by gay men, even if sex there was strictly forbidden.
By #610414 10,Feb,22 15:38
I’m sure there are many people that fear contact with members of those groups. Why? Personal experience, teachings, or downright meanness, but most of us are as tolerant of those groups as they are of us. If a young black man starts to follow me while I’m walking I’d would be apprehensive but that’s for safety reasons. I would feel the same if a mean dog was following me. Please don’t judge ANY views by Phart are the norm. Not only is he an unknowing bigot but a right wing conspiracy follower.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 19:36 other posts 
MY goodness,I am catching hell for describing someone as slow moving and black,you are calling me everything but a human being.
Part of a google search result shows this for bigot" unreasonably attached to a belief,". I am far from Unreasonably attached to a belief. I just don't deny what I see in plain view and try to over shadow reality with a veil of everything is supposed to be peachy..
And you yourself just posted
"If a young black man starts to follow me while I’m walking I’d would be apprehensive but that’s for safety reasons"
Safety reasons, so young Pakistani males don't have dicks?
Young dutchman here on visa don't get horny?
Really? safety reasons ,sounds racist to me.
Hoodies on white people scare me just as much as if they were on blacks. Hoodies hide a person's eyes and face.If they commit a crime or intend to,you can't see their eyes or facial expressions. It is for safety reasons to quote Cat that people in general are afraid of hoodie people. And how many people rob a bank wearing NOTHING on their head?
As for me being afraid if a muslim woman got on the bus with a bag, hell yes. BASED ON FACT that similar situations here in the US and abroad have led to death and injury.
TO qoute Cat again, for safety reasons.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 06:09 other posts 
This was not meant as a personal attack and I'm also not saying all those fears are completely irrational. Under the situations you both describe, anyone, including me, would feel at least uncomfortable. That's when fear is proportional to the risk. It is however not fair to people in those groups, who do not pose any risk.
They get judged only on their appearance, because of actions by people with similar appearance. You express really not liking that yourself. You can be assured they suffer more from that, than we (white people) do.

Irrational fear means that your fear is NOT proportional to the risk. I have accused you and right-wingers in general, often for having irrational fears.
(in my opinion those fears are manufactured, to serve a purpose)
Off course, getting blown up is not funny, but in our countries it happens almost never. Getting mugged is also not nice, but how often does it still happen?
I don't carry cash anymore. My cards are mostly useless without the code.
Maybe my ID and drivers-license would be of some value to them, but I would block them the next day.
There are neighborhoods where you have a risk of getting beat up. Those are tiny areas, just don't go there. You would be angry enough, to beat people up too, if you had to live there.
Admittedly, as a woman, there is the risk of getting r*a*p*e*d. I wish men didn't do that. Now, it's never the women's fault, but there are ways to reduce the risk. It's where they go alone, not how they look. Even if you force all women to look like men, a predator still knows his prey. It's they ones he can overpower, not the ones who emit confidence. Recognize that r*a*p*e is an act of cowardice.

You are not reacting to being afraid of gay and transsexual people. Do you think the fuss about the bathrooms is due to fear of transsexual people, a purely political protest against them or a religion based one? And why then think of them as r*a*p*e*ists? What can it be, other than fear or resistance against their existence?

The only thing I feel for transsexual people is sympathy. I imagine it to be a tough struggle. And if they decide to be the gender they want to be, they need to go through a horrific operation. Imagine that, when you already feel comprehensive about getting an injection.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 07:30 other posts 
Black/White/Yellow we all the same. I sense alot of ignorance breeded by TV news propaganda and ignorance. Ignorance is bliss to some. The only colour you get out of black and white is's neither black ,white or yellow.. Just saying. Tolerance of race,Gender is what's needed. Behaviour is very complex to pigeon hole it. 2+2 does not equal 5
By #610414 11,Feb,22 09:04
Of course not. Everyone knows that 2+2=22.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 11:32 other posts 
See none of this matters to me or even apples to me because I’m not from this world I’m from the red planet and I’m here because my planet is to hot and my people are dying so me and my army are here to take over you scrawny humans and keep your planet for our selves just me and my army of 5 now please take me to your leader I am yecknom ruler of the red planet 👽surrender at once or i will release my death ray
By #610414 11,Feb,22 12:39
No, no!! I submit. Should I take my clothes off?
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 14:15 other posts 
I sound pretty convincing don’t i
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:08 other posts 
I am not afraid the lgbtqx people.
There is good reason for concern. If they are born male with male parts but they want to go to a females bathroom and potentially be seen by someone **** or that does not want to see such in what is supposed to be a safe secure place for women to be women and to use the bathroom. you may think being seen isn't a problem,but what if your 5 year old came out of the bath room and said "daddy, that woman has something hanging down,"down there" that I don't,why is she different"? Do you really want to have to explain that to a 5 year old?
Alot of other reasons for concern as with the 14 year old in a school that raped 2 girls at 2 different schools because he was trans and the school was more of afraid of the back lash of punishing him for the **** so he got transfered after the first case to another school,only to repeat it. so now 2 victums of **** by a 14 year old male with rageing hormones posing as a trans.
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Whats more important in this case, the rights of those 2 girls that will never feel "secure" again, or the rights of a confused 14 year old boy using trans as a way to get to easy victims?

And i know people here have a hatred for religion but it is not morally acceptable by Christians. And they have rights to by the way.and since they are the majority, the rules tend to lean that way.Why should they have to be exsposed to this sort of thing?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 11:06 other posts 
What bathrooms do you have in the US? Women do not stand alongside each other at a urinal, they have toilet stalls with doors. How is some girl going to see a dick? And are you only denying pre-op male to female transsexuals entrance to the women's toilet? Because post-op transsexuals don't have a dick anymore. Pretty sure they were supposed to piss in the men's room too. How's she going to do that, if there are only urinals. Let them go on the women's room, so they don't have to sit in the piss of guys with lousy aiming.

Your prudishness is getting way too far. As a child, me and my brother changed in the women's change-room, when we went swimming, so our mother could keep an eye on us. No one gave a fuck. Now everywhere there are dressing compartments, because the prudishness has affected The Netherlands too.
In Denmark there are mostly just big open change rooms, one for the women and one for the men. But we've seen a single father taking his daughters with him in the men's changing room and no one even looked. The whole of Scandinavia has sauna culture. They don't care about seeing each other naked. They just think sex-ed cannot start soon enough. Way less teen pregnancies there.

You know what breeds frustrated boys and men? That ridiculous 'decency' standard. The most women get r*a*p*e*d in countries where they are forced to wear hijabs or burkas. How do you get mass r*a*p*e of boys? You tell men they can't have sex and treat everything with shame and silence, AKA the Catholic church.

So what if your child ask why that woman has has something hanging down.
Is that really so difficult to explain?

"by a 14 year old male with rageing hormones posing as a trans."
That's not true, there is nothing in the article or in the news-feed that he was allowed in the girls bathroom or that he was posing as a trans. He is just a boy.
Do you think a rapist cares about rules?
If you can't even find one example, than what are we talking about? Fear!
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 13:18 other posts 
"The night of the chaotic school board meeting, the board was discussing the transgender and gender fluid student rights policy, which allows students to use the restroom of their gender identity,"
Found what I was looking for, trans was the wrong word,gender fluid is the politically correct title he was running under.
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"he parents of one of the girls released a statement through the Virginia-based Stanley Law Group blaming school officials for failing to put in place safeguards to prevent the boy, who they say was dressed in a skirt, from entering the girl’s bathroom to assault their daughter at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn, Va., on May 28."
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 14:58 other posts 
OK, it seems like he was dressing as a girl. Now the question remains, if he was actually under transgender medical support or if he was just doing it, because he's a perv who likes to be in the girls bathroom.

I would be OK with limits, before they let transgender boys in the girls bathroom. Some have been with gender support services for years and take puberty blockers from early teens, to prevent them turning into a man.
They look like a girl and have the strength of a girl. If they are forced to go to the boys room, that's more of a risk of them getting raped. And maybe the boys might feel uncomfortable, standing at a urinal, when a girl comes in.
But let's have some common sense instead of laws on this subject.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 20:05 other posts 
You know well as I do common sense went the way of the DoDo bird.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Feb,22 08:42 other posts 
So true! It has been slowly declining the past decades, sometimes quickly and there is not much of it left. But would you like to replace the last remnants of it, with a tug of war, between conservatives and liberals?

Describing it as politicized is an understatement, it's weaponized!

And before you immediately blame 'the left', think about it. ... Really?
Just compare Fox News with CNN. Who is talking about culture stuff more?
And the politicians?
By #610414 11,Feb,22 09:03
Phart, the young black male I wrote about has history. How many people have suffered from a crime committed by a young black male wearing a hoodie? Can you say the same of a Dutchman or Pakistaní in this country? Only a fool would ignore a situation that could lead to bodily harm or loss of property. Also, how many Muslin women have gotten into an American form of transportation carrying a bag and detonating a bomb?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:07 other posts 

--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

Phart, it's like you have a hidden agenda?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:22 other posts 
and that might be what? to live my life and not be a victim? That is most peoples agenda to live their lives isn't it?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:20 other posts 
hopefully none yet!
BUT that day could very well come.
And which is more important to you? Being safe or being a naive victim so you don't carry the burden of guilt of considering race in regards to your safety??
If you don't remember,back shortly after 9-11 the fbi or 1 of those alphabet groups issued a warning that the terrorist could high jack firetrucks or ambulances to use for attacks.Has it happened yet? No,but the potential was apparently there.
I think part of the problem is the folks that make social profiling out to be a negative thing.It's not when you are trying to protect potentially 1000's of people from a attack.
OR 1 person for that matter in a back alley.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:35 other posts 
Phart, It's simple, I understand from videos over there, I'm in Australia.. Gun laws are good so someone will cave you head in with anything... happens all the time. Whites on whites, Just values that have been mixed up in the propaganda train. People ain't jailed here for petty crimes. Making the wrong turn without indicating won't get you shot.

To be a Police officer in the USA, ffs. Seen it on video and fuck that but really at the end of the day is not racist. You sound it abit. TOLERANCE WILL SORT IT OUT BUT TOLERANCE SEEMS EXPENSIVE THESE DAYS
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 11:28 other posts 
If people want to kill people, they will find a way. A 4000 pound truck works fine too, but not great for a school massacre. It's just basic statistics, that when everyone can get a assault rifles easy, people going crazy results in more and bigger mass murders. They just go up to a roof on a busy street and do some target practice. They take out 100 people pretty quickly. That's much more difficult with a hammer, an axe or a machete.
Sure in Germany there were a few guys driving into crowds. Also lots of victims. But US records are hard to break, without guns everywhere.

Have you seen the gun control bit of Jim Jefferies?
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By #613564 12,Feb,22 00:59
Not afraid of people of different ethnicities, but I am very afraid of the IGNORANCE, in posting, not knowing proper American English, and speaking to YOU, that are 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation born Americans, but didn't care to learn SHIT, in school!!
I have the most respect for the people I know, from Mexico, Somalia, or other places, as they TRY to speak better, to be understood and accepted!
What about you LAZY, white, 'entitled' bastards, that can't be bothered to just speak American English, when Jose, from Guatemala, speaks English, Spanish, and French, and never had more than what Americans would accept as a "Grade School" education!!??

By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 16:48 other posts 
Well this is a tough question to answer in a way that anyone will read and think before they go "karen" on the writer.
Here in the US our constitution fixed alot of the issues of minority's, blacks were the majority of the minority at that time because they were freed slaves.
BUT For whatever reason, instead of enjoying their rights or fighting for their rights if infringed on early on,they continued to live a life of servitude in a sense. Part of that was due to lack of education.
That problem has been fixed for several decades as all races can attend the same schools. And ride the same bus's and so on.
Affirmative action prompts employers to hire a certain person, not by qualification but by skin color.
So there have been alot of advancements for minority's in the US over the past 100 years.
And you know what? Instead of using these things to their advantage, some want to continue the old "victim" routine. NOTHING is enough.
To me for alot of white people it is not "fear" as you put it,but anger at the fact that all people have the same rights,but yet some find it takes effort to make the best of those rights and aren't willing to make the effort.
Whites don't own homes, cars and business's because they are white, they own them because they or their family members made the effort to work and get those things with their own hands.
What blacks call white privileges is a made up concocted line of bullshit.
What privileges do whites have? The same damn 1's the other races have and DON"T USE>
Now,I am willing to bet that someone will come up and call me bad names because I tried to honestly answer the question. With a few facts. Research our constitution and you will find that minority's have protection. Read about affirmative action and so on. The ground work has been laid for everyone for a long time.just some don't want to pickup a hammer and start building on it.
By #553818 09,Feb,22 21:46
Did you just revive a topic that has been dead for 8 years?
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 23:24 other posts 
Yes, yes he did. And way below you will see that he responded to a post from December, 2013 and even posed a question to a member, member #201583, who has deleted their profile who knows when.

Yep, in this thread you should find and agree concrete proof that white folks are far more intellectual and superior to any other race. This is also an example and should be considered proof, WHITE MEN are the most intelligent species of all, far more intelligent than white women.
By #553818 10,Feb,22 05:45 why do you like the forums here...?
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 06:53 other posts 
When I became engaged in the site and forum, there was only ONE FORUM, a forum that admin has made into three. There is this, the MAIN forum which was designed to discuss any CONSTRUCTIVE adult topic. There's the DUMPSTER, something admin created as a sub category to the MAIN forum designed for "Drama Queens Fighting... and all other petty topics that are not interesting to an intelligent reader". And since admin is the King of this kingdom, many times he decided what threads would be removed from the MAIN forum and be relocated to the DUMPSTER. And finally, the "RATE MY" sub category designed specifically for the insecure member, often times the male that needed to have their penis rated or validated.

Short answer, why do I like the "forums" here, I mainly spend time in only the MAIN forum which is then further sub categoried and broken down into a thread. If a thread/sub topic appears to look interesting to me and I feel that I can add to it, I surely do not hesitate and I will post. BOOM!
By #553818 10,Feb,22 08:05
My comment was a more a sarcastic "babe, this place has some crazy folks in it" than of want for an actual explanation but sadly it seems my humour was lost in my poor craft of the written word.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 11:12 other posts 
Again, I extend my sincere apology to you. We have very limited interactions together so it's easy to say that I don’t you, you don't know me. There was a time that I felt that I left a very sarcastic comment on a member's picture and that member seemed to be highly offended. I'll try to not to be so "uptight".
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 12:28 other posts 
I love the smell of sarcasm in the morning!
(Suddenly, I feel less lonely in the forum )
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 13:13 other posts 
You feel less lonely!? Forget you JustWill!
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 14:06 other posts 
There aren't that many forum folk that appreciate sarcasm these days...
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 07:29 other posts 
No if you do some looking you will find someone else did,and put it up at the top and I found it and responded.
By DJS [Ignore] 19hr ago other posts
Check down below.
I thought since the topic was being discussed elsewhere, what was the harm?
Some liberals tend to think we need to have these difficult conversations to help better understand the situation for both sides.And in that I can agree.
By #553818 10,Feb,22 08:02
This thread isn't a "difficult conversation" - it's mostly racists and tinfoil hat folk spewing nonsense that holds no water from even a passing gaze.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 08:05 other posts 
My hat has no tinfoil,i leave that for the tv rabbit ears.
As for being racist, how is it racist to point out the racism of the other race?The 1 hollaring racism the most is actually the more racist of the 2. I literally don't care about a persons race in regards to jobs or anything else,as long as they got there on their own and are taking the same level of responsibility's. It is when 1 race gets a job and is not qualified for it, simply because of their race,it becomes a exspensive problem for everyone involved.---------------------------------------

As for "holding water", ok,give us your take.You seem to be smart so perhaps you might plug a few holes in the bucket.
By #553818 10,Feb,22 08:09
If you want me to respond in a constructive way please present your point in a form that doesn't look like it's being spewed from a raving madman who is about to throw me in a river so God can save my soul.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 08:11 other posts 
Usually that type of response comes from someone whos toes are being stepped on!
By #553818 10,Feb,22 08:13

Have a good time.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 10:12 other posts 
I am not "having a good time" .
It is rare to find a woman that speaks her mind, I was actually glad you were participating. BOTH sides or should I say ALL sides, need to be open to discussion. IF not,no actual workable solutions to any of the worlds problems can be found.1 group or side will always feel screwed.
By #553818 10,Feb,22 18:29
I'm open to discussion when a person's argument is put forward in an educated and structured way.

Not in a way where I feel like I'm talking to the man who is sat at the local pub every night as if he's never left.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 19:04 other posts 
I must admit,i have never sat in a pub and drank.Matter of fact I am totally alcohol free unless you count a few doses of NyQuil.
I suffered a tbi about 16 years ago.It prompts issues with word structure at times. BUT it does not taint my knowledge,I just can't convey in in proper english and form to suit some folks. Sorry about that.
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 12:30 other posts 
Good luck with that...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 23:07 other posts 
Are you expecting a rational argument from a super conservative American who thinks that religion, guns, trump and the filthy rich are a force for good? That's impossible. These people live in middle ages.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 20:07 other posts 
Middle age people and people that get high off unicorn farts can't coexist?
Um,you might want to check with Bezos or Elon and see if you can catch the next rocket off earth!
Go ahead Leo,no harm done,you can't help it,
By #610414 10,Feb,22 09:55
Phart, only you believe in the “racism” of the other race because the Feds tried to equalize opportunities for all. You conveniently forget that before the Feds got involved, minorities had little representation in employment, education, or financial dealings. If you consider the black population, a group that represents about 13% of the population, they were getting representation in the single digits. I also suspect your unfortunate accident has colored your thinking. Partial or full disability can make special situations feel like discrimination. I’m sure there are situations where “caucasians” do get the short end of the stick , but, generally, everyone has an even chance.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 10:06 other posts 
13% of the population sadly can't expect to have representation in greater %'s than the other larger %'s .
IF equality is the goal.
Equal opportunity, sure,it is already there for all to enjoy. Just check out the lady running against Omar in the next election Minnesota, District 5 only registered users can see external links
Muslim from Somalia, clearly a member of a race and group of people that suffer discrimination.BUT she is useing the rights given to all Americans and is going places. It could be done by all,but it requires effort.And it is easier to sit back and wait on uncle sams check than to actually try to do anything.

As for color and my situation. When 3 different lawyers tell you that color DOES affect your accept or deny, and 1 of them was trying his damnest to get his % of all my settlements, how or why should I forget that??
By #610414 10,Feb,22 10:34
You got it wrong again. You would expect that a group representing 13% of the population would have 13%, give or take, of the opportunities enjoyed by other groups. Example using fictitious numbers: a prestigious college has room for 100 students next year. The admissions department has 15 positions that go to minorities, but, it has 85 positions for others. And the 15 have to qualify, so , what’s so bad about that?
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 12:50 other posts 
Using your college example. You have to find 15 and 85 people of each group that qualify for college.
only registered users can see external links

Looking at this chart should make anyone with brains sad.
LOOK at the drop out rate of the Native Americans. WOW.How can they overcome repression if they themselves don't get a good education?

then look at the Asian. And we wonder why China is kicking our ass.
IF You were to put me in as President,that would be 1 of my first executive orders, mandating high school graduation of ALL AMERICANS.
With a high school diploma,and good grades,scholarships and grants can be had for those who want to better themselves
By #610414 10,Feb,22 15:19
I never said those positions had to be filled but that the mix d had to be that way. If you want compulsory high school graduation, then run for local office (high school and other schooling is a local concern) and work for it.
Now, tell me what you would do with students that fail to graduate.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 19:05 other posts 
They would stay in school of some form until they did unless medically unable.
YOu must admit,a high school diploma goes along way to make a persons life better.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 15:31 other posts 
China is kicking your ass as you put it, just by sheer size of population,and the fact it's a person can just say,everyone goes to college for free.....but you're against that socialist idea.....
So you believe that everyone should pay their way.....but if college education costs too much,how can you improve the lives of US citizens.....?

So you're really in favour of being a dictator if you use executive orders to do what you want..... mandatory high school graduation with diplomas would cost a fortune,who is going to pay for that phart?the government? Given your previous posts you are anti government messing about and telling you what to do and how to live your life....

As for native Americans,you really are fucking clueless about your own history sometimes.
Native Americans have been wiped out in genocide by white men...and had their country taken from you understand the racial scarring that occurred with that?
They want to live how they lived for thousands of years before white guys turned up....but capitalism makes money king.....that leaves no space for spiritual people....
Rant done
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 19:08 other posts 
The tax money has already built the schools,hired the teachers. The kids are just to sorry to go to school and the parents are to sorry to make them.
The native Americans have not been wiped out totally. Just check out all the casinos a few of the tribes own so they can buy back what was stolen.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 19:31 other posts 
You said you would make everyone have a diploma,so who is going to pay for the new colleges to take all those students? the government will pay!!!! Hilarious, don't be such a socialist phart, republicans will disown you...
So a few casinos pay for something that was stolen from them in the first place.... listen to yourself...
Stick to being a follower of patriarchal monotheistic horseshit....
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 22:44 other posts 
They don't all have to go to fucking college.That is the line of bs that is blathered out.Basic math skills, good spelling,and so on,is a plenty to drive a truck or lay brick or go on to a TRADE SCHOOL,not a fucking college to learn a trade to help boost intelligence.
Since when did republicans not like a high school diploma?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 04:00 other posts 
You said if you were president you would f0rce people to get a diploma, that's being a dictator....and also socialist if you want free education....
So improving your intelligence is stupid but a manual trade like laying brick is good,and you wonder why the Chinese are kicking your ass as you put it earlier!!!
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:42 other posts 
So you think it benefits the country to have a bunch of dropouts without skills running around unemployable?
So it is being a dictator to make a executive order in regards to education, biden is 1 hell of a dictator as he has signed away alot of peoples lively hoods
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 14:15 other posts 
Ya know, phart, I'm convinced that if FMK was at the same restaurant, overhead a typical conversation and saw someone wearing a MAGA hat she would be inclined to call that person a redneck, too.

With that said, I wonder if you would have ever made the initial post about the encounter and whether her being blonde, slender, attractive and with a peppy step would have even been mentioned?
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 19:13 other posts 
Yea,I would have. how can you convey something in a way that makes it worth conveying,if you are to generic?

"A human made a bad remark to my parent".
That is off the top of my head as generic as I can get that statement.
The reader would think,"well was it a woman,was it his mother or father or--etc".
There would be no need to convey the information if it were so generic it left more questions than answers. Clearly explained it would enforce a persons feelings about a topic or might persuade a change of opinion of a class of people or a bussiness or what ever.
What if I ate some food at a place and I said,
"I ordered a burger from Joe's grill and the grubby fat guy behind the counter did not cook it well done and didn't properly clean the grill."
or I could say " I had a bad experience at a restaurant.".
First off the reader would wonder, "where was this?" "was it the food bad or the service?"

.I don't know if I am making my point or not here.But in this example there would be no reason to even mention the bad experience if there were no details to help others not experience the same issues.
There was someone famous a while back made a statement along the lines of,"Old white men are the problem"
Take that sentence and make it generic. What would the purpose be of even speaking it?

Granted a person like FMK , you could not sway them if you tried.
I don't know if she would call someone a redneck out loud or not. I sorda doubt based on our very limited off thread communication which I will keep private unless she wants to convey it.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 22:10 other posts 
It remains to be seen whether she or a person similar to her would publicly call you, your father or anyone, for that matter, a redneck HOWEVER, I kinda get the impression that in her sarcastic way, she feels that the posts which includes yours are racist.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 22:46 other posts 
UH yea, that is a understatement. I didn't respond to what she said except to thumbs up to not messaging her again.
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 23:13 other posts 
The problem is that none of the "facts" you have included in this post are...well...actual facts.
Let's just hit a couple of examples, shall we?

1."blacks were the majority of the minority at that time because they were freed slaves.
WRONG! They were the "minority" because there were fewer of them. That's what "minority" actually means to a non-racist (or to someone who understands English.)

2. "For whatever reason, instead of enjoying their rights or fighting for their rights if infringed on early on,they continued to live a life of servitude in a sense. Part of that was due to lack of education."
There's a whole shit-load of stuff wrong here. For example, their lack of education was because--in a large part of the country--it was against the law for black people to learn how to read. Also, in that same part of the country, their "rights" were limited by the white people who controlled virtually every aspect of the law. (Don't forget, lynchings were a very popular way for many non-black folk to pass the time back then.)

3. "white privileges is a made up concocted line of bullshit"
I don't know if your type of people deliberately misconstrue the concept of "white privilege" to fit your own racist agenda, or if you are just to ignorant to comprehend what it really means, but that particular statement is the real "line of bullshit".
Let me try and explain it for you (I know, I am wasting my time on this, but I have to try):
The "privilege" part of "white privilege" is that, by virtue of being white, even the hardest stuff in daily life is easier than it is for non-white people. It isn't saying that white people don't often have a tough time in life, just that being white makes the tough stuff just a little easier than it is for non-white people.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:36 other posts 
in what way is it easier?in this case you might actually be 1 of the few that can help make some sense of it but to be honest,
I really want to read a good explanation of that priviledge thing because my father worked toe to toe with blacks on his job for 30 years and not a fucking thing came to him any easier than it did to his coworkers. They got along great on the job and looked out for each other.But nothing was easy got or easy done for any of them over the other. They had to work to earn their pay just the same.
What ever is in my fathers name was earned by his blood ,sweat and tears. Being white didn't put him where he got to in life,his WORK put him there.
So you are saying blacks were not the largest minority at the time? so was it the Native Indians? Was it the chinese brought over to build the railroads? Had the mexicans already started illegal immigration? I don't quite get how the blacks were not the largest minority.
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 12:13 other posts 
Okay, I will give it a shot:
I am not saying that the work your father did was easier for him than it was for the non-white employees, or that he didn't work hard to earn a living. That isn't even in question.
What I AM saying is that, historically speaking, it was probably easier for him to get the job because he was WHITE, he probably earned a higher wage because he was WHITE, if promotions or raises were available, being WHITE most likely put him higher on the list than his non-white co-workers.
That's what "white privilege" means, and stuff like that is still happening here today.
Here's an example from my own experience:

When I first got out of college, I worked for a few months at an employment agency. The agency would solicit and post ads in the newspaper for job openings at hundreds of different companies in the area. My job was to interview potential employees and set up job interviews with those companies.
All of those ads were clearly marked "Equal Opportunity Employer"--because that's the law.
On my second week at the job, I was told by my boss that when I interviewed a black applicant, I had to mark a number '15' on a corner of their file. When I asked why, I was told that many of the employers only wanted to hire white people but, because they couldn't legally say that, they would just specify that we weren't to send any '15's to apply when they
posted the opening with our company.
I left for a new job several weeks later, but have been told by friends who remained with that agency for several years after I left that the practice was still going on.

That is not only an example of systemic racism, but of 'white privilege' as well.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 21:35 other posts 
so, ok,i can see where being labeled a 15 would make it harder to get a job.And I can see some employers being steadfast on who they hire for reasons we don't know..
1 question this raises.How perhaps I should why,should a white person feel guilt in regards to white privileged if they have no idea that it has ever affected them?
I have never felt privileged over another person and if someone were to tell me I should feel guilt or remorse,my response would be a negative 1 because I have no idea if it ever affected me. And I have never deliberately used it because until a couple short years ago I had never even heard of it.
Maby by asking that question,you can understand why it might anger people.
I guess a simple way to say it would be for a person in a labcoat to walk up to you and tell you that you only had 49.8 white bl00d cells therefore are to be punished.You would be angry because,how the hello would you know how many blood cells you had and how would you fix it.
I can't fix the situation.If there is 1.which as you indicated perhaps there is some work to be done.
I am willing to bet though,the white folks that got hired,had no idea that they were not labeled a 15 .

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