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ADMIN , create Chat Groups MUSIC , SEX,

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #489201 [Ignore] 16,May,15 18:31
dear admin,
please give us the option to create chat rooms. you can insert an option of 30 minutes or 89 points e.g... you know it will work. it would be another channel where we can choose .... Carte Blanche pls referre to me

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By admin [Ignore] 16,May,15 21:28 other posts 
Well, actually this gave me some ideas. I will not change anything seriously, since I do not believe there are enough people to make multiple thematic chats by one owner anyway.

But this is what I just did:

Room owner may now change it's name. It will appear under that name in the list here /public_chat.php

In other words, if you wish to discuss music, you can name your room "Music channel" and everybody will know what you wish to chat about.

Also, during this change I noticed that I actually show active rooms by last message, which I now think is not correct. I changed it so that active rooms are shown by people present in them. That leaves a possibility for someone to keep their page opened forever while not actually being in the room, which is bad, but in the same time this leaves an opportunity to show you are waiting for chat in your room. I hope the second over-weights the first.

P.S. You see, guys, this is the problem. Almost no one ever tells me anything and since I personally do not use this site for my entertainment I have no idea what may be needed or even what's wrong sometimes.

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