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How many dicks do you have to suck before you are officially gay?

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Started by #491031 [Ignore] 28,Jul,16 14:08
I'm thinking four.
The first one is just see what it's like.
The second can be seen as an attempt to gather a bit more data.
The third blowjob is simply to confirm the results of the test and determine whether or not you really like sucking cock.
Number four, though, makes it official.

Sucking that fourth dick earns you your membership card, and you can expect the club T-shirt to arrive in the mail in seven to ten days.

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By #535417 25,Jul,17 08:33
Well I guess i am gay because I have way more then one dick
By #491031 25,Jul,17 10:37
A guy is supposed to have only one dick. Why do you have way more than one, and what do you do with the extras when the main one is in use?
By _avg_ [Ignore] 26,Jul,17 01:05 other posts 
I heard that motherfucker, had, like, 30 goddamn dicks......

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By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 26,Jul,17 04:22 other posts 
If a guy's only supposed to have one dick, then what is a cocktail?
By #491031 26,Jul,17 15:05
A cocktail is an alcoholic beverage in which the booze is mixed with some other non-alcoholic ingredients.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 07:42 other posts 
Um... thanks. I thought you'd recognize that as a joke...
By #491031 27,Jul,17 08:34
I did. So...I gave a mock-serious answer.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 03,Aug,17 21:30 other posts 
Okay, so where'd the word come from? Is it sexual? People do tend to get that way when they drink them.
By #491031 04,Aug,17 09:17
The accepted origin is that it derives from the practice of docking the tails of non-thoroughbred horses to indicate their mixed heritage. These docked horses were called "Cock-tails".
Because an alcoholic cocktail contains liquor that is diluted and mixed with non-alcoholic ingredients, they were given a similar nickname.

By #534172 04,Aug,17 08:17
Just one, I would say. Otherwise why would you even want to? I suppose you might also like pussies, but that's another question.
And another question is:
Who cares? We are who we are, and what the rest of the world might think about it might be interesting, but mainly irrelevant.
Be who you are - you can't be anyone else, anyway...

By #116569 16,Jan,17 19:59
By #491031 21,Feb,17 18:05
I feel sorry for Mr .5. Does that mean that he didn't get to finish?
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 26,Jul,17 03:43 other posts 
Nah, that's just when it's not enough to count as a whole dick.
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Jul,17 13:01 other posts 
I had a .5 once too. Poor guy, I actually felt sorry for him. Ugly guy with a little dick. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy my time with him, I did and even wrote a blog story about his four inch dick and the bonus of the compact size.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 03,Aug,17 21:38 other posts 
Wait... what bonus?

I can understand it being better when you're not turned on, for a few different reasons, but I'm assuming you mean hard.
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Aug,17 00:30 other posts 
I like the fact that the smaller dick doesn't slam the back of my throat. I can suck it aggressively without worrying about gaging on it. It's also a nice change; after all, I'm Canadian and of course Canadian cocks are naturally larger than cocks from elsewhere in the world.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 04,Aug,17 00:46 other posts 
Whoa, really? I would think Canadian girls wouldn't be so easily impressed... It seems like Canada should be much more popular, too. No one ever wants to go with me.
By #536760 04,Aug,17 02:36
[deleted image]
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 04,Aug,17 06:06 other posts 
Wow, that describes exactly how I feel about it...

Unless of course, you're one of those douchebags that humps their mouth even though it's making them gag/choke... in which case, what the fuck?!

By #539191 04,Aug,17 01:55
None. You gotta be gay to suck the first one

By #517796 29,Jul,17 17:30
None if you're turned on by men and not women and desire to have sex with men and not women, You are Officially Gay! No sucking required.
By #491031 29,Jul,17 20:33
Okay, but where's the fun in that?

By #460385 29,Jul,17 12:35
I agree with Will. You can imagine or call yourself whatever you want. Labels or no labels. By definition if you interact with the same sex in a sexual matter, you are by definition gay. If you interact with both men and women in a sexual matter, by definition you are bisexual. Why can't we just call it what it is. Whether you have sucked one dick or a hundred dicks doesn't change the definition of what you are. Even if you believe or think your a damn duck.
By #491031 29,Jul,17 16:44
My theory is this:

The ones who won't admit that they are ducks are ashamed of being a duck. They don't want to stop behaving in a duck-like fashion, even enjoy doing ducky things; they just have so many hang-ups about what they think being a duck makes them, that they refuse to admit the truth.

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, and sucks dick like a duck--it's a fucking duck.

The problem isn't with the "label", the problem is with the person who needs to lie to himself in order to cope with his desires and subsequent behavior.

By stroker11 [Ignore] 29,Jul,17 07:29 other posts 
You're gay if you even think about it. This makes it easy....don't!
By #491031 29,Jul,17 12:13
I have to disagree.
Thinking about something is not the same as reality.
I thought about baking a cake yesterday--it did not magically appear.
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Jul,17 12:52 other posts 
Nor does it make you a baker so I won't call you one.

By #535819 26,Jul,17 10:55
I've blown 5 different guys a number of times so I guess I am.
By #491031 26,Jul,17 15:08
Your t-shhirt is in the mail.

By stroker11 [Ignore] 31,Jul,16 06:29 other posts 
Just one....unless it's your own, then you're a very lucky boy!
By #491031 21,Feb,17 18:14
Just one? Give one simple blowjob're gay?
Damn. All those bisexual guys are going to have to rewrite their resumes...

By #519672 16,Dec,16 15:21
did not know that there was a limit--just that you like the taste and feel of a cock not only in the hand but in the mouth
By #491031 21,Feb,17 18:09
Are you suggesting that giving handjobs can make you gay?

By #527164 11,Jan,17 03:00
A lot more than the number I have sucked.
By #491031 21,Feb,17 18:08
And...what is that magic number?

By #527431 18,Feb,17 14:41
By #491031 21,Feb,17 18:03
Where's the fun in that?

By #232059 07,Aug,16 05:51
My First Time needs to come....Looking for something sepcial....Very Huge and big....
By #491031 16,Jan,17 12:15
Huge and big is NEVER a good idea for the first time.
Best to start of with a training-pecker and work your way up.
By #208346 21,Feb,17 17:05
My first was big and I didn't have a bit of trouble.Guess I'm just a natural cock sucker

By Greek18cm [Ignore] 04,Feb,17 01:38 other posts 
Straight guy opinion.
I do not think so that is a matter of how many dicks as how many cm...

You say 4th dick.

No you must add the cm of every cock you suck and when you reach 100cm you are there. For example if someone suck my cock will have an other 82cm distance to cover...

By #491031 18,Feb,17 13:01
Here in the States, we don't do metric. That must mean that American guys can never be gay...

By #529544 18,Feb,17 12:55
None ...if you think of it on a regular basis you are BiseXual...You are whatever the situation provides...If it floats your boat ...
By #491031 18,Feb,17 12:58
Nope. Not buying the "if you THINK about it" bit.
I think about winning the lottery all the time, but that doesn't make me a millionaire...

By #522126 11,Jan,17 07:02
My girlfriend wanted me to suck a cock as a fantasy of hers which I tried during a sex party we went to,I did like it but do not plan on making a habit of it.The guy came in my mouth which I swallowed.I would in no way class myself as gay.
By #491031 15,Jan,17 13:50
Just a question:
Are you saying that you did it just to please her, but it was NEVER a fantasy for you? You never even thought about it?
By #522126 18,Feb,17 08:58
I had thought about it as probably all men do,but until then I had no intention of ever doing it,it was very much in the moment,like I say,I did like it,I may do it again but only with her watching or joining in.

By #517660 07,Aug,16 05:48
Lol ths is a fun one! 1, 2, 3, 4 & you're gay! Maybe justwill! We seem to all have our own definitions of what being gay is, so i'm not going to argue with anyone elses definition.

I will just tell what my idea of gay is, as I perceive it. pretty simple though. A guy wanting to embrace & kiss & be in love with other guys would be gay. A guy who perves on other guys asses & fantasises would be gay. A guy who likes to feel other guys bodies would probably be gay.

I think a lot of it is an emotional state of mind though. I guess that even if some guy liked anal with other guys he would not necessarily be gay, so yeah I think the mental position is very important.

With what I have said, I would not consider myself gay, as I tick none of the boxes which would indicate me being gay.
I could only fall in love a woman.

But, given that I like to suck cocks so much I can't really say I'm strictly straight, of course. But I'm not interested in the rest of the guy at all. He's just the life support system for his nice cock. Of course, if the guy is an asshole then his cock is guilty of the same by association (& attachment).

So is there a sub-category of semi bisexual? Quarter bisexual? lol! But to all but people who 'know' me, I am fully straight, & I'm happy to keep it that way.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,16 20:07 other posts 
Hmmmm..... may I ask why it is important for your peace of mind, for those who "know you" to believe that you are "fully straight"? My guess is that your definition of being fully straight means 100% straight, no dreams about sucking cock or the need of anyone being a life support system for a nice cock...., no?
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Dec,16 22:02 other posts 
this is a tough one I say I'm gay on my head line I do like cock both oral and anal but I'm no flamer you couldent tell if you met me in person I'm all man and like all the ruff stuff that comes with being a man
By #447435 02,Feb,17 20:26
I don't think there is a magic number, more of a state of mind. I live a straight lifestyle, but I had one dick in my mouth and really enjoyed the experience. I would totally do it again if the opportunity presented. I also think about anal a lot, what is that like?

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