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Started by bella! [Ignore] 03,Dec,17 21:53  other posts
This is an extension of the RANDOM BULLSHIT thread which now can be found in the "dumpster". This thread is intended for random "stuff", thoughts, ideas, "intellectual" exchanges, discussions, etc.

It would be preferable if members did not clutter the thread up with pictures of cooters and/or dicks but can invite or encourage other members to visit their page by posting a link.

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By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 09:34 other posts 
Question; did anyone other than myself, see the video posted by a longtime member, that showed a blindfolded girl ch¡ld, her open mouth and a penis?

I'm not sure if I should approach admin with my concern as the video is no longer in the member's gallery,

As I said, the video has since been removed but I cannot unsee what I saw.

-20 points - you downloaded 0f7f56zymp67 file. Video does not play? - Jan 6, 09:44
By #487013 08,Jan,18 14:23
I would. Sick fucks.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 17:09 other posts 
admin is not always receptive to my messages, that's why I hoped someone else saw what I saw. Four eyes, or more, are better than two, any day.
By #545929 08,Jan,18 15:26
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Jan,18 09:58 other posts 
Wow, that's fucked up... How long was it left posted after you saw it?
By PoloFields [Ignore] 10,Jan,18 02:47 other posts 
That kind of shit needs to be reported automatically.

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 17:49 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,18 23:09 other posts 
Over my dead body
By PoloFields [Ignore] 10,Jan,18 02:46 other posts 
One year of know-nothing celebrity presidents has been enough, thank you.

By #539433 08,Jan,18 21:24
So we have a new king when did that happen
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 21:37 other posts 
Who is it?
By #539433 08,Jan,18 22:13
The duke
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 23:08 other posts 
The Yoopers activity level is 0 so it suggests that they haven't been online for a while. I wonder if Duke swooped in and bought their subs without their knowledge?
By #539433 08,Jan,18 23:22
I don't know
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 23:25 other posts 
That would be very unsportsmanlike if submissives were acquired in that manner.
By #539433 09,Jan,18 01:26
the Yoopers won't like it if that happen.they will get it back

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 21:27 other posts 
I just received confirmation notification that they, FEMA, recognize that my house is NOT in a floodplain. Woo hoo! Now I can cancel my flood insurance and get a refund!

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 08:55 other posts 
How about that Norwegian cruise line making its way back from the Bahamas to New York!? The videos really showed how ferocious the Atlantic Ocean was. I'm not so good on boats if the water is too rough, all that pitching and heaving, side to side..... I probably would have been thinking about the Titanic as I had my head stuffed down the nearest toilet.

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,18 08:44 other posts 
We're having a heatwave in my area of Michigan and it sure feels Good! Just two days ago, it was -7 F (-21.5 C) and today, it's already 33 F (-0.5 C). It's just 08:43 so I'm confident that as the day progresses that we will see slightly higher temperatures!

By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 10:59 other posts 
Question of the day: "Do guys prefer shaved pussy or hairy pussy?" How do you answer that with YES or NO?
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 17:23 other posts 
I would say most do prefer one or the other, so... YES?
By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 18:23 other posts 
I prefer one or the other too, I'm not picky
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 17:33 other posts 
I always used to be a 100% for hairy pussy but now maybe only 75%.
By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 18:25 other posts 
I tend to like pubic hair on women, but I like it to be trimmed up and look nice. Shaved is perfectly fine with me too, either way works for me.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 07,Jan,18 09:11 other posts 
100% for hairy pussy? Does that mean you don't even like it trimmed? Are/were you turned off by girls that shave or something? As long as it looks nice, I'm fine with anything that isn't outta control.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 07,Jan,18 15:13 other posts 
I suppose I like lightly trimmed, not a raging uncontrolled mass, but definitly a nice thick bush. No reason that I know of for that preference, no incident that led me to that choice. However, I did look at naturist magazines in the 60s and all women there were hairy, maybe that had something to do with my preference preference.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 08:38 other posts 
Every 2 weeks I make an appointment for a mani and pedi and I especially love, love, love getting a pedicure. The ONLY thing that causes me to wiggle is when they use the pumice stone and/or brush on the bottom of my feet. Other than that, I think I died and went to heaven.....

When my feet feel good, so do I. When my feet look pretty, I feel "put together". Who else indulges themselves in this way? Manicures and pedicures are not just a "girl thing".
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 17:36 other posts 
I get that exact same feeling when I go for my regular 'Indian Head Massage' I just don't want it to stop. Pure bliss.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 18:48 other posts 
Oh, that does sound interesting, if they have that service available in Michigan, I'm unaware of it.

I know that long ago, when I went for a hair service, getting my hair washed..... Between the pressure of the water, the pressure of her fingers, that was another "I thought died and went to heaven" moment. Have you ever witnessed a dog being scratched or rubbed and you find that spot and it makes one of their legs go crazy? If I were a dog, that's the time my leg would be crazy and kicking uncontrollably!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 07,Jan,18 06:46 other posts 
I only discovered it,at a regular Alternative Health practice, when I started to visit for back massage to deal with a pain at the base of my spine.
When the back pain was eased I decided to try a few other types off massage and the head Massage really hit the spot. i had wondered if it was just me that found the head masage so amazing, but clearly you have experience something similar. I recommend you look into finding someone who offers this, there are bound to be people.
One caveat though, I visited 3 different practices initially, only the one that I regularly visit now has that perfect touch. The other 2 were ok, but not in the same league as my present masseuse.
If only I were a billionaire who could afford my own person masseusse.
By PoloFields [Ignore] 07,Jan,18 03:05 other posts 
I just get a pedi. My toenails became such a wreck I decided only a pro could handle them. And while I do get ticklish just like you described, I do feel a lot better, especially with a job that has me on my feet my whole shift.

By #358797 17,Dec,17 15:30
What kind of pets does everyone have?
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Alright, so I figured I should add my critters in as well...
I've got 4 dogs (Jack Russell and 3 of his offspring), 4 turtles (a box turtle, 2 red eared sliders and an alligator snapping turtle), 2 rabbits (one albino and her speckled daughter), 2 rats (both rex) and 1 kitty cat.
By JustWill [Ignore] 17,Dec,17 16:00 other posts 
Ryan and I are owned by a Jack Russell Terrier.
By #539433 17,Dec,17 16:17
A Mini Schnuzer and a Pitbull
By #358797 17,Dec,17 20:56
Nice! I love pits. Such amazing dogs!
By #358797 17,Dec,17 20:55
Awh! I have a Jack Russell as well! His grandpa was a rogue corgi though, so he has silly ears!
By JustWill [Ignore] 17,Dec,17 22:10 other posts 
Jack Russell Terrors are the best! Ours is named Loki (the Dog of Mischief), and he has a personality that is worthy of his namesake.

I've had rats as pets, too. They are very smart critters, and can be surprisingly affectionate.
By #358797 17,Dec,17 23:03
My doggo's name is Venom... Then his spawns are Flipper, Mr. Eyebrows ButterBean and Anubis.
And it always tickles my whiskers when someone acknowledges rats in a positive way! They're amazing little critters. 🐀
By #460385 17,Dec,17 17:33
A Black Lab, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, and a Tropical Python.
By #358797 17,Dec,17 20:58
That's a nice assortment! I've had some smaller snakes over the years. I'm not sure exactly what a tropical python is, but it sounds pretty!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Dec,17 21:05 other posts 
I used to have a cat, a dog, a chinchilla, a hamster, a rabbit, a bird and fish. Not at the same time, and frequently more than one pet, e.g., 2 cats.
By #358797 17,Dec,17 21:08
Chinchillas are awesome! I had one growing up.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Dec,17 21:23 other posts 
Yes they are!
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Dec,17 01:33 other posts 
I used to have a beautiful golden Labrador who was as daft as a brush, my best friend, who knew he was loved and he responded with his unconditional love too. Broke my heart when he had to be put to **** at the age of 14 in 1991 and I still think of him every day and have framed photos of him on the walls of my flat
--------------------------------------- added after 46 seconds

* * * * s l e e p, for crying out loud. This censorship of perfectly good words is pathetic
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Dec,17 08:05 other posts 
I understand. You know, of course, that ****, especially dogs, communicate and understand much more than what is commonly believed.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 seconds

By routemaster [Ignore] 19,Dec,17 02:56 other posts 
They certainly do!
By #358797 18,Dec,17 10:42
Awh, I'm sorry to hear he passed, but I bet he lived the life of a doggo king! Losing an animal is always rough. I'm glad you keep his memory alive.
By routemaster [Ignore] 19,Dec,17 02:56 other posts 
Thank you, Arexa, for your kind words
By #487013 18,Dec,17 08:56
A have a pit.
By #358797 18,Dec,17 10:42
Pits are amazing doggos! And I bet yours is as badass as you are.
By #487013 22,Dec,17 11:28
He’s a big softie loves getting into toilet paper rolls but yeah I love my fur baby.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 18,Dec,17 10:42 other posts 
Just a small terrier. She looks like a cairn terrier. Really friendly!!
By #358797 18,Dec,17 10:43
Awh! I bet she's adorable!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 18,Dec,17 16:18 other posts 
Yes, she is! She was a rescue from a kill shelter in Houston. When I first met her she ran over to me, jumped on my lap and gave me oodles of doggie kisses!! She would not leave my lap!!! It was as if she was waiting for me to take her home, which I did!!!
By #546082 22,Dec,17 00:17
I have one of those bald pussies
By #358797 22,Dec,17 11:29
I hear those are incredibly fun to play with.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Jan,18 02:08 other posts 
You're always so funny so quickly.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jan,18 01:42 other posts 
I have 2 cats. Their names are Rudi and Ozzy, they are what I affectionately refer to as "my boys".
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Jan,18 12:36 other posts 
That's the same nickname a buddy in college had for his testicles.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,18 13:02 other posts 
My boys are balls free!
By olderbro [Ignore] 05,Jan,18 10:56 other posts 
a mastiff(Bobo) and a cat(Jinx)
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,18 13:04 other posts 
Who rules the roost, Bobo or Jinx?
By olderbro [Ignore] 05,Jan,18 15:38 other posts 
If it's near feeding time it's Bobo, any other time he doesn't care enough so it's jinx.. that said Jinx does think of himself as a dog and always has prefered the company of any dog. It's a pretty zen household
By #482237 06,Jan,18 08:22
Two Black Labs

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