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It is so freakin cold in my little town on the east side of the state of Michigan. It's currently 1 degree F (-17 C) and it's going to get colder in the wee hours of the morning!
How cold is it where you are and has snow impacted you?
Wind chill is to get to -30 tonight so school is cancelled for tomorrow already. Bah.
I had to get up for a potty break and decided to look at the temperature. It is currently a -2 F or -19 C and all I can think about is in a couple of hours I will have to walk from my house to my car and from my car into my office building. Brrr......
--------------------------------------- added after 50 hours
I am sure they will be another Brit who will disagree with me but we really do baulk at leaving the tipsof the size that are expected in some countries. Many of us are indeed mean tippers.
Apparently the Republican candidate Mr Moore has lost an election. The reason seems to be obvious in that he has been accused of impropriety by 3 women. This vaguely defined misbehaviour happened, if it happened at all, some forty years ago. Yet it comes not just to light, but to international prominence at what Cartier-Bresson called the "Decisive Moment".
It is merely coincidence, we are perhaps intended to believe, that this unsubstantiated accusation is pushed to the fore by the combined efforts of the MSM. Mr Moore is a Republican and a supporter of President Trump, who supports him. President Trump now has one fewer Repucblican in the Senate to vote for his policies.
The balance of democratic control of the most powerful country on the planet has been rocked by the unproven, and unprovable defamatory accusations coming from three people.
Oh, and NINE women, not three have made these accusations. When nine people make essentially the same allegations it sure adds some credence to it.
We (Americans) will say happy New Year, happy birthday, happy Halloween and Easter, etc, etc, so why do we bid others a merry Christmas?
Dammit, I'm jumping ship, from now on it is going to be "Happy Christmas!"
"We wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year" just doesn't sound as nice.
So far this year I've heard it once each way, "happy" from you, and "merry" from a Dutch person... Oh, and what the hell's Sweetest Day?
Some of our "bolt headed" politicians would like to repeal all of the amendments to our constitution except the first 10 (which we call our bill of rights)!!!!
I guess they think slavery, and not allowing women the right to vote, etc. are okay.
Is there any holiday or occasion, other than Christmas, that we don't bid someone a "happy" something?
No, not really. In Britain we tend not to use the phrase "happy holidays" but we use "happy Christmas" and "merry Christmas" interchangeably. ... British people first started saying "merry Christmas" because of the Charles Dickens novel "A Christmas Carol", where the term "merry Christmas" is used frequently.
Okie dokie!
I'm no longer religious, but I know crappy phrasing when I see it.
For some people, prayer is what helps them get through the day and cope with all the incredibly shitty stuff that life tends to toss at them. If that's what helps them, I see no problem with it--provided they keep it to themselves and don't try to push their beliefs on me.
In this case, though, I wasn't talking about believing in the Lord's Prayer, but the fact that, as a piece of writing, that particular line as it has been recited for centuries doesn't fit with the intent of the rest of the prayer.
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I wish my 2nd wife had lived long enough to know this group. I highly recommend seeing this group in concert, they are fantastic!
My 2nd wife was part native American.
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