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Started by bella! [Ignore] 03,Dec,17 21:53  other posts
This is an extension of the RANDOM BULLSHIT thread which now can be found in the "dumpster". This thread is intended for random "stuff", thoughts, ideas, "intellectual" exchanges, discussions, etc.

It would be preferable if members did not clutter the thread up with pictures of cooters and/or dicks but can invite or encourage other members to visit their page by posting a link.

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By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Jan,18 05:07 other posts 
Just watched Slayer on the Jimmy Fallon show. Omg they still smashing it

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jan,18 21:23 other posts 

It is so freakin cold in my little town on the east side of the state of Michigan. It's currently 1 degree F (-17 C) and it's going to get colder in the wee hours of the morning!

How cold is it where you are and has snow impacted you?
By #460385 04,Jan,18 21:27
It's only 39 F here with 30 mph winds. And it's fucking cold. I don't know how you people up North do it.
By jayman73 [Ignore] 04,Jan,18 21:30 other posts 
It is currently 41 degrees F (5 C) here in Orlando, Florida.
By #358797 04,Jan,18 22:39
4 degrees here, windy as fuck and spitting snow.
Wind chill is to get to -30 tonight so school is cancelled for tomorrow already. Bah.
By #460385 04,Jan,18 22:47
Get out
By #526776 04,Jan,18 22:59
8 inches of snow on the ground but it’s too cold to snow anymore! It is 8 degrees with Minus 10 windchills at the moment, getting lower overnight. There’s been no school all week!
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,18 03:22 other posts 
And our little darlins haven't gone back to school yet because they're still on Christmas break.

I had to get up for a potty break and decided to look at the temperature. It is currently a -2 F or -19 C and all I can think about is in a couple of hours I will have to walk from my house to my car and from my car into my office building. Brrr......
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,18 05:29 other posts 
Im showing 3 degrees out this morning it's crazy very hard to get any thing done at the shop the last 2 weeks
By #527431 05,Jan,18 06:01
Let me say ... would be nice to tell the weather condition here. All what I can say I feel with you.

By #482237 21,Dec,17 12:49
/private_chat.php?w=543863 whistles keeps ragging me,,is he alright in the head??

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Dec,17 14:38 other posts 
What's the meaning of "random"? Something that's totally arbitrary? Something that does not obey any rules? Something that can't be defined? Something elusive? Something irrelevant? Or something else? What do we mean by "random"?
--------------------------------------- added after 50 hours


By bella! [Ignore] 15,Dec,17 23:53 other posts 
Is tipping an American thing? Do European countries encourage tips?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 16,Dec,17 09:34 other posts 
In the US, waiters, for example, make their salary mostly (if not only) from tips. In Europe, they have a fixed salary. Tips are possible but vary from country to country. The poorer the country, the higher the tips, roughly. The more north you go, the less the tips. In Scandinavia there are no tips. Offering to pay something out of sheer kindness in Scandinavia is not expected and often frowned upon. In Romania, people do tip, a little, but they don't have money to tip much.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 17,Dec,17 15:20 other posts 
We in the U.K have never really come to terms with the notion of tips. You should be paid a reasonable rate and not have to depend on tips, which may not get to the staff concerned anyway. Stories of British tourists in the U.S being chased for leaving a mean, or indeed no, tip are legend, although maybe not true.

I am sure they will be another Brit who will disagree with me but we really do baulk at leaving the tipsof the size that are expected in some countries. Many of us are indeed mean tippers.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Dec,17 21:03 other posts 
In the UK, waiters do have salary, as far as I know, unlike in the US. I usually leave a couple of pounds tip for a 20-30 pound bill. In the US I leave more. Depends also on how nice the waiters are. In some counties, customer service doesn't exist and waiters can even be mean. Then i leave no tip.
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Dec,17 01:44 other posts 
Tipping seems to be expected in the UK for waiters and taxi drivers, especially. Its a bit ridiculous when a taxi driver takes you a few miles and expects a tip yet a train driver can take you 393 miles from London to Edinburgh and when the train arrives, everyone piles off and gives him nothing. Must be something to do with taxis being more of a personal service. As for waiters, I tip if the service and food is good but there have been a few occasions when its not been so, thus no tip (and we don't go there again).
By #460385 18,Dec,17 11:41
Good question bella. The waiters and waitresses here a paid like crap. They rely on tips to survive. We will never leave less than 15% no matter how bad the service was. But we will leave up to 20%-30% when it is good service. Also, we don't take it out on the waiters if the food is bad. That's not their fault. Here in South Florida we have a huge population of Canadians down for the winter. We have heard stories where they have occupied a table for hours , had a $300 bill and left a $5 tip. That is crazy, but I guess countries differ in this. We look at it like this. Most waiters and waitresses are struggling already. They for the most part do their best. Everyone has a bad night from time to time. Doesn't mean they shouldn't get paid for their time. Look at it like this, if you had a bad day at work, you were tired, you weren't as productive as you always are. Does your job take your pay away. Are you docked a days pay when you have a rough day at work?

By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Dec,17 01:39 other posts 
Time for another rant. Yesterday, I went to a well-known department store to buy a Christmas present for my lovely friend John, who is spending the festive season with me. The doors opened at 11 a.m. and I had selected a very nice jumper and joined the queue to pay. The women behind the counter were gossiping and taking no notice of those in the queue until I and somebody else asked them why they weren't serving. The reply was: "its Sunday, we don't take payment until 11.30 a.m." How ridiculous is that? So they open at 11 but don't take your money until half an hour later, even if you've selected an item to purchase. I threw the jumper down where I stood and left and bought John a better jumper in another shop (which took my money immediately). Can you imagine a newsagents at a busy railway station with hundreds of commuters rushing off to work buying their papers and then being told they can't pay for half an hour? "Sorry, you'll just have to miss your train." I shan't be going to that department store again.

By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 00:33 other posts 
The voters of Alabama have told a radical right wing, xenophobic, homophobic, accused chlld molester that they don't want him to represent them in the Senate. That's a huge step in the right direction. Good riddance Roy Moore; the days of you and your ilk are numbered.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 16:07 other posts 
By milesbferry [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 19:02 other posts 
How many of the BBC News' 2000 self-proclaimed journalists could find Alabama on a blank map of the USA? Panic over, there's no need. Alabama is the headline on the BBC News website. Phew!

Apparently the Republican candidate Mr Moore has lost an election. The reason seems to be obvious in that he has been accused of impropriety by 3 women. This vaguely defined misbehaviour happened, if it happened at all, some forty years ago. Yet it comes not just to light, but to international prominence at what Cartier-Bresson called the "Decisive Moment".

It is merely coincidence, we are perhaps intended to believe, that this unsubstantiated accusation is pushed to the fore by the combined efforts of the MSM. Mr Moore is a Republican and a supporter of President Trump, who supports him. President Trump now has one fewer Repucblican in the Senate to vote for his policies.

The balance of democratic control of the most powerful country on the planet has been rocked by the unproven, and unprovable defamatory accusations coming from three people.
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 20:07 other posts 
Why would you waste your time and energy here telling the world how strongly you support an alleged ch1ld molester? That's exactly what you just did.

Oh, and NINE women, not three have made these accusations. When nine people make essentially the same allegations it sure adds some credence to it.

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 02:58 other posts 
This is an oddity that I believe is unique to the American people.

We (Americans) will say happy New Year, happy birthday, happy Halloween and Easter, etc, etc, so why do we bid others a merry Christmas?
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 12:08 other posts 
Never thought about it until now... Have no idea!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 16:10 other posts 
Happy Anniversary, happy 4th of July, happy Sweetest Day and the "happy" list goes on and on.....

Dammit, I'm jumping ship, from now on it is going to be "Happy Christmas!"
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 23:33 other posts 
I think it's because it's so close to New Year's Eve, that we're always saying Merry Christmas and happy New Year together...

"We wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year" just doesn't sound as nice.

So far this year I've heard it once each way, "happy" from you, and "merry" from a Dutch person... Oh, and what the hell's Sweetest Day?
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Dec,17 00:00 other posts 
It's always a Saturday in October. I'm not certain if it falls on the first, second or third Saturday.....
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 00:20 other posts 
Well, I agree, Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year", sounds odd together. Why not bid folks a Happy Christmas and a healthy/prosperous/wonderful/delightful (pick any word you like) New Year?
By #358797 11,Dec,17 16:44
I remember reading somewhere that it used to be merry Christmas elsewhere as well, but merry was synonymous with drunk, so they switched it to happy... I know how stubborn America is... Figured we were just too bolt headed to change it.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 17:37 other posts 
"bolt headed"! Yup, you got that right!!! It takes forever for Americans to change their attitudes and pretty much anything else. We are not as progressive as many would think we are. In fact, if some or our wacked out politicians had their way they would have us regress back into the "stone age"!

Some of our "bolt headed" politicians would like to repeal all of the amendments to our constitution except the first 10 (which we call our bill of rights)!!!!

I guess they think slavery, and not allowing women the right to vote, etc. are okay.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 20:59 other posts 
But aside from "merry" being synonymous with drunk, we say "Happy" for everything else.

Is there any holiday or occasion, other than Christmas, that we don't bid someone a "happy" something?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 21:31 other posts 
Why do we say Merry Christmas and not Happy Christmas?
No, not really. In Britain we tend not to use the phrase "happy holidays" but we use "happy Christmas" and "merry Christmas" interchangeably. ... British people first started saying "merry Christmas" because of the Charles Dickens novel "A Christmas Carol", where the term "merry Christmas" is used frequently.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 12,Dec,17 16:36 other posts 
Could that have come about as a result of the Christmas carol "We wish you a merry Christmas"..that goes back to as far as 1740 evidently.

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 17:36 other posts 
Pope Francis wants to tweak the Lord's Prayer? Rather than saying; "Lead us not into temptation", he suggests that the prayer should be recited as; "Do not let us to fall into temptation".

Okie dokie!
By #491031 08,Dec,17 18:11
As a word guy, I totally agree with the Pope on this one. I've been saying that that line is wrong since I was an alter boy. The "lead us not into temptation" line has always seemed like a very bad translation because it suggests that God spends His (its?) time by intentionally trying to get people to do wrong. That doesn't entirely fit with the rest of His (her?) job description.
I'm no longer religious, but I know crappy phrasing when I see it.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 21:15 other posts 
I get that and that seems to be the Pope's concern, too, but do you think that this Pope is influential enough to persuade the Catholic Church to re-write the Lord's Prayer?
By #491031 08,Dec,17 22:36
It's hard to make the church change anything but, if anyone can do it, it would be Francis.
By #460385 08,Dec,17 23:26
Sorry, but it's all rubish to me.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 23:55 other posts 
It's all rubbish? Why? Please explain your point of view.
By #491031 09,Dec,17 00:23
I'm not saying that I am a believer, CC54--not anymore at least (trust me, I have very specific reasons to be positive that there is no "higher benevolent power" watching over humanity),but I was raised Catholic, and some of that stuff stays with you regardless of how much life changes you.

For some people, prayer is what helps them get through the day and cope with all the incredibly shitty stuff that life tends to toss at them. If that's what helps them, I see no problem with it--provided they keep it to themselves and don't try to push their beliefs on me.

In this case, though, I wasn't talking about believing in the Lord's Prayer, but the fact that, as a piece of writing, that particular line as it has been recited for centuries doesn't fit with the intent of the rest of the prayer.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Dec,17 10:41 other posts 
It's not just rubbish, it's also trash, I'd say.
By #482237 11,Dec,17 11:54
I agree,,,,and i do believe in Jesus,,,and religion. My beef is with the priests, monks, and other heads of sects,,,they seem to be the best fed in the villages,,the ones that cause more deaths in the name of God,,and the ones that are the least religious to me,,
By #487013 09,Dec,17 01:55
I for one would like to see “Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub”, become the official meal time prayer.
By #491031 09,Dec,17 12:54
What do you say if it isn't very appetizing grub and you're not feeling very thanky for it?
By #487013 12,Dec,17 20:50
Chuck in the trash?
By #491031 12,Dec,17 23:28
Funny you should say that. "Chuck" is what Ryan and I call the raccoon that raids our trash when we put it out for pick-up.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Dec,17 13:29 other posts 
As someone brought up on the King James Bible I am one of those 'old fogeys' who recites and enjoys the language of the traditional Lords Prayer. Here in the UK we have had other 'new fangled' versions which use more accessible language which is fine. I have no prblem with the change but the languageis just not in the same class.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Dec,17 10:40 other posts 
All kinds of churches are revising their (of course, unsubstantiated, arbitrary, contradictory, unenlightening) dogmas. They do that little by little or, sometimes, all at once. After all, there is 0 basis for any of their beliefs, so they can revise them any time. The problem is with the sheep who follow religions. The pope revises things in order to maintain the (political and financial) power of his church.
Example of revisions:
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By #482237 11,Dec,17 10:32
If we have free will, then the words don't matter. A prayer asking for protection is ok either way.

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 00:38 other posts 
A message for all of humanity in today's troubled times...

I wish my 2nd wife had lived long enough to know this group. I highly recommend seeing this group in concert, they are fantastic!

My 2nd wife was part native American.

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By #482237 11,Dec,17 10:26

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