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Started by bella! [Ignore] 03,Dec,17 21:53  other posts
This is an extension of the RANDOM BULLSHIT thread which now can be found in the "dumpster". This thread is intended for random "stuff", thoughts, ideas, "intellectual" exchanges, discussions, etc.

It would be preferable if members did not clutter the thread up with pictures of cooters and/or dicks but can invite or encourage other members to visit their page by posting a link.

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By bella! [Ignore] 10,Dec,17 00:06 other posts 
Okay, I was humming this Christmas song and thinking about the words. It hit me that I'm really not sure what the "correct" word is and I recognize both words seem to fit.

WITHOUT SEARCHING, in your opinion, what is the correct word for the song, Up On The House Top, is it;

Up on the house top reindeer PAWS.... OR

Up on the house top reindeer PAUSE?
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Dec,17 00:18 other posts 
PAUSE would be my guess for two reasons:

1. Reindeer have HOOVES.
2. If they don't PAUSE, Santa would break his damn neck when he gets to the jumping out part.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 10,Dec,17 06:34 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Dec,17 01:05 other posts 
We had this discussion at work and oddly, it was pretty much a split opinion.

By Sickboy [Ignore] 06,Dec,17 19:20 other posts 
Hey, just popped in to say have a great Christmas to you all
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Dec,17 23:37 other posts 
Hey, sick, good to hear from you! Hoping you and yours have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 13:31 other posts 
Back attcha, sickboy!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Dec,17 02:49 other posts 

By #539433 08,Dec,17 18:50
Any one sents the ball to someone then gets ban?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 21:05 other posts 
I have to say that it doesn't surprise me. Some of the members seem to have a low tolerance for maybe interacting with others, I don't really know.

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 16:17 other posts 
I guess I am in a nostalgic mood today. Listening to songs that bring back memories:

This one was playing on the radio as I left WV, a few months after I divorced my first wife, a long time ago:

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Heading for a new and what would be a better life in CO!

What songs bring back good memories for you?
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 17:34 other posts 
I bet that song brings back so many memories, both good and not so good, v-shyguy.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 00:35 other posts 
A lot of songs trigger a lot of memories both good and bad. When I first heard this song I had no idea who was singing it. When I discovered who it was and saw her pic I fell in love!!! She is the epitome, for me, of one cute babe!

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As for the memories, long lost loves of the ones who got away...
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 10:38 other posts 
I just Google'd Linda Ronstadt and found an interview she had with Robin Robertson in September, 2013, more than 4 years ago, when Linda was 67 years of age.

In my opinion, Linda Ronstadt looks the same. Yeah, she's put on weight but she's aged well and facially looks the same. Her voice seems to be aging her and she has been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.

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By veryshyguy [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 11:27 other posts 
Yes, I know. I feel for her as she really loved to sing and it was a large part of her life! As I understand it losing your ability to sing is part of having Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson is not a killer disease. My mom had it for years. My mom died from falling down and breaking her hip after that she went down hill fast.

I am sure Parkinson's surely has a part in it but it wasn't the primary cause.

As for the weight gain, it happens to us all!! I still see her as that cute babe those many years ago!!!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 00:39 other posts 
P.S. I've quit dwelling on the bad, I'm too old for that, all I want are the good ones, the rest I am leaving behind.

By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 01:11 other posts 
Check out lipstick79. Go to his recent comments and read how he just travels the site screaming photo shop. Check the comment I left in his public messages. I have almost 1800 photos to keep him searching for fakes.

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 15:10 other posts 
A couple of days ago I heard this song played on the radio:

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It brought back some very old and distant memories of an event that happened to me a very long time ago. A casual encounter with a very pretty and cute girl, that smiled at me. Yes, it was in a park. I had just been discharged from the service and I was making my way back home.

I saw her as she approached along a trail in a small city park. As she passed she looked at me and smiled and said "Hi! Nice day!". I think I said something like "Hi and yes it is a nice day!" We then **** of each other's lives.

I always wondered about these casual and brief encounters we all have almost every day.

I wonder who she was, what was her name, and what kind of life has she had over the years. Is she still alive and what would my life had been liked if I had spent the time to linger and talk with her.

I also wonder about the many people I have encountered over the years. I have been to every state in the US and in over 50 countries around the world in my lifetime.

And I wonder if I have every encountered any of you. Were you one of the people I may have passed in the airport, or saw in a restaurant, or passed on the road.

But that is not all that comes to my mind. Our "degrees of separation" from everyone. And here is one of mine, in how I am just 2 people removed from the late Robin Williams.

I happened with a brief encounter I had in the old Denver airport years ago. It was sometime in the mid to late 80s and I was taking a flight to LA for a business meeting. As I sat down I noticed a person sitting across from me. He looked familiar and then I realized it was Mark Harmon. At that time Mark Harmon was doing commercials for Coors beer.

I said something like "You look familiar, are you the guy doing Coors commercials?". He said something like, "Yup, that's me. My name is Mark". We then had a short conversation. He was heading to LA too.

Mark Harmon is married to Pam Dawber, and Pam Dawber costarred with Robin Williams in the old TV show "Mork and Mindy", so that is how I am just 2 people away from Robin Williams.

So I wonder how close in terms of personal relationships and friendship connections was I too that cute and pretty girl I passed years ago?

Just wondering!!!

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Have a great weekend everybody!
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 17:46 other posts 
I'm someone who has wondered, "What if......". I can't say that songs have triggered my strolls down memory lane but it has been proven that music will allow people with dementia and Alzheimer's to focus. I just hope that if either of those issues ravages my mind, that somebody selects a good play list for me and lets me reminisce and party my way back to my teens, 20's and early 30's. Yeah, those were the days....
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 00:30 other posts 
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 08,Dec,17 00:49 other posts 
Speaking of playlists, I think I'll compile the list of songs that I have on what I call my "Lonely Hour songs". These were songs I would put on during the night drives, between the hours of midnight to 5 am.

I call them the lonely hours because I would rarely see anyone on the roads at those hours and it would help me to pass the time.

Yes, I must admit I would sing along with them.

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By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 14:57 other posts 
How's this for random?

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 17:47 other posts 
Gee, I thought you might be posting a link to a random picture of your wiener.
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 18:09 other posts 
There is nothing "random" about my wiener, thank you very much.

By #460385 04,Dec,17 22:35
What are the things in life that brings tears to your eyes? For the wife and I there are 3. Each having a special place in our hearts. Hearing Scottish Bagpipes playing Amazing Grace, anyone singing Amazing Grace, and seeing a Bald Eagle flying free. What are yours?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Dec,17 00:31 other posts 

I've never seen a bald eagle soaring but I'm sure it's breathtaking.

I must admit, I'd heard bagpipes at funerals that I've attended for Detroit Police officers. I don't recall what they played but I'm sure that the bagpipes added to the somber atmosphere.

Tears come to my eyes when I read about or witness animal abuse/cruelty.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 08:59 other posts 
Sorry to trivialise this but the ending of 'It's a wonderful life' with James Stewart. I watch it every Christmas and it gets me every time.

By routemaster [Ignore] 07,Dec,17 04:05 other posts 
A GREAT Christmas present for gay Australians. Their "government" has voted for same sex marriage. At last its the 21st Century in the Antipodes!

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 06:14 other posts 
I use Sprint as my cellular carrier and have noticed many more pop-up ads recently. Heck, if my phone is not in use for 15 to 20 minutes, when I pick it up, there's an ad rather then my designated screen saver. Has anyone else noticed this or would know why this is happening?
By #358797 04,Dec,17 08:30
I have T-Mobile, and face a similar problem, but the ads I get come from the keyboard I downloaded... I'm just too cheap for the premium keyboard subscription.
By #487013 04,Dec,17 09:35
When I an android yes. Doesn’t happen on my iPhone.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 09:41 other posts 
The ad pop ups just started about 4 days ago and my phone is an android.
By #526776 04,Dec,17 09:56
I have iPhone ~ I never get pop-up ads like that?!
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 10:32 other posts 
I use Telus for my iPhone in Canada and haven't seen any crap like that. Perhaps the offending company will be rewarded with a dick pic if they try that shit.
By PoloFields [Ignore] 05,Dec,17 02:49 other posts 
Downloaded an app to my android last week that claimed it was for security (I only access this board at home, not my phone) and it was overwhelming me with ads, so I deleted it. No problems since.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Dec,17 23:36 other posts 
And that was my issue, as well......

I took my phone into a Sprint store and had one of the techs look at it. He fiddle farted with the phone for about 10 to 15 minutes and couldn't figure out "why" so he installed a Sprint app where you can text a Sprint person to trouble shoot for you. Fast forward 45 minutes......the pop-up adds were still coming thru but something must have clicked because the trouble shooter said something to the affect that I must have installed a new app. BINGO! I did and once I deleted the app, the problem was solved.

I've always said that I am technologically challenged and I meant it.

By JustWill [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 13:00 other posts 
Monkey hat fifteen blue.

That's the most random thing I could think of at the moment.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 13:19 other posts 
That's mighty RANDOM!
By #460385 04,Dec,17 14:27
Sounds like the QB calling an audible.
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 21:06 other posts 
BINGO !!!!

By #358797 04,Dec,17 19:33
Anyone play Game of Thrones: Conquest? It's a mobile game. And I'm addicted. 😍

By #487013 04,Dec,17 03:33

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Dec,17 21:56 other posts 
I find the GEICO commercials too funny!

The triangle solo;

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Casual Friday at Buckingham Palace;

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