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Started by #524323 [Ignore] 06,Apr,18 10:32
Who agrees that Muslims blacks and the other millions of homeless refugees should just die because food and medicine has run out

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By 2nice [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 05:01 other posts 
Perhaps Hitler still IS among us...
By admin [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 08:08 other posts 
Taking money from people by f0rce to give them to other people is no different from what Hitler did. Actually, it is exactly what he did - he took money by f0rce from Jews (at first he was not killing them, just expropriating their wealth) to make lives of Germans better. It's the conception of f0rcing people into greater good that is Fascist not the exact justifications. The reasons are always presented as noble and usually sought as such at the time by majority of the population. Or do you think Germans supported Hitler at the time just for the glory of Satan?
By 2nice [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 18:40 other posts 
Hitler was a megalomaniac, sadly, incredibly influential, with insurmountable power. He demanded a reverence to himself.

Unfortunately, a great many listened.

By phart [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 10:29 other posts 
First off, clipping nuts or giving women pills to STOP the further expansion of homeless and needy would be sense-able.Then regroup, put those homeless people to doing something functional,such as digging their own wells for water and growing their own food or defending their homeland from invaders. They could solve some of their OWN problems and not need anyone's help if they were motivated to do so. As in,cut off the handouts and provide shovels and tools and point the right direction. This would give them the options of croaking or living and if they choose the wrong 1,well it would not be anyone's fault but their own.The ball would be placed in their court,not ours.We would be helping them, just not in the way they want it.
You have heard the saying, Give a man a fish he will eat for a day, give him a fishing pole and lessons and he can eat for a life time..It would still work, if given the chance.
It is true alot of problems with homeless and needy could be solved. BUT instead of solutions,and then going on to solve OTHER problems, this problem is allowed to continue unabated and takes our attention away from other issues.

By #487013 06,Apr,18 12:40
No but you look like you could skip a meal or two. Maybe that would help. Just saying. 🤘🏻

By pifad [Ignore] 06,Apr,18 10:59 other posts 
I heartily disagree!! You can’t mean that can you?
By #524323 06,Apr,18 11:17
You go and feed the Africans that are starving then the terrorists who lobs as your neighbor

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