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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By bella! [Ignore] 08,Apr,24 04:11 other posts 
Look at the fearless duo that's wrangling the alligator blocking a highway. Makes me feel ashamed that I freaked out over trying to wrangle a Palmetto bug in my bathtub.

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By #610414 08,Apr,24 11:07
Little known fact I learned from that Aussie naturalist that got kllled that alligators and crocodiles have extremely powerful muscles to bite down but their jaws can be held closed using your hands. Personally, I would never get close to it, let alone, touch its snout. Hugggg!
By phart [Ignore] 08,Apr,24 20:11 other posts 
I am sorry, but I would use a "cordless hole puncher" from a distance! A couple rounds between the eyes and it would be BOOTS for his toothy ass!
By #610414 09,Apr,24 10:10

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 13:44 other posts 
The United States Post Office is a farce! Continued price hikes not justified by their sad ass service.

Back on March 12, I realized that I had missed my opportunity to mail birthday cards to a couple of friends back in Michigan. I go to the local Post Office in LaBelle and I pay $9.85 for each card, slip them into a Priority Mail cardboard envelope and was told this was a 3 day service, my cards would arrive in Macomb, MI and New Baltimore, Michigan on Friday, March 15. Cool, their birthday's are March 16! Strange thing, Saturday the 16th is here and neither friend acknowledged receipt of the cards so now I'm going to call and sing Happy Birthday 🎶. It's about 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon and neither friends said anything about the cards so after our brief conversation, I decided to go online and track the dern parcels! Keep in mind, both parcels were handed off to the same Post Office representative at the same time and the one being delivered to the friend in Macomb was out for delivery yet the one going to New Baltimore (by the way, both cities are in the same county in Michigan) and in 4 days, is less than 110 miles away from the city of LaBelle and still in Florida! Oi!

Bottom line, the Dollar Store cards that I spent $9.85 to send and was promised 3 day delivery took 4 days for one and 7 days for another. You're probably wondering why I'm bitchin' about this in April, well let me tell you why.....

I just received a Christmas card postmarked 5 DEC 2023, today, 4 APR 2024! One day short of being in the postal system for 5 friggin' months!
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 13:51 other posts 
At the moment I have some tool box keys roaming the earth , supposed to be here monday, it is thursday.
I sold something online a couple years ago.Shipped the car part to a mechanic about 150 miles from here, a week later i actually passed by his shop on the way somewhere. He still had not got the part!!!!!! I coulda drove it there sooner had I known how shitty the service would be .
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 14:30 other posts 
US postal service is a major farce! I purchase some of my meds on line due to the reduced cost, about a month or so ago I placed my order, conformation stated 3 day free delivery, Now I live in MAINE, the company I ordered from is in Southern New Hampshire, after three days and no show on my package, I decided to track it, Boy what a surprise, it went out on the day of the order, went Jackson Mississippi , then Indiana then to Hartford Conn then Boston Mass Finally arrived here in Maine 6 days after the purchase. Hell I could have drove to the place and picked it up in less than 5 hrs. Funny thing NO ONE has an explanation as to why it happend
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 15:22 other posts 
My point, exactly, Ray! My drive from Michigan to Florida is slightly less than 1400 miles. Old girl's one way drive from one home to the next is done in 3 days 2 nights because I'm no teenager and I'm driving by myself. Why, after 4 days, one Priority Mail is in Michigan and one Priority Mail is 110 miles away is beyond me. And I would love to know the story behind a Christmas card that took 5 months to arrive at the final destination but it's not worth elevating my blood pressure!
By #610414 04,Apr,24 15:55
That Christmas card was the one missed on The Miracle on 34th Street.🤣
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Seriously, though, the postal service several in this country is a joke. 👎
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 16:00 other posts 
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By sherryann [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 17:46 other posts 
oh how true this is and I hate the USPS! First, the workers getting paid exorbitant amounts of pay for not doing shit, those imbeciles can't even read one dam name in the English language! They're disgusting trash no good piece of garbage so called workers. For over 40 years they have never put the mail in the correct boxes!!! If those idiots can't read then go work cleaning toilets. They never deliver properly, never look at the names, just throw that crap anywhere cause they don't care and are never held accountable. They are thieving rats too, they steal the mail! They are the worst system in this whole nation and it all boils down to the incompetent employees. They sure as hell don't work. They're rude as hell too. Nothing people, they're trash thinking they're normal.
By #610414 04,Apr,24 18:39
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah, but tell us how you really feel about them.
By sherryann [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 19:06 other posts 

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And if you have packages coming they never deliver them. They either steal them, put it on the wrong house then someone else steals them, or they may but not likely, leave them out in the open somewhere so passersby see them and snatch them cause the opportunity is given. Now I said it all! But if you want to get your package safely don't use USPS! Go with FedEx, they are good. Or UPS, NOT to be confused with the United States Postal Service, USPS. UPS is very good along with FedEx, they are both ok. But the post offices here and the mailman, females too, are the worst most lazy incompetent do nothing rats in the world. And anyone who relies on them knows I'm right!
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 21:16 other posts 
I was really pissed about sending my Dollar Store birthday cards via 3 day Priority Mail and they not being delivered as promised prompted me to call the USPS tracking/customer service 1-800 number. The rep that called me back on Sunday was unapologetic and basically said that Priority Mail is NOT GUARANTEED. If I wanted something guaranteed, I should have chosen PRIORITY EXPRESS or something that would have cost $30.00. Bottom line, I was upset and came back with something like the USPS is so busy delivering Amazon packages that the people who use their (the USPS) service take a backbeat. Then I asked her was the USPS going to refund me $9.17, the difference between a $0.68 first class stamp and the $9.85 that I paid? Heck, if I wanted something delivered in 7 days I would have used a $0.68 stamp!

Your assertion about packages and the USPS makes me think of Seinfeld and Newman, the mail carrier.

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By sherryann [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 21:41 other posts 
sorry bella! you went through that. I can just hear her on the line not even being courteous, it really burns me up cause I've had the same experience too many times to mention. The USPS is beyond horrible & I wish the mail system would fold completely. Even though I'm not good at online stuff I'd welcome just email instead of regular mail. I know it won't happen but there's too many problems with USPS. I will now look at link. I'm not too familiar with those names.
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oh they're funny yes I haven't watched that show much. But him having those packages in that closet reminds me of real life stories of mailman hoarding all the mail somewhere never delivering it.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 22:25 other posts 
I bet the USPS rep was not very happy that through the luck of the draw, she was in charge of servicing me with the return call!
By #610414 04,Apr,24 22:42
UPS for me, always.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 23:24 other posts 
IF dhl is still around, don't use them either.
By #610414 05,Apr,24 00:20
I haven't heard about that company in years. Are they still around?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 12:35 other posts 
cat UPS does not deliver welfare checks! You old cunt!

By #610414 05,Apr,24 12:47
So, you are an expert on welfare checks too. How much do you get/month?
By #610414 07,Apr,24 14:30
Who is CAT?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 20:26 other posts 
perhaps you should follow Prince's lead and refer to your self as The saggy granny, formally known as cat.
By #610414 07,Apr,24 21:24
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 23:29 other posts 
Just remember what it means to be serviced. Postal service, Internal revenue service,
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By bella! [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 00:58 other posts 
And restaurants refer to their wait staff as "servers"
By phart [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 16:48 other posts 
I am so mad at the postal service. I get a used truck tool box for my dad,I needed a key, so i went on ebay and bought 1, says it has shipped. 10 days later, no key, i put the tool box on today since he was in town and I could get it out of my hair, but it can't be used until we get a key or may as well leave everything in the bed for thieves. 10 days to get a key from nashville ,a 8 hour drive, I emailed the guy and told him to use a damn homing pigeon next time.would be faster.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 17:12 other posts 
You can Blame trump for that, he appointed Louis decoy as head of the usps who had no experience whatsoever about the job, he also is a major contributor to trump’s fundraising. I also read Biden wants to fire him, but has no authority to do so. I listen to trump and Biden and think… is this the best we have. Or maybe even, no one wants the job because of the bullshit they have to take. I personally think they need to get rid of all three parties and let say,, five people run and whoever gets the most votes, wins. It’s easy, no political parties.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 18:02 other posts 
Trump is blamed for so many things!
By #610414 06,Apr,24 11:30
So true. That’s why we don’t want him back.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 21:12 other posts 
Odd,1 President can appoint him,but the next 1 can't de-appoint "fire" him. Um.
The postal service has been circling the toilet bowl for years.
if there is ice on the roads, they don't deliver,hell the lady that brings my mail, is to lazy to shut the box lid. I come home and there is the lid wide open and my mail and packages easy to observe,and steal Fed ex is another 1 that is catching hell around here, they have a terriable habit now of just throwing the package out of the truck beside the mail box.Not even going up the drive way, 1 lady watched as the driver never fully stopped, just slowed down and chunked it out the open door.
By #610414 06,Apr,24 11:33
Actually, the prez can’t appoint him. He can strongly suggest it though.
The chief executive officer of the Postal Service, the Postmaster General, is appointed by the nine Governors of the Postal Service, who are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
It’s complicated. It’s the Feds.

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Apr,24 08:47 other posts 
I've been referred to as "Karen". Bwahahahaha!
By #610414 05,Apr,24 10:00
If the shoe fits, etc, etc

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 07:39 other posts 
Woman escorted off of Delta flight for not wearing a bra!

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By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 11:30 other posts 
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Well the truth comes out, she is wanting to create a circus.
"dressed as a little boy in baggy pants and shirt."

Why are women so willing to give up what it means to be a woman? Dignity? Dress appropriately.

"What does dignity mean to a woman?
In short, woman's dignity consists of three things: self-respect, respect of others and full responsibility for your own actions. Having all three, woman has dignity that provides her an automatic respect. Dignity is awareness of our amazing, unique and beautiful feminine value"

This person in the video is trying to be a 1 person circus.
By #610414 03,Apr,24 12:22
She doesn't want to start a circus. That is your opinion on, frankly, it's a biased opinion. What she chooses to wear is her business, and, weather you like it or not, she was covered by her blouse.
Her form of dress is not an indication she wants to give up her status as a woman. And, you certainly don't have the right to opine about her dignity, self-respect, or what is her responsibility. The airline is wrong on this.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 14:56 other posts 
Her clothing is everyone's business when she is exposed, she was not covered. Children do not need to see that.
Adults don't board a plane to see a side show of a half naked woman dressed as a man. If she has the right to act that way,I have the right to question it.
both are expressions of feelings.
Her's or it's are tasteless and reckless.
By #610414 03,Apr,24 16:09
Children don’t need to see her breasts? Are they pornographic?
As of July 2018, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands have passed legislation that explicitly allows women to breastfeed in public.

I know, she wasn’t breastfeeding but, bare breasts in public only violate indecent exposure laws if the exposure is done in a “lewd” manner, meaning done “lustfully.” Therefore, simply exposing one’s breast in public, without doing something lustful with them, is not a violation of the law.
Prohibiting women from going topless may infringe their rights to freedom of speech and expression. Also, prosecuting only women for being topless, and not men, may violate their right to equal treatment and due process under the law.

This woman was dressing in a comfortable way.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 16:47 other posts 
at home, she can wear what she wants ,if anything,but she was in public ,using public transportation, she was trying to make a scene.

What is basic human decency?
The personal quality of decency is one of honesty, good manners, and respect for other people. Over time, decency has referred to manners, but today decency is mainly a strong sense of right and wrong, and a high standard of honesty.
By #610414 03,Apr,24 17:43
But you are not qualified to judge her motives
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 18:33 other posts 
That woman is clearly a slut and if you dress like a slut then she can expect men to treat her like a slut
The air line was afraid she might get into a game of grab ass on the flight she may have been hiding a big cock in her pants just like Michael Obama
By #610414 03,Apr,24 20:35
That joke is getting pretty old, but, about the lady, your perception is also out of your imagination. You assume that because she's wearing something risque that she's a slut, yet you don't know anything about her.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 22:25 other posts 
not a decent person, slut or not.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 22:29 other posts 
you are not qualified to tell me what I am qualified for !
And she is not entitled to disrupt the peace either.
By #610414 04,Apr,24 07:13
I don't need any qualifications to see the LACK in you.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 09:48 other posts 
that's why we get along so well, you are lacking to!
By #610414 04,Apr,24 12:49
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 20:42 other posts 
Be a team player here dude. Women should be allowed to wear as little as they want in public
By sherryann [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 21:28 other posts 
I discovered long ago there's a time & place to not wear revealing clothes, women complain the most, not men.
By #610414 03,Apr,24 21:40
So true.
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Yet we wear microminis, stilleto heels, uplifting bras, bikinis, yoga pants, and leotards.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 05:55 other posts 
I was a teenager in the 70s I get it I remember the braless movement i remember the thin tank tops with the nipples showing through and the tube tops that kept working their way down i remember it all
Ahhh yes the 70s life was simple life was good now I’m this old guy struggling to get by hoping one morning I don’t wake up and it will be all over
By #610414 04,Apr,24 07:21
Don't worry. I have it from knowledgeable sources that on that morning you don't wake up, you won't have to get up and worry.
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 22:09 other posts 
I maintain that men gossip and talk shit amongst themselves more than women ever will. I also believe that women tear each other down more brutally than we ever could
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 22:24 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 22:59 other posts 
You're probably correct on both points.
By #610414 04,Apr,24 09:27
I agree too.
By sherryann [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 22:25 other posts 
yes your last sentence is very true!
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By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 22:58 other posts 
You're right about that!
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,24 22:27 other posts 
well, don't get all mad if more of them get r$ped and abused then.
if you hang a apple out for the sexual deviant thugs, they will bite it. And then everyone else wonders why
By #610414 04,Apr,24 09:30
AAAAAHHH! So that’s the way it is, Phart, it’s the victim’s fault for getting violated. And you know this why? Do you find yourself wanting to take a “bite” out the apple? 👿
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 09:50 other posts 
No I just despise reading about women being abused and r#ped only to find out they were walking around dressed like bimbo's tempting fate. You know there are perverts out there, you don't have to be 1 to understand the potential.
No it's not the victims fault that society allows pervs to walk around free along with all the over medicated crazy people.
it is common sense to do things to assure your own safety and well being though.
By #610414 04,Apr,24 10:36
You mean people like the Clown?
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 10:56 other posts 
or the hair sniffing biden?
i think women that have to get near biden should put some hog shit in their hair so he can get a goood wiff.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 19:18 other posts 
By sherryann [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 22:19 other posts 
I can understand your point but have to agree with CAT, there's no excuse for **** whatever the woman is wearing. I see why people complain and blame the women who are barely dressed but **** happens even if the woman has baggy clothes fully covered maybe not even looking feminine at all. I've heard young women say they try not to look pretty or they wear rags and I think that's sadly very telling of a sick society that we now live in. Why should a pretty young woman dress ratty, not wear makeup etc. just because she's scared of being raped? I too can understand your point of being safe and not dressing to stand out to a would be rapist but again take cats side on this, no one should get raped. I don't care what she wears, she doesn't deserve to get raped.
By #610414 04,Apr,24 22:30
By phart [Ignore] 04,Apr,24 23:26 other posts 
I agree,no one deserves it,But we need to prevent what we can.

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