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Guns laws didn't help prevent this shooting.
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Seem rather strict. But kids died anyway.
The desire to kill is stronger than any law. The desire to kill is a shared trait among the evil ,the mentally ill,the scorned, and until you fix that, nothing will improve
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--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
What she needs is a big strong hairy biker with an uzi under his leather trench coat and a grenade launcher in his hand as an escort
if it's murder, that rate is much higher in red cities than in blue cities.
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Also, the rates of violent crime are higher in Oklahoma
than in New York and California.
Of the top 10 cities with the highest violent crime rates
6 are in red states and 4 are in blue states
1 Memphis Tennessee - Red state
2 Detroit Michigan - Blue state
3 Little Rock Arkansas - Red state
4 Pueblo Colorado - Blue state
5 Tacoma Washington - Blue state
6 Kansas City Missouri - Red state
7 Rockford Illinois - Blue state
8 St. Louis Missouri - Red state
9 Cleveland Ohio - Red state
10 Springfield Missouri - Red state
Apparently not.
Neither was Trump.
Charles is a asshole anyway, I wouldn't go if I was invited.
The US takes to much interest in that royalty crap over there anyway.No telling how much the british could save and spend elsewhere that they tie up in kings and queens that do little for the people
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But that justifiable; the US, as a Republic, doesn't support monarchy.
It's just strange to me that president Macron is invited and going.
France abolished their monarchy quite radically, with a revolution
and by beheading their last king Louis XVI at the guillotine.
You would think that a president of France wouldn't be welcome after that
and that their president would not go to such a celebration of monarchy.
It was however a long time ago (1793). They might be cool with it now.
Or the French now understand that having a president is also not ideal.
You think maby all that money they printed for stimulus checks is biting the banks in the ass yet?
And I think we found 1.
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Strange how things work out!
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A illegal alien kills 5 people and of course people just want to blame the gun and to hell with the rest of the issues. such as the victims were illegals as well, although their murder is a inexcusable tragedy regardless. BUT had our borders been secure, this guys last exit in 2016 would have been his last and those 5 would still be alive today.
FIX the damn border you dumb liberal assholes..
I never said it wasn't tragic. I and millions more Americans are just sick of the knee jurk reactionary policy's of the democrats to blame the gun and dismiss all other issues.
IF the democrats took this much interest in all the issues involved as they do in taking away the guns, the problems would be greatly reduced.
Cash will rent a house, Cash will buy a gun .In this case, he was a illegal, so chances are, his gun came from across the border to.
I am surprised the Ak-47 and Ar-15 platforms are so common,the the SKS rifles are made in china and would be easy to import like they do the fentanyl.
A normal person is not going to wake up 1 morning and decide they want to take numerous lives. A normal person may get angry but they understand the value of life enough not to kill someone over a noise complaint.
There has to be other issues under the surface we can't see in the open.
Here ye go, those wonderful police we are supposed to be able to depend on for our safety, were called 5 times before the people got shot.
Defund the police!
"San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers explained the delayed police response in the town of Cleveland, about 45 miles north of Houston, saying he had only three officers covering 700 square miles. When police arrived, they found a horrifying scene."
3 men to cover 700 square miles. NOW does anything that I have tried to say clic here? Hell I complain about a 10 minute delay,look at the delay here!. cost 5 lives.
Now, I ask you, “This guy breaks into a house and starts shooting. Do you think there would have been time to get a gun and shoot back?” I doubt it.
What I am complaining about is the fact that folks like you expect folks to sit around defenseless and depend on police to protect us when they are not always there when we need them. i am at least 14 miles from a city in my county. there are county deputys but they are always tied up with doing speed traps and license checks and so forth,and always at least 10 to 15 minutes away at best.So if a fellow breaks in the house I should just say, "Hey bud, give me about 12 minutes then maby a cop can catch you leaving after you kill me and write out a history report" It may get you a warm place to stay and 3 good meals and a shower to boot!"
This was not a "city" per say, this is a large county with a little town or 2..
You can't expect to tax everyone in that county for enough money to have the man power to give a 700 square mile area the same number of cops they have in new york. There would be dirt huts ,bare foot starving kids if anything left.
DUH, house on fire,oops let me move this ---.
dead bolt,great idea.
peep holes,got em,
dog, got it.Not a mean dog but a dog that hears every friggen thing
Problem solved
So not only do we have a gun problem, we have a border problem, too!
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