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Started by #591921 [Ignore] 26,Mar,20 23:52
New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.My birthday is to day. 2.Nancy Pelosi now threatening to sue Facebook for not removing video of her tearing State of the union speech 3.Democrats refuse to vote on relief money unless $35 million goes to Kennedy center 4.democrats refused to vote on relief bill unless $25 million was secured for house paychecks 5.CNN apologies to Trump for debunking virus in state of union speech Comments: |
But his ratings are great and at this time in history that's what's really important for him to be talking about isn't it? Well, that and the fact that nurses and doctors are slipping PPE out the back doors of hospitals after their 16 hour shift of taking care of people that are dying by the dozens and being stored in refrigerator trucks because the morgues are full.
He did talk at length about his TV ratings as his fellow countrymen lie dying though didn’t he?
There are TWO questions for you there.
Oh, and this was on the holy grail of news sources, Fox News: only registered users can see external links
--------------------------------------- added after 83 hours
The sad thing about it democrats claim they only want to do good for American people but I guess that includes hiding food and water from people right after a devastating storm and lying to Americans that the president didn't send any help. Yeah thats what they did. And then claim that its all because of Trump. Yeah right crooked democrats kept needed supplies from needy people for a political reason but that's what's best for the people isn't it. What's even sadder than that is idiots actually support them for doing it. Thats the saddest part. Hopefully a storm hits your house one day and destroys it and a Democrat keeps food and water away from you for a week or two and says its for your own good and see if you support them then. They did the exact same thing here after Michael too. I know the guy who is a Republican and he found a warehouse full of FEMA supplies that the Democrat leaders of my community kept away from people for the two weeks we went without power and water here. No way to go to a store and buy food there was none. No cell phones towers got blown down. No way to get gas because power was out. Three days after the storm a couple of stores had their generators up and running to get gas. About a month later someone I personally know found that warehouse full of food and water FEMA sent but they didn't give it out because if they did it might
Media to busy reporting negitive shit.
The sports Team Patriats,I think they do foot ball? Anyhow,their jet was flown to China and brought back 1.2 million mask. some went to new york most to new jersey I think.It took 2 weeks for the folks involved to crawl thru all the loops holes just to fly a airplane over to get supplies. Feds required retrofit of electronics on the plane before it could go over seas, China only gave them 3 hours to be on the air feild.
You have got to be fucking kidding? Another investigation,at a time like this? SHEESH!
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All there going to do is waste more taxpayers money investigating Trump,then set up some BS crap again a reason to vote to impeach again and no facts,no proof,pure partisan impeachment again then the senate will vote against it again. But who cares it taxpayers money anyway I mean we all have tons of money right. Thats why Nancy wouldn't agree to the stimulus unless the house got a raise and $25 million secured for house members pay and $25 million secured for the Kennedy center so they could make their annual donation to the DNC of $5 million dollars and then the Kennedy center didn't pay its employees. They did make the $5 million donations to the democrats though with the money it got from taxpayers though.
"Why Canada's response to COVID-19 is so different from that of the U.S."
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--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes
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The bill has to pass the house and the senate. It passed the Senate early Thursday morning and the house today then it went to trump's office for a signature.
I'm sure you love CNN but here's a story from a valid news source for you to read then you can even fact check it all night but I'm not going to flog a dead horse here with you any longer. It got passed really quickly and that's a great thing. Canada did the same thing on a smaller scale. I already received my direct deposit funds.
Your statement that she took yesterday off for her birthday is bull shit because she was at work yesterday planning for today's vote.
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I'm feeling benevolent though, so try reading this:
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I don't think you're stupid. I think you're as myopic as that other tower of intellect, phart. You see only bad of those whose politics you disagree with, and only good of those you agree with. That's intellectually dishonest and, frankly, gullible. Politicians, of ALL stripes, do reprehensible things. The fact that it's only Bernie, Nancy, A-O-C et al that make you froth at the mouth is YOUR problem.
Try reading your "facts" from a source you DISAGREE with. It will challenge your prejudices and, if you take time to really think about what people you disagree with assert, might even change your mind.
How Trumpian of you. Just say whatever you like with no source of your "facts".
Overeight seems to have a real fetish for slagging off anybody left of centre, and not providing any evidence (however dodgy that evidence might be). If this wasn't a cock flashing site I would suspect him of being a troll. I suspect, however, that the truth is a lot simpler.
*Not true, just an example of how bull shit is spread by stupid people.
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Not true that I know of but everyone knows he would if he could.
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