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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 08:38 other posts 
Abo fucker
By #610414 25,Apr,21 09:00
HeyDgraff you horse’s ass, that crossed a line. My line. You want to comment on people’s looks, that’s fair game. Comment on my looks if you have to, although you are nothing to write home about. You leave our love life out of your posts.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 09:11 other posts 
Hahaha make me bitches
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 12:32 other posts 
You must be an abo fucker to you might as well be you fuck anything else including dogs horses maybe you even did a bull
By #623135 28,Apr,21 18:35
Didn’t you posed with a dog on your lap and no pants?

By #610414 28,Apr,21 15:31
@Bella@‘s post
You would have to ask yourself why you are so annoying, but Skittles being funny is easier for me to address. Skittles barbs are hard if he has you on his radar but you must admit, he does have a flair for stringing words together, he's creative and imaginative. You must have seen his blogs on "Saggy Granny", Skittles is a wild man. My guess is that lix is drawn to his creativity, too. I believe that Skittles posted something like this about lix, "cunt looks like a bucket of smashed crabs on a hot day". Would you believe that she posted the very same thing, but it was about me?
As usual she’s trying to cause trouble

By #610414 28,Apr,21 09:22
Here is a legit question many Americans like myself would like to hear or read a explanation of.
How is requiring a legal form of identification to vote in a national election racist?
We would all like-to-now
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,21 11:58 other posts 
Strange thing is, although you copied and pasted my question,you have failed to provide your perspective or answer. Apparently you are more concerned about the K missing from know.
By #610414 28,Apr,21 14:09
I wrote the last sentence. It’s grammatically correct

By #610414 28,Apr,21 09:21
It's really messed up that the enhanced federal unemployment benefits are causing people to CHOOSE to stay home rather than to work.

A McDonald's franchise owner in Tampa, FL is paying people $50.00 to come for a job interview! What!?

Only $50?
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,21 09:22 other posts 
You have to be joking?
By #610414 28,Apr,21 13:49
Time is money. $200 is just right

By #610414 28,Apr,21 09:23
There has been talk here quite a few times of introducing Identity cards but as soon as that is raised the Civil Liberties activists cry out about Big Brother and the surveillance state. Yet again, they are perfectly happy to need to have a driving licence. Well, excepting those who never bother to get a driving licence of course.
So here it is seen as a general Civil Liberties issue not one of race discrimination.
Are we really Civil Liberties ctivists?

By #610414 28,Apr,21 09:22
Socialist wet dream,make people dependant on the government.

By #610414 28,Apr,21 09:20
fuck is getting to be as common as Damn nowadays. Screw you may actually prompt someone to think,"hey he wants to fuck" instead of thinking they are just using fuck as a expression of anger or disgust.

By #610414 28,Apr,21 09:20
What are your thoughts on posts that are reposted 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 10 times... ! Is it really necessary?

By #610414 28,Apr,21 09:19
I'm not a bug kinda person however that was quite an interesting article and video. Prior to houses being built across the road from me, it was a heavily wooded area. The cicadas provided an almost hypnotic and wonderfully mesmerizing sounds after the sun went down on a summer's night.

Everything has a purpose however I'm unclear what purpose a cicadas has.

By #485312 27,Apr,21 15:54
Hey did you 'here' about the time dgraff fucked a bunch of people???? no me neither, because no one would willingly get naked with that dirtbag and fucking was the last thing they wanted to do with him...
and boo fucking hoo, have a fucking cry you big tall streak of yellow. oh the bad old ladies are making fun of you.. yeah bring on your junk yard dogs, only trouble, theyre as toothless as you and wow, get some no body to send me a pretend piece of shit or a pretend piece of toilet paper... yeah that will hurt my feelings so bad, or make another poll, that will give your 10 friends something to vote on.. their lives are so fucking empty, voting on a poll will make their lives better for 3 minutes .... you fucking pack of losers , go buy some pants, we don't want to look at your puny skin tag *lix*
By #610414 27,Apr,21 18:14
Amen to that. Now Skittles is putting his 2 cents in. Little kids with undeveloped cocks

By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Apr,21 05:27 other posts 
Good morning bitches your looking fat and ugly this fine morning
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Especially you lix have you put on a little weight lately

By #610414 26,Apr,21 11:34
Funny story. Before I joined SYC, I did not know anything about SKIPE. Several guys invited me to SKIPE and my answer was always the same, “I don’t know how to SKIPE. My husbands didn’t like me to SKIPE. Truth is I didn’t know how. One guy decided to teach me, Dgraff. He told me how to connect? And we agreed on a virtual strip tease. He took one piece of clothing and I would do the same. Shirt first. I kidded him he got the better part. Then the pants, etc. The last thing was our undies. I went first and down they went.............Well, he was next. He hooked his thumbs on the elastic and brought them down. I started to laugh so hard I had to break the connection. His balls looked like undersized prunes, all wrinkly and red/blue, but the real shock was his cock. I wouldn’t call it a cock but the location was right. It looked like a Vienna sausage. You know, like those tiny sausages they put in spaghetti sauce? And it had a little curve. You need a bloodhound to find it. We never SKIPED again but he’s been putting me down ever since.

By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Apr,21 03:56 other posts 
See you in hell bitches 🔥

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 21:28 other posts 
What up bitches and you to fatty

By #485312 25,Apr,21 17:13
only registered users can see external links
doesn't he look perdy in pink???
would you let this ballerina fix
your car ???
didn't admin take your advice and tell tts to behave???
gee you had to take your own scabby picture down to get rid of it???
gee its a wonder those skinny little excuses for legs didn't snap and jam up your arse, that would explain your anger management problems. May be you need to wear more pink and bash more grannies... that will make you feel like a big fluffy ball of fairy floss. ... that sounds like a good name for you, fairy floss dirtbag, has a nice ring to it.. *lix*

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 16:53 other posts 
Were did the old cunt go and that little girl Leo are they hiding out

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 16:50 other posts 
Come on fatty let’s do this man to man and your mustache is thicker than mine un ban me you coward let’s do this

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 16:42 other posts 
I’m back bitches and fatty bet you wish you hadn’t woke up that pit bull

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 12:39 other posts 
Did lix ever tell you the story about when she fucked and sucked a whole aboriginal tribe three at a time one in the stink one in the pink and one in the mouth 👄 what a story ask her about it sometime

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 12:33 other posts 
Such a bunch of old fatties

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 08:49 other posts 
And your still a fatty lix
By #610414 25,Apr,21 09:08
Any man (and I use the term lightly) that has such a little toothpick for a cock should not criticize
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 09:45 other posts 
How can you prove that I have no nude pictures on my page

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 09:13 other posts 
You woke me up now deal with me bitches

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 09:12 other posts 
And lix is still a fatty

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 08:48 other posts 
Hi bitches
By #610414 25,Apr,21 09:01
Does that the include your nappy changer, Bella!?

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 08:38 other posts 
What a fatty

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 08:36 other posts 
Your still fat

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 08:09 other posts 
Never wake a sleeping pit bull fatty

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 06:30 other posts 
Your fat lix

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 06:12 other posts 
Hey I like this forum thread to bad it’s going to end up in the dumpster

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 06:10 other posts 
Leo couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons and a pocket full of 100 dollar bills 💵

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 06:07 other posts 
lix is so fat Aussie man has to roll her in flower and look for the wet spot so he knows were to fuck her

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 06:03 other posts 
hey everyone I spoke to candy’s husband chuck and I asked him what 70 year old pussy taste like he replied depends and pee
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 05:56 other posts 
Well well well it looks like the old band is back together
What are we calling the band this time
Maybe fats and the gossip girls
Or maybe the three old crows
Hey how about fats and the aboriginals

By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Apr,21 21:26 other posts 
Hahaha very funny you candy with your saggy 80 year old tits and lix with her beautiful walrus figure and old fat ass Leo and his paid hookers just laugh it up I’m a leader and a fighter and some day when the shit hits the fan and China is taking over our countries you will be begging me to save you mark my words
By #610414 24,Apr,21 23:29
Sure baby, dream on.

By #485312 23,Apr,21 16:34
I can see why he NEEDS a gun, he looks as weak as piss and would snap in two on those brittle little legs. well he doesn't need any muscles to hold that microscopic skin tag, I cant even call it a dick, or a cock, that would be insulting cocks. his penis looks more like a skin tag, holding a gun is the only way he can feel slightly like a man. *lix*

By #485312 23,Apr,21 16:34
I can see why he NEEDS a gun, he looks as weak as piss and would snap in two on those brittle little legs. well he doesn't need any muscles to hold that microscopic skin tag, I cant even call it a dick, or a cock, that would be insulting cocks. his penis looks more like a skin tag, holding a gun is the only way he can feel slightly like a man. *lix*

By #485312 23,Apr,21 16:34
I can see why he NEEDS a gun, he looks as weak as piss and would snap in two on those brittle little legs. well he doesn't need any muscles to hold that microscopic skin tag, I cant even call it a dick, or a cock, that would be insulting cocks. his penis looks more like a skin tag, holding a gun is the only way he can feel slightly like a man. *lix*


By #485312 23,Apr,21 16:33
I can see why he NEEDS a gun, he looks as weak as piss and would snap in two on those brittle little legs. well he doesn't need any muscles to hold that microscopic skin tag, I cant even call it a dick, or a cock, that would be insulting cocks. his penis looks more like a skin tag, holding a gun is the only way he can feel slightly like a man. *lix*


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