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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 15,Mar,24 07:55
By system 15,Mar,24 02:45
You were blacklisted by Trump_supporter_7

Ok, so that's #2, #6, and now #7. Trump_Supporter_7, you should ask Admin to give you an automatic CAT blacklisting with every new account.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 15,Mar,24 09:06 other posts 
LoL... that turd's like a snake on Medusa's head
By #610414 15,Mar,24 10:15

By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 19:42 other posts 
Well this is horriabe but at least it is closure for the family.
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Shady Oaks mobile home park
By #610414 10,Mar,24 20:57
It's horrible. Poor baby.
I though crime only happened in New York? This is Florida, DeSantis' state.
By #610414 11,Mar,24 17:47
Did you know that the state of Alabama has way more crime than New York City?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 06:00 other posts 
Per capita, the average crime rate of the red states is much higher than
the crime rate of the blue states. Especially the violent crime.

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By #610414 12,Mar,24 08:31
It's true. All these Bible toting, "I'm holier than thou" Repuckers/Christians, break the law much more often than normal people.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 11:34 other posts 
"In 2021, atheists made up only 0.1% of the federal prison population"
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By #610414 12,Mar,24 20:54
'nuff said'
By phart [Ignore] 15,Mar,24 07:10 other posts 
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also flashed up at the top, man shot with crossbow in london.
Sure you europeans are so civilized and better than everyone else,no crime,no hate ,just everything so great.

yea right.
By #610414 15,Mar,24 08:35
Who said that? What we've been saying is that gun violence in this country has spiraled out of control. Crime is in every country and will always be there.
By sherryann [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 22:47 other posts 
Sad. truth took too long. Female should be held accountable too. Murders like that all parties involved are
By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 22:54 other posts 
exactly, how can a person live with that knowledge, knowing who killed someone, and buried them in a trailer park and not tell anyone. And the killer had been dead a long time the least ,should a opened up as soon as that asshole croaked out.
By #610414 13,Mar,24 09:35
I thought the same, Phart.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Mar,24 20:25 other posts 
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Buyers remorse.
""Whenever anybody walks into a grocery store ... [when] they're coming out, it's a period of shock," the Pennsylvania Republican said on Newsmax's "American Agenda." "Gas prices are going back up. In that poll, it showed as well how crime is No. 2 on people's concerns, even ahead of the unmitigated disaster at our border."

Sorry cat
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59% said the state of the union reading was divisive ,not unifying.
"Fifty-nine percent of registered voters told Forbes/HarrisX pollsters that Biden's speech served to divide the country further, not unify it, compared to 41% who said the opposite."

By #610414 13,Mar,24 07:34
Phart in response to this that you posted on Bella!'s thread:

"I aint "reporting".
Please excuse a poor choice of words. I meant any member that is not blocked from interacting with the three botched abortions. I wasn't singling you out.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Mar,24 09:38 other posts 
it's a wonder he didn't ban me for calling him a drunk in a penal colony listening to barney the dinosaur playing a digeridoo.If I don't like someone I just leave them alone and hope they do the same.Mongo makes me laugh,never did me wrong.just trying to get you to think about what your enemy may very be.not much of anything?
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Mar,24 16:52 other posts 
Her old feeble mind over thinks everything just like her blow buddy Biden
By #610414 13,Mar,24 20:59
And yet, you see red every time Lix is mentioned.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Mar,24 04:57 other posts 
Who is lix I never heard of them
"a drunk in a penal colony listening to barney the dinosaur playing a digeridoo"
I must say, that's highly creative insulting
By phart [Ignore] 14,Mar,24 15:38 other posts 
And who says I can't come up with a idea and then spend 10 minutes on google trying to figure out how to spell digeridoo?
By #610414 14,Mar,24 17:53

By phart [Ignore] 13,Mar,24 21:39 other posts 
Hey cat,you and anannas are always bringing up Trump wanting to kill the wuhan virus with light . Well there are robots that travel thru airports and places doing just that,and here is a robot doing crops with the same method.
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By #610414 14,Mar,24 13:26
Hospitals do that with ultraviolet light in infectious rooms after patient leaves all the time, but, you can't do it with a patient like the Clown, who's as smart as roadkill, though you could.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Mar,24 15:35 other posts 
So if you know that,why do you call Trump a idiot or whatever for his suggjesting using light to kill the virus?

it is research and development. shine a light up your ass to kill a virus.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Mar,24 15:24 other posts 
Anannas can't understand putting dope heads and dealers in prison.But canada wants to put you in prison for simply speaking something someone doesn't like.

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"The possibilities for revenge false accusations + thoughtcrime stuff are sooo inviting! Trudeau’s Orwellian online harms bill," Atwood wrote on Twitter. "

this is part of socialism and nazi's ,control of speach.

By #610414 14,Mar,24 11:55
Ron DeSantis is such huge LOSER that 21 of his anti-LGBTQ bills fail while we’re CACKLING

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By #610414 14,Mar,24 10:48
US Achieves Energy Independence for First Time in…

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The U.S. has shaken off its reliance on imports of fossil fuels for the first time in 40 years, according to recent analysis by J.P. Morgan, at a time when global conflicts have led to increased demand for energy elsewhere in the world.

By phart [Ignore] 13,Mar,24 20:37 other posts 
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Now here we have a city that needs clean water, a socialist style stimulus program "creating jobs" was implemented and see where it got everybody.
By #610414 13,Mar,24 20:51
What happened in Flint was pisspoor management. The idea was good. Does this mean all infrastructure project, that by their very nature are a socialistic stimulus program, are bad? I don't think so.

By #610414 13,Mar,24 19:26
Dgraff posted in Bella!'s thread:
"And yet cat is still trying to be a smart Ass with Bella"

By #610414 13,Mar,24 14:08
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By #610414 13,Mar,24 07:27
Bella! posted in her thread:
"It is my opinion that the Forum attracts only a certain group of members and certain threads will attract only certain members. Here's a suggestion, rather than posting the same ol' same crap in multiple threads "to reach more viewers", you might be better served if you blogged your concerns. As I'm sure you are aware, a blog would notify your 100 plus friends of your plight.

And as for your concern about my time in SW Florida, no need to concern yourself, thank you. I'm not bored."

I don't like to air my dirty laundry in a blog. It seems members write a blog about everything. Soon we'll be able to read about members daily BM's. I, too, believe only a certain type of member is attracted to the forums. In my OPINION, they like to titillate. I guess I'm no different.
One point I'd like to make. My crap, Bella! has the same smell as yours, so, please, pinch your nose or stay out of my business.
Every year, at this time, I start wondering when those pesky Snow Birds will migrate back North.

By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,24 23:07 other posts 
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By #610414 12,Mar,24 09:00
Anyone for a good laugh? This is I'm my Events page:

Mongo is pleading to be removed from your blacklist:
I do not even understand what I did wrong, can you please remove me from your blacklist and may be explain?

This is the same Aussie 💩 that created the poll listed in another post in this thread. This is one a..hole who trashes the "Saggy Granny", as I'm called, continually. Well, Mr Abbo, kiss my ass.

By #610414 11,Mar,24 17:46
House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, who represents New York's 21st district, received a blunt reality check after claiming that Americans are worse off now than they were four years ago.

During the press conference, Stefanik criticized President Joe Biden and his administration, citing what she called a "catastrophic" border crisis, inflation concerns, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Quoting former President Ronald Reagan, she posed the question, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" and claimed that the answer for "hard-working Americans across the country is a resounding no."

Social media users and some of Stefanik's colleagues in the House quickly pointed out the timing of her reference, noting that four years ago, in March 2020, the United States was grappling with the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The country was entering shutdowns, which had severe economic consequences, leaving businesses and industries on the brink of collapse.

Well over 1.2 million Americans have died since the pandemic began. Many of these people could have been saved had former President Donald Trump's administration taken the situation seriously from the start.

Stefanik, a prominent Trump surrogate, did not mention that Trump raged against shutdowns, attacked healthcare professionals, frequently undermined the efforts of the White House COVID-19 Task Force, and openly pushed conspiracy theories about the virus and the vaccination campaign that were embraced by his followers, hindering the country's ability to rebound from the pandemic's economic shock.

By #610414 08,Mar,24 08:58
Is the US economy growing or declining?
Growth last year accelerated from 1.9% in 2022, and was the fastest in two years. From the fourth quarter of 2022 through the fourth quarter of 2023, the economy grew 3.1%, blowing away economists' estimates for a 0.1% contraction back in December 2022.Jan 25, 2024

But, wait, didn't the Clown say the economy is tanking?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,24 12:57 other posts 
growth in what part of the economy?
Houses are not selling around here anything like they were a few years back.
People aren't buying new cars or trucks right now,can't afford them.
perhaps some segments are growing,but not as a whole.
By #610414 08,Mar,24 22:32
Do the research
The economy is not intended to benefit you normal Americans, it's intended to further enrich the wealthy. Profits have been soaring since the pandemic.

That $ 6 trillion in pandemic relief, that Trump approved, and for a big part caused the inflation, all went into the pockets of the wealthy, while small companies went bankrupt and were bought up by large companies, houses were bought up by private equity firms, and while the normal American got fired and hired at reduced wages.

At least, under Biden, the wages are going up again, making large companies share some of their record profits with the average American.
But, of course you don't like that either.

By #610414 08,Mar,24 08:25
One day prior to President Biden’s State of the Union address, U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wrote on X: “Welcome 2Pres Biden’s America where the fed govt chooses energy dependence over energy DOMINANCE AND INDEPENDENCE.”

The Elon Musk-owned social media platform’s fact-checking tool, Community Notes, added context to Grassley’s post: “Contrary to the Senator’s claim, oil production is at an all time high in the US, hitting a record 13.319 million barrels per day in November 2023. For comparison the average daily production in 2017 was 9.35 million bpd while the average in 2023 was 12.93 million bpd.”

We'll, Phart and Dgraff, I guess you got your information on The Saudi Herald. 🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,24 12:57 other posts 
then why haven't the prices dropped?
By #610414 10,Mar,24 17:23
The prices are controlled by the oil companies. They'll use every excuse to gouge out every penny they can get from us while at the same time being careful not to push the establishment into price controls.
Why are you questioning the process that's been around for centuries? You must still believe in Santa.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 19:43 other posts 
no it is controlled in part by investors that use your 401 k to make money buying and resaleing it.
it is also controlled by supply.Opec knows we can't do much because of our senile old man so they cut production to limit supply
By #610414 10,Mar,24 21:20
The investors ARE the oil companies. My 401K did not have those type of companies in the mix
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,24 22:21 other posts 
not all, wall street investors buy oil futures.
By #610414 10,Mar,24 23:45
Yes, investors do bet on futures and not only oil. Even corn is bet on, but, the actual value is set by the companies and they do it by manipulating the available stock. Why do you think OPEC existas?
OPEC is a legalized cartel. The US would have the power to break it, but your politicians have kept it in place, because your own oil companies profit from it too.

Oil companies fund your Republicans 3x more than your Democrats. That's why every time progressive Democrats try to pass legislation that would limit oil companies price gauging the American people, all the Republicans and a few corporate Democrats, like Joe Manchin, who got rich from the fossil fuel business, vote against it.

Another reason for why the prices haven't dropped is Russia.
Europe doesn't buy Russian oil anymore, because of Ukraine.
Now the other oil countries, including the US, provides that oil at higher prices.
It's your biggest export product now. That demand creates higher prices for you.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 09,Mar,24 00:19 other posts 
Tell 'em, Goddess
By #610414 10,Mar,24 17:18

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