The Republican party is at last paying the price of its Faustian pact with Trump Michael Cohen
More than 11 years ago, before Donald Trump emerged from the primordial ooze of the far-right fever swamp, before the aborted January 6 insurrection and before the latest spasm of Republican extremism felled House speaker Kevin McCarthy, two renowned political scientists, Thomas Mann, and Norman Ornstein, put their finger on the essence of increasingly dysfunctional US politics: the Republican party. Mann and Ornstein argued that the Grand Old Party (GOP) had become an “insurgent outlier” that was “ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition”.
Eleven years later, the enfant terrible of American politics has somehow got unimaginably worse. The GOP today is less a political party and more an inchoate mass of cultural grievances, conspiracy theories and lowest common denominator political slogans. Trump, for all his toxicity, is a symptom of the GOP’s decades-long descent into madness. Legislating is not seen as a tool for bettering the plight of the American people but rather an opportunity to troll Democrats and play to the perceived slights of the party’s rank-and-file supporters.
But Republican indifference to governing is, perhaps, the least of the party’s pathologies. In slavishly supporting Trump and his Maga – Make America Great Again – supporters, they have empowered a political movement that is increasingly testing the limits of the US democratic experiment.
This demonstrates that anymore can be elected to Congress, regardless of how ignorant he is. Even worse, it doesn't matter how big an
a..hole he is.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis sent Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) an extremely frank letter on Wednesday declining his request for more information about her prosecution of Donald Trump and others for attempting to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. “A charitable explanation of your correspondence is that you are ignorant of the United States and Georgia Constitutions and codes,” Willis wrote to Jordan, who serves as the House Judiciary Committee chair. “A more troubling explanation is that you are abusing your authority as Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary to attempt to obstruct and interfere with a Georgia criminal prosecution.” Supporting the latter interpretation, Willis quoted Jordan saying in an appearance on Mark Levin’s show last month: “We’re trying to get all the answers, but we’re trying to stop this stuff as well.” “While you may enjoy immunity under the United States Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause, that does not make your behavior any less offensive to the rule of law,” she added.
Some folks like to bring up the past to make fun of others and talk shit,But yet,this is what is happening RIGHT NOW in Israel. What kind of humanoid beheads a BABY?? leo,what do you call a person that beheads a baby??
I am sure somewhere in your vocabulary there is a word
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There's been a great deal of media coverage over the past couple of years about the meteoric rise of Moms for Liberty, a well-funded and somewhat secretive Republican-aligned group aimed at expunging supposed "woke" or "progressive" influences from American education. But Pennridge High School that night illustrated a story that's gotten much less attention: The response of fed-up parents and educators who, without anything close to the resources of their conservative opponents, are organizing a grassroots effort to restore American schools to their intended purpose, that of educating children to be citizens of a democracy and full participants in an open society.
Another reason to secure the border and fast
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We conservatives tried to warn people that disease and such would be worse because of all these people coming in.NO one believed us. So i guess when your family starts dying off from things we had beat back 100 years ago ,you will wake up.
Tuberculosis? didn't we get shots for that and polio back when we were squirts? I have a scar on my arm from some shot. That scar bugs me,is it meant to be a brand? THe mark of the beast?
What does the US, Rwanda, Turkmenistan, and a shall number of other countries have in common?
Answer: the number of incarcerated people per capita. More than 1 person per 200 are in jail in the US and the reason there aren't more locked in is because they are running out of prison space.
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Here are the absolute numbers
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It's not just the US that's fucked up this way. Dictatorships appearing everywhere in the world have similar huge problems. Not that the US is a dictatorship. Leticia James and many other heroes show that democracy is still alive.
typical democrat logic.
A state that is full of homeless people, the stupid governor vetoed a free rubber bill for high schools.
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Prevent homelessness by preventing BIRTH with protection .
Abortions are expensive even if they were morally right, a rubber is penny's on the dollar of abortion. Since people can't or won't teach their **** spawn not to fuck until they can afford to accept the responsibility, a rubber is dirt cheap prevention of future problems.
The Republican party is at last paying the price of its Faustian pact with Trump | Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen
More than 11 years ago, before Donald Trump emerged from the primordial ooze of the far-right fever swamp, before the aborted January 6 insurrection and before the latest spasm of Republican extremism felled House speaker Kevin McCarthy, two renowned political scientists, Thomas Mann, and Norman Ornstein, put their finger on the essence of increasingly dysfunctional US politics: the Republican party. Mann and Ornstein argued that the Grand Old Party (GOP) had become an “insurgent outlier” that was “ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition”.
Eleven years later, the enfant terrible of American politics has somehow got unimaginably worse. The GOP today is less a political party and more an inchoate mass of cultural grievances, conspiracy theories and lowest common denominator political slogans. Trump, for all his toxicity, is a symptom of the GOP’s decades-long descent into madness. Legislating is not seen as a tool for bettering the plight of the American people but rather an opportunity to troll Democrats and play to the perceived slights of the party’s rank-and-file supporters.
But Republican indifference to governing is, perhaps, the least of the party’s pathologies. In slavishly supporting Trump and his Maga – Make America Great Again – supporters, they have empowered a political movement that is increasingly testing the limits of the US democratic experiment.
Woooie dooooo from were i stand both parties are going to have to learn to put their differences aside and do what is right for the people of the United States 🇺🇸 and it would help a lot if they quit driving a wedge between the people
United we stand
Divided we fall
The democrats are the 1's with the sledge hammers driving the wedges between the people. Blm, and strikes and Riots and God only knows what else
This country had great potential but the democrats have regulated it, burned it ,stole from it until it is a crumbling shell.
When you look at a map of who really decides the elections at the federal level it is tiny patches of the country,the democrats live in hives or huddles.
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Here is a great example of democrat logic.I guess if he had signed this into law, the state would not be allowed to charge to much after a couple years of getting everybody hooked on the state provided meds.
This kind of logic drives people apart, legislated poverty because for some it is food or meds..
I know the wife, my kids mother & myself struggle with the modern problem of tec with kids.
My mid teens daughter that visits here every second week, her addiction to the internet is a problem, while she stays here, there are 2 adults to one kid. I guess because my wife is not her maternal mother, she can be quite strict (she does love my kid & cares vey well for her) with rules regarding many issues including access to tec & now that giving your kid a good smack if they are misbehaving, is frowned upon these days, so we control her behavior from bans to electronics by removing her phone, remote control for her TV & her Xbox controller for fixed periods of time so she needs to tidy up her act before having these privileges returned.
My kids Mom is on her own with her & tries to maintain a friendship position with her daughter & since I have set up a data plan on my daughters phone contract my kids mum has lost control over access not being able to simply switch off Wi-Fi to cut my daughter off, for my kids mom to gain physical control over devices ends in a screaming match, so I have now cut off mobile data access to this service.
It seems this is not a problem that we face, but many others, schools in the southern state from us (NSW) have introduced strict guide lines on the use of these things at school & I hope these restrictions make it to QLD.
I'll add a link after this, it seemed adding a link on this made it slip off screen not making it legible 🤷♀️
What is the ultimate paradox?
“The supreme paradox of all thought is the attempt to discover something that thought cannot think. This passion is at bottom present in all thinking, even in the thinking of the individual, in so far as in thinking he participates in something transcending himself.
I solved it, it's Leo!
Do I create my own thoughts?
The environment, our family and friends, our upbringing and education, and the outside world, shape and program our minds and yet, we believe that our thoughts and beliefs are own, and are produced by us. Every person has certain beliefs and acts in accordance with them.
In reading that Leo,I can't help but think you grew up in a even more abusive home than I did.
perhaps this link will help you.
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You're a bullshitter, besides being far-right wing. FYI I grew in a loving home. None of my relatives ever tolerated fascists though. And I'm thankful for that.
I'm hateful towards fascists (and similar people) or parasites.
As for the king, he's a parasite.
He's irrelevant. He only exists because there are millions of people who believe in such nonsense as monarchy, in the same way they believe in arbitrary gods and imaginary extraterrestrials. Many people are primitive and can't distinguish between reality and fiction. Give it another 500 thousand years or so and evolution will take care of these difficiences of the mind (provided we still exist). Évolution works miracles. Three million years ago or so we couldn't even walk straight. Now we can.
Leo ,our differences aside, do you honestly think the human race will still be around that long?
Putin is threatening nuclear war as we both argue ,hamas is killing 100's starting another war in Israel,
to much hatred and division for the human race to last much longer at the rate things are going.
Must be nice to be able to walk straight, i have to walk with a bad limp leaning forward to the left.
And the US is killing people in wars, and Americans kill one another with guns, and fascists govern Hungary, Italy, Sweden, ... And Russia is friends with North Korea, and nuclear weapons are in abundance, and political correctness is silencing people's freedom of expression, and the good industry is making sure that people remain sick, in collaboration with the big pharma (c.f. opioid crisis on the US), and extreme-form religions are sprouting everywhere, and most governments have privatised everything, and the world isn't governed by countries and empires but by corporations, and the Internet makes people stupid, and there's no proper education anywhere, and and and...
To answer your question, I don't know. I suspect that our civilisation will collapse. We might not become extinct but more primitive.
Rue The Waves is an oil painting depicting Britannia, an enduring symbol of the country’s dominance, glory and standing on the world stage. Here she is presented in a classical style as assaulted and exhausted, yet with an enigmatic contemplative expression.
Chance? What chance? If I meet a woman that I fancy and she wants sex too then I'm happy to fuck her. I love it. There's no chance at all involved.
My Asian friend who likes white cock but doesn't like big ones because she's tiny. I'm so happy to fuck her and so is she. She's an art student and I had some business with her art school. I met her, I pursued her, I had a lot of sex with her. No chance involved.
--------------------------------------- added after 69 seconds
Look at her pussy. It's wonderful. How can anyone resist that?
That’s so true. They are enamored with “WE” and totally negate that there’s a “THEY”. No other views are allowed therefore, there are no compromises, and, in a fluid society such as our country’s and others, it’s what’s needed to progress.
I've been reading the Wikipedia article and what happened or happens around the world when people of the phart type prevail.
I quote one example from greece concerning a fascist guy who apparently ruled in the 40s. His version of fascism was called metaxism (from his name), just like people talk about trumpism for the version of fascism ideology of trump.
He wanted the establishment of an ethnically homogeneous state.
Metaxism disparaged liberalism, and held individual interests to be subordinate to those of the nation, seeking to mobilize the people as a disciplined mass in service to the creation of a "new Greece".
Let us pause and examine the two notions mentioned above:
A. Ethnically homogenous state. How wrong can that be? There's no single country in the world that is homogeneous. Diversity is not only democratic but also biologically healthy. Anyone who's ever experimented by homogeneity paid for it. Diversity is key to opening up to various cultures and having a more interesting society. Phart-like beings, that is white supremacists, would rather have no blacks, no Mexicans, no Arabs,... nobody who looks out behaves differently than they do. And, of course, just like all religious extremists, will "justify" their beliefs, and cling to them, by various pseudo-arguments.
B. Disciplined mass. The very idea that you want the "mass" (why call people like that in the first place) obey what the fascist wants is so very wrong. Creativity doesn't work under mass discipline. The kind of state you achieve this way is one where everybody lives in fear. Just as phart. He lives in constant fear of his neighbours and thus he has guns. He talks about the exemplary police because he wants discipline. He's an absolutist. He'll never forgive a petty theft and would rather have the third killed (remember the murder of George Floyd). Disciplinarianism is inhuman.
So, fascistoids, like phart, shouldn't be allowed to roam freely. They support death, rather than life, they are intolerant, they're sick actually.
You are just jealous of The US. Since you don't actually have freedom of speech in the UK,I posted a link to the info the other day and you didn't respond.
Diversity is a great source of division because each group has different goals and won't work together to achieve anything to benefit the group. Blacks want special treatment above and beyond anything hispanics get.And they don't get along with each other,if you erased whites from the US, hispanics and blacks would be fighting each other worse than they do now.
Let a black woman interact with a mexican male and see how she is treated.
THE US is not perfect, but your utopia does not even have free speech, so it sounds like you need to be working on your own country instead of nick picking ours.
The right to freedom of expression is subject to a range of restrictions in UK law, including the: Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Communications Act 2003, which criminalises “indecent or grossly offensive” messages and threats
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They have "freedom of speech" but it has alot of baggage.
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For example, section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986 makes it an offence for a person to use “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviors that causes, or is likely to cause, another person harassment, alarm or distress
Now, read alot of what leo types to me,how he address's me,and tell me rather or not if I were a uk citizen if he has violated the law of his land?
IF I was a candy ass and lived over there and he called me fascist and etc, it would be considered harassment and hate speech.
But he will never hear me complain much about his right or freedom to say what he does.TO me it helps to show me and the rest of the world what and who he really is.
Leo is not "dumb" he is just so far left he has lost sight in his right eye and use of the right arm and leg.
I know the acronym WASP. But his beliefs are worse than those of a WASP. His whole ideology is exactly that of a super-extreme-far-right guy, the one whose mind is stuck at whatever his leaders tell him and who won't change his position no matter what. One who does not believe in democracy or, simply, the value of life.
I value life until that life devalues mine. Such as a thief willing to kill me for the 40 bucks in my pocket.
I don't believe what my current leaders are telling me,biden can't even read cue cards at a meeting about sending even more money over to ukraine so he can get his 10% kickbacks to pay hunters bills.
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And here is you,
a little excerpt that seems to fit well with the scoundrels that prompt a despisal of democrats.
"in certain instances—especially in the news media—far left has been associated with some forms of authoritarianism, anarchism, communism, and Marxism, or are characterized as groups that advocate for revolutionary socialism and related communist ideologies, or anti-capitalism and anti-globalization. Far-left terrorism consists of extremist, militant, or insurgent groups that attempt to realize their ideals through political violence rather than using democratic processes."
So in reading that excerpt .I know now that i am right to call democrats domestic terrorist. Blm members are far left terrorist. Supported or enabled by the normal democrat because the end result is desired by both, chaos.
NOW Leo, I challenge you to present WORKABLE solutions to issues.
Lets take something simple ,world hunger ,a non controversial subject we both should agree should not exist.
Workable ideas from me, 1,put farms back on prison grounds, both to feed people and teach work ethic.
2,require all students in school to have at least 1 semester of agriculture related subjects, to help them learn to grow food and understand where it comes from.
3,trade grain for oil, trade grain for steel ,trade meat for aluminum. If you get something from a country that gets food from yours, trade food or ag equipment, not money, would keep the economy's balanced.
4, stop building more houses and prepare more feilds for food to be grown on.
a larger population is taking more food.
5, put a limit on child birth such as china did, for at least 20 years. give the eco system,the economy,a chance to catch up to the growth.
What is your ideas leo? Or would you rather continue to be a internet keyboard bully
More than 11 years ago, before Donald Trump emerged from the primordial ooze of the far-right fever swamp, before the aborted January 6 insurrection and before the latest spasm of Republican extremism felled House speaker Kevin McCarthy, two renowned political scientists, Thomas Mann, and Norman Ornstein, put their finger on the essence of increasingly dysfunctional US politics: the Republican party. Mann and Ornstein argued that the Grand Old Party (GOP) had become an “insurgent outlier” that was “ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition”.
Eleven years later, the enfant terrible of American politics has somehow got unimaginably worse. The GOP today is less a political party and more an inchoate mass of cultural grievances, conspiracy theories and lowest common denominator political slogans. Trump, for all his toxicity, is a symptom of the GOP’s decades-long descent into madness. Legislating is not seen as a tool for bettering the plight of the American people but rather an opportunity to troll Democrats and play to the perceived slights of the party’s rank-and-file supporters.
But Republican indifference to governing is, perhaps, the least of the party’s pathologies. In slavishly supporting Trump and his Maga – Make America Great Again – supporters, they have empowered a political movement that is increasingly testing the limits of the US democratic experiment.
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a..hole he is.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis sent Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) an extremely frank letter on Wednesday declining his request for more information about her prosecution of Donald Trump and others for attempting to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. “A charitable explanation of your correspondence is that you are ignorant of the United States and Georgia Constitutions and codes,” Willis wrote to Jordan, who serves as the House Judiciary Committee chair. “A more troubling explanation is that you are abusing your authority as Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary to attempt to obstruct and interfere with a Georgia criminal prosecution.” Supporting the latter interpretation, Willis quoted Jordan saying in an appearance on Mark Levin’s show last month: “We’re trying to get all the answers, but we’re trying to stop this stuff as well.” “While you may enjoy immunity under the United States Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause, that does not make your behavior any less offensive to the rule of law,” she added.
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I am sure somewhere in your vocabulary there is a word
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We conservatives tried to warn people that disease and such would be worse because of all these people coming in.NO one believed us. So i guess when your family starts dying off from things we had beat back 100 years ago ,you will wake up.
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Answer: the number of incarcerated people per capita. More than 1 person per 200 are in jail in the US and the reason there aren't more locked in is because they are running out of prison space.
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Here are the absolute numbers
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It's not just the US that's fucked up this way. Dictatorships appearing everywhere in the world have similar huge problems. Not that the US is a dictatorship. Leticia James and many other heroes show that democracy is still alive.
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bidens people should be working to make life more affordable,not more costly.
A state that is full of homeless people, the stupid governor vetoed a free rubber bill for high schools.
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Prevent homelessness by preventing BIRTH with protection .
Abortions are expensive even if they were morally right, a rubber is penny's on the dollar of abortion. Since people can't or won't teach their **** spawn not to fuck until they can afford to accept the responsibility, a rubber is dirt cheap prevention of future problems.
Michael Cohen
More than 11 years ago, before Donald Trump emerged from the primordial ooze of the far-right fever swamp, before the aborted January 6 insurrection and before the latest spasm of Republican extremism felled House speaker Kevin McCarthy, two renowned political scientists, Thomas Mann, and Norman Ornstein, put their finger on the essence of increasingly dysfunctional US politics: the Republican party. Mann and Ornstein argued that the Grand Old Party (GOP) had become an “insurgent outlier” that was “ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition”.
Eleven years later, the enfant terrible of American politics has somehow got unimaginably worse. The GOP today is less a political party and more an inchoate mass of cultural grievances, conspiracy theories and lowest common denominator political slogans. Trump, for all his toxicity, is a symptom of the GOP’s decades-long descent into madness. Legislating is not seen as a tool for bettering the plight of the American people but rather an opportunity to troll Democrats and play to the perceived slights of the party’s rank-and-file supporters.
But Republican indifference to governing is, perhaps, the least of the party’s pathologies. In slavishly supporting Trump and his Maga – Make America Great Again – supporters, they have empowered a political movement that is increasingly testing the limits of the US democratic experiment.
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United we stand
Divided we fall
This country had great potential but the democrats have regulated it, burned it ,stole from it until it is a crumbling shell.
Alas, there are many people (qanon,trumpists, phart, etc) who'd rather see a dictatorship prevail in America by means of, say, an insurrection.
Here is a great example of democrat logic.I guess if he had signed this into law, the state would not be allowed to charge to much after a couple years of getting everybody hooked on the state provided meds.
This kind of logic drives people apart, legislated poverty because for some it is food or meds..
My mid teens daughter that visits here every second week, her addiction to the internet is a problem, while she stays here, there are 2 adults to one kid. I guess because my wife is not her maternal mother, she can be quite strict (she does love my kid & cares vey well for her) with rules regarding many issues including access to tec & now that giving your kid a good smack if they are misbehaving, is frowned upon these days, so we control her behavior from bans to electronics by removing her phone, remote control for her TV & her Xbox controller for fixed periods of time so she needs to tidy up her act before having these privileges returned.
My kids Mom is on her own with her & tries to maintain a friendship position with her daughter & since I have set up a data plan on my daughters phone contract my kids mum has lost control over access not being able to simply switch off Wi-Fi to cut my daughter off, for my kids mom to gain physical control over devices ends in a screaming match, so I have now cut off mobile data access to this service.
It seems this is not a problem that we face, but many others, schools in the southern state from us (NSW) have introduced strict guide lines on the use of these things at school & I hope these restrictions make it to QLD.
I'll add a link after this, it seemed adding a link on this made it slip off screen not making it legible 🤷♀️
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Now biden is after gas furnaces, he is trying to put us in the stone age.
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Natural gas and propane are the cheapest options for heating your home right now
“The supreme paradox of all thought is the attempt to discover something that thought cannot think. This passion is at bottom present in all thinking, even in the thinking of the individual, in so far as in thinking he participates in something transcending himself.
I solved it, it's Leo!
Do I create my own thoughts?
The environment, our family and friends, our upbringing and education, and the outside world, shape and program our minds and yet, we believe that our thoughts and beliefs are own, and are produced by us. Every person has certain beliefs and acts in accordance with them.
In reading that Leo,I can't help but think you grew up in a even more abusive home than I did.
perhaps this link will help you.
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BY the way, does your King know you are up past your bedtime??
As for the king, he's a parasite.
He's irrelevant. He only exists because there are millions of people who believe in such nonsense as monarchy, in the same way they believe in arbitrary gods and imaginary extraterrestrials. Many people are primitive and can't distinguish between reality and fiction. Give it another 500 thousand years or so and evolution will take care of these difficiences of the mind (provided we still exist). Évolution works miracles. Three million years ago or so we couldn't even walk straight. Now we can.
Putin is threatening nuclear war as we both argue ,hamas is killing 100's starting another war in Israel,
to much hatred and division for the human race to last much longer at the rate things are going.
Must be nice to be able to walk straight, i have to walk with a bad limp leaning forward to the left.
To answer your question, I don't know. I suspect that our civilisation will collapse. We might not become extinct but more primitive.
Rue The Waves is an oil painting depicting Britannia, an enduring symbol of the country’s dominance, glory and standing on the world stage. Here she is presented in a classical style as assaulted and exhausted, yet with an enigmatic contemplative expression.
it is a chance most of us fools would take.
My Asian friend who likes white cock but doesn't like big ones because she's tiny. I'm so happy to fuck her and so is she. She's an art student and I had some business with her art school. I met her, I pursued her, I had a lot of sex with her. No chance involved.
--------------------------------------- added after 69 seconds
Look at her pussy. It's wonderful. How can anyone resist that?
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--------------------------------------- added after 10 hours
The more I look at it, the more similarities I find.
And biden lets in even more.
It can't continue.
Nativism? Um, not bad,
I quote one example from greece concerning a fascist guy who apparently ruled in the 40s. His version of fascism was called metaxism (from his name), just like people talk about trumpism for the version of fascism ideology of trump.
He wanted the establishment of an ethnically homogeneous state.
Metaxism disparaged liberalism, and held individual interests to be subordinate to those of the nation, seeking to mobilize the people as a disciplined mass in service to the creation of a "new Greece".
Let us pause and examine the two notions mentioned above:
A. Ethnically homogenous state. How wrong can that be? There's no single country in the world that is homogeneous. Diversity is not only democratic but also biologically healthy. Anyone who's ever experimented by homogeneity paid for it. Diversity is key to opening up to various cultures and having a more interesting society. Phart-like beings, that is white supremacists, would rather have no blacks, no Mexicans, no Arabs,... nobody who looks out behaves differently than they do. And, of course, just like all religious extremists, will "justify" their beliefs, and cling to them, by various pseudo-arguments.
B. Disciplined mass. The very idea that you want the "mass" (why call people like that in the first place) obey what the fascist wants is so very wrong. Creativity doesn't work under mass discipline. The kind of state you achieve this way is one where everybody lives in fear. Just as phart. He lives in constant fear of his neighbours and thus he has guns. He talks about the exemplary police because he wants discipline. He's an absolutist. He'll never forgive a petty theft and would rather have the third killed (remember the murder of George Floyd). Disciplinarianism is inhuman.
So, fascistoids, like phart, shouldn't be allowed to roam freely. They support death, rather than life, they are intolerant, they're sick actually.
Diversity is a great source of division because each group has different goals and won't work together to achieve anything to benefit the group. Blacks want special treatment above and beyond anything hispanics get.And they don't get along with each other,if you erased whites from the US, hispanics and blacks would be fighting each other worse than they do now.
Let a black woman interact with a mexican male and see how she is treated.
THE US is not perfect, but your utopia does not even have free speech, so it sounds like you need to be working on your own country instead of nick picking ours.
But one thing is for sure. I'm never going to be a far right wing fascistoid like you.
I like the US very much but people like you are the ones that America shouldn't have.
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They have "freedom of speech" but it has alot of baggage.
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For example, section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986 makes it an offence for a person to use “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviors that causes, or is likely to cause, another person harassment, alarm or distress
Now, read alot of what leo types to me,how he address's me,and tell me rather or not if I were a uk citizen if he has violated the law of his land?
IF I was a candy ass and lived over there and he called me fascist and etc, it would be considered harassment and hate speech.
But he will never hear me complain much about his right or freedom to say what he does.TO me it helps to show me and the rest of the world what and who he really is.
Leo is not "dumb" he is just so far left he has lost sight in his right eye and use of the right arm and leg.
I don't believe what my current leaders are telling me,biden can't even read cue cards at a meeting about sending even more money over to ukraine so he can get his 10% kickbacks to pay hunters bills.
And here is you,
a little excerpt that seems to fit well with the scoundrels that prompt a despisal of democrats.
"in certain instances—especially in the news media—far left has been associated with some forms of authoritarianism, anarchism, communism, and Marxism, or are characterized as groups that advocate for revolutionary socialism and related communist ideologies, or anti-capitalism and anti-globalization. Far-left terrorism consists of extremist, militant, or insurgent groups that attempt to realize their ideals through political violence rather than using democratic processes."
So in reading that excerpt .I know now that i am right to call democrats domestic terrorist. Blm members are far left terrorist. Supported or enabled by the normal democrat because the end result is desired by both, chaos.
NOW Leo, I challenge you to present WORKABLE solutions to issues.
Lets take something simple ,world hunger ,a non controversial subject we both should agree should not exist.
Workable ideas from me, 1,put farms back on prison grounds, both to feed people and teach work ethic.
2,require all students in school to have at least 1 semester of agriculture related subjects, to help them learn to grow food and understand where it comes from.
3,trade grain for oil, trade grain for steel ,trade meat for aluminum. If you get something from a country that gets food from yours, trade food or ag equipment, not money, would keep the economy's balanced.
4, stop building more houses and prepare more feilds for food to be grown on.
a larger population is taking more food.
5, put a limit on child birth such as china did, for at least 20 years. give the eco system,the economy,a chance to catch up to the growth.
What is your ideas leo? Or would you rather continue to be a internet keyboard bully
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