The Met Office has said that the UK's mean temperature in September would have been virtually impossible without human-induced climate change.
They're right.
The UK, for all its problems, has often refused entry of people who are known to be fascists or of similar disposition.
Therefore it is very likely that phart would not be allowed to enter the UK. And even if he did, he wouldn't be tolerated by the majority of people here. He'd have to go underground and socialize with all kinds of known thugs, such as those who hide guns in their houses, "the base" group only registered users can see external links , the exreme-right wing BNP, etc. No ordinary person here would ever tolerate, or even understand, the lunatic ideas of phart and his kin. Those things are alien in the UK.
I am glad I am not welcome there, have no desire to go there .Nothing there but rain .I just googled it to make sure i was right, nothing useful lately from there either. Since the Queen died, there is no 1 left there that i would care to meet anyway.
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Leo, I could fly right into the UK in the morning if i wanted to.
All I would have to do is dye my hair purple, put on a dress and some cheap lipstick and talk funny.
How would they know i am a conservative?
You act as if the CAA would stop me at the door and say, Sorry sir, 1 citizen of the uk has deemed you a conservative and you can't come in? While you wait on your flight home would you like some tea?"
copy and paste,News media was good at lying even back then.
". It was VERY important for the newspapers to trumpet the hysteria pitch, to try to destroy the radio stations. That was why the newspapers ran endless stories about suicides, riots, and people fleeing into the woods."
What can I do to help you Mr Trump? you did not have to run for President, you could have continued to live a cushy life making millions. But you gave the rest of your life to try to save the America we all grew up in and love.
I'm not sure if it was intentional or a mistake, but it's really dumb either way.
He just delivers the other side a distraction from the actual problem,
which is the government shutting down, because House Republicans
are not keeping their side of the agreement, made the last time.
The fire alarm and the door button are very different .And besides the door button is for handicapped and he is NOT handicapped so he must be LAZY if he actually uses the door button as habit. and if it was habit regardless, he would not have reached for the fire alarm. The timing of it and the photo showing it being done,are just to damning to be a mistake.
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Do you know what they did there? They removed all the important context, showing what he was talking about. They had to take his words out of context, to make something up, that isn't there. It's your side LYING, to twist reality.
And they made a FAKE screenshot! It looks like a text message right?
It's not. A WhatsApp message doesn't look like that.
Here is the full text of what was actually communicated:
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12/29/2018: wa messages between SM and James B., SM says, "I can work when I’m in NYC all day every day for the next 3 months from 8-12z But I can’t pay alimony w/o Dad or tuitions or for food and gas. Really it’s all gone. I can go make it up in 15/20 days I’m sure, but he’s basically made it clear that he’s not paying alimony b/c Mom made clear that she won’t do it.
Hallie wont allow me to be at the house or lend me or pay me back any money. Ashley moves into momoms house after I told dad that I would move in there. (...) That night I tell dad I want to probably stay in the area and specifically I wanted to live by you and teach my course at Penn and maybe develop another one (...)"
in which James B. responds, "This can work, you need a safe harbor. I can work with you father alone !! We as usual just need several months of his help for this to work. Let’s talk about it. It makes perfect sense to me. This is difficult to fully vet without talking. Will you please call me on w/A. We can develope a plan together. It can work. I’m going to try to call yo again please Ans. I can and I will. Crisis with Caroline , same problem with “P”, and NY Post. Dealing with it as we speak. She is O K , I believe I have it
under control !? I get back to you ASAP."
It shows Hunter to be a pathetic guy, asking for money and help from his family, so he can pay alimony tuitions, food and gas, probably because he blew it all on drugs. His uncle was still good enough to help him. But there is nothing there that shows anything corrupt going on. Just Hunter being a pitiful individual.
Woody, you know cat and I were alright with one an other but our argument has always been because you butted your face in between us so she has to defend you, I understand that, but you started every fight we had with one another because you feel you have to go after someone that has a disagreement with her, it is what it is, I tried to stay neutral but you just won’t let it be, so I’m now on the band wagon with my close friends skittles and Freddy, and I hope you don’t drag cat in a fight to defend you because this will end up such a big fuckup that only you can control, I won’t stop at nothing to defend attacks on me from anyone
There really was one standing ready to fill those shoes,
who would be great, but Pelosi thinks she's too progressive.
That's why she kept Feinstein from retiring and kept her on
to do her bidding. It's disrespectful to use an old woman like that,
but it was also disrespectful to democracy.
I hope it didn't hurt Feinstein's last days, nor her remembrance.
And I hope Barbara Lee gets her position now.
Well it says here she won't run for 2024.
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It may be a blessing for her district if she doesn't run.
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I know, I mentioned above that she has passed away.
But death hasn't stopped democrats from running and WINNING offices in the past.
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Putin has soured my stomach but I have no issue with the common russian citizen just trying to live.
And I really didn't have a issue with putin until he invaded ukraine.He is not acting "normal", showing signs of a brain tumor in mho.
Well actually you should be able to expect alot, as he has a keen awareness of the threats to his country and to others.
That is why early on I got to thinking, perhaps he knows something of ukraine we don't because he said he was trying to stop the nazi's. And the symbols were visible early on in the ukraine military. But either there isn't that much nazism going on there or the media is hiding it from us to damage putin and harm russia's image.
You might remember Trump ask ukraine to help with information and they refused. Um, i wonder what other dot's might connect?
What is this country coming to it’s a disgrace so now we have unstable mentally I’ll people in small local offices what next a trans First Lady oh wait we all ready did that 16 years ago
The world is going to hell in a turbo charged hand basket , and people are to fucking stupid to understand it.
biden, fetterman ,and that Levine thing that wants us to believe the science until it relates to his chromosomes.
These people have mental health issues that impact the ability to do their jobs. But yet, dumbass democrats put them in office.Why? Because these people don't mind the puppet strings. they need them to survive.
cat, wake up my friend and see for your self, joe has Demetia, fetterman has brain damage from a stroke, and the levin guy, well, he is just a weirdo that thinks he can convince us to follow the science when he ,himself blatantly can't.
How many times do you have to see joe stumble around and not know which way to go from the stage,or just flat fall on stage? The easter bunny had to direct him on camera for goodness sake,he has no clue.
Fetterman, I know the stroke was not his fault, and I commend him for wanting to provide a service to his community, but he is not suited for the job he is in.He could easily be running a volunteer group or something less stressful.
I managed to read your post but half is hidden by the right margin.
I'll answer this way. All I see when watching Old Joe, is an old man with old man manerisms, but, his brain is as sharp as ever.
Good lord I can see the confusion in his eyes he’s not all their in the head
Good thing Obama is telling him what to do and say and even then he’s still fucking up soon Obama will fire his old ass
Hidden,just like the German research on the so called "vaccine" for wuhan virus accelerating cancer, can't find it,censored from us. That is why liberals love book burning, they can destroy evidence and rewrite history with a few clics on a keyboard and the young just now trying to learn,will never see the truth
The liberals are the virus 🦠 way worse then the wuhan flu ever was
We need to exterminate them completely and the only way i can see that happening is to burn them out every last one of them
You know how to "burn out a liberal" don't you?
You get a conservative leadership ,and rebuild the nation by getting citizens back to work .And you succeed at it .Liberals HATE success, just being successful and making profits and living a good life as a reward for that hard work and investing, will prompt liberals to set themselves on fire.
Both of you are so out of it. You, Phart, with this mindset that people are lazy and don’t want to work, why? If you take a walk down any city street, the great majority of the people you see have jobs. Don’t tell me the only ones working are right wing Republicans. Everyone that wants a modicum of a nice life, works.
And you Dgraff, you put down the left, but, as a business owner you know our liberal dollars are just as good as the other people’s dollars. If you truly believe you want us out, stop giving us service. I wonder how long you’d be in business.
BTW, I’m going to laugh my ass off when Biden wins a second term.
There will be no laughter if biden wins again, I am sure you would like for there to be. But the economy is tanking, how many stores are closing right now? Did you read about the recent bankruptcy's? Cvs closing many stores, because of theft.Rite aid,bank rupt.
Does this sound like a great economy when the very places we buy medicine can't afford to stay in bussiness?
And you say you will laugh if biden wins? at what? Everyone elses despair while you enjoy a cushy retirement thanks to capitalism and investing?
If there are so many people working, why when I just at a local new restaurant, minority owned by the way, there was only 1 lady there ,the owner! She has to decide to take her catering truck out or run the store Because she can't get help. And for what I paid for the food, if she had help,she could afford them.
You are making assumptions again. 1st, what makes you think she pays a decent wage? 2nd, what makes you think there are workers that want to do that work. 3rd, what gives you the right to think that an understaffed restaurant is the way of the country?
Yes, the economy could be much better, and, yes, Bidenomics is not working. But, I don't see anyone else coming up with any solutions. Not even, or especially, Trump, has any suggestions on how to turn the economy around.
The businesses that are closing can't get enough customers to patronize their business. Why? No money. And yet, Republicans want to cut Social Security, food stamps, and military retirement. Does that make sense?
Because it is not just that 1 place that lacks workers, it is everywhere, we can't get 2 people at the fire department for 8 hours a day, easy money, if you are qualified, you sit there and play video games and eat snacks all day unless there is a call, workers comp, retirement plan if you are a employee or volunteer for 5 years or more and etc.
Nursing home my dads girlfriend was in for about a week for recovery was badly understaffed, 30 bucks a hour regular time! overtime even MORE. Understaffed.
Just how fucking much money do people think they should make? And why don't they think retirement and disability shouldn't go up with wages? Cost of living goes up for everyone,not just a select group. --------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
cat,if I was able to maintain certification to be a level 3 firefighter, anyone with a pulse can.The certifications are now just 1 and 2, there was a 3 when I was doing it. --------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
cat,if I was able to maintain certification to be a level 3 firefighter, anyone with a pulse can.The certifications are now just 1 and 2, there was a 3 when I was doing it.
Cost of living adjustment of Social Security, this year, went up over 8%. Being a firefighter is much, much more than sitting waiting for a fire. Unless firefighters in your area are mediocre, they have to train continuously and risk their lives on any given day. Not for everyone. Nursing homes need nurses and $30/hour is a joke.
no whats a joke is 6000+ a month to be left laying in a nurseing home bed in your own shit
Cheapest in my state is 74,000 a year for a shared room,that means your loved 1,if you actually love them and aren't just tossing them in there to get rid of them, not only has to lay in their own poop but they have to smell somoene elses poop.
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Cheapest in your state 93,000. Where does that money go? it sure as hell doesn't go to make the persons life worth living.
The Met Office has said that the UK's mean temperature in September would have been virtually impossible without human-induced climate change.
They're right.
Therefore it is very likely that phart would not be allowed to enter the UK. And even if he did, he wouldn't be tolerated by the majority of people here. He'd have to go underground and socialize with all kinds of known thugs, such as those who hide guns in their houses, "the base" group only registered users can see external links , the exreme-right wing BNP, etc. No ordinary person here would ever tolerate, or even understand, the lunatic ideas of phart and his kin. Those things are alien in the UK.
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All I would have to do is dye my hair purple, put on a dress and some cheap lipstick and talk funny.
How would they know i am a conservative?
You act as if the CAA would stop me at the door and say, Sorry sir, 1 citizen of the uk has deemed you a conservative and you can't come in? While you wait on your flight home would you like some tea?"
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only registered users can see external links
copy and paste,News media was good at lying even back then.
". It was VERY important for the newspapers to trumpet the hysteria pitch, to try to destroy the radio stations. That was why the newspapers ran endless stories about suicides, riots, and people fleeing into the woods."
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only registered users can see external links
He claims it was a accident but i don't see how
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You are not even supposed to hollar "fire" in a theator, and he pulls a fire alarm during a important government proceeding.
He just delivers the other side a distraction from the actual problem,
which is the government shutting down, because House Republicans
are not keeping their side of the agreement, made the last time.
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only registered users can see external links
Joes brother confirms, favors for china.
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And they made a FAKE screenshot! It looks like a text message right?
It's not. A WhatsApp message doesn't look like that.
Here is the full text of what was actually communicated:
only registered users can see external links
12/29/2018: wa messages between SM and James B., SM says, "I can work when I’m in NYC all day every day for the next 3 months from 8-12z But I can’t pay alimony w/o Dad or tuitions or for food and gas. Really it’s all gone. I can go make it up in 15/20 days I’m sure, but he’s basically made it clear that he’s not paying alimony b/c Mom made clear that she won’t do it.
Hallie wont allow me to be at the house or lend me or pay me back any money. Ashley moves into momoms house after I told dad that I would move in there. (...) That night I tell dad I want to probably stay in the area and specifically I wanted to live by you and teach my course at Penn and maybe develop another one (...)"
in which James B. responds, "This can work, you need a safe harbor. I can work with you father alone !! We as usual just need several months of his help for this to work. Let’s talk about it. It makes perfect sense to me. This is difficult to fully vet without talking. Will you please call me on w/A. We can develope a plan together. It can work. I’m going to try to call yo again please Ans. I can and I will. Crisis with Caroline , same problem with “P”, and NY Post. Dealing with it as we speak. She is O K , I believe I have it
under control !? I get back to you ASAP."
It shows Hunter to be a pathetic guy, asking for money and help from his family, so he can pay alimony tuitions, food and gas, probably because he blew it all on drugs. His uncle was still good enough to help him. But there is nothing there that shows anything corrupt going on. Just Hunter being a pitiful individual.
CODY HAS CHANGED. It's too bad.
90 years old She really should have retired and let someone fill the job that was up to it along time ago.
who would be great, but Pelosi thinks she's too progressive.
That's why she kept Feinstein from retiring and kept her on
to do her bidding. It's disrespectful to use an old woman like that,
but it was also disrespectful to democracy.
I hope it didn't hurt Feinstein's last days, nor her remembrance.
And I hope Barbara Lee gets her position now.
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It may be a blessing for her district if she doesn't run.
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I know, I mentioned above that she has passed away.
But death hasn't stopped democrats from running and WINNING offices in the past.
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Only in a liberal world
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And I really didn't have a issue with putin until he invaded ukraine.He is not acting "normal", showing signs of a brain tumor in mho.
That is why early on I got to thinking, perhaps he knows something of ukraine we don't because he said he was trying to stop the nazi's. And the symbols were visible early on in the ukraine military. But either there isn't that much nazism going on there or the media is hiding it from us to damage putin and harm russia's image.
You might remember Trump ask ukraine to help with information and they refused. Um, i wonder what other dot's might connect?
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biden, fetterman ,and that Levine thing that wants us to believe the science until it relates to his chromosomes.
These people have mental health issues that impact the ability to do their jobs. But yet, dumbass democrats put them in office.Why? Because these people don't mind the puppet strings. they need them to survive.
How many times do you have to see joe stumble around and not know which way to go from the stage,or just flat fall on stage? The easter bunny had to direct him on camera for goodness sake,he has no clue.
Fetterman, I know the stroke was not his fault, and I commend him for wanting to provide a service to his community, but he is not suited for the job he is in.He could easily be running a volunteer group or something less stressful.
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I'll answer this way. All I see when watching Old Joe, is an old man with old man manerisms, but, his brain is as sharp as ever.
Good thing Obama is telling him what to do and say and even then he’s still fucking up soon Obama will fire his old ass
Now how did the Republican Party miss that piece of information during the election it might have changed the course of history
We need to exterminate them completely and the only way i can see that happening is to burn them out every last one of them
You get a conservative leadership ,and rebuild the nation by getting citizens back to work .And you succeed at it .Liberals HATE success, just being successful and making profits and living a good life as a reward for that hard work and investing, will prompt liberals to set themselves on fire.
And you Dgraff, you put down the left, but, as a business owner you know our liberal dollars are just as good as the other people’s dollars. If you truly believe you want us out, stop giving us service. I wonder how long you’d be in business.
BTW, I’m going to laugh my ass off when Biden wins a second term.
Does this sound like a great economy when the very places we buy medicine can't afford to stay in bussiness?
And you say you will laugh if biden wins? at what? Everyone elses despair while you enjoy a cushy retirement thanks to capitalism and investing?
If there are so many people working, why when I just at a local new restaurant, minority owned by the way, there was only 1 lady there ,the owner! She has to decide to take her catering truck out or run the store Because she can't get help. And for what I paid for the food, if she had help,she could afford them.
Yes, the economy could be much better, and, yes, Bidenomics is not working. But, I don't see anyone else coming up with any solutions. Not even, or especially, Trump, has any suggestions on how to turn the economy around.
The businesses that are closing can't get enough customers to patronize their business. Why? No money. And yet, Republicans want to cut Social Security, food stamps, and military retirement. Does that make sense?
Nursing home my dads girlfriend was in for about a week for recovery was badly understaffed, 30 bucks a hour regular time! overtime even MORE. Understaffed.
Just how fucking much money do people think they should make? And why don't they think retirement and disability shouldn't go up with wages? Cost of living goes up for everyone,not just a select group.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
cat,if I was able to maintain certification to be a level 3 firefighter, anyone with a pulse can.The certifications are now just 1 and 2, there was a 3 when I was doing it.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
cat,if I was able to maintain certification to be a level 3 firefighter, anyone with a pulse can.The certifications are now just 1 and 2, there was a 3 when I was doing it.
Cheapest in my state is 74,000 a year for a shared room,that means your loved 1,if you actually love them and aren't just tossing them in there to get rid of them, not only has to lay in their own poop but they have to smell somoene elses poop.
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Cheapest in your state 93,000. Where does that money go? it sure as hell doesn't go to make the persons life worth living.
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