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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 03:47 other posts 
Sen. John Fetterman really has a body double
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By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 10:51 other posts 
By #610414 20,Apr,23 11:30
This is the first time I’ve seen you refer to sex, 69. Isn’t that against your religion or something?🤣🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 15:37 other posts 
Naw, I just found that picture and it trys to convey a point that some folks like YOURSELF tend to miss.
By #610414 20,Apr,23 16:04
You mean there are two sides to a story? That's true when there's no way of proving the truth, otherwise, one side is right and the other is wrong. I don't miss the facts. On the contrary, I use the facts. You tend to use anomalies as the true facts. If you could bring quality and quantity to the table, your arguments might be more accepted.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:12 other posts 
There are no two sides in accepting that human life is above one's material possessions.
By #610414 20,Apr,23 16:23
I agree
By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:25 other posts 
If crime were dealt with properly and firmly,there would seldom ever be a problem.
A kid stealing candy at 7 ,will be stealing cars at 13 and robbing banks by 20,
Unless you break that cycle.
Some people look at a piece of paper and only see 2 sides. there are actually 6 sides to 1 piece of paper. Count them.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 17:12 other posts 
You're changing the subject.

I'll repeat.
Human life is above material possessions.

I understand that you can't understand because you're American extreme right winger and therefore blinded by hatred and conditioned to believe absurd things

Let me repeat what my basic tenet is, one that has nothing to do with religion or politics.

Human life is above possessions.

I'm prepared to lose the things I own rather than kill anyone.

(Actually, I own very little. I mostly go shopping for food. I buy clothes once a year. I don't need much. I want to be free of material possessions so that I'm free and so that I'm happy.)
By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 00:27 other posts 
You are not a 100% wrong, somewhere around 30% wrong ,mostly you are just missing the major point.
You act as if possessions have no meaning or value.
To you, perhaps not.
You may be a trust fund baby for all I know, that could explain your ideas ,never had responsibility's perhaps never had to work just to have the basics.
And I am not changing the subject, that is 1 thing you are missing.
Theft is a crime. It is a entry level crime and as people learn what they can get away with, they test the waters doing worse things.
So it is not a different subject ,it is a earlier chapter in the book about the subject.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 17:13 other posts 
Him and Bella don't like sex.
They'd rather talk about anything
other than sex.
Why do they do that on a sex site?
By #610414 20,Apr,23 18:20
Don't know
By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 00:33 other posts 
I don't talk much about sex because frankly it is over talked, over rated and for me sadly, brought me much heartache, headache and Trama. My being here is something I experimented with trying to over come some fears and answer some curiosity's and so on .So far ,all it has yielded is disappointment and confusion. It seems nothing is real ,nothing has any meaning to anyone.
Sex to some people here is like brushing their teeth ,to others it is more important than eating and sleeping,it is like a drug to them.
and women, mostly just learned what I thought was reality ,is. Stingy with the puss, picky as to who can have it and how they can have it and they want Dominate or be submissive or what the fuck ever.
It is different to me, Sex is supposed to be a physical way of showing someone how you feel about them, giving your all to them literally. it is supposed be mutual satisfaction, mutual desire and what the fuck does anyone that is actually aroused by what they see before them need with drugs of ANY SORT? Or loud ass music or "TOYS". Hell your BODY is the toy.
And another thing, you are supposed to be able to TRUST who you are getting naked with. IF you can't you shouldn't be there.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 19:57 other posts 
Police in North Carolina are searching for a man accused of shooting a six-year-old girl and her father after their basketball rolled into the suspect's yard.


I suspect that, in this instance, our resident fascist, a.k.a. phart, will agree with me that the shooter is a baddie. After all, the resident fascist will argue, the shooter is black.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 00:23 other posts 
Damn, First I heard of this 1. May have been a history of issues with the neighbor and he just blew up?

By phart [Ignore] 13,Apr,23 14:26 other posts 
Just reading post on a neighborhood page and this came up,
"Please be safe out there with your young girls! Possible attempted child abduction just happened to our 8 year old. Two men, one black with dreads driving an older gold car! Police called."

It goes on to say that other attempts have been made.
So all these folks that don't like guns, and don't want people to be able to carry concealed, how would YOU protect your 8 year old in a possible kidnapping?
By #610414 13,Apr,23 15:21
Keep them with me
By phart [Ignore] 13,Apr,23 16:54 other posts 
That is what was scary about this case, the kid was WITH their mother at the time.
later in the thread someone else had saw the same car near a bus stop 2 days before.
There are some sick people out there. As a kid I stood at the end my drive way and waited on the bus each morning for school. I knew everyone that passed me by, as they were neighbors and friends of the family. Sad that things have changed.
I know you would do what you could to protect your kids but 2 over grown men with evil intentions, would think nothing of harming you in whatever way it took to take your kid away.
Something they are calling "trafficking?". They sell the kid overseas or something?
Weird and sick.The perps ought to be under the jail for harming the kids.
By #610414 14,Apr,23 08:31
There are people (men/women) who will not think twice about commiting violence on other people (adults/children). Parents and good people have to be on the lookout for suspicious activity, especially when minors are involved. People that threaten children should be detained and, if possible, prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Anyone that actually harms a child should be given long jail sentences.
We know our neighbors very well and we are always doing community activities where we get together. Some are close friends and we are always on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary happening around here.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 19:51 other posts 
I would like for leo to respond to this, but strangely, if he can't call me every vulgarity in the book, he doesn't respond.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 15:38 other posts 
notice again, Leo has yet to respond to a real world situation?

By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 15:36 other posts 
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" When I need help,I can't call a teacher"

Blind 1 in eye for life because a convicted felon was out on the street doing what he does best,harming. Murdered his grandmother at age 14, sounds like a model citizen eh Leo?

By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 22:03 other posts 
Just stumbled over this video looking thru some old emails .Very smart man.
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By #610414 20,Apr,23 08:45
He seems educated and he is entitled to his opinion. I'm sure he's truthful when he says he doesn't feel oppressed. What I didn't hear is what's his opinion about why most African Americans feel oppressed in this country, or, fearful they will go out with the chance of not coming back. I'm really tired of people bringing up the BLM movement as if the message is a lie. The movement may be flawed but the message is true. You, Phart, are always saying I should open my eyes and look around me. Well, I'm 71 and during all that time I've seen how African Americans are treated in this country. It doesn't happen to me or mine, but, if you have a conscience you would care too. This speaker went directly to the Repuckers favorite talking point, Race Theory, and that it doesn't belong in school curriculums. Exactly in what planet is that taught in grade schools? This man is nothing more than a troublemaker wanting to be an Uncle Tom for whatever reason. He seems to want to be a black that feels white looking for approval from whites. I wonder what that audience would have done if an educated white man would have given a completely opposite view.
Sure, they like him, but only as he says the thing they like.
There is no CRT in the classroom, so he believes the same lies.
Teaching history is not 'fanning the flames of what embers are left' of racism.
First, the fire of racism is still well lit and teaching history is the antidote.
There is no better way to let history repeat itself, than to stop talking about it.
If German politicians decided that the history about WWII will not be taught
in their school anymore, I see that as a sign of bad things to come.

If he doesn't see that, then his mind is clouded by propaganda.
Hate against 'other people' is flaring up like wildfire in the US.
Maybe it's not all directed at black people at this moment,
but it can be again, very soon, if you close your eyes to it.

Meanwhile, Fox'News' has been spreading 'great replacement theory' on national TV.
That's literal Nazi and KKK speech! We all see racism going mainstream.
Just the embers of racism? Sure, dream on, sleep tight.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 07:07 other posts 
Two high school cheerleaders were shot after one of them apparently approached the wrong vehicle in a car park near Austin, Texas.

One of the athletes, Payton Washington, 18, remains in hospital in a critical condition, according to family. The other victim was treated at the scene.

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 03:12 other posts 
Every year, 117,345 people are shot in the US.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 03:09 other posts 
Number of people killed by guns this year: 11500

Number of people killed by ball bats this year: 4

By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 16:10 other posts 
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Wow,2 teens killed their teacher with a BALL BAT for giving 1 of them bad grades.As if the kid was smart and the teacher just had it out for them I guess?
And you think guns are the only problem in this country?Far from it.
By #610414 19,Apr,23 18:38
That's a dumb argument. People crawl, walk, run, fly. They also do hurt with anything handy, BUT, GUNS ARE THE FLAVOR OF CHOICE. Please, I know you advocate for gun ownership, but, at the very least, make sense with your argument
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 20:34 other posts 
He can't make why argument at all.
He's blinded by his total submission to fascist views.

We say: two boys in the bible belt just shot dead a few other kids and left dozens wounded and in critical condition.

He "argues": man stones wife to death. See? Stones kill. Not just guns. Stones too.

He's such a moron he doesn't understand that this is not an argument.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 21:03 other posts 
It is not meant to be an argument. It is meant to show that criminals gun usage is not the only the problem .It is 1 of many.And 1 thing all the killings have in common is the killer does not value their own life or that of the victums. Make it what you will,
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 21:04 other posts 
Cat, I didn't make a argument. I made a simple statement guns are far from the only problem in this country..
2 kids killed a teacher over a bad grade in a class. with a BALL BAT. Brutal, up close and personal killing. BLood splattering close. No "Bang" you're dead. This was a beating to death. That took EVIL, not just momentary rage.
By #610414 19,Apr,23 21:30
No one argues your first statement. Just pointing out that all the other problems are miniscule compared to gun violence and, the subject of this discussion
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 22:04 other posts 
Ask the teachers family how miniscule it is.
Ask the parents that are now going to have to deal with their kids being killers, I am sure they had higher hopes for them than finishing school in prison.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 17:04 other posts 
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--------------------------------------- added after 59 seconds

That was 8 years ago.
The differences are now pronounced now.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Apr,23 12:50 other posts 
I'm somewhere in the Mediterranean at the moment. Met a community of Americans who have moved here because they feel they have no freedoms any more in the US. In particular, they're concerned of the domestic terrorism, violence, the rise of far right, the prevalence of guns to levels that weren't possible 20 years ago. They say that more of them will emigrate to here. It's not cheap for them, but they want, for as long as it lasts, to have a worry-free life. When I told them why they don't get guns themselves, they replied that that's not a worry-free life, it's a life full of tension and acknowledgment that they live in dangerous areas. "Here, there's no such fear", they said.
By #610414 17,Apr,23 14:49
I'm in agreement with their way of thinking. After you raise a family to adulthood and they have children of their own , it's very hard to leave them. I know airtravel is available, but, you can't visit them on the weekends or go see your grandkids in a school play. If it wasn't for that, we would be living in Paris or Mar del Plata or Dublin.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Apr,23 15:02 other posts 
They are not a family. They're
a small group of people who had
no family constraints, they're
middle class, they had some money
and decided to move away to have
a possibly better life experience.
Some of them have been around
for 10 years and they love it.
Some are newcomers.

Something is changing worldwide.
Before it was not possible to have a president or a prime minister
or a person in positions of responsibility
who's use their crimes as ways to attract
more voters. This is happening in the US
and many other countries.

So it's not clear what the future will be like.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 19:53 other posts 
uh 1 legit question. have these folks mentioned their party affiliation, as in dem or republican? I think I know the answer.
Tell them I wish them a wonderful life. If they can afford to live for the taxes they are paying
By #610414 18,Apr,23 21:39
What difference would that make and what taxes are you talking about?
By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 21:52 other posts 
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The United Kingdom has taxes that are marginally more demanding than those of the United States.

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By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 21:53 other posts 
I am just trying to determine if they are liberals.which if they are happy in the uk, they would about have to be
By #610414 19,Apr,23 07:49
The UK is not in the Mediterranean.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 13:00 other posts 
leo's profile says he nest in the UK.
So I am figuring he is enjoying some wealth he must have to be far from home right now.
By #610414 19,Apr,23 15:21
But he's in the Mediterranean now
The UK has been voting for crazy right-wingers for a long time now.
They have lowered taxes for the rich a lot. Meanwhile their economy
has been falling into a cliff and poverty has massively increased.
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By #610414 19,Apr,23 15:22
Probably worse after exiting the EU
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 15:27 other posts 
But at least being out of that EU cage their economy can flourish or fall apart on it's own without damaging others so much.
By #610414 19,Apr,23 15:30
That I don’t know for sure. Google probably has much info on this, but, it’s not the same as living there. I would ask Ananas or Leo for a better understanding.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 16:12 other posts 
I am sure Ananas might be able to answer, Leo is to busy ranting and calling people vile names because he disagrees with them.

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