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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Apr,23 10:13 other posts 
this is a mistake. sorry.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

here's a pic instead

yeah, that's my dick

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Apr,23 10:13 other posts 
The ra.pe case brought in New York against Donald Trump by famed advice columnist, E Jean Carroll has caught the attention of America as the latest legal drama to involve the former US president

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By phart [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 19:58 other posts 
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 04:24 other posts 
CAT, I saw in another thread that you dislike the word Religious Fundamentalism. Great. I hate the word, and the concept, too. In fact, anyone who lives by such nonsense is a moron and poses great danger to society, to people, to friends, to family, to humanity. I'm not talking about religion per se (although I find religion strange), but about the abuse of it, the cults that spin off and make people do things like this:
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If one is a religious person and believes in things that can't be proved then he/she had better be able to distinguish reality and from fiction and not base his/her decisions on religion only. He/she should take into account reality. This is extremely hard for most people.
The more I know you the more I realize that you've got a healthy dose of rationality and ability to think outside your religion.

By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 13:14 other posts 
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For petes sake democrats, put folks in office that can handle the pressure, regardless of anything they may think or say, at least they need to be healthy. In trying to be inclusive and give everyone a chance, even the democrats are doing themselves and their cause a disservice by having a fellow in office that has health issues .I know the man is trying. but he should step down and give a healthy person the seat .His health may not directly affect his job, but it is affecting his credibility and that of his party.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 18:44 other posts 
That’s from all the drug use over many years as a gang member but hey certainly if you can lead a gang you can lead a country
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 19:17 other posts 
Even if that was true, he still has the 4x the intelligence of the average Republican.
Or at least the intelligence of Marjorie (Karen) Taylor Greene, Matt (run Matt run) Gaetz, Lauren (ex-whore) Boebert, Louie (closet gay) Gohmert and Tom (head full of) Cotton combined. But I do admit they are really the bottom of the barrel.
At least he is back and looks and sounds OK now.
Democrats should wise up and make Dianne Feinstein retire.
She is really impacting the chances of Democrats right now.
Fetterman had a good chance of recovery, Feinstein only awaits
either the grave or even worse mental decline. She is being selfish
by hanging on to power. She cannot do her job, and will never
be able to do it anymore, so she should be responsible and retire.
By #610414 21,Apr,23 19:21
Sadly, it's true.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 19:26 other posts 
Indeed, but if anyone even suggests such a thing, to most Democrats or the corporate 'liberal' media, they act truly offended. Politicians should learn that it's not about them, it's about representing the PEOPLE! Politicians are expendable.
Of course, good ones are rare, so you don't expire them on a whim.
By #610414 22,Apr,23 11:54
I know this is controversial and, frankly, I would be very upset if it happened to me, but, there should be an age limit TO BE ABLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 03:41 other posts 
It's not about age. There is such a thing as early Alzheimer.
And some people stay sharp until late in life.
There should just be a culture where politicians don't hang onto power out of selfish reasons, but just honestly look at their own capability to serve as a representative. When there is a culture like that, other politicians won't act offended when people tell a politician that their time has come to step back, but they all just kindly but firmly convince their collegae to make way for the next generation.
This is no issue in the Socialist Party that I'm a member of. Every single politician or leader in the lower ranks, will give way as soon as they feel someone else can do the job better and the majority of the members agree. I've never seen anyone sent away in shame either. Everyone accepts and supports that it's a full democratic, grass-roots organization.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 19:25 other posts 
I agree with the feinstein statement
I am disabled partly due to a brain injury from head impact ,not stroke but similar damage. Mostly affects my walking and speech. Although I am willing to fill a political office for my country, I am sadly aware that my condition may not be conducive to that responsibility. So there fore I do other things to fulfill my civic duty to my neighbors.
I feel like Fetterman should consider doing the same.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 19:34 other posts 
Fetterman has almost fully healed from his stroke.
He was under treatment for depression.
That seams to be under control right now.
Democrats would be stupid to send him away too quickly,
because he's a fighter for the people and very popular.
That's why you hate him so much.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 19:57 other posts 
I have never said I hated him. I have actually made it a POINT not to mock him or hate him. Although I do believe he is a fruit loop that escaped the box. I am disabled and have many of the same visable issues that he does, so I have nothing to gain by mocking the man.I just know more first hand than most,that he should NOT be doing that job
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 11:52 other posts 
OK, thinking 'he is a fruit loop that escaped the box' isn't hate but contempt.
When someone fights for normal Americans, he's a fruit loop to you.
That's because there is no one like him on your side.
All Republicans are rich, selfish, cunts and assholes,
who are only in politics for the money and the power.
That's normal to you and someone who cares is a 'fruit loop'.
By #610414 22,Apr,23 12:01
I’m confused, Phart. Are you saying your mental faculties are impaired and you are not able to function in a situation where clear thinking is required? Because, most stroke victims loose motor skills, but, their mind remains sharp. In a situation where the subject has to sit, listen, reason, or talk, seems like the perfect job for a stroke victim.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 13:14 other posts 
Getting the words out quick, like if you are about to knock the flower pot off the table, I would struggle to warn you, maybe POT would be the only word I could get blurted out and it would be to late. But if we were conversing at a normal rate at the kitchen table, no issues. , and walking are my issues.
The knowledge is in there, but blurting it out quickly can be a issue.If I was being grilled in congress by a democrat,I would wind up stammering ,partly because of annoyance and partly because of the issue.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 09:20 other posts 
Kinda like Joe Biden to old to febrile to do his job but yet we keep him around for a laugh every so often
By #610414 22,Apr,23 10:56
Better to laugh with him than laugh at him like what happens with that Clown.



By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 04:16 other posts 
Oh, I thought it meant "Make Attorneys Get Attorneys".

By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 22:45 other posts 
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(four white and one black).

Slave owner, BLACK< slaves ,WHITE and black?

By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 17:32 other posts 
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She don't need no stinkin' gun!

82 years old and deadlifts 220 pounds!!!

By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 17:21 other posts 
Let me insert something pretty into the page.

By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 16:56 other posts 
"A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 13:45 other posts 
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What about this idea is so wrong?
Why do democrats not want the same thing? Clean safe citys and the homeless off the streets and helped?

By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 19:54 other posts 
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You folks are concerned about a company making a little money, look at this shit,those folks have so much money that they EAT gold. I literally have got down in the creek and panned for gold for hours only to find a few peices of sand size gold, and 1 flake.In my life time. I could literally take my Garret Gravity trap gold pan and use it to pan out these peoples SHIT and make a LIVING!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 00:10 other posts 
White Kansas City man charged for shooting Black teen who went to wrong house.

Ralph Yarl, a Black 16-year-old who was shot and wounded by a homeowner after mistakenly going to the wrong house to pick up his siblings

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By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 15:54 other posts 
16 years old, still the responsibility of his parents. Why was he out somewhere alone?
I wish the kid had not got killed BUT
Why should a old person be expected to sit there defenseless NOT KNOWING who is at the door?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 16:06 other posts 
Fuck you idiot.
The child made a mistake, he rang the wrong
door, and got shot.
Don't you fucking realise that shouldn't
be happening in a so-called civilised country?

Asshole. Inhuman piece of shit.
By #690676 18,Apr,23 17:36
First of all, the kid is already out of the hospital and is alright, not dead, in some states, 16 can go out on there own and be of legal age to live by themselves. And don’t blame the 16 year olds parents, blame the guy who shot him.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 17:38 other posts 
I didn't blame the parents!
I blamed the guy who pulled the gun and shot the kids in the head.
By #275407 18,Apr,23 17:42
Yes you did, read your posts
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Phart, so what your saying is when kids come knocking at your door at Halloween, shoot them all, really
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 17:44 other posts 
Dude, I was making fun of our resident Nazi, phart.
By #275407 18,Apr,23 17:47
The kid is fine, he’s home and being taken care of by his mother who is a nurse.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

I am an owner of many guns and feel they should be allowed, but what the Florida governor did by signing a bill that starts July that everyone in the state of Florida can carry a gun unregistered on them or in there car. So the next road rage you get into, I can see everyone pulling out there guns and firing at each other, really. Even cops that stop cars for minor violations have to worry that there life might be in danger, they used to be able to stop a car, run the tag and know whether the person is a gun owner and take precautions when entering the vehicle, not anymore… more cops will be getting shot with this new law.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 17:51 other posts 
I know. They say it's a miracle he survived.
Have you seen a photo of the guy he shot the kid?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 17:53 other posts 
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By #275407 18,Apr,23 17:58
The kid was not a threat, I seen the kid and there’s no reason to have shot him. The man will be prosecuted. He’s already in jail
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 17:59 other posts 
Right. I know.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 17:59 other posts 
At least what you say has logic.
You don't blindly support any regulation that will make guns available to everyone, regardless of age, health, etc.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 18:58 other posts 
I have no issue with a permit or other method of a officer knowing I have a weapon available to me, Never said I was .What I am against is people being expected to sit in their own homes, a place that USED TO BE SAFE, unarmed and unable to protect themselves. Leo you may be a physically able bodied person, that could fend off a would be attacker, not all of us are. And 911 or 000 ,whatever ,whoever is supposed to dial in case of emergency, is not worth a damn ,to little to late.
My question is,was the kid that got shot wearing a hoodie? If so, it is fair to say there was no way of knowing if he was a threat,you can't see their faces,their eyes,nothing,
By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 18:55 other posts 
I don't leave my light on,which means I don't invite trick or treaters.
And I doubt there would be any black trick or treaters out this way anyhow.
The sad thing is that people think it's tough to shoot someone immediately as they
enter your house. Unless your house is raided like a scene from John Wick,
you FIRST TALK before you shoot, OR YOU ARE A FUCKING COWARD!!!
By #610414 19,Apr,23 10:20
Taking it a step further. If you are so scared that mayhem would visit you, why open the door without looking who is knocking? Also, why not question the “visitor” through the closed door? This guy wanted to shoot someone that was part of a group he hated.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 10:33 other posts 
People who own guns are many times more likely to use them and shoot someone innocent, especially if years go by and, year after year, no mayhem appened. They build all kinds of theories in their brains, their brains get sicker and sicker, and then one day their imaginations become real for them and they shoot. They shoot the first innocent person whom they meet.
I'm not even talking about opening the door.
Even is someone is breaking in, I wouldn't shoot them,
unless I was in immediate mortal danger.
First you order them to stop.
Second you fire a low warning shot.
Third you fire at their knees.
If that is not enough, you can assume they are coming for you.
But you still don't start killing, you barricade yourself behind something.
Then you still only shoot to kill, if they are pointing a gun.
If they are just armed with melee weapon, you shoot to damage and deter.

However, this almost never happens. Any burglar will leave at the first warning.
Unless you live in a mansion, you don't have loot worth for muggers to risk their life over. And crazy people mostly don't attack random houses.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 10:30 other posts 
Exactly right.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 12:53 other posts 
NO, if you wait and try to talk, you give them a chance at the upper hand in the situation .They have the element of surprise in their favor. They put thought into breaking into your home while you were asleep or knitting or something.
People that are breaking into homes are not looking for guidance and love,they are looking for dope,and moeny to buy dope with or some easy pussy from a defenseless woman.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 05:39 other posts 
"guidance and love"? Is that what we're asking for?

Even if they are 'looking for dope,and money to buy dope with or some easy pussy from a defenseless woman', which are chances that vary from likely to unlikely, because you still assume the worst, you still don't kill anyone, unless you are in imminent mortal danger.

You keep assuming the worst, like ra.pe and murder, and support killing anyone without first confirming the worst. You treat someone who at that point is only guilty of entering a residence without permission, as someone guilty of mass murder in the first degree, because you always assume that's the intent and only killing them can prevent it.

I have seen before that you have problems with assessing risks.
For example; you perceive the risk to humanity of a meteor impact at the same level as climate change. That's wrong, I would suggest to investigate sources on:
Risk = Likelihood x Impact (use google a bit)

If someone comes into your house, they might find some money and something to sell. You don't know that it's for drugs. It might, but many people are poor and desperate without using drugs. There is no pussy at risk, when they enter your house. If they come in my house looking for pussy, I will ask them if they are willing to fight for it and show them my huge, razor-sharp survival-knife. That is, if I have time to retrieve it from my closet. Still, I don't even bother putting it under my bed.
I don't prepare for a 1:1,000,000 likelihood of ra.pe in my house.

Burglary is a crime, but do you really think it is a crime that should be punished by death? Is there crime that should not be punished by death? If stealing a few bucks from you should be punished by death, what would be the punishment for stealing millions from the tax-payer? Or do wealthy tax evaders have a different justice system?
In any case there is a risk to you, but you don't have the right to assume that risk is 100% likelihood of death. Your life is no more important than the life of someone who is only guilty of the Crime of (Breaking and) Entering. And you have only the right to protect yourself with deadly force against someone with the intent of bodily harm.
By #610414 21,Apr,23 09:34
You have a pussy?
By #690676 20,Apr,23 00:03
In this case, the kid did not enter the home, he was shot through a glass window of the front door.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 05:09 other posts 
Really? Is the shooter arrested?
By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 10:47 other posts 
Take a good look at this fellow.in his 80's with a cane.

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"The suspect was first arrested and released hours after the shooting on April 14, when he told police that he was 'scared to death' after seeing Yarl standing at his front door."

"Police say Yarl was shot after he knocked on the door, with Lester telling officers he saw him 'pulling on the door handle' – something which the teenager denies. "
Of course he would be in denial if he was covering up the fact he was up to no good.

Heres the real kicker,the lawyer is going to try to take everything the man had.
"All of his assets are going to become Ralph's."

This is a terriable situatin that should have never happened;
But there was plenty of no trespassing signs and signs on the very door the kid was pulling on.
Is it suddenly a crime to be elderly and afraid?
By #610414 20,Apr,23 11:34
So you automatically assume the kid is lying and that old fart is telling the truth. As you say on another post, look at it from the other side. Could the old man be lying to cover the fact he overreacted and the kid is telling the truth? Do you think he would have fired at a white kid?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 17:36 other posts 
Of course, it's all record levels of bias.
We never hear of any black man protecting himself against a white man.
Do you know of any situation like that or are those all considered murder?
By #610414 20,Apr,23 18:29
I'll give you one guess and you win a price if right.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 18:40 other posts 
Well if you read the article posted,the man was concerned for the well being of the kid when police came.

it was tragic,and the old man will die in prison because a kid,16 years old,was out somewhere not knowing where he was and had no business there.
Why didn't the kids PARENTS go to get his younger brothers????
Sending a kid to do a parents job?
By #610414 20,Apr,23 19:11
16 is old enough to be the driver.
Phart, when Russia decided to put someone in prison for many years, because of cannabis oil worth less than a dollar, you agreed with it.

Now someone almost killed a 16 year old boy, standing in front of his door, by shooting him twice, once in the head, and you think that person should not get punished at all.

The only difference I see, is that the first offender was a black woman and the second offender was a white man.
Do you really think being in the possession of a few ml of cannabis oil,
is worse than almost killing someone, standing outside, in front of a door?

I also see you agree with a sham legal proces in the dictatorship of Putin,
over the legal process in your own country, which you think is the only real free country in the world.

In my country, he would be punished to between, I guess, 5 to 10 years in one of our 'nicest' jails. If he lives longer than that, he will see the outside again.
If not, then he dies in jail. That's what he deserves.

Your country often punishes 16 year olds as adults.
Is a man in his 80's not an adult? Should he not have known better?
By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 19:05 other posts 
Has it ever crossed your mind the kid may have LIED to cover his ass? Perhaps he was going to break in had no 1 answered? How do we know? If you ask the parents of 10 children,9 out of the 10 will tell you their kids are little saints and would never commit a crime.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 23:22 other posts 
Fuck off.

You are not even human.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 07:05 other posts 
neither are you,if you were,you would be capable of cognitive reasoning.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 09:33 other posts 
You find nothing wrong with shooting sometime who knocks at your door.

You're not human.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 12:55 other posts 
I see error in the situation but I also see the options for other things besides a blantant murder.We don't know what that "kid" was doing at that door.Why did he not use gps on his phone to get to the right door? Why didn't he call who he was going to visit and simply say, "hey,does your house have red shutters?" YOu know there was alot of alternatives besides banging on a strangers door that is elderly.You seem to forget this was not a 20 something year old that could run or fight.This was a old man.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 14:40 other posts 
You don't understand what I said because you don't understand English. Let me say it again:

By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 15:15 other posts 
I do not give a damn what you say ,I can read ,I just don't give a damn what a bleeding heart liberal says, criticism from you is like the neighbors jackass's bellowing about 8 pm every evening. Noise.
By #610414 19,Apr,23 08:13
Perhaps perhaps perhaps. You can't shoot a person because YOU think he's dangerous. At least, not until he shows his hand
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 09:39 other posts 
You don't shoot a human being, period. Unless you life is threatened.

99.99% of the time someone is breaking into your house is because they want to steal something. You don't kill them for this even if the law gives you the right to do so. Logic and humanity are above the law. What to do is give them what they each and let them go. I've done that. Also, try to live a life with few possessions. Few is a lot. A lot of stuff makes people greedy and unhappy. Then there's nothing of value. If, someone wants to steal my TV (which is probably the most expensive item I own) then let them have it. It's not worth killing them abs then having to live a life knowing that you've taken a life. I wouldn't be able to live such a life.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 12:59 other posts 
What makes them entitled to anything you own leo?
What makes you think they are owed anything because they force their way in your door?
Your home is NOT walmart. What you are saying is if I walked up and broke out your window each week and stole all the food out of your fridge you would just stand there and do nothing.
Who pays to replace that food? Or whatever I steal?
YOU> Or insurance ,which means everyone.
That is WRONG> and if the thieves are caught, punished to a point they do not want to be criminals anymore, killing would NOT be a problem ,there would be little to no crime.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 07:07 other posts 
Human life shouldn't be taken away. Period.
I'd rather lose my possessions than kill a human being.
You can think of any hypothetical to even turn a 5 year old girl in a wheelchair into a threat, but I'm not reacting to hypotheticals, I'm reacting to what is known or what most likely happened.

And when you need to decide to pull the trigger on someone being a threat, you don't assume that they are a suicide bomber who is looking for a place in paradise, by bombing some random Schmo, in some random house, in some random city or on some random farm. You assess the risk logically and you are not allowed to kill any person over some 1:100 or even smaller risk to your life.

And if you believe in hell, better listen to me, because a just God would send you there, for killing over such a small risk to your life.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 15:19 other posts 
How many situations do you really have time for all this rational thinking Anannas?
You are watching the telly and suddenly the door crashes in and 2 thugs with baseball bats are standing over you,1 goes ahead and wacks you across the shoulder and knocks you out of your chair. Do you reach for your gun or do you ask him if he like cream and sugar in his coffee?
A kid knocking on the door, a peep out the window and a stern, "What do YOU WANT?" and if the kid is legit they might stutter a bit but will state their business thru the door, that is logical. This is all if you are able to walk to the door, and able to think and so forth.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Apr,23 16:12 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 10:06 other posts 
Sure, over a bad grade.
Or just 2 racists kids killing their Mexican teacher.
By #610414 20,Apr,23 16:22
When Phart dreams at night, he dreams of intruders entering his house with the intent to kill him. These are big, usually black, muscular men who want deviant sex. They carry baseball bats, and looking for all the riches he has accumulated under his mattress for most of his life. They don't carry protection because that would make it alright. At that point in his dream he pulls out his gun or shotgun and takes care of them. He also sees their tattoo, "BLM". 🤣🤣🤣🤪
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:11 other posts 
He doesn't understand. He's blinded by his fascist ideas.

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