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WITCHES are to blame for Covid-19

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Started by JustWill [Ignore] 17,May,20 14:43  other posts
It’s true—it is all the WITCHES’ fault.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Will, that’s just crazy talk. Everybody who has sense knows that CHINA caused the virus!”

Well, that’s just what the Witches WANT you to think, you poor deluded fool! They are blaming China to hide the TRUTH, and you fell for it!

Sure, you could argue that there is no PROOF that Witches are to blame, but I would argue that the sheer LACK of PROOF is PROOF enough. They covered their tracks so well that there is no evidence that they are guilty. Let the Witches PROVE that they didn’t do it. I would like to see them try.

Of course the Witches will deny that they did it. That’s how they have operated throughout history. Every time a Witch is accused of doing something wrong, the very first thing they do is to claim their innocence. All that DENIAL is pretty damned SUSPICIOUS, no?

Most importantly, I BELIEVE that the Witches did it, so it HAS to be true. Everybody knows that, if you BELIEVE something really, really hard, it makes it TRUE. WANTING a thing to be TRUE makes it TRUE. That’s just how the World works.

And don’t go waving all your SCIENCE and FACTS at me. SCIENCE is too hard to understand, and thinking about it makes my head all hurty. The SCIENTISTS are just trying to CONFUSE us because they are all in CAHOOTS with the Witches. And the only real FACTS are the ones I want to be TRUE; the ones that SUPPORT my BELIEFS. Get your damn Fake News out of my face, Witch Lover!

So, based on my explanation, you can see that the Witches OBVIOUSLY caused the virus. Think about it. Have you ever MET a Witch with the virus? Have you?
I rest my case.

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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Jul,22 19:05 other posts 

The Witches of Wuhan?

By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Jul,22 12:15 other posts 
That was a horrible movie.
The book was much better...
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 09,Jul,22 20:42 other posts 
That is always the case

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 04,Jul,22 21:08 other posts 
So maybe the Witches are to blame for Smell my Wristwatch guy went missing?
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Jul,22 12:15 other posts 
Why would any self-respetcing witch waste time on THAT guy?

By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 10:47 other posts 
So are witches to blame for the monkey pox to?
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Jun,22 12:26 other posts 
Monkey-witches aren't a real thing...
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jun,22 17:23 other posts 
Not yet any way.

By #551482 30,May,20 16:48
A witch is female

A Warlock is male

But ‘tis strange.
And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths,
Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s
In deepest consequence.
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,May,20 20:21 other posts 
Originally, Warlock meant "oath breaker", and had nothing to do with witchcraft.
Folks started using Warlock to mean a male witch during the burning times.

And, quoting the "Scottish play" around these here parts is just gonna cause the less literary members to give you the old stink eye...
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,20 19:40 other posts 
I met bigg many years ago and he's a very interesting man! Quoting a Macbeth is quite cool but he has a flair for Haiku, his original Haiku.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,20 19:43 other posts 
My sweet bigg, so many layers to you!
I know a man who calls himself a witch. I had precisely that discussion with him; "Isn't a witch a woman?". Then he corrected me and explained that men can be witches too.
At least that was is in his particular culture group. It might be a European thing.

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By biggg [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 19:28 other posts 
Gadzooks, this was me! Now I´m back, with an extra G
By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 09:52 other posts 
Did you just write me a poem?
By biggg [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 13:10 other posts 
Yes, it does have a very subtle rhyme

By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 10:49 other posts 
By the way,a Warlock is a special edition Dodge pickup made back a few years ago.
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By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 16:00 other posts 
Are witches universal, I guess what I really wonder is are witches found all throughout the world?
By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 16:23 other posts 
Nobody is sure.
That's why we've been hearing so much talk about "witch hunts" the past couple of years...

By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 15:19 other posts 
This is just to piss off the guy who blacklisted me for being mean to witches...
By Dev01 [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 16:05 other posts 

By #648364 22,Aug,21 19:17
Since covid has been around since the late 60s those witches were probably on heavy-duty narcotics and following the Greatful Dead around.
Who would've thought...all of those different strains. Good thing it didn't take all of those PHDs long to come up with a vaccine with nearly 50 years of working with Coronavirus. Dang Hags.

By JackHammer [Ignore] 21,Aug,21 16:06 other posts 
I just want to know if these witches have dicks. If they do.....well.... use your imagination.

By #614425 21,Aug,21 12:30
let's get this straight, the CHINESE!
By phart [Ignore] 21,Aug,21 12:54 other posts 
That was 4 or 5 days ago man! ,what difference does it make now?
To semi quote 2 democrat messiahs.

By #613564 09,Aug,21 01:36
Will, You are obviously beyond IGNORANT, and your NON-argument isn't even laughable, with the gross ignorance and RELIGIOUS BIAS you post! No "Logic" at all, and just bias, and lies!!
There are many, that follow "Wicca" and follow a belief in the Earth Mother, but you just SHIT on them, like some white person calling a black man, the N word!! Shame on you, and FCK YOU for being an ignorant DICKHEAD!!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 08:31 other posts 
I thought JustWill was doing a parody.
Do you think he actually means people that follow "Wicca" are to blame?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 09:07 other posts 
some people can't seem to cipher the difference between sarcasm and anything else.
Santa Clawz is more real than witches. wills post was sarcasm.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 09:22 other posts 
Wicca is recognized as a religion in the UK.
So it's as real as any other religion, in my opinion; not.
But, as long as people don't harm anyone with it, I try not to give them a hard time about it.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 09:27 other posts 
Pastafarianism is weird but recognized
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 10:00 other posts 
Off course, but Pastafarianism was designed on purpose to be ridiculous, but still to comply with the laws on which ideas should be recognized as religion, in order to 'own' the religious.

Every religion is weird. There is also lots of weird shit in the bible. However, when people are confronted with that weird shit from early childhood, they forget how weird it is. I attended a Christian primary school, but I think they left out most of the weird shit in the bible on purpose. I only remember them telling the 'nice' stories.
But if you really think about them, even those are major bullshit.

George Carlin - Religion is Bullshit (a classic):
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By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 10:29 other posts 
I was.
All JackS proves by his comment is that every belief system has its share of humorless lack-wits.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 10:39 other posts 
Parody can be a powerful method to communicate a point.

By #275407 09,Aug,21 10:12
Wow, I thought will was talking fact, maybe he was
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Aug,21 10:32 other posts 
Will ALWAYS talks fact.
Except for when he doesn't...
By #275407 09,Aug,21 10:36
Your a funny guy will, and I always luv reading what you post, keep up the good work

By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Aug,20 18:49 other posts 
The "stop saying mean things about witches" guy seems to have gone POOF.
I wonder if someone threw a bucket of water on him...
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,20 19:35 other posts 
Yes! Member #581709, I believe he admitted to being a warlock, has gone POOF! Look at it this way, it is one less person who has blacklisted you for a STOOPID reason.
By #551482 03,Aug,20 15:14
He has disappeared!
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Aug,20 19:21 other posts 
Do you think one of his "bad spells" blew up and took him out, instead of his intended target?
By #551482 04,Aug,20 06:23
Perhaps. But he may have put on his cloak of invisibility

By phart [Ignore] 01,Aug,20 22:11 other posts 
Did you ever google "why witches rode brooms"?

By phart [Ignore] 28,May,20 12:58 other posts 
IF witches caused it,lets go on a witch hunt and find them so we can get this mess behind us.
Past time to get the world spinning again.
By JustWill [Ignore] 28,May,20 13:44 other posts 
Unless the witches know how to stop it, hunting them now would be an exercise in futility.
By phart [Ignore] 30,May,20 17:26 other posts 
Some folks say, "you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip". I say,"But you can enjoy squeezeing the sumbitch to distruction.".
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,May,20 20:23 other posts 
ALL folks should say that because it is true.
You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip, or a radish for that matter.

By hytiger [Ignore] 27,May,20 17:18 other posts 
quite obvious, Jesus caused it!
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,May,20 21:23 other posts 
Jesus does NOT cause viruses.
He just causes his picture to appear on grilled cheese sandwiches.
By #23212 28,May,20 00:12
Would it also appear on a Croque Monsieur en France?
By JustWill [Ignore] 28,May,20 06:46 other posts 
Jesus does whatever he wants.
He can even shut down Twitter if it pisses him off.

By JustWill [Ignore] 22,May,20 08:21 other posts 
The Witches and the stupid virus they created has an amusing upside:

Suddenly, thousands of idiots who have been fighting to block a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body are now walking around with "My Body,My Choice" signs.

The meatheads don't seem to catch the irony...
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 19:09 other posts 
You are going to piss that witch guy off!
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,May,20 21:25 other posts 
The "witch guy" can't see this because he blacklisted me
Besides, joke him if he can't take a fuck...
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 21:54 other posts 
You might think he can't read this but he is a witch!
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,May,20 22:09 other posts 
Witches don't scare me!

(Please don't give me the virus.)

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