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Do you wake up by your own morning wood?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by Robben [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 01:32  other posts
I often wake up in the early mornings when my morning wood press hard against the stomach, its like it wakes me up. Im curuios to know if it happens other guys too - so please answer here.

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By overeight [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 22:19 other posts 
Well I'm a little too old for it to wake me up but on average though I'm in my 50's yes about 5 times a week I wake with a boner.

By HoneyLips [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 02:41 other posts 
I love waking up with morning wood pressing hard against my back....
....and then......

By #621562 14,Jul,20 21:58
New sleeping medication the dr gave me gives me wood at nighttime so its hard to sleep because i want to look at it!😊
By #618870 15,Jul,20 01:25
What is the med?

By #1102 14,Jul,20 23:38
me half asleep stille hard i just got back to sleep it will go down

By LGA6969 [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 20:42 other posts 
Yes I wake up every morning with wood. I have to get up very early around 4 am and it never fails when the alarm goes off I wake up with a woody. A lot of the times I jerk off in the shower to relieve myself

By hardehout [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 07:04 other posts 
Wakes me up in the early hours 04h00 throbbing hard. I like it though! I give it a few feel good grips and go back to sleep.

By 42pupasmurfblue60 [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 21:48 other posts 
well every guy gets a hard on in the morning for two reasons, one is because you need to pee and have been holding it and the other is because your testosterone levels are at their height`est, testosterone fluctuates through out the day but there at the peak early morning, so it the best time to have a fuck , you will last a lot longer and cum more that once from one erection.

By weewilly [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 12:48 other posts 
It used to wake me up. Now I have to wake IT up.

By #620471 05,Jul,20 12:23
Every day! LOL! They're the hardest woodies I ever get LOL. OMG they're hard like a steel pipe.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 10:53 other posts 
It happens to me too. You are not alone. The worst part is wearing underwear when your dick still hard.

By #588327 05,Jul,20 08:05
It just seems to wake us up in the morning. I have noticed I can be soft now and still wake up feeling horny. If I touch it I get hard right away. When I was younger it would actually hurt from being so hard

By #463848 05,Jul,20 07:32
Make the best of it; it won't be as good as that forever.
By tb1 [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 07:48 other posts 
that's for sure

By curvy8 [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 05:13 other posts 
yes everyday and I love it

By #574505 05,Jul,20 04:36
Yes very uncomfortable

By alanhuk [Ignore] 05,Jul,20 03:08 other posts 
Totally expected. Normal!!!

By #1102 05,Jul,20 01:38
normal buddy

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