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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
Trump will be back. He said so.
Defect to Russia.
Defect to North Korea.
North Korea has walls all over. He'll be happy there. He can also have sex with Kim Jong Fuck.
He can also work to get either a new political party started or reform the Republican party to give Americans that believe in the American Dream a chance to put folks back in office that know what the fuck they are doing and care about the economy .With a weak economy,the rest of you all's complaints are moot because there is no finacial means of dealing with the issues.
But I wouldn't hold my breath for this to happen...ever... just sayin...
in a 100 years they will declassify the documents,the democrat party will put up a statue of Trump at the White house in tribute and in apology for the wrong doing and all the sheeple will be happy.
Making D.C. and Puerto Rico states, adding up to 6 more slobs on to the Supreme Court, gutting the military again, allowing the hordes of people currently waiting to come across the southern border to come on in - INSTA-VOTERS, eliminating the NRA and coming for our guns, higher gas and utility bills, stifling free speech, putting Americans on NO FLY lists, 96% of media in their hip pockets.
How optimistic of you to think it will only be 4 more years. We are headed for ONE party rule and you just better SHUT-UP and take it. The U.S. Constitution has failed us and there's no returning now. Just sit back and watch how they decimate it beyond recognition.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours
Oh! I forgot to mention...
And the squishy backboneless balless bastards that call themselves "Republicans" will help them destroy it like they already have. 😠
It is over bud,hate to tell ye,but America is getting vasoline to the ass right now,and the rod will be jammed clean up to the tonsils.
And Biden will be OLD by then 4 years from now,if he is still alive,and AOC will be old enough to run for PRes then,so Harris,if not already president,will run and probably take AOC for a running mate. That is when the US will be SCREWED.
All bullshit aside,I hope like hell PHizer and the other companys making the vaccines share the info with the entire world so everyone can get it that wants or needs it.I doubt I would take the vaccine,But I appreciate the effort being made to get it to the folks that need it.
--------------------------------------- added after 93 seconds
I don't get it. There's an election. Biden gets more votes. No one is willing to tell that jerk off he's through
[deleted image]
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No matter. Jan 20 we will push him out even if we have to use a cart
Your the dunce living in an alternate one...
Come Jan 20th he will gladly leave if everything has been verified. Don't like the delay? Then your fellow slobs shouldn't have created the doubt. Seems pretty simple to understand to me. You motherfuckers wanna fuck shit up and over at the last minute and then expect us sane individual's to just go along with it. It doesn't work like that!
Now, have patience and quit spreading them fucking lies!
[deleted image]
YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ➡️ [deleted image]
He's got his own office, you should be happy.
Once I find it, I'll let you know how groovy it is.
[deleted image]
More like a murmuring moron, or a gimp, but an "Angel" she's NOT!
Don't waste your breath on that jug headed idiot.
[deleted image]
On what planet? You sound like a two yr old. Refusing to admit what the majority of the electorate knows
That should be enough to hate him as you say. I don’t hate him for being. He’s despicable. I HATE THAT HE,S my president. And while we are at it, his daughter owned factories in China that employ child labor.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
PS If hating all that kills me, it was worth fighting against. I’m a Democrat but have always supported my president. This is the only clown I can’t support. If you and your fellow Trump supporters want to be remembered as sessecionists by history keep doing what you are doing. Let me remind you Biden won the popular vote by over 8 million votes.
BUT what I was trying to say, I will have to ask Obama about seperating the kids as he is the 1 that built the cages!
Lousy Christmas for federal workers? GOSH ALMIGHTY WOMAN We are ALL going to have a lousy Christmas because of the CHINESE virus that no one wants to hold the CHINESE government accountable for.IT was not and IS NOT Trumps fault.IT came from CHINA.THE DEATHS ARE ON CHINA
I ask the question a while back on here of who blames who in other countrys for the virus and the few replys I got were no one. But here in the good ol US of A,everything is TRUMPS fault. yea right.Get a grip.
The Christmas I was referring to was when Trump refused to sign a bill to fund the federal government three years ago. This Christmas, no matter where the pandemic came from, well be sad. It reminds me of a clown stating in February, "it will be gone when summer comes" or "I know this covid-19. I know it better than anyone."
Remember all that, Phart? Or did you conviniently forget about that?
BuT at the same time,can you imagine going into a terriable battle with a unknown enemy,and your 4 star general standing on the back of a truck so all the troops can hear him, "This battle is more than we can handle,the fight will last for weeks,most of you will die and there is not enough ammo for 2 days of heavy fighting.and the enemy has reenforcements coming in 3 days.We are out of food,we are out of water and the fuel trucks were damaged yesterday,this is a hopeless battle we can not win, good luck".
Now if you had just heard all that,how would you feel and how would your moral be?
Now if that same general came out and said," You are the best marksmen in the military ,our tanks are the most powerful and effeciant in the world, we have 2 days of ammo and you won't need but 1 days worth because you are fighters and you can get it done."
Would you not be pumped up and ready to face battle? That is Trumps job,to lead the troops,Us citizens,thru the battle with the virus,not put us in the state of mind of giving up.
You are asking me to believe that a good commander is willing to lie to his soldiers. You are telling me a good commander will send his men to possible death without telling them, "We face a tough battle, some of us will not come back" I can see Eisenhower telling his troops before D Day, "Don't worry men, the Germans have chocolate candy only."
So he shut things down.Most people have been wearing their face coverings like good little sheep ,and the numbers are sky high.The face covering thing is a feel good thing.hardly more.
Experts claim mask work, Experts also say the Dominion voting machines have issues.
YOu don't believe 1 of those 2 statements because you don't like the sound of it in your mind as you read it.
We are depending to much on experts and not common sense
Stay home,wear mask,do as you see need.
BUT I have enough sense to do research and to look around.
Mask are on,but numbers keep climbing,so what does that indicate at a glance to you?
AOC should have been shipped out on rails for saying that about Trump.HAD a Repub said that outloud about Obama or does say that out loud about biden, they would be forced out of office.
--------------------------------------- added after 42 hours
Blind fools. If it was a football game the opposing fans would kill them. Hey, here's a thought. Why not kneel while they play the national anthem. Their motto would be Trump lost but he really won.
--------------------------------------- added after 483 hours
But what does that mean? It doesn't apply here
Does the athelete that takes drugs and wins,still win if it is found out?
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