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Black on black is okay
I think we need to give them more guns ,more bullets, and then fence them in the liberal run citys and let them clean the gene pool.
but it's justified!
Uncovering a plot against human dignity is a virtue.
There is absolutely no law or agreement against leaking information from the supreme court, for any of the people that work there. Look it up.
Really take a minute and think,How can you know when life it's self happens when dr's don't even know?
Remember Ameba's are 1 cell creatures and they live.
Since I can't prove when life begins, I can't agree that 2 cells don't mean the beginning.
I know dr's know what the brain cell looks like. BUT can they explain why yours and mine for example work differently at a basic level?
Why don't you first argue, why the point that life begins is applicable, to the right of a woman to choose whether she wants to carry that fertilized egg for 9 months, give birth to the child that grows out of it and in general be required to care for that child for at least the next 18 years?
Because that fertilized egg is not more special than the ones ending up in sanitary napkins every month. It only takes an abortion pill, for it to end up the same way.
Even if that one or a few cells are alive, it's not the ending of 'a life'.
When that fertilized egg has grown to a fetus, that could survive outside the womb, abortion would end a human life, but it's not killing a person, with thoughts and fears.
Still, it's my personal principle to not allow abortion at that point.
However, the life of the mother is more important, because she IS a person with thoughts and fears. If her life is in danger, it's valid to induce birth and incubate the premature baby, to save it's life, if it has a chance to have a healthy life.
I don't care when life begins, because I don't care about an Ameba. Since I do care about a baby (which we call a fetus after it's born and independently alive), there is a process where that fertilized egg gains value (for me) over its gestation.
As if you have never heard a babys heart beat inside it's mother,or watched the baby's kicks while a woman is sitting on the couch. the feelings we have of security in our mothers arms as babies has nothing to do with it is as close as we can get back into her womb?
We are not wise enough to know when "LIFE" actually begins.
Besides,your idea is canceling out alot of folks ideas of reincarnation is it not?
I said that a fertilized egg being classified as life or not, is irrelevant to me.
An ameba is life, but I don't care about something as primitive as an ameba. Actually an ameba qualifies more as life, because it doesn't require a womb
to stay alive.
Your personal ideas of when "LIFE" actually begins should remain personal and not affect any others. It is a Christian narrative that has been indoctrinated in every fiber of people's beings, even if they managed to break free of religion itself. There is nothing special in a tiny clump of cells. We can have a discussion on when the fetus has value enough that we don't allow abortion anymore, but you completely ignore the value of the woman. You want to treat them as slaves, to your ideas. I never hear you talk about freedom anymore. Have you realized that you actually don't care about freedom?
Maybe it's just your own freedom you care about. Things like owning guns
and being allowed to kill anyone who even looks at you or your property.
Because being pro-life stops directly at birth. From that moment on people should just be completely dependent on their own choices.
Christian extremist want to turn America into a christian caliphate, but if you actually care about the CONSTITUTION, that says America is a secular country, you should not allow christian ideas to be turned into law.
If people believe in reincarnation it is their freedom to NOT have an abortion. Freedom of religion stops where it affects other people's freedom from it.
Freedom is not freedom of religion, freedom is free FROM religion.
whatever it is that we can't see that makes us LIVE with consciousness memory and etc, is just a fluke that is meaningless since we can't pinpoint it's origin?
Take religion out of the picture a moment.
What makes a desk a simple blob of molecules and cells that were once a living tree not able to talk,think?
what makes a simple blob of water and cell that make up a human be able to talk,thing and etc? There is something there that you ,me, Cat,no one ,can put a finger on that makes us ALIVE. That is why there is a issue. we take away that gift or that phenomenon or that 94 billion happy mistakes floating around on the earth.
Who's here almost every day cautioning about humanity destroying life?
"whatever it is that we can't see that makes us LIVE with consciousness memory and etc"
A fertilized egg doesn't have that, a baby has (some). I'll allow abortion, up to the point that egg has grown to the complexity that I start caring about it. The choice of a woman is more important than the 'life' of something with the complexity of an Ameba or a mouse or a chicken. Actually, my limit on abortion is before the complexity of the fetus consciousness even approaches that of a mouse.
"is just a fluke that is meaningless since we can't pinpoint it's origin?"
It's the BRAIN. Real easy to pinpoint. Damage it and the consciousness memory is diminished. Destroy it and it's gone. Only religion claims otherwise.
"Take religion out of the picture a moment. What makes a desk a simple blob of molecules and cells that were once a living tree not able to talk,think?"
Again, a BRAIN. This is not rocket science.
"what makes a simple blob of water and cell that make up a human be able to talk,thing and etc?"
For the third time; A BRAIN! We have 100 billion neurons doing all that stuff.
Our brain has evolved in 8 to 10 million years from the thinking power of an ape to the thinking power of humans, even though that thinking power wildly varies.
"There is something there that you ,me, Cat,no one ,can put a finger on that makes us ALIVE. That is why there is a issue. we take away that gift or that phenomenon or that 94 billion happy mistakes floating around on the earth."
That is a religious argument. And everyone that thinks that way can choose to not get an abortion. The problem is that your law will cancel the right for everyone that doesn't think that way.
When did you start to feel that you were alive? Was that when you were a fertilized egg or a clump of cells? You were hardly conscious up to an age of months after birth. Your BRAIN was not developed enough yet. However, you were able to feel pain and discomfort around week 20 into gestation. We know that, because without nerves and enough brain cells, feeling pain is impossible.
All doubt on this subject is caused by religion. It uses the idea of life after death to control people. "Yes, life sucks and it's our fault, but listen to us and you will be rewarded AFTER DEATH, not listen to us and you will suffer for eternity AFTER DEATH".
Even you should understand that there is at least a good chance there is NOTHING AFTER DEATH. Who is the sucker then for having listened to religion's promises and threats.
I don't want a society that makes choices on what religions claim, because the holy books can be used to claim anything. And I do not trust anything they say happens after DEATH, because it hinders society and people to make the best of LIFE. And FREEDOM OF CHOICE is very important to a woman's life. More important than the life of a fertilized egg, a zygote and a fetus (up to a point).
You think you should be allowed to kill a mugger, when he tries to take your stuff. You value that mugger less worth than a fertilized egg. Is your life affected by that mugger more, than a woman who is forced to have a baby she didn't want? And then you are killing a person who clearly shows he is ALIVE, no assumption of 'something' needed.
That is the difference between a mugger and a unborn child.
That unborn child can not make a choice to live or die.
The mugger can.
And another thing.
Just how much crime and how many killings and fights are there because of this idea of fuck all you want with whoever you want?
Alot of people get shot over a woman.
Alot of women get hurt because of not providing sex for example.
with some regulations in place to curb this "free fuck for all" utopian environment may very well save lives and prevent rapes and abuse.
Women ,knowing they may have to carry a baby,would be more protective of their bodys as to not make it to easy to get pregnant.
The mugger took something of value, that often gets refunded by insurance. That affects your life only minimally, but you justify taking the life of a thinking, breathing person over it. You took away his chance to become a better person, which most of them do. The future life of a fetus is just as unpredictable as the future life of a mugger. However forcing a single woman, who has to work 50 hours/week just to stay alive, to be a mother... That fetus might have a worse future than that mugger. The mother would probably end up homeless and the child with foster parents. Ever seen the success rates of those childhoods?
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The inconvenience of a mugging doesn't even fall in the same category
as what you want women forced to go through.
You show that mugger's lives has no value.
And you show women's lives have no value.
Uh, in what universe? Here on earth in the US they get turned loose by the so called justice system to repeat again and again.IF they go to jail,they just learn how not to get caught.
As for a mugging only taking away something money can replace.YOu obviously have never been mugged,robbed or anything.YOu have no fucking idea how it affects your daily life and the way you think.
"What did I do wrong"? "why did he pick me"? "that was my grandfathers watch",
money can not restore a persons sense of security.BUT knowing that sumbitch will never rob you again? well you sleep a bit better.
To you any crime is worth the death sentence,
because nobody ever leaves crime.
One in every three US adults has a criminal record.
Are there 86 million criminals in the US?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The real ignorant people surrounded the houses of the parents of the CHILDREN (not clumps of cells) who were killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting.
Were those parents threatening your human dignity rights?
Has anyone even lifted a finger against you right to own guns?
Those fuckers were threatening parents, who had recently lost their children, because of your right to own guns?
Abortion is not threatening the fetuses of right-wingers and religious people, they can make their own choices. Guns are threatening everyone, from zygote to grandparents.
Right-wingers are the radicals.
It doesn't matter what the owners occupation is.
But clearly you do not understand the law.
Even in this articles, my point "There are rules that have to be obeyed" is confirmed:
"A federal law — 18 U.S.C. Section 1507 — prohibits “pickets or parades” at any judge’s residence, “with the intent of influencing” a jurist “in the discharge of his duty.” These are limited and justifiable restraints on where and how people exercise the right to assembly. Citizens should voluntarily abide by them, in letter and spirit. If not, the relevant governments should take appropriate action."
You don't need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks, as long as marchers don't obstruct car or pedestrian traffic.
.But no,they are alive and beating their drums to the beat of death to babys.KNowing full well they would not be here to protest had their mother been proabortion.
They were and felt free to have an abortion, for an unwelcome pregnancy.
Maybe your prolife mother made a mistake, but just had you because of her ideas about responsibility or life being sacred or fear of hell.
You can never say that you are sure you were planned, desired and welcome. I can, because my mother would have had an abortion otherwise.
But she and my father decided to have children, deliberately stopped with anti-conception, started 'working' at it and my mother endured a difficult pregnancy and delivery, to receive me with love.
Is that your motivation for being against choice?
Would you want to force the woman you love to have children
against her will?
If there is a strong difference in the desire to have kids, between the two members of a couple, there is still the possibility of ending that relationship and find one that matches.
And why should it always be the pro-children standpoint that wins?
Just because it was yours in this case?
It's often the man who doesn't want kids. Should all of them be tricked
and then be forced to have children they didn't want and be attached
to the woman that tricked them, for the rest of their life?
I prefer it to be a conscious decision, that a couple makes together.
I call that freedom. Do you think that is crazy?
It sounds like you think all women are against becoming mothers,
until they are forced and 'see the light'.
It must be your personal experiences, because I see no such thing.
And if both people decided together that they wanted children, before the relationship deteriorated, that's the proper thing to do. I do think anti-conception is a responsibility for both the woman and the man, but if a woman gets pregnant without them man's consent, I don't think alimony needs to be mandatory in all cases, in the current situation. When abortion gets banned, alimony should be mandatory.
Women and men have options and choices available to them.
They don't have to have sex.
And if they have sex and don't want kids, protection and prevention are available.
And they don't have to unzip for anyone they don't like or are not attracted to.Or that may not support a off spring if 1 happens.
And 1 thing is for sure,2 MEN are not going to have a baby.EGGS are required.
so if that continues, no abortions are needed.
2 WOMEN are not going to have a baby, SPERM is required.
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