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I might do some research and try to find out how accurate the numbers are.
Might behoove others to do the same.
Food for thought:
The prison population--would go down by 40%, and 52% of murders would disappear. There would be 39% less gang members. Obesity percentage--would drop 11%. Average IQ would go up 7.4 points, putting us 3rd in the world tied with Japan. Average SAT scores--would go up almost 100 points. Average ACT scores--up 5.5 points. AIDS & HIV — would go down by 65%. Chlamydia cases--down 54%. Gonorrhea--down 69%. Syphilis--down 58%. The average income — up over $20,000 a year. People in poverty-- drop 31%. Homelessness--down 57%. Welfare recipients--down by 42%. DEMOCRATS WOULD LOSE 36% OF THEIR VOTING BASE. And many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work!
So, as sad as it is, Black lives really do matter..... Some people don’t seem to understand just how tired white people are with this experiment! They don’t understand that white people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them. They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the reverse discrimination, the violence, the endless complaints, and the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, and the reflexive animosity.
But I’m tired because all these conservative Republicans and/or red neck seems to need to criticize the MOVEMENT. I DON’T MEAN BLM. I mean the relegation of black people to a second citizen status. You don’t have to admit it here. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble with your fellow yahoos. Everything you have complained about blacks can be said about whites.
And if blacks have the BLM, whites have the KKK or even the Republicans.
But, she must have been black and I didn’t know it.
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I forgot to mention. She decided to get her doctorate in marine biology. This is also paid by a mixture of scholarships and Federal government employee loans.
The trouble with the image that blm projects to me,is they act as if ALL whites are just out to get them,we want them in the sewers,we want them gone.
As a Southern American,that id's as a white man as my indian blood is about 1/8th, All I ever expect of the black people is to apply the same effort,the same drive into what they want as every one else. Stop expecting me and every one else to drop what we are doing to put them a step ladder out for success that we have to scramble for.
Equal effort,equal reward. Equal work,equal pay.
But that is considered racist now. I am supposed to step away from what i have worked for, actually give em part of it, so they can catch up.
To be equal,ok, to be equal to who? Bill Gates or the guy under the bridge?
Extreme difference but to equalize those 2 people,Bill would give up alot,the bridge guy would gain.1 is sad now,1 should be happy but is getting a divorce.
If you equalize them, 1 will be happy,the other 1 PISSED OFF as hell because the bridge guy did nothing but sit under the bridge.
There would still be hatred of a sort.Only a different person bearing it.
And besides,if all Americans would wake up in the morning with the exact same worth in assets, in 6 months the majority of the money would be right back in the hands it was took from 6 months before to equalize.
Now I know equality is not all about money in the minds of some. but if you ask the people gripeing, money would be the first thing mentioned by the majority.
Also look at the link I posted below about the blm ceo stepping down.The admited marxist is leaving after buying 3 houses with blm money
Citys are not represented of the real usa,more like a sess pool of it's worst.
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U.S. Cities Factsheet | Center for Sustainable Systems,
83% live in a major city. As I said, you have no idea what or how the US public think. You are in your cocoon-like little pond and can’t believe or comprehend what happens in the ocean.
I might even say they have more right, because white people stole that land from the natives and black people have been brought there against their will. They are the descendants of the powerless, while white people are the descendants of immigrants, thieves and murderers.
And what experiment are you talking about? Lets see what happens if we use black people like slaves for 300 years and then treat their descendants like second class citizens?
Yea,I voted for the man.
And I HOPE like hell he runs for governor next election.As we need some common sense in that job.
As if you needed to be reminded.The MARXIST got 90 million dollars. Spent 25% for operating exspense.
The marxist and trained organizer CEO is stepping down after buying 3 house costing millons of dollars.that were most likely dollars donated to go to poor communitys.
NOW if you step back,and read again the type of causes George Soros supports, does it not at least ring a bell? BLM is being exsposed as a planned extortion of money and resources with the intention of creating chaos.
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Mayor Frey put much of the blame of rising crime rates on activists’ calls to defund the police in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Floyd’s death last year kicked off massive riots and calls to redirect police funding toward social programs. Violent crime surged 21% in Minneapolis last year, and the trend is threatening to continue through 2021.
The surge started in 2020. The Floyd saga was last year too. I submit that that city is full of miscreants.
United States/Black population
OK, not a real high number.
White people constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 234,370,202 or 73% of the population as of 2017. Including multiracial people, the white share of the population exceeds 75%. Non-Hispanic Whites make up 60.7% of the country's population.
Now,who is really being discriminated against? I was reading about corporations being required to hire a certain number of board members and employees that were black.
Now,how many of that 13 % are college educated and qualified to run a company? How many are trained to run machines, supervise other employees and so on?
Get real. Their lives matter,of course,all lives do.
But don't give special treatment.Give equal treatment.
Equal effort on everyone's part returns equal results.
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Even if they were ALL qualified,at only 14% there is not enough to spread evenly all around the country.
a large company would be lucky to score 1 minority member if they were all qualified.That is my point.
A large company also has a board of directors.
Affirmative action refers to outreach and recruitment methods that encourage minorities and other specific categories of the population to apply for jobs.
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where do you find all these people of color when the % is so low,over all accross the nation.?
The link I posted above clearly shows there is not enough % in some states to even cover it.
--------------------------------------- added after 33 hours
41.99 million (2019) black people in the US.
More Than 4.5 Million African Americans Now Hold a Four-Year College Degree
May 20, 2019 — There are 195,530 CEOs employed in the United States
OK,so the numbers show it could be done so perhaps we could get a black ceo in every company in the US.What would that accomplish?
What I am trying to understand is this stuff being talked about in the news and such about diversity in ceo's and such. There is ALOT of responsibility in those jobs.
Other than other races of people being left behind,nothing would be accomplished.
I really would like to understand the logic behind putting people in jobs based on color and gender,more so than their qualifications. But affirmative action says it has to be done at lower level jobs.It means a company has to sacrifice efficiency and profit to have a certain person in a position.
Why is that acceptable?
IF all applicants are equal in qualifications, and color was the ONLY reason a person wasn't hired, perhaps there is a racial issue.But how often does that REALLY happen.?
Another case of lifestyle choices prompting a black man to get shot.
1995 up,he was a problem for law enforcement.Does that sound like someone who gave a damn about their OWN life? Why protest about how much his life was worth,if he was willing to risk it driving into deputy's? Suicide by cop if you ask me.
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Your opinions are really completely fact free, aren't they?
BTW.....the Boston Tea Party on December 1773 damaged private property.
When you say liberals, you are referring to the left. When we say liberals, we are referring to the right. Our prime minister Mark Rutte is from the party VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie = People's Party for Freedom and Democracy). The VVD (conservative liberalism) is the most capitalist party of the 13 parties in our House of Representatives. They form a coalition with the CDA (Christian democrats), D66 (progressive liberalism) and the ChristenUnie (Christian social(not -ism)).
This is the most right wing government in our history and they call it a liberal coalition themselves. It's called neoliberal by the left.
European lifestyle varies a lot. Finland is the happiest country in the world. The Netherlands is 6th. Ukraine is the unhappiest country in Europe.
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I have been to several European countries and like all of them. I would only consider Denmark a country I would leave The Netherlands for.
Still, I can only tell you best about how life is in The Netherlands. But, I can also just present you some links:
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How well you live does of course depend on if you have a steady job. The average income in 2020 was € 36,500 per year (gross and including holiday pay). In 2019 there were 9.0 million working people. We do not value work as much as Americans do. We see work as the means to a good life and we like to be efficient about it. We value a good atmosphere at the office and a pleasant relationship with colleagues, a good work-life balance, good secondary work benefits, varied and challenging work, development opportunities, flexibility and autonomy. We hold the world record in part-time employment. 50% of working people work less than 35 hrs/week. The average working week has remained almost unchanged at 31 hours for ten years (I'm working 40 hrs/week myself). On average, the Dutch have 25 vacation days (I have 47.5 days/year).
About 83% of the Dutch go on holiday at least once in a year. The average vacationer even goes three times a year, and then stays away for about 8 nights. However, this year, with all the Covid restrictions, is an exception.
In the Netherlands, almost 70 percent of the population lives in their own home, because renting is more expensive.
On 17.4 million Dutch people, there are 8.7 million cars, 22.8 million bikes, 680 thousand motorbikes, 765 thousand light mopeds, 461 thousand mopeds and 18 thousand microcars.
About a third of the adults are highly educated (university (of applied science)), a third medium educated (high school) and a third low educated (basic, without a high school degree). We have about 1.2 million workers with a main job as a self-employed person. from the 7.6 million salaried workers, there are 5.7 million with a permanent contract and 1.9 million flex workers.
What is liberal about The Netherlands, to your definition? I guess you refer to euthanasia, abortion, same-sex marriage, consciously unmarried mothers, transgender rights, decriminalized personal drug use and legal regulated prostitution. Am I right? Or would you like to enlighten me?
What we in The Netherlands consider liberal policies are privatized healthcare, decentralized mental health care, tax cuts for multinationals, working for unemployment benefits, tax brakes for high income earners, personalized pensions, privatized energy sector, privatized telecom providers, privatized postal services, changing regional police to national police, limiting education length, replacing public services for subsidies, allowing commercial broadcasters and extended opening hours for most shops.
Almost everything that the liberal government has done over the last 10 years has been lowering living standards for normal people and increased profits for multinationals and big companies. Outrage about these diminishing standards have been attributed to immigrants by populist parties. Many people vote for these populist parties, but when they were part of the coalition once, it turned into one big fighting mess, a shit storm a failed ideas and the fall of the government. Since then, the bigger parties don't want to work with the populists any more and the populist parties are just busy stirring up the dumb loud minority. Since they don't have any consistent ideas, other than the government sucks, populism gets a lot of votes,
but no results. But we see what happens in march, when we have elections.
It's a shame you don't want to be informed how people live in the rest of the world. But I understand that your views can only survive under absolute ignorance.
While you are at it, also watch 'Sicko' (2007).
Do you have Netflix?
WOW, I just reread this,and for less than 40 hours of work a week,even though that contains vacation days and such,that is DAMN good money.BUT and here is the big but, how much tax is taken out from it? after taxes I was earning about 1400 a month 17 years ago. I am wondering what the tax rate is and how much would come out of that 43,872 considering so much is "free" over there.
There are tax deductions for things like
- Buying, renovating and owning a house
- Entrepreneurship, self-employment
- Divorce / alimony (partner alimony and child alimony)
- Healthcare costs, informal care and the chronically ill
- Death, inheritance tax
- Study costs
- Gifts
Additionally, for low income people there is allowances for rent, health care and day-care.
We used to have much more "free" stuff, but the government still funds a lot of services. These are the government expenses (percentages of GDP):
Social Security 29%
Healthcare 26%
Education, Culture and Science 12%
Municipal and Provincial Fund and VAT Compensation Fund 11%
Other 23%
Hey, don't you feel like the "dumbass" now for getting all wound up and pissed off for not being able to follow the conversation?
fire and fury. At the war here I always win. I love to win. Those 64 rats that blacklisted me are the real losers and I won when they declared war against me.
I'm actually consistent on things like that. All people that went up to the capitol, but didn't hurt anyone, didn't destroy anything and didn't disobey orders from the police, shouldn't be charged either. Protest is protest and crime is crime, whether it's done by black or white people.
They are partly right, they are white, so most of them will get away with a lot. They are also very wrong, Trump can't and won't lift a finger to help them, because he only cares about himself and he has 30 lawsuits to worry about.
In The Netherlands masks are obligated during protests, during measures against coronavirus. Im sure that law exists in the US too. So if the capital 'protesters' didn't wear them, they were already violating the law, without lifting a finger or entering prohibited areas.
"They should buy Christmas presents not to steal them and breaking windows..That's why they love baseball, They love to steal....
Jews are persecuted more.. You don't see any yamakas smashing into cars and looting walmarts."
And you agreed with that: "Wow...well put...It is probably rare, but I do agree with you here...༼☯﹏☯༽"
Making a joke that black people are hard to see in the night is less racist than making a joke that black people steal.
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