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Started by #614425 [Ignore] 13,Oct,20 15:25
Jugde Barrett. confirmation hearing

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By #621607 29,Oct,20 10:12
Trump. Fake hair. fake tan. fake president. Vote orangutan, It's less orange. Less fat. Has better hair and makes better conversation. Can peel its own banana. Republican or democrat, just not fat cretinous moron, sex molexter, best mates with a peed-o, contributes nothing in tax, Millions in debt to foreign banks, cant finish a sentence becasuse he forgot what he was saying. Thats why he keep saying a quarter of a sentence over and over again. Bible basher Barrett is coming for you. No homo's, No sex before marriage. (unless you are on a boat with Epstein and Trump then its ok when if are 12.) "Exploding trees". What a fukwit. Absolute shit for brains. Hold a broom against your forehead, walk around with your eyes shut. WHen your broom hits a person, the one that didn't get out of the way, they would be a better vote. Make America as good as it was before 4 years ago and get rid of the orange turd. ommpah loompah dompety doo.
By #610414 29,Oct,20 10:37
Well put.
By #629627 15,Nov,20 19:16
I liked the can peel its own banana line.
Was there a picture of a banana on trumps intelligence test? Trump would stick it straight up his ass like these sad swamp donkeys SCOPS Fart and dgoof.
They should be happy trump lost, once the fascists get their way and the supreme court legalises racism, after the blacks, latinos and jews, the homos will be next in line. God doesn't believe in abortions, or homos.
They wont care that they are wearing star and stripes boxers.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Nov,20 20:58 other posts 
Hey bannon have you ever heard of Democratic base ball it’s a game we republicans like to play you go to a county that voted Democrat with in your own state in a beat up old pick up truck with a baseball bat smashing mailboxes and people walking along the road sounds fun don’t it’s maybe the good republicans in your fine state of Utah would like to play
By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,20 11:03 other posts 
70 million people out there didn't want Biden in office. There is a damn good reason for that.He is a fucking puppet and a idiot.
Abortion,we could consider George Floyd a late term abortion and it would be legal by the liberals way of thinking.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,20 13:18 other posts 
By the way,621607, IF Trump was a Fake president,Who has done so much good for America the past 4 years? It sure as hell was not Hillary!
By #610414 21,Nov,20 16:13
Who the fuck gives a shit about Hilary? She's not president and she never was. Unfortunately trump was not a fake president. He was THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNION. aND IF YOU DON'T MIND, Please list everything he did for me or the rest of the country
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,20 18:49 other posts 
Someone took care of that on another thread.
Right now he is working on drug prices and getting the troops out of the middle east.Which I think is great,get them ALL OUT and HOME before Christmas and let the middle east take care of it's self.
By #610414 22,Nov,20 06:32
Sure. We fuck up their country and leave them to somehow fix it. The Talibán will take over and they’ll bring it here. Good show, Clown
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,20 07:47 other posts 
Nope,if they even try to bring it here,leave a crater where their little shit hole used to be.
By #610414 22,Nov,20 11:00
Do you know anyone, even your Clown that would do that? First we would be pariahs in the eyes of the world. We would be murderers of thousandths of innocent men, women, and children. That "shit hole" is their country and the Russians and now us fucked it up
By #610414 22,Nov,20 11:36
And where did you get the idea Biden is playing cozy with the Russians? Is this another wrench in the mix?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,20 13:54 other posts 
Liberal media is not covering this very much.Gee I wonder why?
Putin himself talking about it.
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By #610414 22,Nov,20 14:53
Fake news
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,20 19:15 other posts 
Really,well find the "facts" and post them
Are you calling Putin a liar?
I would trust him over Biden or Obama any day.
By #610414 22,Nov,20 19:31
Yes, I am.
--------------------------------------- added after 53 minutes

Who would trust the ex head of the KGB?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,20 20:51 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 23,Nov,20 11:37 other posts 
Who is dumb enough to call him a liar? You might go "poof" 1 day you never know.
All bullshit aside,I pay attention to Putin because he in charge of the country that is capable of being our biggest security threat.
By #610414 23,Nov,20 11:41
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Sun Tzu.
By #551147 21,Nov,20 16:30
I ended that cocksuckers membership about 10 mins. after he stuck his toe across the line...

I do wonder if he was bitter over that? 🤔
By Dev01 [Ignore] 22,Nov,20 21:38 other posts 

By #610414 21,Nov,20 16:30
Trump is a criminal
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,20 18:51 other posts 
B Biden's
L Laptop
M Matters

You should be interested to know if you soon to be commander in chief is "Owned" by the Chinese or Russians.
You and Many others were so keen on pinning Trump with be involved with Russia,now suddenly no one gives a shit that BIDEN has involvment with the Russians.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 21,Nov,20 19:09 other posts 
I would definitely care. So far though the evidence is preliminary, circumstantial, would require full investigation. If certain people in House or Senate want the investigation it would be their right.

I have a feeling though that similar to the Trump Russia investigation not enough will be found to prove anything. I think the Dems wasted time with that. Republicans have the right to do their own investigation, or could take the higher ground that it would probably be waste of time.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,20 07:49 other posts 
Sadly if proof is shown,little will be done,but at least the truth will be out there for people to see for themselves

By #610414 16,Nov,20 08:26
Trump refuses to concede. Why? I don't know. What I don't understand is why the rest of government doesn't ignore him. Why don't we send federal marshals into the White House and lock him up in the situation room?
By #551147 16,Nov,20 08:54
Until mid January 2021.

You really should stop taking it up the ass, all that pounding is killing what few brain cells you have left.

Oh, and he hasn't "conceded" because the fucking race hasn't been called and certified yet.
By #610414 16,Nov,20 13:44
Give me a break. Everyone knows he lost. March him out of town tarred and feathered. He would have done it
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He may be president but he sure ain’t no president elect
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It’s not like he’ll be missed. Just a clown and the people don’t want him
By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,20 17:16 other posts 
If you pay taxes you will miss Trump in 2022 when you fill out 2021 tax returns. YOu will miss Trump when North Korea acts up again and Biden just stands there stuttering instead of sitting down and explaining to Kim that our button is bigger than his.
YOu will miss Trump if there is another Terrorist attack on the US because Biden does NOT have what it takes to deal with terrorist.
Have you not read what the US and Israel did back in August,both adminsitrations worked together to get rid of al-Qaeda’s second in command? Biden would send them millions of dollars and say, "Please don't blow us up ok?"

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upscale Tehran neighborhood , Is that like the buildings have plumbing?
By #610414 16,Nov,20 18:54
You are assuming again. All of those things are what Trumpy Dumpy wants you to believe. Let's see if you are right or wrong and if you are. Admit it .
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Don't be like Scorps that welched on a bet
By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,20 19:46 other posts 
No betting here.
BUT BIDEN CLEARLY stated he was going to raise taxes,and do away with Trump tax cuts. Out of his own mouth.
Watch some of Bidens campaign speaches. Nothing secret.
By #551147 16,Nov,20 19:58

Mrs. "There's NO proof"!

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By #610414 16,Nov,20 21:13
Fake news. Only the papers from Botswana carry the truth
By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,20 19:53 other posts 
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It is currently Africa's oldest continuous democracy.

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I can't find anything on Trump in the Botswana news papers.
By #551147 17,Nov,20 22:26

She often talks right out of her )*( asshole.

That was a prime example of that. She was just making shit up on the fly. I didn't think anyone would take her seriously. She NEVER speaks with facts. She honestly doesn't even know what a fact is.
By #610414 20,Nov,20 16:21
Sure I do. You are a HOMO that neglects his wife, That's a fact
By #610414 20,Nov,20 16:20
They think he's a clown
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Nov,20 20:30 other posts 
Trump refuses to concede because that's his character. Those who know him say that when hi wins, he wins; and when he loses, he also wins. So, to answer your question, he will never concede because he'll always believe that he won. Besides, he has so many millions of voters. He's not crazy to put them down. Their superhero doesn't lose, doesn't get injured; he remains strong until the end.
By #610414 20,Nov,20 16:18
Whatever the reason, it's wrong. It is dangerous to the security of this country. Of course, he never cared about the country, only his ego.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,20 13:16 other posts 
People in the know will still be in place if No one tells Biden anything until he is sworn in.The less he knows now,the less damage he can do quickly when he gets in anyway. Trump is trying to get oil leases on land so we can remain energy independant for the forseeable future.he is also working on drug prices.
He is still working for the US,the main stream media just does not have the gonads to cover it.
By #610414 21,Nov,20 16:09
sure baby. We've been energy sufficient for several yrs. Drug prices.......he had 4 yrs to work on them.....and nothing. Even now he's playing golf at the G20 instead of being with the other leaders. He's a JOKE. What I don't understand is why you still support him. He's a has-been

By #551147 18,Nov,20 12:35
[deleted image]

It's true!
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,20 12:46 other posts 
By #551147 19,Nov,20 21:15

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 04,Nov,20 19:42 other posts 
It was a done deal from the beginning. The Rump wanted to have her in place to put the fix in if he should loose the job of "KING" he thinks he has. Also to put the fix in for all the things his stupid people thing can be undone by the now messed up court. We will be paying for this long after he is buried! No way to fix lifetime appointments from either side. But letting this bunch of fucked up people have at the constitution would be the only thing left for us to completely ruin this once fine country. We used to have people in the congress that would work together to fix things as we went along. Now both sides are there just to make themselves and their rich friends more money and be obstructionistic non people oriented politicians. They do not work for us anymore at all. They are only in office to help their own kind!
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 10:05 other posts 
And Kamala harris that endorses communism is the answer?

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Nov,20 12:35 other posts 
Wow, I didn't know she was a communist. Maybe she's even read Engels? Incredible!
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,20 19:00 other posts 
Yea,she is no saint. Was a married man's mistress for several years that gained her the first decent jobs she had.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Nov,20 19:46 other posts 
Many people get jobs this way. Through the back door.
By #610414 07,Nov,20 21:08
phart How do you defend that comment?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,20 23:46 other posts 
Of course they try to bleach it clean saying he was apart from his wife for years.BUT STILL legally married.
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